diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2015-03-17 04:41:38 +0000
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2015-03-17 04:41:38 +0000
commit08604b17ad466b1de469faf9fd699bd6c5ac0998 (patch)
parent439e162a5ebed2a4f8d12a7c24d557b3ef7d3c9b (diff)
rankings is now in the Page monad
3 files changed, 78 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/Types/Classes.hs b/src/Types/Classes.hs
index 1d2fed2..930f4e5 100644
--- a/src/Types/Classes.hs
+++ b/src/Types/Classes.hs
@@ -27,60 +27,3 @@ instance Show Class where
numberOfSs :: Class -> Int
numberOfSs (Class _ _ n) = n
--- Make the columns with rankingColumns, and then transpose them so
--- that we can make HTML.
--- Do this as two composed folds (point-free), rather than three:
--- first one accumulates to list of three rows (each step adds to all
--- three rows) and second turns list of three rows into Html.
--- This also means that we can have the whole column with a meaningful
--- blue background colour for the current class and the winning two
--- classes, not only the first row.
-rankings :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> Html
-rankings currentClass scores = table ! [htmlAttr "class" (noHtml +++ "table table-bordered table-centered table-chunky")]
- << foldr (\row acc -> (tr << row) +++ acc) noHtml (rankings' currentClass scores)
-rankings' :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> [Html]
-rankings' currentClass scores = foldr step [noHtml, noHtml, noHtml] (rankingColumns currentClass scores)
- where
- step (first, second, third) [firstRow, secondRow, thirdRow] =
- [first +++ firstRow, second +++ secondRow, third +++ thirdRow]
-rankingColumns :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> [(Html, Html, Html)]
-rankingColumns currentClass scores = fst $ foldr step ([], length sortedScores) sortedScores
- where
- sortedScores = reverse . sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ scores
- step (thisClass, (Score points timeWasted)) (cols, count) =
- (( (if count <= 2
- then bootstrapCellClass "success"
- else if Just thisClass == currentClass
- then bootstrapCellClass "info"
- else bootstrapCellClass "warning")
- << strong << (niceDashes . show) thisClass
- , td << show points
- , (if timeWasted >= 60
- then bootstrapCellClass "warning"
- else td)
- << secondsToTime timeWasted
- ) : cols, count - 1)
- maybeBorder aClass=
- if Just aClass == currentClass
- then [htmlAttr "class" noHtml]
- else undefined
-secondsToTime :: Int -> String
-secondsToTime n = minutes' ++ ":" ++ seconds'
- where
- minutes = n `quot` 60
- seconds = n `mod` 60
- minutes' = show minutes
- seconds'
- | seconds > 9 = show seconds
- | otherwise = '0' : show seconds
--- Makes <td class="contextualClass">.
-bootstrapCellClass :: String -> (Html -> Html)
-bootstrapCellClass contextualClass = td ! [htmlAttr "class" (noHtml +++ contextualClass)]
diff --git a/src/Utils/Classes.hs b/src/Utils/Classes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..091b41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utils/Classes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+module Utils.Classes (rankings) where
+import Control.Monad.Page
+import Text.XHtml
+import Types.Session
+import Types.Classes
+import Types.Scores
+import Utils.Xhtml
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import Data.Function (on)
+-- Make the columns with rankingColumns, and then transpose them so
+-- that we can make HTML.
+-- Do this as two composed folds (point-free), rather than three:
+-- first one accumulates to list of three rows (each step adds to all
+-- three rows) and second turns list of three rows into Html.
+-- This also means that we can have the whole column with a meaningful
+-- blue background colour for the current class and the winning two
+-- classes, not only the first row.
+rankings :: Page Html
+rankings = do
+ session <- getSession
+ scores <- getScores
+ return (table ! [htmlAttr "class" (noHtml +++ "table table-bordered table-centered table-chunky")]
+ << foldr (\row acc -> (tr << row) +++ acc) noHtml (rankings' (currentClass session) scores))
+-- rankings :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> Html
+-- rankings currentClass scores = table ! [htmlAttr "class" (noHtml +++ "table table-bordered table-centered table-chunky")]
+-- << foldr (\row acc -> (tr << row) +++ acc) noHtml (rankings' currentClass scores)
+rankings' :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> [Html]
+rankings' currentClass scores = foldr step [noHtml, noHtml, noHtml] (rankingColumns currentClass scores)
+ where
+ step (first, second, third) [firstRow, secondRow, thirdRow] =
+ [first +++ firstRow, second +++ secondRow, third +++ thirdRow]
+rankingColumns :: Maybe Class -> ScoresList -> [(Html, Html, Html)]
+rankingColumns currentClass scores = fst $ foldr step ([], length sortedScores) sortedScores
+ where
+ sortedScores = reverse . sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ scores
+ step (thisClass, (Score points timeWasted)) (cols, count) =
+ (( (if count <= 2
+ then bootstrapCellClass "success"
+ else if Just thisClass == currentClass
+ then bootstrapCellClass "info"
+ else bootstrapCellClass "warning")
+ << strong << (niceDashes . show) thisClass
+ , td << show points
+ , (if timeWasted >= 60
+ then bootstrapCellClass "warning"
+ else td)
+ << secondsToTime timeWasted
+ ) : cols, count - 1)
+ maybeBorder aClass=
+ if Just aClass == currentClass
+ then [htmlAttr "class" noHtml]
+ else undefined
+secondsToTime :: Int -> String
+secondsToTime n = minutes' ++ ":" ++ seconds'
+ where
+ minutes = n `quot` 60
+ seconds = n `mod` 60
+ minutes' = show minutes
+ seconds'
+ | seconds > 9 = show seconds
+ | otherwise = '0' : show seconds
+-- Makes <td class="contextualClass">.
+bootstrapCellClass :: String -> (Html -> Html)
+bootstrapCellClass contextualClass = td ! [htmlAttr "class" (noHtml +++ contextualClass)]
diff --git a/src/sariulclocks.hs b/src/sariulclocks.hs
index 3176a38..4b9bc12 100644
--- a/src/sariulclocks.hs
+++ b/src/sariulclocks.hs
@@ -13,9 +13,12 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Types.Session
import Types.Clocks
import Control.Monad.Page
+import Utils.Classes
makePage :: Page Html
-makePage = return (h1 << "Hello World")
+makePage = do
+ theRankings <- rankings
+ return ((h1 << "Hello World") +++ theRankings)
-- makePage :: Session -> ScoresList -> (Session, ScoresList, Html)
-- makePage session scores = (session, scores, (h1 << "Hello World!") +++ rankings (Just $ lookupSariulClass 5 3) scores)