path: root/keysafe.cabal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keysafe.cabal')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keysafe.cabal b/keysafe.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335e8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keysafe.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Name: keysafe
+Version: 0.20161022
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.8
+Maintainer: Joey Hess <>
+Author: Joey Hess
+Stability: Experimental
+Copyright: 2016 Joey Hess
+License: AGPL-3
+Category: Utility
+Build-Type: Custom
+Synopsis: back up a secret key securely to the cloud
+ Keysafe backs up a secret key to several cloud servers, split up
+ so that no one server can access the whole secret by itself.
+ .
+ A password is used to encrypt the data, and it is made expensive
+ to decrypt, so password cracking is infeasibly expensive.
+License-File: AGPL
+ keysafe.1
+ keysafe.service
+ keysafe.init
+ keysafe.default
+ keysafe.desktop
+ keysafe.autostart
+ Makefile
+Executable keysafe
+ Main-Is: keysafe.hs
+ GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O2
+ Build-Depends:
+ base (>= 4.5 && < 5.0)
+ , bytestring == 0.10.*
+ , deepseq == 1.4.*
+ , random == 1.1.*
+ , secret-sharing == 1.0.*
+ , raaz == 0.0.2
+ , time == 1.5.*
+ , containers == 0.5.*
+ , binary == 0.7.*
+ , text == 1.2.*
+ , utf8-string == 1.0.*
+ , unix == 2.7.*
+ , filepath == 1.4.*
+ , split == 0.2.*
+ , directory == 1.2.*
+ , process == 1.2.*
+ , optparse-applicative == 0.12.*
+ , readline == 1.0.*
+ , zxcvbn-c == 1.0.*
+ , servant == 0.7.*
+ , servant-server == 0.7.*
+ , servant-client == 0.7.*
+ , aeson == 0.11.*
+ , wai == 3.2.*
+ , warp == 3.2.*
+ , http-client == 0.4.*
+ , transformers == 0.4.*
+ , stm == 2.4.*
+ , socks == 0.5.*
+ , network == 2.6.*
+ , token-bucket == 0.1.*
+ , bloomfilter == 2.0.*
+ , disk-free-space == 0.1.*
+ , lifted-base == 0.2.*
+ , unbounded-delays == 0.1.*
+ , fast-logger == 2.4.*
+ , SafeSemaphore == 0.10.*
+ , async == 2.1.*
+ , unix-compat == 0.4.*
+ , exceptions == 0.8.*
+ , random-shuffle == 0.0.*
+ , MonadRandom == 0.4.*
+ , argon2 == 1.2.*
+ Other-Modules:
+ AutoStart
+ BackupLog
+ Benchmark
+ ByteStrings
+ CmdLine
+ Cost
+ Encryption
+ Entropy
+ ExpensiveHash
+ Gpg
+ HTTP.Client
+ HTTP.Logger
+ HTTP.ProofOfWork
+ HTTP.Server
+ HTTP.RateLimit
+ Output
+ SecretKey
+ Serialization
+ ServerBackup
+ Servers
+ Share
+ Storage
+ Storage.Local
+ Storage.Network
+ Tests
+ Tunables
+ Types
+ Types.Cost
+ Types.Server
+ Types.Storage
+ Types.UI
+ UI
+ UI.Readline
+ UI.NonInteractive
+ UI.Zenity
+ Utility.Data
+ Utility.Env
+ Utility.Exception
+ Utility.FreeDesktop
+ Utility.UserInfo
+source-repository head
+ type: git
+ location: git://