path: root/test/lisp/erc/resources/sasl/scram-sha-1.eld
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lisp/erc/resources/sasl/scram-sha-1.eld')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lisp/erc/resources/sasl/scram-sha-1.eld b/test/lisp/erc/resources/sasl/scram-sha-1.eld
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49980e9e12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lisp/erc/resources/sasl/scram-sha-1.eld
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;;; -*- mode: lisp-data -*-
+((cap-req 5.2 "CAP REQ :sasl"))
+((nick 10 "NICK jilles"))
+((user 10 "USER user 0 * :jilles")
+ (0 "NOTICE AUTH :*** Processing connection to jaguar.test")
+ (0 "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...")
+ (0 "NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident")
+ (0 "NOTICE AUTH :*** No Ident response")
+ (0 "NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test CAP jilles ACK :sasl"))
+((auth-init 10 "AUTHENTICATE SCRAM-SHA-1")
+((auth-challenge 10 "AUTHENTICATE bixhPWppbGxlcyxuPWppbGxlcyxyPWM1UnFMQ1p5MEw0ZkdrS0FaMGh1akZCcw==")
+((auth-final 10 "AUTHENTICATE Yz1iaXhoUFdwcGJHeGxjeXc9LHI9YzVScUxDWnkwTDRmR2tLQVowaHVqRkJzWFFvS2NpdnFDdzlpRFpQU3BiLHA9T1ZVaGdQdTh3RW0yY0RvVkxmYUh6VlVZUFdVPQ==")
+ (0 "AUTHENTICATE dj1aV1IyM2M5TUppcjBaZ2ZHZjVqRXRMT242Tmc9"))
+((auth-done 10 "AUTHENTICATE +")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 900 jilles jilles! jilles :You are now logged in as jilles")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 903 jilles :SASL authentication successful"))
+((cap-end 10.2 "CAP END")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 001 jilles :Welcome to the jaguar IRC Network jilles!~jilles@")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 002 jilles :Your host is jaguar.test, running version InspIRCd-3")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 003 jilles :This server was created 09:44:05 Dec 24 2020")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 004 jilles jaguar.test InspIRCd-3 BILRSWcghiorswz ABEFHIJLMNOQRSTXYabcefghijklmnopqrstuvz :BEFHIJLXYabefghjkloqv")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 005 jilles ACCEPT=30 AWAYLEN=200 BOT=B CALLERID=g CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHANLIMIT=#:120 CHANMODES=IXbeg,k,BEFHJLfjl,AMNOQRSTcimnprstuz CHANNELLEN=64 CHANTYPES=# ELIST=CMNTU ESILENCE=CcdiNnPpTtx EXCEPTS=e :are supported by this server")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 005 jilles EXTBAN=,ANOQRSTUacmnprz HOSTLEN=64 INVEX=I KEYLEN=32 KICKLEN=255 LINELEN=512 MAXLIST=I:100,X:100,b:100,e:100,g:100 MAXTARGETS=20 MODES=20 MONITOR=30 NAMELEN=128 NAMESX NETWORK=jaguar :are supported by this server")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 005 jilles NICKLEN=31 PREFIX=(Yqaohv)!~&@%+ REMOVE SAFELIST SECURELIST=60 SILENCE=32 STATUSMSG=!~&@%+ TOPICLEN=307 UHNAMES USERIP USERLEN=11 USERMODES=,,s,BILRSWcghiorwz WATCH=30 :are supported by this server")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 005 jilles :are supported by this server")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 251 jilles :There are 740 users and 108 invisible on 11 servers")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 252 jilles 10 :operator(s) online")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 254 jilles 373 :channels formed")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 255 jilles :I have 28 clients and 1 servers")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 265 jilles :Current local users: 28 Max: 29")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 266 jilles :Current global users: 848 Max: 879")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 375 jilles :jaguar.test message of the day")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 372 jilles : ~~ some message of the day ~~")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 372 jilles : ~~ or rkpryyrag gb rnpu bgure ~~")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 376 jilles :End of message of the day."))
+((mode-user 1.2 "MODE jilles +i")
+ (0 ":jilles!~jilles@ MODE jilles :+ri")
+ (0 ":jaguar.test 306 jilles :You have been marked as being away"))