path: root/Git/Destroyer.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2015-12-15 17:47:59 -0700
committerJoey Hess <>2015-12-15 17:47:59 -0700
commit7c12f0ac9224246dac308e837bccb5b2157062ee (patch)
tree0caa943db39f9a2bfad404c547acda354076b46a /Git/Destroyer.hs
Import git-repair_1.20151215.orig.tar.xz
[dgit import orig git-repair_1.20151215.orig.tar.xz]
Diffstat (limited to 'Git/Destroyer.hs')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Git/Destroyer.hs b/Git/Destroyer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e923796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Git/Destroyer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+{- git repository destroyer
+ -
+ - Use with caution!
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013, 2014 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Git.Destroyer (
+ Damage(..),
+ generateDamage,
+ applyDamage
+) where
+import Common
+import Git
+import Utility.QuickCheck
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Utility.Tmp
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.Word
+{- Ways to damange a git repository. -}
+data Damage
+ = Empty FileSelector
+ | Delete FileSelector
+ | Reverse FileSelector
+ | AppendGarbage FileSelector B.ByteString
+ | PrependGarbage FileSelector B.ByteString
+ | CorruptByte FileSelector Int Word8
+ | ScrambleFileMode FileSelector FileMode
+ | SwapFiles FileSelector FileSelector
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+instance Arbitrary Damage where
+ arbitrary = oneof
+ [ Empty <$> arbitrary
+ , Delete <$> arbitrary
+ , Reverse <$> arbitrary
+ , AppendGarbage <$> arbitrary <*> garbage
+ , PrependGarbage <$> arbitrary <*> garbage
+ , CorruptByte
+ <$> arbitrary
+ <*> nonNegative arbitraryBoundedIntegral
+ <*> arbitrary
+ , ScrambleFileMode
+ <$> arbitrary
+ <*> nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
+ , SwapFiles
+ <$> arbitrary
+ <*> arbitrary
+ ]
+ where
+ garbage = B.pack <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null)
+{- To select a given file in a git repository, all files in the repository
+ - are enumerated, sorted, and this is used as an index
+ - into the list. (Wrapping around if higher than the length.) -}
+data FileSelector = FileSelector Int
+ deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
+instance Arbitrary FileSelector where
+ arbitrary = FileSelector <$> oneof
+ -- An early file in the git tree, tends to be the most
+ -- interesting when there are lots of files.
+ [ nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
+ -- Totally random choice from any of the files in
+ -- the git tree, to ensure good coverage.
+ , nonNegative arbitraryBoundedIntegral
+ ]
+selectFile :: [FilePath] -> FileSelector -> FilePath
+selectFile sortedfs (FileSelector n) = sortedfs !! (n `mod` length sortedfs)
+{- Generates random Damage. -}
+generateDamage :: IO [Damage]
+generateDamage = sample' (arbitrary :: Gen Damage)
+{- Applies Damage to a Repo, in a reproducible fashion
+ - (as long as the Repo contains the same files each time). -}
+applyDamage :: [Damage] -> Repo -> IO ()
+applyDamage ds r = do
+ contents <- sort . filter (not . skipped)
+ <$> dirContentsRecursive (localGitDir r)
+ forM_ ds $ \d -> do
+ let withfile s a = do
+ let f = selectFile contents s
+ -- Symlinks might be dangling, so are skipped.
+ -- If the file was already removed by a previous Damage,
+ -- it's skipped.
+ whenM (doesFileExist f) $
+ a f `catchIO` \e -> error ("Failed to apply damage " ++ show d ++ " to " ++ show f ++ ": " ++ show e ++ "(total damage: " ++ show ds ++ ")")
+ case d of
+ Empty s -> withfile s $ \f ->
+ withSaneMode f $ do
+ nukeFile f
+ writeFile f ""
+ Reverse s -> withfile s $ \f ->
+ withSaneMode f $
+ B.writeFile f =<< B.reverse <$> B.readFile f
+ Delete s -> withfile s $ nukeFile
+ AppendGarbage s garbage ->
+ withfile s $ \f ->
+ withSaneMode f $
+ B.appendFile f garbage
+ PrependGarbage s garbage ->
+ withfile s $ \f ->
+ withSaneMode f $ do
+ b <- B.readFile f
+ B.writeFile f $ B.concat [garbage, b]
+ -- When the byte is past the end of the
+ -- file, wrap around. Does nothing to empty file.
+ CorruptByte s n garbage ->
+ withfile s $ \f ->
+ withSaneMode f $ do
+ b <- B.readFile f
+ let len = B.length b
+ unless (len == 0) $ do
+ let n' = n `mod` len
+ let (prefix, rest) = B.splitAt n' b
+ B.writeFile f $ B.concat
+ [prefix
+ , B.singleton garbage
+ , B.drop 1 rest
+ ]
+ ScrambleFileMode s mode ->
+ withfile s $ \f ->
+ setFileMode f mode
+ SwapFiles a b ->
+ withfile a $ \fa ->
+ withfile b $ \fb ->
+ unless (fa == fb) $
+ withTmpFile "swap" $ \tmp _ -> do
+ moveFile fa tmp
+ moveFile fb fa
+ moveFile tmp fa
+ where
+ -- A broken .git/config is not recoverable.
+ -- Don't damage hook scripts, to avoid running arbitrary code. ;)
+ skipped f = or
+ [ takeFileName f == "config"
+ , "hooks" `isPrefixOf` f
+ ]
+withSaneMode :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
+withSaneMode f = withModifiedFileMode f (addModes [ownerWriteMode, ownerReadMode])