path: root/Utility
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Diffstat (limited to 'Utility')
8 files changed, 148 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Directory.hs b/Utility/Directory.hs
index 6caee7e..f1bcfad 100644
--- a/Utility/Directory.hs
+++ b/Utility/Directory.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- directory manipulation
- - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
+ - Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
module Utility.Directory where
import System.IO.Error
-import System.PosixCompat.Files
import System.Directory
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad
@@ -19,10 +18,12 @@ import System.FilePath
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
+import Utility.PosixFiles
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Tmp
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Monad
+import Utility.Applicative
dirCruft :: FilePath -> Bool
dirCruft "." = True
@@ -73,6 +74,21 @@ dirContentsRecursiveSkipping skipdir followsubdirsymlinks topdir = go [topdir]
_ -> skip
+{- Gets the directory tree from a point, recursively and lazily,
+ - with leaf directories **first**, skipping any whose basenames
+ - match the skipdir. Does not follow symlinks. -}
+dirTreeRecursiveSkipping :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
+dirTreeRecursiveSkipping skipdir topdir = go [] [topdir]
+ where
+ go c [] = return c
+ go c (dir:dirs)
+ | skipdir (takeFileName dir) = go c dirs
+ | otherwise = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
+ subdirs <- go c
+ =<< filterM (isDirectory <$$> getSymbolicLinkStatus)
+ =<< catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
+ go (subdirs++[dir]) dirs
{- Moves one filename to another.
- First tries a rename, but falls back to moving across devices if needed. -}
moveFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
diff --git a/Utility/Env.hs b/Utility/Env.hs
index cb73873..90ed58f 100644
--- a/Utility/Env.hs
+++ b/Utility/Env.hs
@@ -61,3 +61,21 @@ unsetEnv var = do
unsetEnv _ = return False
+{- Adds the environment variable to the input environment. If already
+ - present in the list, removes the old value.
+ -
+ - This does not really belong here, but Data.AssocList is for some reason
+ - buried inside hxt.
+ -}
+addEntry :: Eq k => k -> v -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)]
+addEntry k v l = ( (k,v) : ) $! delEntry k l
+addEntries :: Eq k => [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)]
+addEntries = foldr (.) id . map (uncurry addEntry) . reverse
+delEntry :: Eq k => k -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)]
+delEntry _ [] = []
+delEntry k (x@(k1,_) : rest)
+ | k == k1 = rest
+ | otherwise = ( x : ) $! delEntry k rest
diff --git a/Utility/FileMode.hs b/Utility/FileMode.hs
index 46c6a31..b17cadc 100644
--- a/Utility/FileMode.hs
+++ b/Utility/FileMode.hs
@@ -133,10 +133,8 @@ setSticky f = modifyFileMode f $ addModes [stickyMode]
- as writeFile.
writeFileProtected :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
-writeFileProtected file content = do
- h <- openFile file WriteMode
+writeFileProtected file content = withFile file WriteMode $ \h -> do
void $ tryIO $
modifyFileMode file $
removeModes [groupReadMode, otherReadMode]
hPutStr h content
- hClose h
diff --git a/Utility/Misc.hs b/Utility/Misc.hs
index 68199c8..20007ad 100644
--- a/Utility/Misc.hs
+++ b/Utility/Misc.hs
@@ -33,13 +33,20 @@ hGetContentsStrict = hGetContents >=> \s -> length s `seq` return s
readFileStrict :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileStrict = readFile >=> \s -> length s `seq` return s
-{- Reads a file strictly, and using the FileSystemEncofing, so it will
+{- Reads a file strictly, and using the FileSystemEncoding, so it will
- never crash on a badly encoded file. -}
readFileStrictAnyEncoding :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileStrictAnyEncoding f = withFile f ReadMode $ \h -> do
fileEncoding h
hClose h `after` hGetContentsStrict h
+{- Writes a file, using the FileSystemEncoding so it will never crash
+ - on a badly encoded content string. -}
+writeFileAnyEncoding :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
+writeFileAnyEncoding f content = withFile f WriteMode $ \h -> do
+ fileEncoding h
+ hPutStr h content
{- Like break, but the item matching the condition is not included
- in the second result list.
diff --git a/Utility/Path.hs b/Utility/Path.hs
index 44ac72f..e22d0c3 100644
--- a/Utility/Path.hs
+++ b/Utility/Path.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- path manipulation
- - Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ - Copyright 2010-2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -21,28 +21,60 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
-import qualified "MissingH" System.Path as MissingH
import System.Posix.Files
+import qualified "MissingH" System.Path as MissingH
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.UserInfo
-{- Makes a path absolute if it's not already.
+{- Simplifies a path, removing any ".." or ".", and removing the trailing
+ - path separator.
+ -
+ - On Windows, preserves whichever style of path separator might be used in
+ - the input FilePaths. This is done because some programs in Windows
+ - demand a particular path separator -- and which one actually varies!
+ -
+ - This does not guarantee that two paths that refer to the same location,
+ - and are both relative to the same location (or both absolute) will
+ - yeild the same result. Run both through normalise from System.FilePath
+ - to ensure that.
+ -}
+simplifyPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
+simplifyPath path = dropTrailingPathSeparator $
+ joinDrive drive $ joinPath $ norm [] $ splitPath path'
+ where
+ (drive, path') = splitDrive path
+ norm c [] = reverse c
+ norm c (p:ps)
+ | p' == ".." = norm (drop 1 c) ps
+ | p' == "." = norm c ps
+ | otherwise = norm (p:c) ps
+ where
+ p' = dropTrailingPathSeparator p
+{- Makes a path absolute.
+ -
- The first parameter is a base directory (ie, the cwd) to use if the path
- is not already absolute.
- - On Unix, collapses and normalizes ".." etc in the path. May return Nothing
- - if the path cannot be normalized.
- -
- - MissingH's absNormPath does not work on Windows, so on Windows
- - no normalization is done.
+ - Does not attempt to deal with edge cases or ensure security with
+ - untrusted inputs.
-absNormPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
+absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+absPathFrom dir path = simplifyPath (combine dir path)
+{- On Windows, this converts the paths to unix-style, in order to run
+ - MissingH's absNormPath on them. Resulting path will use / separators. -}
+absNormPathUnix :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
-absNormPath dir path = MissingH.absNormPath dir path
+absNormPathUnix dir path = MissingH.absNormPath dir path
-absNormPath dir path = Just $ combine dir path
+absNormPathUnix dir path = todos <$> MissingH.absNormPath (fromdos dir) (fromdos path)
+ where
+ fromdos = replace "\\" "/"
+ todos = replace "/" "\\"
{- Returns the parent directory of a path.
@@ -72,13 +104,13 @@ prop_parentDir_basics dir
- are all equivilant.
dirContains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
-dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (a'++[pathSeparator]) `isPrefixOf` b'
+dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (addTrailingPathSeparator a') `isPrefixOf` b'
- norm p = fromMaybe "" $ absNormPath p "."
a' = norm a
b' = norm b
+ norm = normalise . simplifyPath
-{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path.
+{- Converts a filename into an absolute path.
- Unlike Directory.canonicalizePath, this does not require the path
- already exists. -}
@@ -87,13 +119,6 @@ absPath file = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ absPathFrom cwd file
-{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path
- - from the specified cwd. -}
-absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
-absPathFrom cwd file = fromMaybe bad $ absNormPath cwd file
- where
- bad = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- Constructs a relative path from the CWD to a file.
- For example, assuming CWD is /tmp/foo/bar:
@@ -105,7 +130,7 @@ relPathCwdToFile f = relPathDirToFile <$> getCurrentDirectory <*> absPath f
{- Constructs a relative path from a directory to a file.
- - Both must be absolute, and normalized (eg with absNormpath).
+ - Both must be absolute, and cannot contain .. etc. (eg use absPath first).
relPathDirToFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
relPathDirToFile from to = join s $ dotdots ++ uncommon
@@ -252,3 +277,18 @@ sanitizeFilePath = map sanitize
| c == '.' = c
| isSpace c || isPunctuation c || isSymbol c || isControl c || c == '/' = '_'
| otherwise = c
+{- Similar to splitExtensions, but knows that some things in FilePaths
+ - after a dot are too long to be extensions. -}
+splitShortExtensions :: FilePath -> (FilePath, [String])
+splitShortExtensions = splitShortExtensions' 5 -- enough for ".jpeg"
+splitShortExtensions' :: Int -> FilePath -> (FilePath, [String])
+splitShortExtensions' maxextension = go []
+ where
+ go c f
+ | len > 0 && len <= maxextension && not (null base) =
+ go (ext:c) base
+ | otherwise = (f, c)
+ where
+ (base, ext) = splitExtension f
+ len = length ext
diff --git a/Utility/PosixFiles.hs b/Utility/PosixFiles.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23edc25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utility/PosixFiles.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{- POSIX files (and compatablity wrappers).
+ -
+ - This is like System.PosixCompat.Files, except with a fixed rename.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Utility.PosixFiles (
+ module X,
+ rename
+) where
+import System.PosixCompat.Files as X hiding (rename)
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import System.Posix.Files (rename)
+import qualified System.Win32.File as Win32
+{- System.PosixCompat.Files.rename on Windows calls renameFile,
+ - so cannot rename directories.
+ -
+ - Instead, use Win32 moveFile, which can. It needs to be told to overwrite
+ - any existing file. -}
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+rename src dest = Win32.moveFileEx src dest Win32.mOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING
diff --git a/Utility/QuickCheck.hs b/Utility/QuickCheck.hs
index 82af09f..e2539f3 100644
--- a/Utility/QuickCheck.hs
+++ b/Utility/QuickCheck.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- QuickCheck with additional instances
- - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
+ - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -17,11 +17,15 @@ import Test.QuickCheck as X
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Applicative
instance (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Eq k, Ord k) => Arbitrary (M.Map k v) where
arbitrary = M.fromList <$> arbitrary
+instance (Arbitrary v, Eq v, Ord v) => Arbitrary (S.Set v) where
+ arbitrary = S.fromList <$> arbitrary
{- Times before the epoch are excluded. -}
instance Arbitrary POSIXTime where
arbitrary = nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
diff --git a/Utility/Tmp.hs b/Utility/Tmp.hs
index 891ce50..f46e1a5 100644
--- a/Utility/Tmp.hs
+++ b/Utility/Tmp.hs
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad.IfElse
+import System.FilePath
import Utility.Exception
-import System.FilePath
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
+import Utility.PosixFiles
type Template = String
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ viaTmp a file content = do
(tmpfile, handle) <- openTempFile dir (base ++ ".tmp")
hClose handle
a tmpfile content
- renameFile tmpfile file
+ rename tmpfile file
{- Runs an action with a tmp file located in the system's tmp directory
- (or in "." if there is none) then removes the file. -}