path: root/Utility
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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/HumanTime.hs b/Utility/HumanTime.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fe7cf22..0000000
--- a/Utility/HumanTime.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-{- Time for humans.
- -
- - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - License: BSD-2-clause
- -}
-module Utility.HumanTime (
- Duration(..),
- durationSince,
- durationToPOSIXTime,
- durationToDays,
- daysToDuration,
- parseDuration,
- fromDuration,
- prop_duration_roundtrips
-) where
-import Utility.PartialPrelude
-import Utility.QuickCheck
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Time.Clock
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime)
-import Data.Char
-import Control.Applicative
-import Prelude
-newtype Duration = Duration { durationSeconds :: Integer }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
-durationSince :: UTCTime -> IO Duration
-durationSince pasttime = do
- now <- getCurrentTime
- return $ Duration $ round $ diffUTCTime now pasttime
-durationToPOSIXTime :: Duration -> POSIXTime
-durationToPOSIXTime = fromIntegral . durationSeconds
-durationToDays :: Duration -> Integer
-durationToDays d = durationSeconds d `div` dsecs
-daysToDuration :: Integer -> Duration
-daysToDuration i = Duration $ i * dsecs
-{- Parses a human-input time duration, of the form "5h", "1m", "5h1m", etc -}
-parseDuration :: Monad m => String -> m Duration
-parseDuration = maybe parsefail (return . Duration) . go 0
- where
- go n [] = return n
- go n s = do
- num <- readish s :: Maybe Integer
- case dropWhile isDigit s of
- (c:rest) -> do
- u <- M.lookup c unitmap
- go (n + num * u) rest
- _ -> return $ n + num
- parsefail = fail "duration parse error; expected eg \"5m\" or \"1h5m\""
-fromDuration :: Duration -> String
-fromDuration Duration { durationSeconds = d }
- | d == 0 = "0s"
- | otherwise = concatMap showunit $ go [] units d
- where
- showunit (u, n)
- | n > 0 = show n ++ [u]
- | otherwise = ""
- go c [] _ = reverse c
- go c ((u, n):us) v =
- let (q,r) = v `quotRem` n
- in go ((u, q):c) us r
-units :: [(Char, Integer)]
-units =
- [ ('y', ysecs)
- , ('d', dsecs)
- , ('h', hsecs)
- , ('m', msecs)
- , ('s', 1)
- ]
-unitmap :: M.Map Char Integer
-unitmap = M.fromList units
-ysecs :: Integer
-ysecs = dsecs * 365
-dsecs :: Integer
-dsecs = hsecs * 24
-hsecs :: Integer
-hsecs = msecs * 60
-msecs :: Integer
-msecs = 60
--- Durations cannot be negative.
-instance Arbitrary Duration where
- arbitrary = Duration <$> nonNegative arbitrary
-prop_duration_roundtrips :: Duration -> Bool
-prop_duration_roundtrips d = parseDuration (fromDuration d) == Just d
diff --git a/Utility/PartialPrelude.hs b/Utility/PartialPrelude.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5579556..0000000
--- a/Utility/PartialPrelude.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-{- Parts of the Prelude are partial functions, which are a common source of
- - bugs.
- -
- - This exports functions that conflict with the prelude, which avoids
- - them being accidentially used.
- -}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-module Utility.PartialPrelude where
-import qualified Data.Maybe
-{- read should be avoided, as it throws an error
- - Instead, use: readish -}
-read :: Read a => String -> a
-read =
-{- head is a partial function; head [] is an error
- - Instead, use: take 1 or headMaybe -}
-head :: [a] -> a
-head = Prelude.head
-{- tail is also partial
- - Instead, use: drop 1 -}
-tail :: [a] -> [a]
-tail = Prelude.tail
-{- init too
- - Instead, use: beginning -}
-init :: [a] -> [a]
-init = Prelude.init
-{- last too
- - Instead, use: end or lastMaybe -}
-last :: [a] -> a
-last = Prelude.last
-{- Attempts to read a value from a String.
- -
- - Ignores leading/trailing whitespace, and throws away any trailing
- - text after the part that can be read.
- -
- - readMaybe is available in Text.Read in new versions of GHC,
- - but that one requires the entire string to be consumed.
- -}
-readish :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
-readish s = case reads s of
- ((x,_):_) -> Just x
- _ -> Nothing
-{- Like head but Nothing on empty list. -}
-headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
-headMaybe = Data.Maybe.listToMaybe
-{- Like last but Nothing on empty list. -}
-lastMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
-lastMaybe [] = Nothing
-lastMaybe v = Just $ Prelude.last v
-{- All but the last element of a list.
- - (Like init, but no error on an empty list.) -}
-beginning :: [a] -> [a]
-beginning [] = []
-beginning l = Prelude.init l
-{- Like last, but no error on an empty list. -}
-end :: [a] -> [a]
-end [] = []
-end l = [Prelude.last l]
diff --git a/Utility/QuickCheck.hs b/Utility/QuickCheck.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4978d42..0000000
--- a/Utility/QuickCheck.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-{- QuickCheck with additional instances
- -
- - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - License: BSD-2-clause
- -}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-module Utility.QuickCheck
- ( module X
- , module Utility.QuickCheck
- ) where
-import Test.QuickCheck as X
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
-import System.Posix.Types
-import Control.Applicative
-import Prelude
-{- Times before the epoch are excluded. -}
-instance Arbitrary POSIXTime where
- arbitrary = fromInteger <$> nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
-instance Arbitrary EpochTime where
- arbitrary = fromInteger <$> nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
-{- Pids are never negative, or 0. -}
-instance Arbitrary ProcessID where
- arbitrary = arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral `suchThat` (> 0)
-{- Inodes are never negative. -}
-instance Arbitrary FileID where
- arbitrary = nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
-{- File sizes are never negative. -}
-instance Arbitrary FileOffset where
- arbitrary = nonNegative arbitrarySizedIntegral
-nonNegative :: (Num a, Ord a) => Gen a -> Gen a
-nonNegative g = g `suchThat` (>= 0)
-positive :: (Num a, Ord a) => Gen a -> Gen a
-positive g = g `suchThat` (> 0)