path: root/keysafe.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keysafe.hs')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keysafe.hs b/keysafe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996c0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keysafe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns #-}
+{- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Main where
+import Types
+import Tunables
+import qualified CmdLine
+import UI
+import Output
+import Encryption
+import Entropy
+import Benchmark
+import Tests
+import Cost
+import SecretKey
+import Share
+import Storage
+import Types.Server
+import BackupLog
+import AutoStart
+import HTTP
+import HTTP.Server
+import HTTP.Client
+import HTTP.ProofOfWork
+import ServerBackup
+import qualified Gpg
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Time.Calendar
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.List
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Posix.User (userGecos, getUserEntryForID, getEffectiveUserID)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ cmdline <- CmdLine.get
+ ui <- selectUI (CmdLine.gui cmdline)
+ let mkt = CmdLine.customizeShareParams cmdline
+ (tunables, possibletunables) <- if CmdLine.testMode cmdline
+ then do
+ showInfo ui "Test mode"
+ "Keysafe is running in test mode. This is not secure, and should not be used with real secret keys!"
+ return (mkt testModeTunables, [mkt testModeTunables])
+ else return (mkt defaultTunables, map (mkt . snd) knownTunings)
+ dispatch cmdline ui tunables possibletunables
+dispatch :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> UI -> Tunables -> [Tunables] -> IO ()
+dispatch cmdline ui tunables possibletunables = do
+ mode <- CmdLine.selectMode cmdline
+ go mode (CmdLine.secretkeysource cmdline)
+ where
+ go CmdLine.Backup (Just secretkeysource) =
+ backup cmdline ui tunables (Distinguisher secretkeysource)
+ =<< getSecretKey secretkeysource
+ go CmdLine.Restore (Just secretkeydest) =
+ restore cmdline ui possibletunables (Distinguisher secretkeydest)
+ go CmdLine.Backup Nothing =
+ backup cmdline ui tunables AnyGpgKey
+ =<< Gpg.getKeyToBackup ui
+ go CmdLine.Restore Nothing =
+ restore cmdline ui possibletunables AnyGpgKey
+ go CmdLine.UploadQueued _ =
+ uploadQueued ui (CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline)
+ go CmdLine.AutoStart _ =
+ autoStart cmdline tunables ui
+ go (CmdLine.Server) _ =
+ runServer
+ (CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline)
+ (CmdLine.serverConfig cmdline)
+ go (CmdLine.BackupServer d) _ =
+ backupServer (CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline) d
+ go (CmdLine.RestoreServer d) _ =
+ restoreServer (CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline) d
+ go (CmdLine.Chaff hn) _ = storeChaff hn
+ (CmdLine.serverPort (CmdLine.serverConfig cmdline))
+ (CmdLine.chaffMaxDelay cmdline)
+ go CmdLine.CheckServers _ = checkServers cmdline
+ go CmdLine.Benchmark _ =
+ benchmarkTunables tunables
+ go CmdLine.Test _ =
+ runTests
+backup :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> UI -> Tunables -> Distinguisher -> (SecretKeySource, SecretKey) -> IO ()
+backup cmdline ui tunables distinguisher (secretkeysource, secretkey) = do
+ installAutoStartFile
+ let m = totalObjects (shareParams tunables)
+ StorageLocations allocs <- cmdLineStorageLocations cmdline
+ let locs = StorageLocations (take m allocs)
+ case problemStoringIn locs tunables of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (FatalProblem p) -> do
+ showError ui p
+ error "aborting"
+ Just (OverridableProblem p) -> do
+ ok <- promptQuestion ui "Server problem"
+ p "Continue anyway?"
+ if ok
+ then return ()
+ else error "aborting"
+ username <- userName
+ Name theirname <- case cmdline of
+ Just n -> pure n
+ Nothing -> fromMaybe (error "Aborting on no username")
+ <$> promptName ui "Enter your name"
+ usernamedesc (Just username) validateName
+ go theirname locs
+ where
+ go theirname locs = do
+ cores <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getNumCores
+ Name othername <- case cmdline of
+ Just n -> pure n
+ Nothing -> fromMaybe (error "aborting on no othername")
+ <$> promptName ui "Enter other name"
+ othernamedesc Nothing validateName
+ let name = Name (theirname <> " " <> othername)
+ (kek, passwordentropy) <- promptpassword name
+ let sis = shareIdents tunables name distinguisher
+ let cost = getCreationCost kek <> getCreationCost sis
+ (r, queued, usedlocs) <- withProgressIncremental ui "Encrypting and storing data"
+ (encryptdesc cost cores) $ \addpercent -> do
+ let esk = encrypt tunables kek secretkey
+ shares <- genShares esk tunables
+ _ <- esk `deepseq` addpercent 25
+ _ <- sis `seq` addpercent 25
+ let step = 50 `div` sum (map S.size shares)
+ storeShares locs sis shares (addpercent step)
+ backuplog <- mkBackupLog $ backupMade (mapMaybe getServer usedlocs) secretkeysource passwordentropy
+ case r of
+ StoreSuccess -> do
+ storeBackupLog backuplog
+ if queued
+ then do
+ willautostart <- isAutoStartFileInstalled
+ showInfo ui "Backup queued" $ "Some data was not successfully uploaded to servers, and has been queued for later upload."
+ ++ if willautostart then "" else " Run keysafe --uploadqueued at a later point to finish the backup."
+ else showInfo ui "Backup success" "Your secret key was successfully encrypted and backed up."
+ StoreFailure s -> showError ui ("There was a problem storing your encrypted secret key: " ++ s)
+ StoreAlreadyExists -> do
+ showError ui $ unlines
+ [ "Another secret key is already being stored under the name you entered."
+ , "Please try again with a different name."
+ ]
+ go theirname locs
+ promptpassword name = do
+ password <- fromMaybe (error "Aborting on no password")
+ <$> promptPassword ui True "Enter password" passworddesc
+ kek <- genKeyEncryptionKey tunables name password
+ passwordentropy <- getPasswordEntropy password name
+ let crackcost = estimateAttackCost spotAWS $
+ estimateBruteforceOf kek passwordentropy
+ let mincost = Dollars 100000
+ if crackcost < mincost
+ then do
+ showError ui $ "Weak password! It would cost only " ++ show crackcost ++ " to crack the password. Please think of a better one. More words would be good.."
+ promptpassword name
+ else do
+ (thisyear, _, _) <- toGregorian . utctDay
+ <$> getCurrentTime
+ ok <- promptQuestion ui "Password strength estimate"
+ (crackdesc crackcost thisyear)
+ "Is your password strong enough?"
+ if ok
+ then return (kek, passwordentropy)
+ else promptpassword name
+ keydesc = case secretkeysource of
+ GpgKey _ -> "gpg secret key"
+ KeyFile _ -> "secret key"
+ usernamedesc = unlines
+ [ "Keysafe is going to backup your " ++ keydesc ++ " securely."
+ , ""
+ , "You will be prompted for some information. To restore your " ++ keydesc
+ , "at a later date, you will need to remember and enter the same information."
+ , ""
+ , "To get started, what is your name?"
+ ]
+ othernamedesc = unlines
+ [ "Now think of another name, which not many people know."
+ , "This will be used to make it hard for anyone else to find"
+ , "the backup of your " ++ keydesc ++ "."
+ , ""
+ , "Some suggestions:"
+ , ""
+ , otherNameSuggestions
+ , ""
+ , "Make sure to pick a name you will remember later,"
+ , "when you restore your " ++ keydesc ++ "."
+ ]
+ passworddesc = unlines
+ [ "Pick a password that will be used to protect your secret key."
+ , ""
+ , "It's very important that this password be hard to guess."
+ , ""
+ , "And, it needs to be one that you will be able to remember years from now"
+ , "in order to restore your secret key."
+ ]
+ crackdesc crackcost thisyear = unlines $
+ "Rough estimate of the cost to crack your password: " :
+ costOverTimeTable crackcost thisyear
+ encryptdesc cost cores = unlines
+ [ "This will probably take around " ++ showCostMinutes cores cost
+ , ""
+ , "(It's a feature that this takes a while; it makes it hard"
+ , "for anyone to find your data, or crack your password.)"
+ , ""
+ , "Please wait..."
+ ]
+otherNameSuggestions :: String
+otherNameSuggestions = unlines $ map (" * " ++)
+ [ "Your high-school sweetheart."
+ , "Your first pet."
+ , "Your favorite teacher."
+ , "Your college roomate."
+ , "A place you like to visit."
+ ]
+restore :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> UI -> [Tunables] -> Distinguisher -> IO ()
+restore cmdline ui possibletunables distinguisher = do
+ cores <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getNumCores
+ username <- userName
+ Name theirname <- case cmdline of
+ Just n -> pure n
+ Nothing -> fromMaybe (error "Aborting on no username")
+ <$> promptName ui "Enter your name"
+ namedesc (Just username) validateName
+ Name othername <- case cmdline of
+ Just n -> pure n
+ Nothing -> fromMaybe (error "aborting on no othername")
+ <$> promptName ui "Enter other name"
+ othernamedesc Nothing validateName
+ let name = Name (theirname <> " " <> othername)
+ password <- fromMaybe (error "Aborting on no password")
+ <$> promptPassword ui True "Enter password" passworddesc
+ let mksis tunables = shareIdents tunables name distinguisher
+ locs <- cmdLineStorageLocations cmdline
+ r <- downloadInitialShares locs ui mksis possibletunables
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> showError ui "No shares could be downloaded. Perhaps you entered the wrong name?"
+ Just (tunables, shares, sis, usedservers) -> do
+ let candidatekeys = candidateKeyEncryptionKeys tunables name password
+ let cost = getCreationCost candidatekeys
+ <> castCost (getDecryptionCost candidatekeys)
+ case combineShares tunables [shares] of
+ Left e -> showError ui e
+ Right esk -> do
+ final <- withProgress ui "Decrypting"
+ (decryptdesc cost cores) $ \setpercent ->
+ go locs tunables [shares] usedservers sis setpercent $
+ tryDecrypt candidatekeys esk
+ final =<< getPasswordEntropy password name
+ where
+ go locs tunables firstshares firstusedservers sis setpercent r = case r of
+ DecryptFailed -> return $ \_ ->
+ showError ui "Decryption failed! Probably you entered the wrong password."
+ DecryptSuccess secretkey -> do
+ _ <- setpercent 100
+ oldgpgkeys <- if distinguisher == AnyGpgKey then Gpg.listSecretKeys else return []
+ writeSecretKey distinguisher secretkey
+ newgpgkeys <- if distinguisher == AnyGpgKey then Gpg.listSecretKeys else return []
+ return $ \passwordentropy -> do
+ showInfo ui "Success" "Your secret key was successfully restored!"
+ -- Since the key was restored, we know it's
+ -- backed up; log that.
+ let updatelog restored = do
+ backuplog <- mkBackupLog $
+ backupMade firstusedservers restored passwordentropy
+ storeBackupLog backuplog
+ case distinguisher of
+ AnyGpgKey -> case filter (`notElem` oldgpgkeys) newgpgkeys of
+ [(_n, k)] -> updatelog (GpgKey k)
+ _ -> return ()
+ Distinguisher sks -> updatelog sks
+ DecryptIncomplete kek -> do
+ -- Download shares for another chunk.
+ (nextshares, sis', nextusedservers)
+ <- retrieveShares locs sis (return ())
+ let shares = firstshares ++ [nextshares]
+ let usedservers = nub (firstusedservers ++ nextusedservers)
+ case combineShares tunables shares of
+ Left e -> return $ \_ -> showError ui e
+ Right esk ->
+ go locs tunables shares usedservers sis' setpercent $
+ decrypt kek esk
+ namedesc = unlines
+ [ "When you backed up your secret key, you entered some information."
+ , "To restore it, you'll need to remember what you entered back then."
+ , ""
+ , "To get started, what is your name?"
+ ]
+ othernamedesc = unlines
+ [ "What other name did you enter when you backed up your secret key?"
+ , ""
+ , "Back then, you were given some suggestions, like these:"
+ , ""
+ , otherNameSuggestions
+ ]
+ passworddesc = unlines
+ [ "Enter the password to unlock your secret key."
+ ]
+ decryptdesc cost cores = unlines
+ [ "This will probably take around " ++ showCostMinutes cores cost
+ , ""
+ , "(It's a feature that this takes so long; it prevents cracking your password.)"
+ , ""
+ , "Please wait..."
+ ]
+-- | Try each possible tunable until the initial set of
+-- shares are found, and return the shares, and
+-- ShareIdents to download subsequent sets.
+ :: StorageLocations
+ -> UI
+ -> (Tunables -> ShareIdents)
+ -> [Tunables]
+ -> IO (Maybe (Tunables, S.Set Share, ShareIdents, [Server]))
+downloadInitialShares storagelocations ui mksis possibletunables = do
+ cores <- fromMaybe 1 <$> getNumCores
+ withProgressIncremental ui "Downloading encrypted data" (message cores) $ \addpercent -> do
+ go possibletunables addpercent
+ where
+ go [] _ = return Nothing
+ go (tunables:othertunables) addpercent = do
+ -- Just calculating the hash to generate the stream of idents
+ -- probably takes most of the time.
+ let !sis = mksis tunables
+ addpercent 50
+ let m = totalObjects (shareParams tunables)
+ let step = 50 `div` m
+ (shares, sis', usedservers) <- retrieveShares storagelocations sis (addpercent step)
+ if S.null shares
+ then go othertunables addpercent
+ else return $ Just (tunables, shares, sis', usedservers)
+ possiblesis = map mksis possibletunables
+ message cores = unlines
+ [ "This will probably take around "
+ ++ showCostMinutes cores (mconcat $ map getCreationCost possiblesis)
+ , ""
+ , "(It's a feature that this takes a while; it makes it hard"
+ , "for anyone else to find your data.)"
+ , ""
+ , "Please wait..."
+ ]
+validateName :: Name -> Maybe Problem
+validateName (Name n)
+ | B.length n < 2 = Just "The name should be at least 2 letters long."
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+userName :: IO Name
+userName = do
+ u <- getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID
+ return $ Name $ BU8.fromString $ takeWhile (/= ',') (userGecos u)
+cmdLineStorageLocations :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> IO StorageLocations
+cmdLineStorageLocations cmdline = do
+ preflocs <- StorageLocations . catMaybes <$>
+ mapM (\mk -> mk lsd) (CmdLine.preferredStorage cmdline)
+ shuffleStorageLocations (preflocs <> netlocs)
+ where
+ netlocs = networkStorageLocations lsd
+ lsd = CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline
+getPasswordEntropy :: Password -> Name -> IO (Entropy UnknownPassword)
+getPasswordEntropy password name = do
+ username <- userName
+ let badwords = concatMap namewords [name, username]
+ return $ calcPasswordEntropy password badwords
+ where
+ namewords (Name nb) = words (BU8.toString nb)
+uploadQueued :: UI -> Maybe LocalStorageDirectory -> IO ()
+uploadQueued ui d = do
+ problems <- tryUploadQueued d
+ if null problems
+ then return ()
+ else showError ui ("Problem uploading queued data to servers:\n\n" ++ unlines problems ++ "\n\nYour secret keys have not yet been backed up.")
+autoStart :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> Tunables -> UI -> IO ()
+autoStart cmdline tunables ui = do
+ -- Upload queued first, before making any more backups that might
+ -- queue more.
+ uploadQueued ui (CmdLine.localstoragedirectory cmdline)
+ -- Ask about backing up any gpg secret key that has not been backed up
+ -- or asked about before. If there are multiple secret keys, only
+ -- the first one is asked about, to avoid flooding with prompts
+ -- if the user for some reason generated a lot of secret keys.
+ ls <- readBackupLogs
+ ks <- Gpg.listSecretKeys
+ case filter (\(_, k) -> not $ any (matchesSecretKeySource (GpgKey k)) ls) ks of
+ [] -> return ()
+ ((Name n,kid@(KeyId kt)):_) -> do
+ let kdesc = if length ks < 2
+ then "gpg secret key "
+ else "gpg secret key for " ++ BU8.toString n ++ " (" ++ T.unpack kt ++ ") "
+ ans <- promptQuestion ui ("Back up gpg secret key?")
+ ("Your " ++ kdesc ++ " has not been backed up by keysafe yet.\n\nKeysafe can securely back up the secret key to the cloud, protected with a password.\n")
+ "Do you want to back up the gpg secret key now?"
+ if ans
+ then backup cmdline ui tunables AnyGpgKey
+ =<< getSecretKey (GpgKey kid)
+ else storeBackupLog
+ =<< mkBackupLog (BackupSkipped (GpgKey kid))
+checkServers :: CmdLine.CmdLine -> IO ()
+checkServers cmdline = do
+ StorageLocations sls <- cmdLineStorageLocations cmdline
+ let serverlist = mapMaybe getServer sls
+ say $ "Checking " ++ show (length serverlist) ++ " servers concurrently; please wait..."
+ results <- mapConcurrently check serverlist
+ mapM_ displayresult results
+ case filter failed results of
+ [] -> return ()
+ l
+ | length l == length serverlist ->
+ error "Failed to connect to any servers. Perhaps TOR is not running?"
+ | otherwise ->
+ error $ "Failed to connect to some servers: "
+ ++ show (map (sn . fst) l)
+ where
+ check s = do
+ m <- serverRequest' s motd
+ c <- serverRequest s Left Right NoPOWIdent countObjects
+ case (m, c) of
+ (Right (Motd mt), Right (CountResult cr)) ->
+ return (s, Right (mt, cr))
+ (Left e, _) -> return (s, Left e)
+ (_, Left e) -> return (s, Left e)
+ (_, Right (CountFailure e)) -> return (s, Left e)
+ displayresult (s, v) = do
+ say $ "* " ++ sn s ++ " -- " ++ serverDesc s
+ case v of
+ Right (mt, cr) -> do
+ say $ " MOTD: " ++ T.unpack mt
+ say $ " object count: " ++ show cr
+ Left e -> warn $
+ " failed to connect to " ++ sn s ++ ": " ++ e
+ failed (_, Left _) = True
+ failed _ = False
+ sn = fromServerName . serverName