diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2012-05-25 10:09:12 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2012-05-25 10:09:12 +0200
commit461b592389cc594ff8d659f04885db41b9c32dfd (patch)
parentfc9b11293a1f142f17fa5672fb871b80c06b0765 (diff)
Draft block-based editing
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/draft/Block.hs b/draft/Block.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8af670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draft/Block.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+-- Indicates a line span
+data Block = Block
+ { blockStart :: Int
+ , blockEnd :: Int
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+blockLength :: Block -> Int
+blockLength (Block start end) = end - start + 1
+moveBlock :: Int -> Block -> Block
+moveBlock offset (Block start end) = Block (start + offset) (end + offset)
+overlapping :: [Block] -> Bool
+overlapping blocks =
+ any (uncurry overlapping') $ zip blocks (drop 1 blocks)
+ where
+ overlapping' (Block _ e1) (Block s2 _) = e1 >= s2
+type Lines = [String]
+-- | Changes the lines indicated by the 'Block' into the given 'Lines'
+data Change = Change
+ { changeBlock :: Block
+ , changeLines :: Lines
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+moveChange :: Int -> Change -> Change
+moveChange offset (Change block ls) = Change (moveBlock offset block) ls
+-- | Number of additional lines introduced when a change is made.
+changeExtraLines :: Change -> Int
+changeExtraLines (Change block ls) = length ls - blockLength block
+makeChanges :: [Change] -> Lines -> Lines
+makeChanges changes
+ | overlapping blocks = error
+ "Block.makeChanges: refusing to make overlapping changes"
+ | otherwise = go 1 changes
+ where
+ blocks = map changeBlock changes
+ go _ [] ls = ls
+ go n (ch : chs) ls =
+ -- Divide the remaining lines into:
+ --
+ -- > pre
+ -- > old (lines that are affected by the change)
+ -- > post
+ --
+ -- And generate:
+ --
+ -- > pre
+ -- > new
+ -- > (recurse)
+ --
+ let Change block new = ch
+ (pre, ls') = splitAt (blockStart block - n) ls
+ (_, post) = splitAt (blockLength block) ls'
+ extraLines = changeExtraLines ch
+ chs' = map (moveChange extraLines) chs
+ n' = blockStart block + blockLength block + extraLines
+ in pre ++ new ++ go n' chs' post
+-- | Change a block of lines for some other lines
+change :: Block -> Lines -> Change
+change = Change
+-- | Change a single line for some other lines
+changeLine :: Int -> Lines -> Change
+changeLine start = change (Block start start)
+-- | Delete a block of lines
+delete :: Block -> Change
+delete block = Change block []
+-- | Delete a single line
+deleteLine :: Int -> Change
+deleteLine start = delete (Block start start)
+-- | Insert something /before/ the given lines
+insert :: Int -> Lines -> Change
+insert start = Change (Block start (start - 1))
+test :: Lines
+test = makeChanges
+ [ deleteLine 1
+ , insert 3 ["import Data.Set"]
+ , changeLine 5 ["bar :: ()", "bar = ()"]
+ ]
+ [ "module Foo where"
+ , ""
+ , "import Data.Map"
+ , ""
+ , "foo = undefined"
+ ]