path: root/src/property.lisp
diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2023-03-01 13:59:12 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2023-03-01 14:21:37 -0700
commit6808af3becc9986d5dafdcc4412c13a3961a7e64 (patch)
tree85545c84b73d9a0d310b7c73331045a356185046 /src/property.lisp
parentcc1835ff316910b8dd641dec091b41e8b5c198cd (diff)
doc/: start generating API documentation from docstrings
Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/property.lisp')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/property.lisp b/src/property.lisp
index 3aebe75..968b205 100644
--- a/src/property.lisp
+++ b/src/property.lisp
@@ -203,6 +203,152 @@
(when indent
(setf (get sym 'indent) indent)))))
+(defun docstring-to-rst (docstring)
+ ;; Unsurprisingly this gets a lot of cases wrong, so turned off for now.
+ ;; The block capitals already make them easy to pick out.
+ ;; (setq docstring
+ ;; (re:regex-replace-all #?/(?<!\S)[A-Z:]*[A-Z]+[A-Z:-]*(?!\w)/
+ ;; docstring "``\\&``"))
+ ;; Format indented code examples for rST.
+ (do* ((lines (lines docstring) (cdr lines))
+ (line (car lines) (car lines))
+ indented accum)
+ ((null lines)
+ (stripln (unlines (nreverse accum))))
+ (acond
+ ((and (or indented (and accum (zerop (length (car accum)))))
+ (strip-prefix " " line))
+ (unless indented
+ (unless (string= "" (car accum))
+ (push "" accum))
+ (push (if (or (char= #\( (first-char line))
+ (string-prefix-p "'(" line))
+ "::" ".. code-block:: none")
+ accum)
+ (push "" accum)
+ (setq indented t))
+ (push (strcat " " it) accum))
+ ((and indented (zerop (length line))
+ (string-prefix-p " " (cadr lines)))
+ (push " " accum))
+ (t (push line accum)
+ (setq indented nil)))))
+(defparameter *defining-form-info-alist*
+ (flet ((docgetf (l) (getf l :documentation))
+ (docassoc (l) (cadr (assoc :documentation l)))
+ (numbers-to-functions (field)
+ (cond ((and (numberp field) (zerop field))
+ (constantly nil))
+ ((numberp field)
+ (lambda (form)
+ (values (nth field form) t)))
+ ((functionp field)
+ (lambda (form)
+ (values (funcall field form) t)))
+ (t field))))
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (entry) (mapcar #'numbers-to-functions entry))
+ `((define-constant "Constant" 0 ,(compose #'docgetf #'cdddr))
+ (defgeneric "Generic function" 2 ,(compose #'docassoc #'cdddr))
+ (defclass "Class" 0 ,(compose #'docassoc #'cddddr))
+ (define-condition "Condition class" 0 ,(compose #'docassoc #'cddddr))
+ (defvar "Variable" 0 3)
+ (defparameter "Variable" 0 3)
+ (defun "Function" 2 3)
+ (defmacro "Macro" 2 3)
+ (defprop "Property" 3 4)
+ (defpropspec "Property" 3 4)
+ (defproplist "Property" 3 4)
+ (define-simple-error "Simple error" 4 3)
+ (define-function-property-combinator "Fn. prop. combinator" 2 3)))))
+(defun build-manual-rst
+ (target-rst &aux (target-rst
+ (ensure-directories-exist
+ (ensure-pathname target-rst
+ :want-file t :want-relative t)))
+ (input-rst (make-pathname :type "rst.in"
+ :defaults target-rst))
+ (input-lisp
+ (make-pathname :type "lisp"
+ :defaults (merge-pathnames target-rst
+ #P"../src/"))))
+ "Write TARGET-RST manual page based on input .rst.in and .lisp files."
+ (with-safe-io-syntax ()
+ (with-open-file (*standard-input* input-lisp :if-does-not-exist :error)
+ (with-open-file (*standard-output* target-rst :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (let* ((first-form (read))
+ (second-form (read))
+ (package (if (eql (car first-form) 'in-package)
+ (find-package (cadr first-form))
+ (error "First form of ~S is not IN-PACKAGE."
+ input-lisp)))
+ (package-exts (aprog1 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
+ (do-external-symbols (s package)
+ (setf (gethash s it) t))))
+ (input-rst-p (file-exists-p input-rst))
+ ;; We cannot have an anonymous first subsection of the API
+ ;; reference with Sphinx.
+ (section-heading "General"))
+ (labels ((println-heading (heading char)
+ (loop initially (println heading)
+ repeat (length heading) do (write-char char)
+ finally (terpri)))
+ (println-entry
+ (form &aux
+ (type (and (gethash (cadr form) package-exts)
+ (assoc (car form)
+ *defining-form-info-alist*)))
+ (name (and type (abbreviate-consfigurator-package
+ (cadr form)))))
+ (when type
+ (when section-heading
+ (terpri)
+ (println-heading section-heading #\~)
+ (setq section-heading nil))
+ (terpri)
+ (println-heading (format nil "~A: ``~A``"
+ (cadr type) name)
+ #\^)
+ (multiple-value-bind (params paramsp)
+ (funcall (caddr type) form)
+ (when paramsp
+ (format t "~%``~((~A~{ ~A~})~)``~&"
+ name
+ (mapcar #'ensure-car
+ (ldiff params
+ (member '&aux params))))))
+ (when-let ((docstring (funcall (cadddr type) form)))
+ (when (stringp docstring)
+ (terpri)
+ (println (docstring-to-rst docstring)))))))
+ (unless (equal second-form
+ '(named-readtables:in-readtable :consfigurator))
+ (error "Second form of ~S is not our IN-READTABLE." input-lisp))
+ (if input-rst-p
+ (with-open-file (input input-rst)
+ (copy-stream-to-stream input *standard-output*)
+ (terpri))
+ (println-heading (format nil "``~A``" (package-name package))
+ #\=))
+ (println-heading "API reference" #\-)
+ (let ((*package* package)
+ (*readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable
+ :consfigurator.without-read-eval)))
+ (loop (handler-case
+ ;; Read a line or a form depending on what's next.
+ (if (char= #\( (peek-char t))
+ (println-entry (read))
+ ;; Don't print section heading yet in case it
+ ;; doesn't contain any defns for exported symbols.
+ (awhen (strip-prefix ";;;; " (read-line))
+ (setq section-heading it)))
+ (end-of-file () (return)))))))))))
(defmacro with-*host*-*consfig* (&body forms)
`(progv `(,(intern "*CONSFIG*"))
`(,(propspec-systems (host-propspec *host*)))
@@ -632,11 +778,11 @@ PATH if PATH already has the specified CONTENT and MODE."
(defmacro with-change-if-changes-file ((file) &body forms)
"Execute FORMS and yield :NO-CHANGE if FILE does not change.
-Since stat(1) is not POSIX, this is implemented by calling `ls -dlL' and
+Since stat(1) is not POSIX, this is implemented by calling ``ls -dlL`` and
cksum(1), and seeing if any of the information reported there, except for the
number of links, has changed. Thus, you should not use this macro to detect
-changes in properties which will change the file but not the output of `ls
--dlL' and cksum(1)."
+changes in properties which will change the file but not the output of
+``ls -dlL`` and cksum(1)."
(with-gensyms (before)
`(let* ((,before (ls-cksum ,file))
(result (progn ,@forms)))