path: root/org-d20.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'org-d20.el')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/org-d20.el b/org-d20.el
index 302e92e..68aa4e1 100644
--- a/org-d20.el
+++ b/org-d20.el
@@ -81,33 +81,69 @@
(defun org-d20--roll (exp)
"Evaluate dice roll expression EXP.
+Returns a cons cell, whose car is a string expressing the results
+on each dice rolled, and whose cdr is the final result.
Accepts roll20's extension for rolling multiple dice and keeping
the best N of them, e.g., 4d6k3."
(let ((exps (seq-map (lambda (s) (s-chop-prefix "+" s))
(s-slice-at "[+-]" exp))))
- (-sum (seq-map 'org-d20--roll-inner exps))))
-(defun org-d20--roll-inner (exp)
- (let* ((sign (if (s-prefix-p "-" exp) -1 1))
- (ours (let ((chopped (s-chop-prefix "-" exp)))
- (if (string= (substring chopped 0 1) "d")
- (concat "1" chopped) chopped)))
- (split (seq-map 'string-to-int (s-split "[dk]" ours)))
- (times (seq-elt split 0))
- (sides (ignore-errors (seq-elt split 1)))
- (keep (ignore-errors (seq-elt split 2)))
- (rolls))
- (* sign
- (if (not sides)
- times
- (while (> times 0)
- (let ((roll (1+ (random (- sides 1)))))
- (push roll rolls))
- (setq times (- times 1)))
- (-sum
- (if keep
- (seq-drop (sort rolls '<) (- times keep))
- rolls))))))
+ (seq-reduce #'org-d20--roll-inner exps '("" . 0))))
+(defun org-d20--roll-inner (accum exp)
+ (-let* (((rolls . total) accum)
+ (sign (if (s-prefix-p "-" exp) -1 1))
+ (ours (let ((chopped (s-chop-prefix "-" exp)))
+ (if (string= (substring chopped 0 1) "d")
+ (concat "1" chopped) chopped)))
+ (split (seq-map 'string-to-int (s-split "[dk]" ours)))
+ (times (seq-elt split 0))
+ (sides (ignore-errors (seq-elt split 1)))
+ (keep (ignore-errors (seq-elt split 2)))
+ (new-rolls))
+ (if (not sides)
+ (let ((rolls*
+ (org-d20--rolls-concat sign rolls (int-to-string times))))
+ (cons rolls* (+ total (* sign times))))
+ (while (> times 0)
+ (let ((new-roll (1+ (random (- sides 1)))))
+ (push new-roll new-rolls))
+ (setq times (- times 1)))
+ (when keep
+ (setq new-rolls (seq-drop (sort new-rolls '<) (- times keep))))
+ (dolist (new-roll new-rolls)
+ (setq rolls (org-d20--rolls-concat sign rolls
+ (org-d20--rolls-bracket sides new-roll)))
+ (setq total (+ total (* sign new-roll))))
+ (cons rolls total))))
+(defun org-d20--rolls-concat (sign a b)
+ (if (>= sign 0)
+ (if (s-blank? a)
+ b
+ (concat a " + " b))
+ (if (s-blank? a)
+ (concat "- " b)
+ (concat a " - " b))))
+(defun org-d20--rolls-bracket (sides roll)
+ (let ((roll* (int-to-string roll)))
+ (cond ((= sides 4)
+ (concat "‹" roll* "›"))
+ ((= sides 6)
+ (concat "|" roll* "|"))
+ ((= sides 8)
+ (concat "/" roll* "/"))
+ ((= sides 10)
+ (concat "{" roll* "}"))
+ ((= sides 12)
+ (concat "⟨" roll* "⟩"))
+ ((= sides 20)
+ (concat "(" roll* ")"))
+ ((= sides 100)
+ (concat "«" roll* "»"))
+ (t
+ (concat "[" roll* "]")))))
(defun org-d20-initiative ()
"Generates an Org-mode table with initiative order and monster/NPC HP."
@@ -234,7 +270,12 @@ Accepts roll20's extension for rolling multiple dice and keeping
the best N of them, e.g., 4d6k3."
(interactive "sRoll: ")
(setq org-d20-roll--last exp)
- (message "%s = %s" exp (int-to-string (org-d20--roll exp)))
+ (-let [(rolls . result) (org-d20--roll exp)]
+ ;; if `rolls' contains no spaces then we just rolled a single
+ ;; dice, so don't show the intermediate calculation
+ (if (s-contains? " " rolls)
+ (message "%s = %s = %s" exp rolls (int-to-string result))
+ (message "%s = %s" exp (int-to-string result))))
(when org-d20-dice-sound
(play-sound-file org-d20-dice-sound)))
@@ -247,8 +288,8 @@ the best N of them, e.g., 4d6k3."
(defun org-d20-d20 ()
"Roll two d20, showing result with advantage and disadvantage, and with neither."
- (let* ((fst (org-d20--roll "1d20"))
- (snd (org-d20--roll "1d20"))
+ (let* ((fst (cdr (org-d20--roll "1d20")))
+ (snd (cdr (org-d20--roll "1d20")))
(fst* (int-to-string fst))
(snd* (int-to-string snd))
(adv (if (>= fst snd)
@@ -301,9 +342,9 @@ the best N of them, e.g., 4d6k3."
(org-table-goto-line (1+ (org-table-current-line)))
(org-table-goto-line (1+ (org-table-current-line)))
(let ((init (int-to-string
- (org-d20--roll (concat
- "1d20"
- (org-d20--num-to-term init-input)))))
+ (cdr (org-d20--roll (concat
+ "1d20"
+ (org-d20--num-to-term init-input))))))
(monsters-left num-input))
(while (>= monsters-left 1)
;; open a new row and then immediately move it downwards
@@ -320,7 +361,7 @@ the best N of them, e.g., 4d6k3."
(insert init)
- (insert (int-to-string (org-d20--roll hd-input)))
+ (insert (int-to-string (cdr (org-d20--roll hd-input))))
(insert "0")
(setq monsters-left (1- monsters-left)