path: root/lisp/emacs-lisp/comp-cstr.el
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1 files changed, 1197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/comp-cstr.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/comp-cstr.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c5578217aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/comp-cstr.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@
+;;; comp-cstr.el --- native compiler constraint library -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Andrea Corallo <>
+;; Keywords: lisp
+;; Package: emacs
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Constraint library in use by the native compiler.
+;; In LIMPLE each non immediate value is represented by a `comp-mvar'.
+;; The part concerning the set of all values the `comp-mvar' can
+;; assume is described into its constraint `comp-cstr'. Each
+;; constraint consists in a triplet: type-set, value-set, range-set.
+;; This file provide set operations between constraints (union
+;; intersection and negation) plus routines to convert from and to a
+;; CL like type specifier.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defconst comp--typeof-types (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (append x '(t)))
+ cl--typeof-types)
+ ;; TODO can we just add t in `cl--typeof-types'?
+ "Like `cl--typeof-types' but with t as common supertype.")
+(defconst comp--all-builtin-types
+ (append cl--all-builtin-types '(t))
+ "Likewise like `cl--all-builtin-types' but with t as common supertype.")
+(cl-defstruct (comp-cstr (:constructor comp-type-to-cstr
+ (type &aux
+ (null (eq type 'null))
+ (integer (eq type 'integer))
+ (typeset (if (or null integer)
+ nil
+ (list type)))
+ (valset (when null
+ '(nil)))
+ (range (when integer
+ '((- . +))))))
+ (:constructor comp-value-to-cstr
+ (value &aux
+ (integer (integerp value))
+ (valset (unless integer
+ (list value)))
+ (range (when integer
+ `((,value . ,value))))
+ (typeset ())))
+ (:constructor comp-irange-to-cstr
+ (irange &aux
+ (range (list irange))
+ (typeset ())))
+ (:copier comp-cstr-shallow-copy))
+ "Internal representation of a type/value constraint."
+ (typeset '(t) :type list
+ :documentation "List of possible types the mvar can assume.
+Each element cannot be a subtype of any other element of this slot.")
+ (valset () :type list
+ :documentation "List of possible values the mvar can assume.
+Integer values are handled in the `range' slot.")
+ (range () :type list
+ :documentation "Integer interval.")
+ (neg nil :type boolean
+ :documentation "Non-nil if the constraint is negated"))
+(cl-defstruct comp-cstr-f
+ "Internal constraint representation for a function."
+ (args () :type list
+ :documentation "List of `comp-cstr' for its arguments.")
+ (ret nil :type (or comp-cstr comp-cstr-f)
+ :documentation "Returned value."))
+(cl-defstruct comp-cstr-ctxt
+ (union-typesets-mem (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+ ;; TODO we should be able to just cons hash this.
+ (common-supertype-mem (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+ (subtype-p-mem (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+ (union-1-mem-no-range (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+ (union-1-mem-range (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+ (intersection-mem (make-hash-table :test #'equal) :type hash-table
+ :documentation "Serve memoization for
+(defmacro with-comp-cstr-accessors (&rest body)
+ "Define some quick accessor to reduce code vergosity in BODY."
+ (declare (debug (form body))
+ (indent defun))
+ `(cl-macrolet ((typeset (x)
+ `(comp-cstr-typeset ,x))
+ (valset (x)
+ `(comp-cstr-valset ,x))
+ (range (x)
+ `(comp-cstr-range ,x))
+ (neg (x)
+ `(comp-cstr-neg ,x)))
+ ,@body))
+(defun comp-cstr-copy (cstr)
+ "Return a deep copy of CSTR."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (make-comp-cstr :typeset (copy-sequence (typeset cstr))
+ :valset (copy-sequence (valset cstr))
+ :range (copy-tree (range cstr))
+ :neg (neg cstr))))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-empty-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if CSTR is equivalent to the `nil' type specifier or nil otherwise."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (and (null (typeset cstr))
+ (null (valset cstr))
+ (null (range cstr))
+ (null (neg cstr)))))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-null-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if CSTR is equivalent to the `null' type specifier, nil otherwise."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (and (null (typeset cstr))
+ (null (range cstr))
+ (null (neg cstr))
+ (equal (valset cstr) '(nil)))))
+(defun comp-cstrs-homogeneous (cstrs)
+ "Check if constraints CSTRS are all homogeneously negated or non-negated.
+Return `pos' if they are all positive, `neg' if they are all
+negated or nil othewise."
+ (cl-loop
+ for cstr in cstrs
+ unless (comp-cstr-neg cstr)
+ count t into n-pos
+ else
+ count t into n-neg
+ finally
+ (cond
+ ((zerop n-neg) (cl-return 'pos))
+ ((zerop n-pos) (cl-return 'neg)))))
+(defun comp-split-pos-neg (cstrs)
+ "Split constraints CSTRS into non-negated and negated.
+Return them as multiple value."
+ (cl-loop
+ for cstr in cstrs
+ if (comp-cstr-neg cstr)
+ collect cstr into negatives
+ else
+ collect cstr into positives
+ finally return (cl-values positives negatives)))
+;; So we can load comp-cstr.el and comp.el in non native compiled
+;; builds.
+(defvar comp-ctxt nil)
+(defvar comp-cstr-one (comp-value-to-cstr 1)
+ "Represent the integer immediate one.")
+(defvar comp-cstr-t (comp-type-to-cstr t)
+ "Represent the superclass t.")
+;;; Value handling.
+(defun comp-normalize-valset (valset)
+ "Sort and remove duplicates from VALSET then return it."
+ (cl-sort (cl-remove-duplicates valset :test #'eq)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (cond
+ ((and (symbolp x) (symbolp y))
+ (string< x y))
+ ((and (symbolp x) (not (symbolp y)))
+ t)
+ ((and (not (symbolp x)) (symbolp y))
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (< (sxhash-equal x)
+ (sxhash-equal y)))))))
+(defun comp-union-valsets (&rest valsets)
+ "Union values present into VALSETS."
+ (comp-normalize-valset (cl-reduce #'cl-union valsets)))
+(defun comp-intersection-valsets (&rest valsets)
+ "Union values present into VALSETS."
+ (comp-normalize-valset (cl-reduce #'cl-intersection valsets)))
+;;; Type handling.
+(defun comp-normalize-typeset (typeset)
+ "Sort TYPESET and return it."
+ (cl-sort (cl-remove-duplicates typeset)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (string-lessp (symbol-name x)
+ (symbol-name y)))))
+(defun comp-supertypes (type)
+ "Return a list of pairs (supertype . hierarchy-level) for TYPE."
+ (cl-loop
+ named outer
+ with found = nil
+ for l in comp--typeof-types
+ do (cl-loop
+ for x in l
+ for i from (length l) downto 0
+ when (eq type x)
+ do (setf found t)
+ when found
+ collect `(,x . ,i) into res
+ finally (when found
+ (cl-return-from outer res)))))
+(defun comp-common-supertype-2 (type1 type2)
+ "Return the first common supertype of TYPE1 TYPE2."
+ (when-let ((types (cl-intersection
+ (comp-supertypes type1)
+ (comp-supertypes type2)
+ :key #'car)))
+ (car (cl-reduce (lambda (x y)
+ (if (> (cdr x) (cdr y)) x y))
+ types))))
+(defun comp-common-supertype (&rest types)
+ "Return the first common supertype of TYPES."
+ (or (gethash types (comp-cstr-ctxt-common-supertype-mem comp-ctxt))
+ (puthash types
+ (cl-reduce #'comp-common-supertype-2 types)
+ (comp-cstr-ctxt-common-supertype-mem comp-ctxt))))
+(defsubst comp-subtype-p (type1 type2)
+ "Return t if TYPE1 is a subtype of TYPE2 or nil otherwise."
+ (let ((types (cons type1 type2)))
+ (or (gethash types (comp-cstr-ctxt-subtype-p-mem comp-ctxt))
+ (puthash types
+ (eq (comp-common-supertype-2 type1 type2) type2)
+ (comp-cstr-ctxt-subtype-p-mem comp-ctxt)))))
+(defun comp-union-typesets (&rest typesets)
+ "Union types present into TYPESETS."
+ (or (gethash typesets (comp-cstr-ctxt-union-typesets-mem comp-ctxt))
+ (puthash typesets
+ (cl-loop
+ with types = (apply #'append typesets)
+ with res = '()
+ for lane in comp--typeof-types
+ do (cl-loop
+ with last = nil
+ for x in lane
+ when (memq x types)
+ do (setf last x)
+ finally (when last
+ (push last res)))
+ finally return (comp-normalize-typeset res))
+ (comp-cstr-ctxt-union-typesets-mem comp-ctxt))))
+(defun comp-intersect-two-typesets (t1 t2)
+ "Intersect typesets T1 and T2."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (cl-loop
+ for types in (list t1 t2)
+ for other-types in (list t2 t1)
+ append
+ (cl-loop
+ for type in types
+ when (cl-some (lambda (x)
+ (comp-subtype-p type x))
+ other-types)
+ collect type))))
+(defun comp-intersect-typesets (&rest typesets)
+ "Intersect types present into TYPESETS."
+ (unless (cl-some #'null typesets)
+ (if (length= typesets 1)
+ (car typesets)
+ (comp-normalize-typeset
+ (cl-reduce #'comp-intersect-two-typesets typesets)))))
+;;; Integer range handling
+(defsubst comp-star-or-num-p (x)
+ (or (numberp x) (eq '* x)))
+(defsubst comp-range-1+ (x)
+ (if (symbolp x)
+ x
+ (1+ x)))
+(defsubst comp-range-1- (x)
+ (if (symbolp x)
+ x
+ (1- x)))
+(defsubst comp-range-+ (x y)
+ (pcase (cons x y)
+ ((or '(+ . -) '(- . +)) '??)
+ ((or `(- . ,_) `(,_ . -)) '-)
+ ((or `(+ . ,_) `(,_ . +)) '+)
+ (_ (+ x y))))
+(defsubst comp-range-- (x y)
+ (pcase (cons x y)
+ ((or '(+ . +) '(- . -)) '??)
+ ('(+ . -) '+)
+ ('(- . +) '-)
+ ((or `(+ . ,_) `(,_ . -)) '+)
+ ((or `(- . ,_) `(,_ . +)) '-)
+ (_ (- x y))))
+(defsubst comp-range-< (x y)
+ (cond
+ ((eq x '+) nil)
+ ((eq x '-) t)
+ ((eq y '+) t)
+ ((eq y '-) nil)
+ (t (< x y))))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-smallest-in-range (range)
+ "Smallest entry in RANGE."
+ (caar range))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-greatest-in-range (range)
+ "Greater entry in RANGE."
+ (cdar (last range)))
+(defun comp-range-union (&rest ranges)
+ "Combine integer intervals RANGES by union set operation."
+ (cl-loop
+ with all-ranges = (apply #'append ranges)
+ with lows = (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (cons (comp-range-1- (car x)) 'l))
+ all-ranges)
+ with highs = (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (cons (cdr x) 'h))
+ all-ranges)
+ with nest = 0
+ with low = nil
+ with res = ()
+ for (i . x) in (cl-sort (nconc lows highs) #'comp-range-< :key #'car)
+ if (eq x 'l)
+ do
+ (when (zerop nest)
+ (setf low i))
+ (cl-incf nest)
+ else
+ do
+ (when (= nest 1)
+ (push `(,(comp-range-1+ low) . ,i) res))
+ (cl-decf nest)
+ finally return (reverse res)))
+(defun comp-range-intersection (&rest ranges)
+ "Combine integer intervals RANGES by intersecting."
+ (cl-loop
+ with all-ranges = (apply #'append ranges)
+ with n-ranges = (length ranges)
+ with lows = (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (cons (car x) 'l))
+ all-ranges)
+ with highs = (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (cons (cdr x) 'h))
+ all-ranges)
+ with nest = 0
+ with low = nil
+ with res = ()
+ for (i . x) in (cl-sort (nconc lows highs) #'comp-range-< :key #'car)
+ initially (when (cl-some #'null ranges)
+ ;; Intersecting with a null range always results in a
+ ;; null range.
+ (cl-return '()))
+ if (eq x 'l)
+ do
+ (cl-incf nest)
+ (when (= nest n-ranges)
+ (setf low i))
+ else
+ do
+ (when (= nest n-ranges)
+ (push `(,low . ,i)
+ res))
+ (cl-decf nest)
+ finally return (reverse res)))
+(defun comp-range-negation (range)
+ "Negate range RANGE."
+ (if (null range)
+ '((- . +))
+ (cl-loop
+ with res = ()
+ with last-h = '-
+ for (l . h) in range
+ unless (eq l '-)
+ do (push `(,(comp-range-1+ last-h) . ,(1- l)) res)
+ do (setf last-h h)
+ finally
+ (unless (eq '+ last-h)
+ (push `(,(1+ last-h) . +) res))
+ (cl-return (reverse res)))))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-set-cmp-range (dst old-dst ext-range)
+ "Support range comparison functions."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (if ext-range
+ (setf (typeset dst) (when (cl-some (lambda (x)
+ (comp-subtype-p 'float x))
+ (typeset old-dst))
+ '(float))
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) (if (range old-dst)
+ (comp-range-intersection (range old-dst)
+ ext-range)
+ ext-range)
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset old-dst)
+ (valset dst) (valset old-dst)
+ (range dst) (range old-dst)
+ (neg dst) (neg old-dst)))))
+(defmacro comp-cstr-set-range-for-arithm (dst src1 src2 &rest range-body)
+ ;; Prevent some code duplication for `comp-cstr-add-2'
+ ;; `comp-cstr-sub-2'.
+ (declare (debug (range-body))
+ (indent defun))
+ `(with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (when-let ((r1 (range ,src1))
+ (r2 (range ,src2)))
+ (let* ((l1 (comp-cstr-smallest-in-range r1))
+ (l2 (comp-cstr-smallest-in-range r2))
+ (h1 (comp-cstr-greatest-in-range r1))
+ (h2 (comp-cstr-greatest-in-range r2)))
+ (setf (typeset ,dst) (when (cl-some (lambda (x)
+ (comp-subtype-p 'float x))
+ (append (typeset src1)
+ (typeset src2)))
+ '(float))
+ (range ,dst) ,@range-body)))))
+(defun comp-cstr-add-2 (dst src1 src2)
+ "Sum SRC1 and SRC2 into DST."
+ (comp-cstr-set-range-for-arithm dst src1 src2
+ `((,(comp-range-+ l1 l2) . ,(comp-range-+ h1 h2)))))
+(defun comp-cstr-sub-2 (dst src1 src2)
+ "Subtract SRC1 and SRC2 into DST."
+ (comp-cstr-set-range-for-arithm dst src1 src2
+ (let ((l (comp-range-- l1 h2))
+ (h (comp-range-- h1 l2)))
+ (if (or (eq l '??) (eq h '??))
+ '((- . +))
+ `((,l . ,h))))))
+;;; Union specific code.
+(defun comp-cstr-union-homogeneous-no-range (dst &rest srcs)
+ "As `comp-cstr-union' but escluding the irange component.
+All SRCS constraints must be homogeneously negated or non-negated."
+ ;; Type propagation.
+ (setf (comp-cstr-typeset dst)
+ (apply #'comp-union-typesets (mapcar #'comp-cstr-typeset srcs)))
+ ;; Value propagation.
+ (setf (comp-cstr-valset dst)
+ (comp-normalize-valset
+ (cl-loop
+ with values = (mapcar #'comp-cstr-valset srcs)
+ ;; TODO sort.
+ for v in (cl-remove-duplicates (apply #'append values)
+ :test #'equal)
+ ;; We propagate only values those types are not already
+ ;; into typeset.
+ when (cl-notany (lambda (x)
+ (comp-subtype-p (type-of v) x))
+ (comp-cstr-typeset dst))
+ collect v)))
+ dst)
+(defun comp-cstr-union-homogeneous (range dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation setting the result in DST.
+Do range propagation when RANGE is non-nil.
+All SRCS constraints must be homogeneously negated or non-negated.
+DST is returned."
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-homogeneous-no-range dst srcs)
+ ;; Range propagation.
+ (setf (comp-cstr-neg dst)
+ (when srcs
+ (comp-cstr-neg (car srcs)))
+ (comp-cstr-range dst)
+ (when (cl-notany (lambda (x)
+ (comp-subtype-p 'integer x))
+ (comp-cstr-typeset dst))
+ (if range
+ (apply #'comp-range-union
+ (mapcar #'comp-cstr-range srcs))
+ '((- . +)))))
+ dst)
+(cl-defun comp-cstr-union-1-no-mem (range &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation setting the result in DST.
+Do range propagation when RANGE is non-nil.
+Non memoized version of `comp-cstr-union-1'.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((dst (make-comp-cstr)))
+ (cl-flet ((give-up ()
+ (setf (typeset dst) '(t)
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) ()
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-union-1-no-mem dst)))
+ ;; Check first if we are in the simple case of all input non-negate
+ ;; or negated so we don't have to cons.
+ (when-let ((res (comp-cstrs-homogeneous srcs)))
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-homogeneous range dst srcs)
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-union-1-no-mem dst))
+ ;; Some are negated and some are not
+ (cl-multiple-value-bind (positives negatives) (comp-split-pos-neg srcs)
+ (let* ((pos (apply #'comp-cstr-union-homogeneous range
+ (make-comp-cstr) positives))
+ ;; We'll always use neg as result as this is almost
+ ;; always necessary for describing open intervals
+ ;; resulting from negated constraints.
+ (neg (apply #'comp-cstr-union-homogeneous range
+ (make-comp-cstr :neg t) negatives)))
+ ;; Type propagation.
+ (when (and (typeset pos)
+ ;; When every pos type is a subtype of some neg ones.
+ (cl-every (lambda (x)
+ (cl-some (lambda (y)
+ (comp-subtype-p x y))
+ (append (typeset neg)
+ (when (range neg)
+ '(integer)))))
+ (typeset pos)))
+ ;; This is a conservative choice, ATM we can't represent such
+ ;; a disjoint set of types unless we decide to add a new slot
+ ;; into `comp-cstr' or adopt something like
+ ;; `intersection-type' `union-type' in SBCL. Keep it
+ ;; "simple" for now.
+ (give-up))
+ ;; When every neg type is a subtype of some pos one.
+ ;; In case return pos.
+ (when (and (typeset neg)
+ (cl-every (lambda (x)
+ (cl-some (lambda (y)
+ (comp-subtype-p x y))
+ (append (typeset pos)
+ (when (range pos)
+ '(integer)))))
+ (typeset neg)))
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset pos)
+ (valset dst) (valset pos)
+ (range dst) (range pos)
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-union-1-no-mem dst))
+ ;; Verify disjoint condition between positive types and
+ ;; negative types coming from values, in case give-up.
+ (let ((neg-value-types (nconc (mapcar #'type-of (valset neg))
+ (when (range neg)
+ '(integer)))))
+ (when (cl-some (lambda (x)
+ (cl-some (lambda (y)
+ (and (not (eq y x))
+ (comp-subtype-p y x)))
+ neg-value-types))
+ (typeset pos))
+ (give-up)))
+ ;; Value propagation.
+ (cond
+ ((and (valset pos) (valset neg)
+ (equal (comp-union-valsets (valset pos) (valset neg))
+ (valset pos)))
+ ;; Pos is a superset of neg.
+ (give-up))
+ ((cl-some (lambda (x)
+ (cl-some (lambda (y)
+ (comp-subtype-p y x))
+ (mapcar #'type-of (valset pos))))
+ (typeset neg))
+ (give-up))
+ (t
+ ;; pos is a subset or eq to neg
+ (setf (valset neg)
+ (cl-nset-difference (valset neg) (valset pos)))))
+ ;; Range propagation
+ (when range
+ ;; Handle apart (or (integer 1 1) (not (integer 1 1)))
+ ;; like cases.
+ (if (and (range pos) (range neg)
+ (equal (range pos) (range neg)))
+ (give-up)
+ (setf (range neg)
+ (comp-range-negation
+ (comp-range-union
+ (comp-range-negation (range neg))
+ (range pos))))))
+ (if (comp-cstr-empty-p neg)
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset pos)
+ (valset dst) (valset pos)
+ (range dst) (range pos)
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset neg)
+ (valset dst) (valset neg)
+ (range dst) (range neg)
+ (neg dst) (neg neg)))))
+ ;; (not null) => t
+ (when (and (neg dst)
+ (null (typeset dst))
+ (null (valset dst))
+ (null (range dst)))
+ (give-up)))
+ dst)))
+(defun comp-cstr-union-1 (range dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation setting the result in DST.
+Do range propagation when RANGE is non-nil.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let* ((mem-h (if range
+ (comp-cstr-ctxt-union-1-mem-range comp-ctxt)
+ (comp-cstr-ctxt-union-1-mem-no-range comp-ctxt)))
+ (res (or (gethash srcs mem-h)
+ (puthash
+ (mapcar #'comp-cstr-copy srcs)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-1-no-mem range srcs)
+ mem-h))))
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset res)
+ (valset dst) (valset res)
+ (range dst) (range res)
+ (neg dst) (neg res))
+ res)))
+(cl-defun comp-cstr-intersection-homogeneous (dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by intersection set operation setting the result in DST.
+All SRCS constraints must be homogeneously negated or non-negated.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (when (cl-some #'comp-cstr-empty-p srcs)
+ (setf (valset dst) nil
+ (range dst) nil
+ (typeset dst) nil)
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-intersection-homogeneous dst))
+ (setf (neg dst) (when srcs
+ (neg (car srcs))))
+ ;; Type propagation.
+ (setf (typeset dst)
+ (apply #'comp-intersect-typesets
+ (mapcar #'comp-cstr-typeset srcs)))
+ ;; Value propagation.
+ (setf (valset dst)
+ (comp-normalize-valset
+ (cl-loop
+ for src in srcs
+ append
+ (cl-loop
+ for val in (valset src)
+ ;; If (member value) is subtypep of all other sources then
+ ;; is good to be colleted.
+ when (cl-every (lambda (s)
+ (or (memql val (valset s))
+ (cl-some (lambda (type)
+ (cl-typep val type))
+ (typeset s))))
+ (remq src srcs))
+ collect val))))
+ ;; Range propagation.
+ (setf (range dst)
+ ;; Do range propagation only if the destination typeset
+ ;; doesn't cover it already.
+ (unless (cl-some (lambda (type)
+ (comp-subtype-p 'integer type))
+ (typeset dst))
+ (apply #'comp-range-intersection
+ (cl-loop
+ for src in srcs
+ ;; Collect effective ranges.
+ collect (or (range src)
+ (when (cl-some (lambda (s)
+ (comp-subtype-p 'integer s))
+ (typeset src))
+ '((- . +))))))))
+ dst))
+(cl-defun comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem (&rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by intersection set operation.
+Non memoized version of `comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem'."
+ (let ((dst (make-comp-cstr)))
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (cl-flet ((return-empty ()
+ (setf (typeset dst) ()
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) ()
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem dst)))
+ (when-let ((res (comp-cstrs-homogeneous srcs)))
+ (if (eq res 'neg)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-homogeneous t dst srcs)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection-homogeneous dst srcs))
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem dst))
+ ;; Some are negated and some are not
+ (cl-multiple-value-bind (positives negatives) (comp-split-pos-neg srcs)
+ (let* ((pos (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection-homogeneous
+ (make-comp-cstr) positives))
+ (neg (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection-homogeneous
+ (make-comp-cstr) negatives)))
+ ;; In case pos is not relevant return directly the content
+ ;; of neg.
+ (when (equal (typeset pos) '(t))
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset neg)
+ (valset dst) (valset neg)
+ (range dst) (range neg)
+ (neg dst) t)
+ ;; (not t) => nil
+ (when (and (null (valset dst))
+ (null (range dst))
+ (neg dst)
+ (equal '(t) (typeset dst)))
+ (setf (typeset dst) ()
+ (neg dst) nil))
+ (cl-return-from comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem dst))
+ (when (cl-some
+ (lambda (ty)
+ (memq ty (typeset neg)))
+ (typeset pos))
+ (return-empty))
+ ;; Some negated types are subtypes of some non-negated one.
+ ;; Transform the corresponding set of types from neg to pos.
+ (cl-loop
+ for neg-type in (typeset neg)
+ do (cl-loop
+ for pos-type in (copy-sequence (typeset pos))
+ when (and (not (eq neg-type pos-type))
+ (comp-subtype-p neg-type pos-type))
+ do (cl-loop
+ with found
+ for (type . _) in (comp-supertypes neg-type)
+ when found
+ collect type into res
+ when (eq type pos-type)
+ do (setf (typeset pos) (cl-union (typeset pos) res))
+ (cl-return)
+ when (eq type neg-type)
+ do (setf found t))))
+ (setf (range pos)
+ (comp-range-intersection (range pos)
+ (comp-range-negation (range neg)))
+ (valset pos)
+ (cl-set-difference (valset pos) (valset neg)))
+ ;; Return a non negated form.
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset pos)
+ (valset dst) (valset pos)
+ (range dst) (range pos)
+ (neg dst) nil)))
+ dst))))
+;;; Entry points.
+(defun comp-cstr-imm-vld-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if one and only one immediate value can be extracted from CSTR."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (when (and (null (typeset cstr))
+ (null (neg cstr)))
+ (let* ((v (valset cstr))
+ (r (range cstr))
+ (valset-len (length v))
+ (range-len (length r)))
+ (if (and (= valset-len 1)
+ (= range-len 0))
+ t
+ (when (and (= valset-len 0)
+ (= range-len 1))
+ (let* ((low (caar r))
+ (high (cdar r)))
+ (and (integerp low)
+ (integerp high)
+ (= low high)))))))))
+(defun comp-cstr-imm (cstr)
+ "Return the immediate value of CSTR.
+`comp-cstr-imm-vld-p' *must* be satisfied before calling
+ (declare (gv-setter
+ (lambda (val)
+ `(with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (if (integerp ,val)
+ (setf (typeset ,cstr) nil
+ (range ,cstr) (list (cons ,val ,val)))
+ (setf (typeset ,cstr) nil
+ (valset ,cstr) (list ,val)))))))
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((v (valset cstr)))
+ (if (length= v 1)
+ (car v)
+ (caar (range cstr))))))
+(defun comp-cstr-fixnum-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if CSTR is certainly a fixnum."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (when (null (neg cstr))
+ (when-let (range (range cstr))
+ (let* ((low (caar range))
+ (high (cdar (last range))))
+ (unless (or (eq low '-)
+ (< low most-negative-fixnum)
+ (eq high '+)
+ (> high most-positive-fixnum))
+ t))))))
+(defun comp-cstr-symbol-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if CSTR is certainly a symbol."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (and (null (range cstr))
+ (null (neg cstr))
+ (or (and (null (valset cstr))
+ (equal (typeset cstr) '(symbol)))
+ (and (or (null (typeset cstr))
+ (equal (typeset cstr) '(symbol)))
+ (cl-every #'symbolp (valset cstr)))))))
+(defsubst comp-cstr-cons-p (cstr)
+ "Return t if CSTR is certainly a cons."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (and (null (valset cstr))
+ (null (range cstr))
+ (null (neg cstr))
+ (equal (typeset cstr) '(cons)))))
+(defun comp-cstr-= (dst op1 op2)
+ "Constraint OP1 being = OP2 setting the result into DST."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (cl-flet ((relax-cstr (cstr)
+ (setf cstr (comp-cstr-shallow-copy cstr))
+ ;; If can be any float extend it to all integers.
+ (when (memq 'float (typeset cstr))
+ (setf (range cstr) '((- . +))))
+ ;; For each float value that can be represented
+ ;; precisely as an integer add the integer as well.
+ (cl-loop
+ for v in (valset cstr)
+ do
+ (when-let* ((ok (floatp v))
+ (truncated (ignore-error overflow-error
+ (truncate v)))
+ (ok (= v truncated)))
+ (push (cons truncated truncated) (range cstr))))
+ (cl-loop
+ with vals-to-add
+ for (l . h) in (range cstr)
+ ;; If an integer range reduces to single value add
+ ;; its float value too.
+ if (eql l h)
+ do (push (float l) vals-to-add)
+ ;; Otherwise can be any float.
+ else
+ do (cl-pushnew 'float (typeset cstr))
+ (cl-return cstr)
+ finally (setf (valset cstr)
+ (append vals-to-add (valset cstr))))
+ (when (memql 0.0 (valset cstr))
+ (cl-pushnew -0.0 (valset cstr)))
+ (when (memql -0.0 (valset cstr))
+ (cl-pushnew 0.0 (valset cstr)))
+ cstr))
+ (comp-cstr-intersection dst (relax-cstr op1) (relax-cstr op2)))))
+(defun comp-cstr-> (dst old-dst src)
+ "Constraint DST being > than SRC.
+SRC can be either a comp-cstr or an integer."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((ext-range
+ (if (integerp src)
+ `((,(1+ src) . +))
+ (when-let* ((range (range src))
+ (low (comp-cstr-smallest-in-range range))
+ (okay (integerp low)))
+ `((,(1+ low) . +))))))
+ (comp-cstr-set-cmp-range dst old-dst ext-range))))
+(defun comp-cstr->= (dst old-dst src)
+ "Constraint DST being >= than SRC.
+SRC can be either a comp-cstr or an integer."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((ext-range
+ (if (integerp src)
+ `((,src . +))
+ (when-let* ((range (range src))
+ (low (comp-cstr-smallest-in-range range))
+ (okay (integerp low)))
+ `((,low . +))))))
+ (comp-cstr-set-cmp-range dst old-dst ext-range))))
+(defun comp-cstr-< (dst old-dst src)
+ "Constraint DST being < than SRC.
+SRC can be either a comp-cstr or an integer."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((ext-range
+ (if (integerp src)
+ `((- . ,(1- src)))
+ (when-let* ((range (range src))
+ (low (comp-cstr-greatest-in-range range))
+ (okay (integerp low)))
+ `((- . ,(1- low)))))))
+ (comp-cstr-set-cmp-range dst old-dst ext-range))))
+(defun comp-cstr-<= (dst old-dst src)
+ "Constraint DST being > than SRC.
+SRC can be either a comp-cstr or an integer."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let ((ext-range
+ (if (integerp src)
+ `((- . ,src))
+ (when-let* ((range (range src))
+ (low (comp-cstr-greatest-in-range range))
+ (okay (integerp low)))
+ `((- . ,low))))))
+ (comp-cstr-set-cmp-range dst old-dst ext-range))))
+(defun comp-cstr-add (dst srcs)
+ "Sum SRCS into DST."
+ (comp-cstr-add-2 dst (cl-first srcs) (cl-second srcs))
+ (cl-loop
+ for src in (nthcdr 2 srcs)
+ do (comp-cstr-add-2 dst dst src)))
+(defun comp-cstr-sub (dst srcs)
+ "Subtract SRCS into DST."
+ (comp-cstr-sub-2 dst (cl-first srcs) (cl-second srcs))
+ (cl-loop
+ for src in (nthcdr 2 srcs)
+ do (comp-cstr-sub-2 dst dst src)))
+(defun comp-cstr-union-no-range (dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation setting the result in DST.
+Do not propagate the range component.
+DST is returned."
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-1 nil dst srcs))
+(defun comp-cstr-union (dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation setting the result in DST.
+DST is returned."
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-1 t dst srcs))
+(defun comp-cstr-union-make (&rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by union set operation and return a new constraint."
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union (make-comp-cstr) srcs))
+(defun comp-cstr-intersection (dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by intersection set operation setting the result in DST.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (let* ((mem-h (comp-cstr-ctxt-intersection-mem comp-ctxt))
+ (res (or (gethash srcs mem-h)
+ (puthash
+ (mapcar #'comp-cstr-copy srcs)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection-no-mem srcs)
+ mem-h))))
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset res)
+ (valset dst) (valset res)
+ (range dst) (range res)
+ (neg dst) (neg res))
+ res)))
+(defun comp-cstr-intersection-no-hashcons (dst &rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by intersection set operation setting the result in DST.
+Non hash consed values are not propagated as values but rather
+promoted to their types.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection dst srcs)
+ (if (and (neg dst)
+ (valset dst)
+ (cl-notevery #'symbolp (valset dst)))
+ (setf (valset dst) ()
+ (typeset dst) '(t)
+ (range dst) ()
+ (neg dst) nil)
+ (let (strip-values strip-types)
+ (cl-loop for v in (valset dst)
+ unless (symbolp v)
+ do (push v strip-values)
+ (push (type-of v) strip-types))
+ (when strip-values
+ (setf (typeset dst) (comp-union-typesets (typeset dst) strip-types)
+ (valset dst) (cl-set-difference (valset dst) strip-values)))
+ (cl-loop for (l . h) in (range dst)
+ when (or (bignump l) (bignump h))
+ do (setf (range dst) '((- . +)))
+ (cl-return))))
+ dst))
+(defun comp-cstr-intersection-make (&rest srcs)
+ "Combine SRCS by intersection set operation and return a new constraint."
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection (make-comp-cstr) srcs))
+(defun comp-cstr-negation (dst src)
+ "Negate SRC setting the result in DST.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (cond
+ ((and (null (valset src))
+ (null (range src))
+ (null (neg src))
+ (equal (typeset src) '(t)))
+ (setf (typeset dst) ()
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) nil
+ (neg dst) nil))
+ ((and (null (valset src))
+ (null (range src))
+ (null (neg src))
+ (null (typeset src)))
+ (setf (typeset dst) '(t)
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) nil
+ (neg dst) nil))
+ (t (setf (typeset dst) (typeset src)
+ (valset dst) (valset src)
+ (range dst) (range src)
+ (neg dst) (not (neg src)))))
+ dst))
+(defun comp-cstr-value-negation (dst src)
+ "Negate values in SRC setting the result in DST.
+DST is returned."
+ (with-comp-cstr-accessors
+ (if (or (valset src) (range src))
+ (setf (typeset dst) ()
+ (valset dst) (valset src)
+ (range dst) (range src)
+ (neg dst) (not (neg src)))
+ (setf (typeset dst) (typeset src)
+ (valset dst) ()
+ (range dst) ()))
+ dst))
+(defun comp-cstr-negation-make (src)
+ "Negate SRC and return a new constraint."
+ (comp-cstr-negation (make-comp-cstr) src))
+(defun comp-type-spec-to-cstr (type-spec &optional fn)
+ "Convert a type specifier TYPE-SPEC into a `comp-cstr'.
+FN non-nil indicates we are parsing a function lambda list."
+ (pcase type-spec
+ ((and (or '&optional '&rest) x)
+ (if fn
+ x
+ (error "Invalid `%s` in type specifier" x)))
+ ('nil
+ (make-comp-cstr :typeset ()))
+ ('fixnum
+ (comp-irange-to-cstr `(,most-negative-fixnum . ,most-positive-fixnum)))
+ ('boolean
+ (comp-type-spec-to-cstr '(member t nil)))
+ ('integer
+ (comp-irange-to-cstr '(- . +)))
+ ('null (comp-value-to-cstr nil))
+ ((pred atom)
+ (comp-type-to-cstr type-spec))
+ (`(or . ,rest)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-make
+ (mapcar #'comp-type-spec-to-cstr rest)))
+ (`(and . ,rest)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-intersection-make
+ (mapcar #'comp-type-spec-to-cstr rest)))
+ (`(not ,cstr)
+ (comp-cstr-negation-make (comp-type-spec-to-cstr cstr)))
+ (`(integer ,(and (pred integerp) l) ,(and (pred integerp) h))
+ (comp-irange-to-cstr `(,l . ,h)))
+ (`(integer * ,(and (pred integerp) h))
+ (comp-irange-to-cstr `(- . ,h)))
+ (`(integer ,(and (pred integerp) l) *)
+ (comp-irange-to-cstr `(,l . +)))
+ (`(float ,(pred comp-star-or-num-p) ,(pred comp-star-or-num-p))
+ ;; No float range support :/
+ (comp-type-to-cstr 'float))
+ (`(member . ,rest)
+ (apply #'comp-cstr-union-make (mapcar #'comp-value-to-cstr rest)))
+ (`(function ,args ,ret)
+ (make-comp-cstr-f
+ :args (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (comp-type-spec-to-cstr x t))
+ args)
+ :ret (comp-type-spec-to-cstr ret)))
+ (_ (error "Invalid type specifier"))))
+(defun comp-cstr-to-type-spec (cstr)
+ "Given CSTR return its type specifier."
+ (let ((valset (comp-cstr-valset cstr))
+ (typeset (comp-cstr-typeset cstr))
+ (range (comp-cstr-range cstr))
+ (negated (comp-cstr-neg cstr)))
+ (when valset
+ (when (memq nil valset)
+ (if (memq t valset)
+ (progn
+ ;; t and nil are values, convert into `boolean'.
+ (push 'boolean typeset)
+ (setf valset (remove t (remove nil valset))))
+ ;; Only nil is a value, convert it into a `null' type specifier.
+ (setf valset (remove nil valset))
+ (push 'null typeset))))
+ ;; Form proper integer type specifiers.
+ (setf range (cl-loop for (l . h) in range
+ for low = (if (integerp l) l '*)
+ for high = (if (integerp h) h '*)
+ if (and (eq low '*) (eq high '*))
+ collect 'integer
+ else
+ collect `(integer ,low , high))
+ valset (cl-remove-duplicates valset))
+ ;; Form the final type specifier.
+ (let* ((types-ints (append typeset range))
+ (res (cond
+ ((and types-ints valset)
+ `((member ,@valset) ,@types-ints))
+ (types-ints types-ints)
+ (valset `(member ,@valset))
+ (t
+ ;; Empty type specifier
+ nil)))
+ (final
+ (pcase res
+ ((or `(member . ,rest)
+ `(integer ,(pred comp-star-or-num-p)
+ ,(pred comp-star-or-num-p)))
+ (if rest
+ res
+ (car res)))
+ ((pred atom) res)
+ (`(,_first . ,rest)
+ (if rest
+ `(or ,@res)
+ (car res))))))
+ (if negated
+ `(not ,final)
+ final))))
+(provide 'comp-cstr)
+;;; comp-cstr.el ends here