path: root/etc/themes/modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'etc/themes/modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/themes/modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el b/etc/themes/modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fff62e3da9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/themes/modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+;;; modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el --- Elegant, highly legible and customizable light theme -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <>
+;; Maintainer: Modus-Themes Development <~protesilaos/>
+;; URL:
+;; Mailing-List:
+;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The Modus themes conform with the highest standard for
+;; color-contrast accessibility between background and foreground
+;; values (WCAG AAA). Please refer to the official Info manual for
+;; further documentation (distributed with the themes, or available
+;; at: <>).
+;;; Code:
+ (unless (and (fboundp 'require-theme)
+ load-file-name
+ (equal (file-name-directory load-file-name)
+ (expand-file-name "themes/" data-directory))
+ (require-theme 'modus-themes t))
+ (require 'modus-themes))
+ (deftheme modus-operandi-deuteranopia
+ "Elegant, highly legible and customizable light theme.
+This variant is optimized for users with red-green color
+deficiency (deuteranopia). It conforms with the highest
+legibility standard for color contrast between background and
+foreground in any given piece of text, which corresponds to a
+minimum contrast in relative luminance of 7:1 (WCAG AAA
+ (defconst modus-operandi-deuteranopia-palette
+ '(
+;;; Basic values
+ (bg-main "#ffffff")
+ (bg-dim "#f0f0f0")
+ (fg-main "#000000")
+ (fg-dim "#595959")
+ (fg-alt "#193668")
+ (bg-active "#c4c4c4")
+ (bg-inactive "#e0e0e0")
+ (border "#9f9f9f")
+;;; Common accent foregrounds
+ (red "#a60000")
+ (red-warmer "#972500")
+ (red-cooler "#a0132f")
+ (red-faint "#7f0000")
+ (red-intense "#d00000")
+ (green "#006800")
+ (green-warmer "#316500")
+ (green-cooler "#00663f")
+ (green-faint "#2a5045")
+ (green-intense "#008900")
+ (yellow "#7b5000")
+ (yellow-warmer "#884900")
+ (yellow-cooler "#7a4f2f")
+ (yellow-faint "#624416")
+ (yellow-intense "#808000")
+ (blue "#0031a9")
+ (blue-warmer "#3548cf")
+ (blue-cooler "#0000b0")
+ (blue-faint "#003497")
+ (blue-intense "#0000ff")
+ (magenta "#721045")
+ (magenta-warmer "#8f0075")
+ (magenta-cooler "#531ab6")
+ (magenta-faint "#7c318f")
+ (magenta-intense "#dd22dd")
+ (cyan "#005e8b")
+ (cyan-warmer "#3f578f")
+ (cyan-cooler "#005f5f")
+ (cyan-faint "#005077")
+ (cyan-intense "#008899")
+;;; Uncommon accent foregrounds
+ (rust "#8a290f")
+ (gold "#80601f")
+ (olive "#56692d")
+ (slate "#2f3f83")
+ (indigo "#4a3a8a")
+ (maroon "#731c52")
+ (pink "#7b435c")
+;;; Common accent backgrounds
+ (bg-red-intense "#ff8f88")
+ (bg-green-intense "#8adf80")
+ (bg-yellow-intense "#f3d000")
+ (bg-blue-intense "#bfc9ff")
+ (bg-magenta-intense "#dfa0f0")
+ (bg-cyan-intense "#a4d5f9")
+ (bg-red-subtle "#ffcfbf")
+ (bg-green-subtle "#b3fabf")
+ (bg-yellow-subtle "#fff576")
+ (bg-blue-subtle "#ccdfff")
+ (bg-magenta-subtle "#ffddff")
+ (bg-cyan-subtle "#bfefff")
+ (bg-red-nuanced "#fff1f0")
+ (bg-green-nuanced "#ecf7ed")
+ (bg-yellow-nuanced "#fff3da")
+ (bg-blue-nuanced "#f3f3ff")
+ (bg-magenta-nuanced "#fdf0ff")
+ (bg-cyan-nuanced "#ebf6fa")
+;;; Uncommon accent backgrounds
+ (bg-ochre "#f0e0cc")
+ (bg-lavender "#dfdbfa")
+ (bg-sage "#c0e7d4")
+;;; Graphs
+ (bg-graph-red-0 "#b0b029")
+ (bg-graph-red-1 "#e0cab4")
+ (bg-graph-green-0 "#90b7c0")
+ (bg-graph-green-1 "#a3dfe5")
+ (bg-graph-yellow-0 "#ffcf00")
+ (bg-graph-yellow-1 "#f9ff00")
+ (bg-graph-blue-0 "#7f9fff")
+ (bg-graph-blue-1 "#9fc6ff")
+ (bg-graph-magenta-0 "#b0b0d0")
+ (bg-graph-magenta-1 "#d0dfdf")
+ (bg-graph-cyan-0 "#6faad9")
+ (bg-graph-cyan-1 "#bfe0ff")
+;;; Special purpose
+ (bg-completion "#c0deff")
+ (bg-hover "#97dfed")
+ (bg-hover-secondary "#f5d0a0")
+ (bg-hl-line "#dae5ec")
+ (bg-region "#bdbdbd")
+ (fg-region "#000000")
+ (bg-char-0 "#7feaff")
+ (bg-char-1 "#ffaaff")
+ (bg-char-2 "#dff000")
+ (bg-mode-line-active "#d0d6ff")
+ (fg-mode-line-active "#0f0f0f")
+ (border-mode-line-active "#4f4f74")
+ (bg-mode-line-inactive "#e6e6e6")
+ (fg-mode-line-inactive "#585858")
+ (border-mode-line-inactive "#a3a3a3")
+ (modeline-err "#603a00")
+ (modeline-warning "#454500")
+ (modeline-info "#023d92")
+ (bg-tab-bar "#dfdfdf")
+ (bg-tab-current "#ffffff")
+ (bg-tab-other "#c2c2c2")
+;;; Diffs
+ (bg-added "#d5d7ff")
+ (bg-added-faint "#e6e6ff")
+ (bg-added-refine "#babcef")
+ (bg-added-fringe "#275acc")
+ (fg-added "#303099")
+ (fg-added-intense "#0303cc")
+ (bg-changed "#eecfdf")
+ (bg-changed-faint "#f0dde5")
+ (bg-changed-refine "#e0b0d0")
+ (bg-changed-fringe "#9f6ab0")
+ (fg-changed "#6f1343")
+ (fg-changed-intense "#7f0f9f")
+ (bg-removed "#f4f099")
+ (bg-removed-faint "#f6f6b7")
+ (bg-removed-refine "#f0e56f")
+ (bg-removed-fringe "#c0b200")
+ (fg-removed "#553d00")
+ (fg-removed-intense "#7f6f00")
+ (bg-diff-context "#f3f3f3")
+;;; Paren match
+ (bg-paren-match "#5fcfff")
+ (bg-paren-expression "#efd3f5")
+ (underline-paren-match unspecified)
+;;; Mappings
+;;;; General mappings
+ (fringe bg-dim)
+ (cursor blue-intense)
+ (keybind blue-cooler)
+ (name blue-cooler)
+ (identifier yellow-faint)
+ (err yellow-warmer)
+ (warning yellow-cooler)
+ (info blue)
+ (underline-err yellow-intense)
+ (underline-warning magenta-faint)
+ (underline-note cyan)
+;;;; Code mappings
+ (builtin magenta-warmer)
+ (comment yellow)
+ (constant blue-cooler)
+ (docstring green-faint)
+ (docmarkup magenta-faint)
+ (fnname magenta)
+ (keyword magenta-cooler)
+ (preprocessor red-cooler)
+ (string blue-warmer)
+ (type cyan-cooler)
+ (variable cyan)
+ (rx-construct yellow-cooler)
+ (rx-backslash blue-cooler)
+;;;; Accent mappings
+ (accent-0 blue)
+ (accent-1 yellow-warmer)
+ (accent-2 cyan)
+ (accent-3 magenta-cooler)
+;;;; Button mappings
+ (fg-button-active fg-main)
+ (fg-button-inactive fg-dim)
+ (bg-button-active bg-active)
+ (bg-button-inactive bg-dim)
+;;;; Completion mappings
+ (fg-completion-match-0 blue)
+ (fg-completion-match-1 yellow-warmer)
+ (fg-completion-match-2 cyan)
+ (fg-completion-match-3 magenta-cooler)
+ (bg-completion-match-0 unspecified)
+ (bg-completion-match-1 unspecified)
+ (bg-completion-match-2 unspecified)
+ (bg-completion-match-3 unspecified)
+;;;; Date mappings
+ (date-common cyan)
+ (date-deadline yellow-warmer)
+ (date-event fg-alt)
+ (date-holiday yellow-warmer)
+ (date-now blue-faint)
+ (date-scheduled yellow-cooler)
+ (date-weekday cyan)
+ (date-weekend yellow-faint)
+;;;; Line number mappings
+ (fg-line-number-inactive fg-dim)
+ (fg-line-number-active fg-main)
+ (bg-line-number-inactive bg-dim)
+ (bg-line-number-active bg-active)
+;;;; Link mappings
+ (fg-link blue-warmer)
+ (bg-link unspecified)
+ (underline-link blue-warmer)
+ (fg-link-symbolic cyan)
+ (bg-link-symbolic unspecified)
+ (underline-link-symbolic cyan)
+ (fg-link-visited yellow-faint)
+ (bg-link-visited unspecified)
+ (underline-link-visited yellow-faint)
+;;;; Mail mappings
+ (mail-cite-0 blue-warmer)
+ (mail-cite-1 yellow)
+ (mail-cite-2 blue-cooler)
+ (mail-cite-3 yellow-faint)
+ (mail-part blue)
+ (mail-recipient blue)
+ (mail-subject yellow-warmer)
+ (mail-other cyan-faint)
+;;;; Prompt mappings
+ (fg-prompt blue)
+ (bg-prompt unspecified)
+;;;; Prose mappings
+ (prose-block fg-dim)
+ (prose-code cyan-cooler)
+ (prose-done blue)
+ (prose-macro magenta-cooler)
+ (prose-metadata fg-dim)
+ (prose-metadata-value fg-alt)
+ (prose-table fg-alt)
+ (prose-tag magenta-faint)
+ (prose-todo yellow-warmer)
+ (prose-verbatim magenta-warmer)
+;;;; Rainbow mappings
+ (rainbow-0 blue)
+ (rainbow-1 yellow)
+ (rainbow-2 blue-warmer)
+ (rainbow-3 yellow-cooler)
+ (rainbow-4 blue-cooler)
+ (rainbow-5 yellow-warmer)
+ (rainbow-6 blue-faint)
+ (rainbow-7 yellow-faint)
+ (rainbow-8 cyan)
+;;;; Heading mappings
+ (fg-heading-0 cyan-cooler)
+ (fg-heading-1 fg-main)
+ (fg-heading-2 yellow-faint)
+ (fg-heading-3 fg-alt)
+ (fg-heading-4 magenta)
+ (fg-heading-5 green-faint)
+ (fg-heading-6 red-faint)
+ (fg-heading-7 cyan-warmer)
+ (fg-heading-8 fg-dim)
+ (bg-heading-0 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-1 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-2 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-3 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-4 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-5 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-6 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-7 unspecified)
+ (bg-heading-8 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-0 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-1 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-2 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-3 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-4 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-5 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-6 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-7 unspecified)
+ (overline-heading-8 unspecified))
+ "The entire palette of the `modus-operandi-deuteranopia' theme.
+Named colors have the form (COLOR-NAME HEX-VALUE) with the former
+as a symbol and the latter as a string.
+Semantic color mappings have the form (MAPPING-NAME COLOR-NAME)
+with both as symbols. The latter is a named color that already
+exists in the palette and is associated with a HEX-VALUE.")
+ (defcustom modus-operandi-deuteranopia-palette-overrides nil
+ "Overrides for `modus-operandi-deuteranopia-palette'.
+Mirror the elements of the aforementioned palette, overriding
+their value.
+For overrides that are shared across all of the Modus themes,
+refer to `modus-themes-common-palette-overrides'.
+Theme-specific overrides take precedence over shared overrides.
+The idea of common overrides is to change semantic color
+mappings, such as to make the cursor red. Wherea theme-specific
+overrides can also be used to change the value of a named color,
+such as what hexadecimal RGB value the red-warmer symbol
+ :group 'modus-themes
+ :package-version '(modus-themes . "4.0.0")
+ :version "30.1"
+ :type '(repeat (list symbol (choice symbol string)))
+ :set #'modus-themes--set-option
+ :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+ :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Palette overrides"))
+ (modus-themes-theme modus-operandi-deuteranopia
+ modus-operandi-deuteranopia-palette
+ modus-operandi-deuteranopia-palette-overrides)
+ (provide-theme 'modus-operandi-deuteranopia))
+(put 'modus-operandi-deuteranopia 'theme-properties '(:background-mode light :kind color-scheme :family modus))
+;;; modus-operandi-deuteranopia-theme.el ends here