path: root/Encryption.hs
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/Encryption.hs b/Encryption.hs
index 8af25d4..1ad3402 100644
--- a/Encryption.hs
+++ b/Encryption.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Text.Read
+import Debug.Trace
type AesKey = Raaz.Key (Raaz.AES 256 'Raaz.CBC)
-- | An AES key, which is used to encrypt the key that is stored
@@ -34,6 +36,26 @@ data KeyEncryptionKey = KeyEncryptionKey
instance Bruteforceable KeyEncryptionKey UnknownPassword where
getBruteCostCalc = keyBruteForceCalc
+-- | The ExpensiveHash of the Password used as the AES key.
+-- Name is used as a salt, to prevent rainbow table attacks.
+genKeyEncryptionKey :: Tunables -> Name -> Password -> IO KeyEncryptionKey
+genKeyEncryptionKey tunables name (Password password) = case decryptionPuzzleTunable tunables of
+ UsePuzzleIV puzzlecost -> do
+ prg <- Raaz.newPRG () :: IO Raaz.SystemPRG
+ samplekey <- Raaz.random prg :: IO AesKey
+ let basek = hashToAESKey samplekey hash
+ (PuzzleIV iv) <- genPuzzleIV tunables
+ let strongk = (basek, iv)
+ let decryptcost = CombinedCost puzzlecost (castCost hashcost)
+ -- To brute force data encrypted with this key,
+ -- an attacker needs to pay the decryptcost for
+ -- each password checked.
+ let bruteforcecalc = bruteForceLinearSearch decryptcost
+ return $ KeyEncryptionKey strongk decryptcost bruteforcecalc
+ where
+ hash@(ExpensiveHash hashcost _) = expensiveHash tunables salt password
+ salt = Salt name
cipher :: Raaz.AES 256 'Raaz.CBC
cipher = Raaz.aes256cbc
@@ -53,31 +75,34 @@ encrypt kek (SecretKey secret) = EncryptedSecretKey b (keyBruteForceCalc kek)
decrypt :: KeyEncryptionKey -> EncryptedSecretKey -> Maybe SecretKey
decrypt kek (EncryptedSecretKey b _) = SecretKey <$> fromPaddedBytes pbs
- pbs = PaddedBytes $ Raaz.unsafeDecrypt cipher (keyEncryptionKey kek) b
+ pbs = PaddedBytes $
+ let bb = Raaz.unsafeDecrypt cipher (keyEncryptionKey kek) b
+ in traceShow ("padded", bb) bb
--- | The ExpensiveHash of the Password used as the AES key.
--- Name is used as a salt, to prevent rainbow table attacks.
+-- | A stream of all the key encryption keys that need to be tried to
+-- decrypt.
-- The DecryptionPuzzleTunable is used to alter the AES key
--- in some way that requires significant work to determine at
--- decryption time.
-genKeyEncryptionKey :: Tunables -> Name -> Password -> IO KeyEncryptionKey
-genKeyEncryptionKey tunables name (Password password) = case decryptionPuzzleTunable tunables of
- UsePuzzleIV puzzlecost -> do
- prg <- Raaz.newPRG () :: IO Raaz.SystemPRG
- samplekey <- Raaz.random prg :: IO AesKey
- let basek = hashToAESKey samplekey hash
- (PuzzleIV iv) <- genPuzzleIV tunables
- let strongk = (basek, iv)
- let decryptcost = CombinedCost puzzlecost (castCost hashcost)
- -- To brute force data encrypted with this key,
- -- an attacker needs to pay the decryptcost for
- -- each password checked.
- let bruteforcecalc = bruteForceLinearSearch decryptcost
- return $ KeyEncryptionKey strongk decryptcost bruteforcecalc
+-- in some way; this stream includes every possible solution to the puzzle.
+candidateKeyEncryptionKeys :: Tunables -> KeyEncryptionKey -> [KeyEncryptionKey]
+candidateKeyEncryptionKeys tunables basekek =
+ case decryptionPuzzleTunable tunables of
+ UsePuzzleIV _ ->
+ let (k, randomiv) = keyEncryptionKey basekek
+ nrand = sizePuzzleIV tunables
+ mkcandidate (PuzzleIV iv) = basekek
+ { keyEncryptionKey = (k, iv) }
+ in map (mkcandidate . mkPuzzleIV' randomiv)
+ (allByteStringsOfLength nrand)
+allByteStringsOfLength :: Int -> [B.ByteString]
+allByteStringsOfLength = go []
- hash@(ExpensiveHash hashcost _) = expensiveHash tunables salt password
- salt = Salt name
+ go ws n
+ | n == 0 = return (B.pack ws)
+ | otherwise = do
+ w <- [0..255]
+ go (w:ws) (n-1)
-- | Make an AES key out of a hash value.
@@ -124,12 +149,16 @@ sizePuzzleIV tunables = ceiling $ nbits / 8
| otherwise = logBase 2 (fromIntegral $ targetseconds * triespersecond) + 1
mkPuzzleIV :: Raaz.IV -> Int -> PuzzleIV
-mkPuzzleIV randomiv nrand = PuzzleIV $
+mkPuzzleIV randomiv nrand = mkPuzzleIV' randomiv
+ (B.take nrand $ Raaz.toByteString randomiv)
+mkPuzzleIV' :: Raaz.IV -> B.ByteString -> PuzzleIV
+mkPuzzleIV' randomiv b = PuzzleIV $
fromMaybe (error "mkPuzzleIV fromByteString failed") $
- Raaz.fromByteString $ B.take nrand b <> padding
+ Raaz.fromByteString (b <> padding)
- b = Raaz.toByteString randomiv
- padding = B.replicate (B.length b - nrand) 0
+ ivlen = B.length (Raaz.toByteString randomiv)
+ padding = B.replicate (ivlen - B.length b) 0
genPuzzleIV :: Tunables -> IO PuzzleIV
genPuzzleIV tunables = do