diff options
authorLangston Barrett <>2016-07-07 15:20:27 +0100
committerLangston Barrett <>2016-07-07 16:19:15 +0100
commitf5b2adc9a371345da9f2e9a19b67851afc248889 (patch)
parentabc92ea4778ac25b7944b9f4c7f82eb95f0238c2 (diff)
Add a set of default language extensions for parsing
See the comment for a detailed explanation. Fixes jaspervdj/stylish-haskell#117
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse.hs b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse.hs
index 3118380..2b16b30 100644
--- a/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse.hs
+++ b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse.hs
@@ -7,12 +7,29 @@ module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as H
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf, nub)
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step
+-- | Syntax-related language extensions are always enabled for parsing. Since we
+-- can't authoritatively know which extensions are enabled at compile-time, we
+-- should try not to throw errors when parsing any GHC-accepted code.
+defaultExtensions :: [H.Extension]
+defaultExtensions = map H.EnableExtension
+ [ H.GADTs
+ , H.HereDocuments
+ , H.KindSignatures
+ , H.MagicHash
+ , H.NewQualifiedOperators
+ , H.PatternGuards
+ , H.StandaloneDeriving
+ , H.UnicodeSyntax
+ , H.XmlSyntax
+ ]
-- | Filter out lines which use CPP macros
@@ -50,7 +67,7 @@ parseModule extraExts mfp string = do
let noPrefixes = unShebang . dropBom $ string
extraExts' = map H.classifyExtension extraExts
(lang, fileExts) = fromMaybe (Nothing, []) $ H.readExtensions noPrefixes
- exts = fileExts ++ extraExts'
+ exts = nub $ fileExts ++ extraExts' ++ defaultExtensions
-- Parsing options...
fp = fromMaybe "<unknown>" mfp
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse/Tests.hs
index 87c0a51..1e6b992 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Parse/Tests.hs
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse
tests :: Test
tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse"
- [ testCase "UTF-8 Byte Order Mark" testBom
- , testCase "Extra extensions" testExtraExtensions
- , testCase "Multiline CPP" testMultilineCpp
- , testCase "Haskell2010 extension" testHaskell2010
- , testCase "Shebang" testShebang
- , testCase "ShebangExt" testShebangExt
+ [ testCase "UTF-8 Byte Order Mark" testBom
+ , testCase "Extra extensions" testExtraExtensions
+ , testCase "Multiline CPP" testMultilineCpp
+ , testCase "Haskell2010 extension" testHaskell2010
+ , testCase "Shebang" testShebang
+ , testCase "ShebangExt" testShebangExt
+ , testCase "GADTs extension" testGADTs
+ , testCase "KindSignatures extension" testKindSignatures
+ , testCase "StandalonDeriving extension" testKindSignatures
+ , testCase "UnicodeSyntax extension" testUnicodeSyntax
@@ -77,6 +81,38 @@ testShebang = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines
, "main = return ()"
+-- | These tests are for syntactic language extensions that should always be
+-- enabled for parsing, even when the pragma is absent.
+testGADTs :: Assertion
+testGADTs = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines
+ [ "module Main where"
+ , "data SafeList a b where"
+ , " Nil :: SafeList a Empty"
+ , " Cons:: a -> SafeList a b -> SafeList a NonEmpty"
+ ]
+testKindSignatures :: Assertion
+testKindSignatures = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines
+ [ "module Main where"
+ , "data D :: * -> * -> * where"
+ , " D :: a -> b -> D a b"
+ ]
+testStandaloneDeriving :: Assertion
+testStandaloneDeriving = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines
+ [ "module Main where"
+ , "deriving instance Show MyType"
+ ]
+testUnicodeSyntax :: Assertion
+testUnicodeSyntax = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines
+ [ "module Main where"
+ , "monadic ∷ (Monad m) ⇒ m a → m a"
+ , "monadic = id"
+ ]
isRight :: Either a b -> Bool