path: root/Share.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Share.hs')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Share.hs b/Share.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d848b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Share.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Share where
+import Types
+import Tunables
+import ExpensiveHash
+import Cost
+import qualified Crypto.SecretSharing.Internal as SS
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Raaz.Core.Encode as Raaz
+import qualified Raaz.Hash.Sha256 as Raaz
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Monoid
+data ShareIdents = ShareIdents
+ { identsStream :: [S.Set StorableObjectIdent]
+ -- ^ Each item in the infinite list is the idents to
+ -- use for the shares of a chunk of data.
+ , identsCreationCost :: Cost CreationOp
+ , identsBruteForceCalc :: CostCalc BruteForceOp UnknownName
+ }
+nextShareIdents :: ShareIdents -> (S.Set StorableObjectIdent, ShareIdents)
+nextShareIdents sis =
+ let (s:rest) = identsStream sis
+ in (s, sis { identsStream = rest })
+instance HasCreationCost ShareIdents where
+ getCreationCost = identsCreationCost
+instance Bruteforceable ShareIdents UnknownName where
+ getBruteCostCalc = identsBruteForceCalc
+data Distinguisher
+ = Distinguisher SecretKeySource
+ | AnyGpgKey
+ -- ^ Use to avoid the gpg keyid needing to be provided
+ -- at restore time.
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Generates identifiers to use for storing shares.
+-- This is an expensive operation, to make it difficult for an attacker
+-- to brute force known/guessed names and find matching shares.
+-- The keyid or filename is used as a salt, to avoid collisions
+-- when the same name is chosen for multiple keys.
+shareIdents :: Tunables -> Name -> Distinguisher -> ShareIdents
+shareIdents tunables (Name name) shareident =
+ ShareIdents (segmentbyshare idents) creationcost bruteforcecalc
+ where
+ (ExpensiveHash creationcost basename) =
+ expensiveHash hashtunables salt name
+ salt = case shareident of
+ Distinguisher sks -> Salt sks
+ AnyGpgKey -> Salt (GpgKey (KeyId ""))
+ mk n = StorableObjectIdent $ Raaz.toByteString $ mksha $
+ E.encodeUtf8 $ basename <> T.pack (show n)
+ mksha :: B.ByteString -> Raaz.Base16
+ mksha = Raaz.encode . Raaz.sha256
+ bruteforcecalc = bruteForceLinearSearch creationcost
+ hashtunables = nameGenerationHash $ nameGenerationTunable tunables
+ idents = map mk ([1..] :: [Integer])
+ m = totalObjects (shareParams tunables)
+ segmentbyshare l =
+ let (shareis, l') = splitAt m l
+ in S.fromList shareis : segmentbyshare l'
+-- | Generates shares of an EncryptedSecretKey.
+-- Each chunk of the key creates its own set of shares.
+genShares :: EncryptedSecretKey -> Tunables -> IO [S.Set Share]
+genShares (EncryptedSecretKey cs _) tunables = do
+ shares <- mapM encode cs
+ return $ map (S.fromList . map (uncurry Share) . zip [1..]) shares
+ where
+ encode :: B.ByteString -> IO [StorableObject]
+ encode b = map (StorableObject . encodeShare)
+ <$> SS.encode
+ (neededObjects $ shareParams tunables)
+ (totalObjects $ shareParams tunables)
+ (BL.fromStrict b)
+-- | If not enough sets of shares are provided, the EncryptedSecretKey may
+-- be incomplete, only containing some chunks of the key
+combineShares :: Tunables -> [S.Set Share] -> Either String EncryptedSecretKey
+combineShares tunables shares
+ | null shares || any null shares || any (\l -> length l < sharesneeded) shares =
+ Left "Not enough shares are currently available to reconstruct your data."
+ | otherwise = Right $ mk $
+ map (BL.toStrict . SS.decode . map decodeshare . S.toList) shares
+ where
+ mk cs = EncryptedSecretKey cs unknownCostCalc
+ decodeshare (Share sharenum so) = decodeShare sharenum sharesneeded $
+ fromStorableObject so
+ sharesneeded = neededObjects (shareParams tunables)
+-- Note that this does not include the share number in the encoded
+-- bytestring. This prevents an attacker from partitioning their shares
+-- by share number.
+encodeShare :: SS.Share -> B.ByteString
+encodeShare = B.pack . concatMap (encodeShare' . SS.shareValue) . SS.theShare
+decodeShare :: Int -> Int -> B.ByteString -> SS.Share
+decodeShare sharenum sharesneeded = SS.Share . map mk . decodeShare' . B.unpack
+ where
+ mk v = SS.ByteShare
+ { SS.shareId = sharenum
+ , SS.reconstructionThreshold = sharesneeded
+ , SS.shareValue = v
+ }
+-- | Each input byte generates a share in a finite field of size 1021,
+-- so encode it as the product of two bytes. This is inneffient; if the
+-- finite field was 255 then the encoded share would be the same size as
+-- the input. But, the finite-field library used by secret-sharing does
+-- not support a non-prime size.
+encodeShare' :: Int -> [Word8]
+encodeShare' v =
+ let (q, r) = quotRem v 255
+ in [fromIntegral q, fromIntegral r]
+decodeShare' :: [Word8] -> [Int]
+decodeShare' = go []
+ where
+ go c [] = reverse c
+ go c (q:r:rest) = go (((255 * fromIntegral q) + fromIntegral r):c) rest
+ go _ _ = error "Badly encoded share has odd number of bytes"