diff options
2 files changed, 76 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index ecc2fed..c2ba55d 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -23,27 +23,74 @@ along with sscan. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.))
-import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
-import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
-import System.IO (openFile, hClose, IOMode(WriteMode))
-import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Monad (void, when)
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
+import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.))
+import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory,
+ removeDirectoryRecursive, renamePath,
+ withCurrentDirectory)
+import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
+import System.IO (IOMode (WriteMode), hClose, openFile)
+import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import System.Process
import Types.State
import UI
-processScanSessDir :: St -> IO ()
-processScanSessDir = undefined
--- -- rather than do any error handling here, we write a logfile to
--- -- the outdir for user inspection
--- void $ forkFinally process $ \_ -> nukeScanSessDir ss
--- where
--- -- run OCRmyPDF, pdftk etc., and if any process existed non-zero,
--- -- record to a log file in the outdir
--- process = undefined
+processScanSessDir :: St -> FilePath -> IO ()
+processScanSessDir st dir = withCurrentDirectory dir $ do
+ stamp <- round <$> getPOSIXTime
+ logH <- openFile (logFile stamp) WriteMode
+ outH <- openFile (outFile stamp) WriteMode
+ case st^.stOutFormat of
+ PDF -> do
+ -- 1. convert tiff->PDF
+ createProcessWait_ "convert"
+ (proc "convert" (allPages ++ ["temp.pdf"]))
+ -- 2. set metadata with pdftk
+ renamePath "temp.pdf" "temp2.pdf"
+ writeFile "metadata" metadata
+ createProcessWait_ "pdftk"
+ (proc "pdftk" ["temp2.pdf", "update_info", "metadata", "temp.pdf"])
+ { std_in = NoStream
+ , std_out = NoStream
+ , std_err = UseHandle logH
+ }
+ -- 3. maybe ocrmypdf
+ when (st^.stOCR) $ renamePath "temp.pdf" "temp2.pdf"
+ >> createProcessWait_ "OCRmyPDF"
+ (proc "ocrmypdf" ["-c", "-i", "-r", "temp2.pdf", "temp.pdf"])
+ { std_in = NoStream
+ , std_out = NoStream
+ , std_err = UseHandle logH
+ }
+ -- 4. qpdf (ocrmypdf might invoke this; do it again as I
+ -- think that OCRmyPDF isn't using its --linearize option,
+ -- which shrinks the PDF)
+ createProcessWait_ "qpdf" (proc "qpdf" ["--linearize", "temp.pdf"])
+ { std_in = NoStream
+ , std_out = UseHandle outH
+ , std_err = UseHandle logH
+ }
+ -- assume that only one page was scanned. Not clear how we
+ -- can avoid this assumption when producing a PNG
+ PNG -> createProcessWait_ "convert"
+ (proc "convert" ["page1" <.> "tiff", "png:-"])
+ { std_in = NoStream
+ , std_out = UseHandle outH
+ , std_err = UseHandle logH
+ }
+ hClose outH
+ hClose logH
+ where
+ logFile stamp = (st^.stOutdir) </> show stamp <.> "log"
+ outFile stamp = (st^.stOutdir) </> show stamp <.> outExt
+ outExt = case st^.stOutFormat of
+ PDF -> "pdf"
+ PNG -> "png"
+ allPages = map (\n -> "page" ++ show n <.> "tiff") [1..(getLatestPage st)]
+ metadata = undefined
makeInitialState :: IO St
makeInitialState = do
@@ -64,7 +111,7 @@ makeInitialState = do
scanPage :: St -> FilePath -> IO ()
scanPage st dir = do
outH <- openFile outF WriteMode
- createProcess (proc "scanimage" (scanimageArgs st))
+ createProcessWait_ "scanimage" (proc "scanimage" (scanimageArgs st))
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_out = UseHandle outH
, std_err = Inherit -- let the user see progress bar
@@ -104,17 +151,24 @@ processCommand st = case st^.stScanSess of
Abort -> newSession
NextPage -> scanPage st dir >> presentUI (incrementPages st)
FinalPage -> scanPage st dir
- >> finaliseSession (incrementPages st) >> newSession
- Finalise -> finaliseSession st >> newSession
+ >> finaliseSession (incrementPages st) dir >> newSession
+ Finalise -> finaliseSession st dir >> newSession
newSession = presentUI $ resetScanSess st
- finaliseSession = forkIO . processScanSessDir
+ finaliseSession st dir = forkIO $ processScanSessDir st dir
presentUI :: St -> IO ()
presentUI st = runTheApp st >>= processCommand
main = makeInitialState >>= presentUI
+-- | Create a process, wait for it to finish, don't close any
+-- handles used by the CreateProcess record
+createProcessWait_ :: String -> CreateProcess -> IO ()
+createProcessWait_ s c = do
+ (_, _, _, p) <- createProcess_ s c
+ void $ waitForProcess p
-- TODO scanning should happen in main. We use withTempDir to setup a
-- session, and then fire up brick again. add additional state
-- element that is the user's chosen action. i.e. don't use
diff --git a/sscan.cabal b/sscan.cabal
index e95fa29..e290505 100644
--- a/sscan.cabal
+++ b/sscan.cabal
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ executable sscan
, text >=
, vty >= 5.15
, temporary >= 1.2
- , process >= 1.6
+ , process >= 1.4
+ , time >=1.6
-- hs-source-dirs:
default-language: Haskell2010