diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2017-03-02 07:12:28 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2017-03-02 07:12:28 -0700
commit405f19cb7ab834a7e19557782e394a7c13521a94 (patch)
parent73c585d02d2ec7fc1bd6894192bad8f2b1138163 (diff)
fix compiler warnings about ambiguous types
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/Brick/Widgets/DefnList.hs b/Brick/Widgets/DefnList.hs
index 016a522..3bc4deb 100644
--- a/Brick/Widgets/DefnList.hs
+++ b/Brick/Widgets/DefnList.hs
@@ -45,13 +45,14 @@ defnList align attr defns = vBox $ line <$> defns
<> (T.pack (gap label content) @@ V.defAttr)
<> (T.pack content @@ V.defAttr)
- gap a b
+ gap x y
| align == AlignRight =
- take (maxWidth - length a - length b - length sep) $
+ take (maxWidth - length x - length y - length sep) $
repeat ' '
| align == AlignLeft =
- take (maxLabelWidth - length a) $
+ take (maxLabelWidth - length x) $
repeat ' '
+ gap _ _ = " "
maxWidth = maximum $
map (\(x,y) -> length sep + length x + length y) defns
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 0d3abc7..a261820 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ import UI
processScanSessDir :: St -> FilePath -> IO ()
processScanSessDir st dir = withCurrentDirectory dir $ do
posix <- getPOSIXTime
- let stamp = show . round $ posix
+ let stamp = show (round posix :: Int)
logH <- openFile (logFile stamp) WriteMode -- TODO maybe AppendMode?
outH <- openFile (outFile stamp) WriteMode
- case st^.stOutFormat of
+ void $ case st^.stOutFormat of
PDF -> do
-- 1. convert tiff->PDF
- createProcessWait_ "convert"
+ void $ createProcessWait_ "convert"
(proc "convert" (allPages ++ ["temp.pdf"]))
-- 2. set metadata with pdftk
renamePath "temp.pdf" "temp2.pdf"
writeFile "metadata" (metadata posix)
- createProcessWait_ "pdftk"
+ void $ createProcessWait_ "pdftk"
(proc "pdftk" ["temp2.pdf", "update_info", "metadata", "temp.pdf"])
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_out = NoStream
@@ -72,14 +72,15 @@ processScanSessDir st dir = withCurrentDirectory dir $ do
-- 4. qpdf (ocrmypdf invokes qpdf but it doesn't use
-- --linearize, which shrinks the PDF, often substantially)
- createProcessWait_ "qpdf" (proc "qpdf" ["--linearize", "temp.pdf"])
+ void $ createProcessWait_ "qpdf"
+ (proc "qpdf" ["--linearize", "temp.pdf"])
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_out = UseHandle outH
, std_err = UseHandle logH
-- assume that only one page was scanned. Not clear how we
-- can avoid this assumption when producing a PNG
- PNG -> createProcessWait_ "convert"
+ PNG -> void $ createProcessWait_ "convert"
(proc "convert" ["page1" <.> "tiff", "png:-"])
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_out = UseHandle outH
@@ -152,14 +153,16 @@ scanimageArgs st =
Auto -> ["--swcrop=yes"]
_ -> [ "-x"
, show $ case st^.stPaper of
- A4 -> 210
- Letter -> 215.9
- Photo -> 150
+ A4 -> 210 :: Double
+ Letter -> 215.9 :: Double
+ Photo -> 150 :: Double
+ Auto -> 1 :: Double
, "-y"
, show $ case st^.stPaper of
- A4 -> 297
- Letter -> 279.4
- Photo -> 100
+ A4 -> 297 :: Double
+ Letter -> 279.4 :: Double
+ Photo -> 100 :: Double
+ Auto -> 1 :: Double
-- other device-specific scanimage options the old script supported:
-- --swdespeck; --color-filter; --depth