path: root/Main.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Main.hs')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 54185a0..8838823 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -23,181 +23,51 @@ along with sscan. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Data.Monoid
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
-import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.))
-import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory,
- getTemporaryDirectory,
- removeDirectoryRecursive)
-import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import System.IO.Temp (createTempDirectory)
+import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally)
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.))
+import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO.Temp (createTempDirectory)
-import Brick.AttrMap
-import Brick.Main
-import Brick.Markup (markup, (@?))
-import Brick.Types
-import Brick.Util (fg, on)
-import Brick.Widgets.Border as B
-import Brick.Widgets.Center as C
-import Brick.Widgets.Core
-import Data.Text.Markup ((@@))
-import Brick.Widgets.DefnList
-import Presets
-import Types.Preset
import Types.State
-drawUI :: St -> [Widget ()]
-drawUI st = [ui]
- where
- ui = vBox [ hBorderWithLabel (str "[ Status ]")
- , vLimit 3 $ C.center $ status
- , hBorderWithLabel (str "[ Current settings ]")
- , padAll 1 $ C.center $ settingsBox
- , hBorderWithLabel (str "[ Presets ]")
- , padAll 1 $ C.center $ presetsBox
- , hBorderWithLabel (str "[ Actions ]")
- , vLimit 6 $ C.center $ actionsBox
- ]
- status = str $ maybe
- "Ready to scan first page"
- (\(ScanSess _ p) -> "Scanned " ++ show p ++ " pages")
- (st^.stScanSess)
- settingsBox = defnList AlignRight Nothing
- [ ("run OCRmyPDF", if st^.stOCR then "yes" else "no")
- , ("colour data", show $ st^.stColour)
- , ("page size", show $ st^.stPaper)
- , ("DPI", show $ st^.stDPI)
- , ("output format", show $ st^.stOutFormat)
- , ("output dir", st^.stOutdir)
- ]
- presetsBox = defnList AlignLeft
- (Just $ V.withStyle V.currentAttr V.bold)
- (map (\(Preset k desc _) -> ([k], desc)) presets)
- actionsBox = defnList AlignLeft
- (Just $ V.withStyle V.currentAttr V.bold) $
- (if st^.stOutFormat == PDF
- then (ifScanSess st
- [ ("SPC", "scan next page")
- , ("RET", "scan final page")
- , ("q", "declare last scanned page was the final page")
- , ("ESC", "abort/restart scanning this document")
- ]
- [ ("SPC", "scan first page of multi-page document")
- , ("RET", "scan single page document")
- , ("q", "quit sscan")
- ]
- )
- else [ ("SPC", "scan page")
- , ("q", "quit sscan")
- ]
- )
-handleQ :: St -> EventM () (Next St)
-handleQ st = ifScanSess st
- ((liftIO . finishScanSess) st >>= continue)
- (halt st)
-handleRET :: St -> EventM () (Next St)
-handleRET st = suspendAndResume $ ifScanSess st
- (scanNextPage st >>= finishScanSess)
- (beginScanSess st >>= scanNextPage >>= finishScanSess)
-handleSPC :: St -> EventM () (Next St)
-handleSPC st = suspendAndResume $ ifScanSess st
- (scanNextPage st)
- (beginScanSess st >>= scanNextPage)
-handleESC :: St -> EventM () (Next St)
-handleESC st = ifScanSess st
- ((liftIO . abortScanSess) st >>= continue)
- (continue st)
--- TODO these IO actions should not get a whole St. They should get
--- the bits of St that they need. The pure function that invokes
--- these actions should update St appropriately
-beginScanSess :: St -> IO St
-beginScanSess st = do
- temp <- getTemporaryDirectory
- >>= \tmpdir -> createTempDirectory tmpdir "sscan"
- return $ st & stScanSess .~ (Just $ ScanSess temp 0)
-abortScanSess :: St -> IO St
-abortScanSess st = do
- maybe (return ())
- (\(ScanSess d _) -> removeDirectoryRecursive d)
- (st^.stScanSess)
- return $ st & stScanSess .~ Nothing
-finishScanSess :: St -> IO St
-finishScanSess st = do
- void $ forkFinally (finishScanSess' st) $ \result ->
- case result of
- Right _ -> maybe (return ())
- (\(ScanSess d _) -> removeDirectoryRecursive d)
- (st^.stScanSess)
- return $ st & stScanSess .~ Nothing
--- run OCRmyPDF, pdftk etc., and if any process existed non-zero,
--- record to a log file in the outdir
-finishScanSess' :: St -> IO St
-finishScanSess' st = undefined
--- run scanimage with appropriate arguments. If scanimage exists
--- non-zero, inform the user that we will abort the scan session,
--- pause for them to read the output, and then abort the scan session
-scanNextPage :: St -> IO St
-scanNextPage st = undefined
-handleHotKey :: St -> Char -> EventM () (Next St)
-handleHotKey st 'q' = handleQ st
-handleHotKey st ' ' = handleSPC st
-handleHotKey st 'o' = continue $ updateSt st
- (\s -> s & stOCR .~ (not $ st^.stOCR))
-handleHotKey st 'c' = continue $ updateSt st
- (\s -> s & stColour .~ (cycleColour $ st^.stColour))
-handleHotKey st 'p' = continue $ updateSt st
- (\s -> s & stPaper .~ (cyclePaper $ st^.stPaper))
-handleHotKey st c = continue $ updateSt st $
- case lookupPreset c of
- Just (Preset _ _ f) -> f
- _ -> id
-appEvent :: St -> BrickEvent () e -> EventM () (Next St)
-appEvent st (VtyEvent e) =
- case e of
- V.EvKey (V.KEnter) [] -> handleRET st
- V.EvKey (V.KEsc) [] -> handleESC st
- V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [] -> handleHotKey st c
- _ -> continue st
-appEvent st _ = continue st
-theApp :: App St e ()
-theApp =
- App { appDraw = drawUI
- , appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor
- , appHandleEvent = appEvent
- , appStartEvent = return
- , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap V.defAttr []
- }
-main = do
+import UI
+-- processScanSessDir :: ScanSess -> IO ()
+-- processScanSessDir ss@(ScanSess d n) =
+-- -- rather than do any error handling here, we write a logfile to
+-- -- the outdir for user inspection
+-- void $ forkFinally process $ \_ -> nukeScanSessDir ss
+-- where
+-- -- run OCRmyPDF, pdftk etc., and if any process existed non-zero,
+-- -- record to a log file in the outdir
+-- process = undefined
+makeInitialState :: IO St
+makeInitialState = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
papersize <- init <$> readFile "/etc/papersize"
let paper = if papersize == "letter" then Letter else A4
- initialState = St
- { _stScanSess = Nothing
- , _stOCR = True
- , _stColour = Greyscale
- , _stPaper = paper
- , _stDefaultPaper = paper
- , _stDPI = 300
- , _stOutFormat = PDF
- , _stOutdir = home </> "tmp"
- }
- void $ defaultMain theApp initialState
+ return St
+ { _stScanSess = Nothing
+ , _stOCR = True
+ , _stColour = Greyscale
+ , _stPaper = paper
+ , _stDefaultPaper = paper
+ , _stDPI = 300
+ , _stOutFormat = PDF
+ , _stOutdir = home </> "tmp"
+ , _stCommand = Quit
+ }
+uiLoop :: St -> IO ()
+uiLoop st = runTheApp st >>= \newSt -> do
+ undefined
+main = makeInitialState >>= uiLoop
+-- TODO scanning should happen in main. We use withTempDir to setup a
+-- session, and then fire up brick again. add additional state
+-- element that is the user's chosen action. i.e. don't use
+-- suspendAndResume which is for getting user input, not running the
+-- result of the UI. Move the whole UI to a module