path: root/Storage.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Storage.hs')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Storage.hs b/Storage.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c481d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Storage.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+{- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Storage (module Storage, module Types.Storage) where
+import Types
+import Types.Storage
+import Types.Server
+import Types.Cost
+import Output
+import Share
+import Storage.Network
+import Servers
+import Tunables
+import ByteStrings
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Concurrent.Thread.Delay
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Random
+import System.Random.Shuffle
+import qualified Raaz
+networkStorageLocations :: Maybe LocalStorageDirectory -> StorageLocations
+networkStorageLocations = StorageLocations . serverList
+type UpdateProgress = IO ()
+data StorageProblem
+ = FatalProblem String
+ | OverridableProblem String
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Check if there is a problem with storing shares amoung the provided
+-- storage locations, assuming that some random set of the storage
+-- locations will be used.
+-- It's always a problem to store anything on an Untrusted server.
+-- It should not be possible to reconstruct the encrypted
+-- secret key using only objects from Alternate servers, so
+-- fewer than neededObjects Alternate servers can be used.
+problemStoringIn :: StorageLocations -> Tunables -> Maybe StorageProblem
+problemStoringIn (StorageLocations locs) tunables
+ | not (null (getlevel Untrusted)) || length locs < totalObjects ps =
+ Just $ FatalProblem
+ "Not enough servers are available to store your encrypted secret key."
+ | length alternates >= neededObjects ps = Just $ OverridableProblem $ unlines $
+ [ "Not enough keysafe servers are available that can store"
+ , "your encrypted secret key with a recommended level of"
+ , "security."
+ , ""
+ , "If you continue, some of the following less secure"
+ , "servers will be used:"
+ , ""
+ ] ++ map descserver (mapMaybe getServer alternates)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ ps = shareParams tunables
+ getlevel sl = filter (\s -> storageLevel s == sl) locs
+ alternates = getlevel Alternate
+ descserver (Server { serverName = ServerName n, serverDesc = d}) =
+ "* " ++ n ++ " -- " ++ d
+-- | Stores the shares amoung the storage locations. Each location
+-- gets at most one share from each set.
+-- If a server is not currently accessible, it will be queued locally.
+-- If any uploads are queued, returns True.
+-- TODO: Add shuffling and queueing/chaffing to prevent
+-- correlation of related shares.
+storeShares :: StorageLocations -> ShareIdents -> [S.Set Share] -> UpdateProgress -> IO (StoreResult, Bool, [Storage])
+storeShares (StorageLocations locs) allsis shares updateprogress = do
+ ((r, anyqueued), usedlocs) <- go allsis shares [] False
+ _ <- mapM_ obscureShares usedlocs
+ return (r, anyqueued, usedlocs)
+ where
+ go sis (s:rest) usedlocs anyqueued = do
+ let (is, sis') = nextShareIdents sis
+ (r, usedlocs', queued) <- storeset locs [] Nothing (zip (S.toList is) (S.toList s)) False
+ case r of
+ StoreSuccess -> go sis' rest (usedlocs ++ usedlocs') (anyqueued || queued)
+ _ -> return ((r, anyqueued || queued), usedlocs ++ usedlocs')
+ go _ [] usedlocs anyqueued = return ((StoreSuccess, anyqueued), usedlocs)
+ storeset _ usedlocs _ [] queued = return (StoreSuccess, usedlocs, queued)
+ storeset [] usedlocs lasterr _ queued =
+ return (fromMaybe (StoreFailure "no storage locations") lasterr, usedlocs, queued)
+ storeset (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs _ ((i, s):rest) queued = do
+ r <- storeShare loc i s
+ case r of
+ StoreSuccess -> do
+ _ <- updateprogress
+ storeset otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) Nothing rest queued
+ -- Give up if any location complains a share
+ -- already exists, because we have a name conflict.
+ StoreAlreadyExists -> return (StoreAlreadyExists, usedlocs, queued)
+ -- Queue or try storing it somewhere else on failure.
+ StoreFailure _ -> case uploadQueue loc of
+ Just q -> do
+ r' <- storeShare q i s
+ case r' of
+ StoreSuccess -> do
+ _ <- updateprogress
+ storeset otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) Nothing rest True
+ StoreAlreadyExists -> return (StoreAlreadyExists, usedlocs, queued)
+ StoreFailure _ -> storeset otherlocs usedlocs (Just r) ((i, s):rest) queued
+ Nothing -> storeset otherlocs usedlocs (Just r) ((i, s):rest) queued
+-- | Retrieves one set of shares from the storage locations.
+-- Returns all the shares it can find, which may not be enough,
+-- and the remaining Shareidents, to use to get subsequent sets.
+-- Assumes that each location only contains one share. So, once a
+-- share has been found on a location, can avoid asking that location
+-- for any other shares.
+retrieveShares :: StorageLocations -> ShareIdents -> UpdateProgress -> IO (S.Set Share, ShareIdents, [Server])
+retrieveShares (StorageLocations locs) sis updateprogress = do
+ let (is, sis') = nextShareIdents sis
+ let want = zip [1..] (S.toList is)
+ (shares, usedlocs, _unusedlocs) <- go locs [] want []
+ _ <- mapM_ obscureShares usedlocs
+ let usedservers = mapMaybe getServer usedlocs
+ return (S.fromList shares, sis', usedservers)
+ where
+ go unusedlocs usedlocs [] shares = return (shares, usedlocs, unusedlocs)
+ go [] usedlocs _ shares = return (shares, usedlocs, [])
+ go (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs ((n, i):rest) shares = do
+ r <- retrieveShare loc n i
+ case r of
+ RetrieveSuccess s -> do
+ _ <- updateprogress
+ go otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) rest (s:shares)
+ RetrieveFailure _ -> do
+ -- Try to get the share from other locations.
+ (shares', usedlocs', unusedlocs) <-
+ go otherlocs usedlocs [(n, i)] shares
+ -- May need to ask the location that didn't
+ -- have the share for a later share, but
+ -- ask it last. This way, the first
+ -- location on the list can't deny having
+ -- all shares and so learn the idents of
+ -- all of them.
+ go (unusedlocs++[loc]) usedlocs' rest shares'
+-- | Returns descriptions of any failures.
+tryUploadQueued :: Maybe LocalStorageDirectory -> IO [String]
+tryUploadQueued d = do
+ StorageLocations locs <- shuffleStorageLocations $
+ networkStorageLocations d
+ results <- forM locs $ \loc -> case uploadQueue loc of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just q -> moveShares q loc
+ return $ processresults (concat results) []
+ where
+ processresults [] c = nub c
+ processresults (StoreSuccess:rs) c = processresults rs c
+ processresults (StoreFailure e:rs) c = processresults rs (e:c)
+ processresults (StoreAlreadyExists:rs) c =
+ processresults rs ("Unable to upload a share to a server due to a name conflict.":c)
+storeChaff :: HostName -> Port -> Maybe Seconds -> IO ()
+storeChaff hn port delayseconds = forever $ do
+ say $ "Sending chaff to " ++ hn ++ " (press ctrl-c to stop)"
+ say "Legend: + = successful upload, ! = upload failure"
+ prg <- Raaz.newPRG () :: IO Raaz.SystemPRG
+ randomname <- randomByteStringOfLength 128 prg
+ -- It's ok the use the testModeTunables here because
+ -- the randomname is not something that can be feasibly guessed.
+ -- Prefix "random chaff" to the name to avoid ever using a name
+ -- that a real user might want to use.
+ let sis = shareIdents testModeTunables (Name $ "random chaff:" <> randomname) AnyGpgKey
+ mapConcurrently (go sis prg)
+ [1..totalObjects (shareParams testModeTunables)]
+ where
+ server = networkStorage Untrusted Nothing $
+ Server (ServerName hn) [ServerAddress hn port] "chaff server"
+ objsize = objectSize defaultTunables * shareOverhead defaultTunables
+ maxmsdelay = ceiling $ 1000000 * fromMaybe 0 delayseconds
+ go sis prg n = do
+ msdelay <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, maxmsdelay))
+ delay msdelay
+ b <- randomByteStringOfLength objsize prg
+ let share = Share 0 (StorableObject b)
+ let (is, sis') = nextShareIdents sis
+ let i = S.toList is !! (n - 1)
+ r <- storeShare server i share
+ case r of
+ StoreSuccess -> progress "+"
+ _ -> progress "!"
+ go sis' prg n
+-- | Shuffles the list, keeping Recommended first, then
+-- Alternate, and finally Untrusted.
+shuffleStorageLocations :: StorageLocations -> IO StorageLocations
+shuffleStorageLocations (StorageLocations l) =
+ StorageLocations . concat <$> mapM shuf [minBound..maxBound]
+ where
+ shuf sl = shuffleM (filter (\s -> storageLevel s == sl) l)