path: root/UI/Zenity.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'UI/Zenity.hs')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/UI/Zenity.hs b/UI/Zenity.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85347c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UI/Zenity.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+{- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module UI.Zenity (zenityUI) where
+import Types
+import Types.UI
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Process
+import Control.Exception
+import System.IO
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+zenityUI :: UI
+zenityUI = UI
+ { isAvailable = do
+ ps <- getSearchPath
+ loc <- filterM (\p -> doesFileExist (p </> "zenity")) ps
+ return (not (null loc))
+ , showError = myShowError
+ , showInfo = myShowInfo
+ , promptQuestion = myPromptQuestion
+ , promptName = myPromptName
+ , promptPassword = myPromptPassword
+ , promptKeyId = myPromptKeyId
+ , withProgress = myWithProgress
+ }
+myShowError :: Desc -> IO ()
+myShowError desc = bracket go cleanup (\_ -> return ())
+ where
+ go = runZenity
+ [ "--error"
+ , "--title", "keysafe"
+ , "--text", "Error: " ++ escape desc
+ ]
+ cleanup h = do
+ _ <- waitZenity h
+ return ()
+myShowInfo :: Title -> Desc -> IO ()
+myShowInfo title desc = bracket go cleanup (\_ -> return ())
+ where
+ go = runZenity
+ [ "--info"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape desc
+ ]
+ cleanup h = do
+ _ <- waitZenity h
+ return ()
+myPromptQuestion :: Title -> Desc -> Question -> IO Bool
+myPromptQuestion title desc question = do
+ h <- runZenity
+ [ "--question"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape $ desc ++ "\n" ++ question
+ ]
+ (_, ok) <- waitZenity h
+ return ok
+myPromptName :: Title -> Desc -> Maybe Name -> (Name -> Maybe Problem) -> IO (Maybe Name)
+myPromptName title desc suggested checkproblem = go ""
+ where
+ go extradesc = do
+ h <- runZenity
+ [ "--entry"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape $ desc ++ "\n" ++ extradesc
+ , "--entry-text", case suggested of
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just (Name b) -> BU8.toString b
+ ]
+ (ret, ok) <- waitZenity h
+ if ok
+ then
+ let n = Name $ BU8.fromString ret
+ in case checkproblem n of
+ Nothing -> return $ Just n
+ Just problem -> go problem
+ else return Nothing
+myPromptPassword :: Bool -> Title -> Desc -> IO (Maybe Password)
+myPromptPassword confirm title desc = go ""
+ where
+ go extradesc = do
+ h <- runZenity $
+ [ "--forms"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape $ desc ++ "\n" ++ extradesc ++ "\n"
+ , "--separator", "\BEL"
+ , "--add-password", "Enter password"
+ ] ++ if confirm
+ then [ "--add-password", "Confirm password" ]
+ else []
+ (ret, ok) <- waitZenity h
+ if ok
+ then if confirm
+ then
+ let (p1, _:p2) = break (== '\BEL') ret
+ in if p1 /= p2
+ then go "Passwords didn't match, try again..."
+ else return $ Just $ Password $ BU8.fromString p1
+ else return $ Just $ Password $ BU8.fromString ret
+ else return Nothing
+myPromptKeyId :: Title -> Desc -> [(Name, KeyId)] -> IO (Maybe KeyId)
+myPromptKeyId _ _ [] = return Nothing
+myPromptKeyId title desc l = do
+ h <- runZenity $
+ [ "--list"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape desc
+ , "--column", "gpg secret key name"
+ , "--column", "keyid"
+ , "--print-column", "ALL"
+ , "--separator", "\BEL"
+ , "--width", "500"
+ ] ++ concatMap (\(Name n, KeyId kid) -> [BU8.toString n, T.unpack kid]) l
+ (ret, ok) <- waitZenity h
+ if ok
+ then do
+ let (_n, _:kid) = break (== '\BEL') ret
+ return $ Just (KeyId (T.pack kid))
+ else return Nothing
+myWithProgress :: Title -> Desc -> ((Percent -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> IO a
+myWithProgress title desc a = bracket setup teardown (a . sendpercent)
+ where
+ setup = do
+ h <- runZenity
+ [ "--progress"
+ , "--title", title
+ , "--text", escape desc
+ , "--auto-close"
+ , "--auto-kill"
+ ]
+ return h
+ sendpercent h p = sendZenity h (show p)
+ teardown h = do
+ _ <- waitZenity h
+ return ()
+data ZenityHandle = ZenityHandle Handle Handle ProcessHandle
+runZenity :: [String] -> IO ZenityHandle
+runZenity ps = do
+ (Just hin, Just hout, Nothing, ph) <- createProcess
+ (proc "zenity" ps)
+ { std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_in = CreatePipe
+ }
+ return $ ZenityHandle hin hout ph
+sendZenity :: ZenityHandle -> String -> IO ()
+sendZenity (ZenityHandle hin _ _) s = do
+ hPutStrLn hin s
+ hFlush hin
+waitZenity :: ZenityHandle -> IO (String, Bool)
+waitZenity (ZenityHandle hin hout ph) = do
+ hClose hin
+ ret <- hGetContents hout
+ exit <- waitForProcess ph
+ return (takeWhile (/= '\n') ret, exit == ExitSuccess)
+-- Zenity parses --text as html and will choke on invalid tags
+-- and '&' used outside a html entity. We don't want to use html, so
+-- escape these things.
+escape :: String -> String
+escape = concatMap esc
+ where
+ esc '&' = "&amp;"
+ esc '<' = "&lt;"
+ esc '>' = "&gt;"
+ esc c = [c]