path: root/Git/Command.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Git/Command.hs')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Git/Command.hs b/Git/Command.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e3e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Git/Command.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+{- running git commands
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Git.Command where
+import Common
+import Git
+import Git.Types
+import qualified Utility.CoProcess as CoProcess
+{- Constructs a git command line operating on the specified repo. -}
+gitCommandLine :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> [CommandParam]
+gitCommandLine params r@(Repo { location = l@(Local { } ) }) =
+ setdir : settree ++ gitGlobalOpts r ++ params
+ where
+ setdir = Param $ "--git-dir=" ++ gitdir l
+ settree = case worktree l of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just t -> [Param $ "--work-tree=" ++ t]
+gitCommandLine _ repo = assertLocal repo $ error "internal"
+{- Runs git in the specified repo. -}
+runBool :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO Bool
+runBool params repo = assertLocal repo $
+ boolSystemEnv "git" (gitCommandLine params repo) (gitEnv repo)
+{- Runs git in the specified repo, throwing an error if it fails. -}
+run :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO ()
+run params repo = assertLocal repo $
+ unlessM (runBool params repo) $
+ error $ "git " ++ show params ++ " failed"
+{- Runs git and forces it to be quiet, throwing an error if it fails. -}
+runQuiet :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO ()
+runQuiet params repo = withQuietOutput createProcessSuccess $
+ (proc "git" $ toCommand $ gitCommandLine (params) repo)
+ { env = gitEnv repo }
+{- Runs a git command and returns its output, lazily.
+ -
+ - Also returns an action that should be used when the output is all
+ - read (or no more is needed), that will wait on the command, and
+ - return True if it succeeded. Failure to wait will result in zombies.
+ -}
+pipeReadLazy :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO (String, IO Bool)
+pipeReadLazy params repo = assertLocal repo $ do
+ (_, Just h, _, pid) <- createProcess p { std_out = CreatePipe }
+ fileEncoding h
+ c <- hGetContents h
+ return (c, checkSuccessProcess pid)
+ where
+ p = gitCreateProcess params repo
+{- Runs a git command, and returns its output, strictly.
+ -
+ - Nonzero exit status is ignored.
+ -}
+pipeReadStrict :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO String
+pipeReadStrict params repo = assertLocal repo $
+ withHandle StdoutHandle (createProcessChecked ignoreFailureProcess) p $ \h -> do
+ fileEncoding h
+ output <- hGetContentsStrict h
+ hClose h
+ return output
+ where
+ p = gitCreateProcess params repo
+{- Runs a git command, feeding it an input, and returning its output,
+ - which is expected to be fairly small, since it's all read into memory
+ - strictly. -}
+pipeWriteRead :: [CommandParam] -> Maybe (Handle -> IO ()) -> Repo -> IO String
+pipeWriteRead params writer repo = assertLocal repo $
+ writeReadProcessEnv "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
+ (gitEnv repo) writer (Just adjusthandle)
+ where
+ adjusthandle h = do
+ fileEncoding h
+ hSetNewlineMode h noNewlineTranslation
+{- Runs a git command, feeding it input on a handle with an action. -}
+pipeWrite :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+pipeWrite params repo = withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess $
+ gitCreateProcess params repo
+{- Reads null terminated output of a git command (as enabled by the -z
+ - parameter), and splits it. -}
+pipeNullSplit :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO ([String], IO Bool)
+pipeNullSplit params repo = do
+ (s, cleanup) <- pipeReadLazy params repo
+ return (filter (not . null) $ split sep s, cleanup)
+ where
+ sep = "\0"
+pipeNullSplitStrict :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [String]
+pipeNullSplitStrict params repo = do
+ s <- pipeReadStrict params repo
+ return $ filter (not . null) $ split sep s
+ where
+ sep = "\0"
+pipeNullSplitZombie :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [String]
+pipeNullSplitZombie params repo = leaveZombie <$> pipeNullSplit params repo
+{- Doesn't run the cleanup action. A zombie results. -}
+leaveZombie :: (a, IO Bool) -> a
+leaveZombie = fst
+{- Runs a git command as a coprocess. -}
+gitCoProcessStart :: Bool -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO CoProcess.CoProcessHandle
+gitCoProcessStart restartable params repo = CoProcess.start numrestarts "git"
+ (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
+ (gitEnv repo)
+ where
+ {- If a long-running git command like cat-file --batch
+ - crashes, it will likely start up again ok. If it keeps crashing
+ - 10 times, something is badly wrong. -}
+ numrestarts = if restartable then 10 else 0
+gitCreateProcess :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> CreateProcess
+gitCreateProcess params repo =
+ (proc "git" $ toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
+ { env = gitEnv repo }