path: root/src
diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-02-16 18:39:13 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-02-16 18:39:13 -0700
commitb981a5e783d491de1aad59abb5db8469b73c1080 (patch)
treeca792a586eb97e89e77c304cd7c9a92df6be7920 /src
parentce5ab88ba012ae95c3916246d07e5de495a9edc0 (diff)
move code into an src/ subdir
Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
9 files changed, 1075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/connection/local.lisp b/src/connection/local.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e219fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/connection/local.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.connection.local)
+(defmethod connect-and-apply ((type (eql :local)) host &key)
+ (apply-properties (make-instance 'local-connection) host))
+(defclass local-connection (lisp-connection)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "The root deployment: applying properties to the machine the
+root Lisp is running on, as the root Lisp's uid."))
+(defmethod connection-run ((connection local-connection)
+ shell-cmd
+ &optional
+ input)
+ ;; assumes a POSIX shell (otherwise we could wrap in 'sh -c')
+ (multiple-value-bind (output _ exit-code)
+ (uiop:run-program shell-cmd
+ :force-shell t
+ :input (and input
+ (make-string-input-stream input))
+ :output :string
+ :error-output :output)
+ (declare (ignore _))
+ (values output exit-code)))
+(defmethod connection-readfile ((connection local-connection) path)
+ (uiop:read-file-string path))
+(defmethod connection-writefile ((connection local-connection) path contents)
+ (with-open-file (stream path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (write-string contents stream)))
+(defmethod connection-upload ((connection local-connection) from to)
+ (uiop:copy-file from to))
+;; set the root Lisp's connection context now we've defined its value -- other
+;; implementations of ESTABLISH-CONNECTION will rely on this when they call
+;; RUN, READFILE etc.
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless consfigurator.core::*connection*
+ (setq consfigurator.core::*connection*
+ (make-instance 'local-connection))))
diff --git a/src/connection/ssh.lisp b/src/connection/ssh.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e51ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/connection/ssh.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.connection.ssh)
+(defmethod establish-connection ((type (eql :ssh)) remaining
+ &key
+ (hop (hostattr *host* :hostname)))
+ (declare (ignore remaining))
+ (run "ssh" "-fN" hop)
+ (make-instance 'ssh-connection :hostname hop))
+(defclass ssh-connection (posix-connection)
+ ((hostname
+ :documentation "Hostname to SSH to."))
+ (:documentation "Deploy properties using non-interactive SSH."))
+(defmacro sshcmd (&rest args)
+ ;; wrap in 'sh -c' in case the login shell is not POSIX
+ `(list "ssh"
+ (slot-value connection :hostname)
+ (uiop:escape-sh-command "sh" "-c" ,@args)))
+(defmethod connection-run ((connection ssh-connection)
+ cmd
+ &optional
+ input
+ environment)
+ (when environment
+ (loop do (push (uiop:escape-sh-token
+ (strcat
+ (symbol-name (pop environment)) "=" (pop environment)))
+ cmd)
+ while environment
+ finally (push "env" cmd)))
+ (run-with-input input nil (sshcmd cmd)))
+(defmethod connection-readfile ((connection ssh-connection) path)
+ (multiple-value-bind (output error-code)
+ (run (sshcmd "test" "-r" "path" "&&" "cat" path))
+ (if (= 0 error-code)
+ output
+ (error "File ~S not readable" path))))
+;; write to a temporary file, and then atomically move into place
+(defmethod connection-writefile ((connection ssh-connection) path contents))
+;; rsync it to a temporary location, and then atomically move into place
+(defmethod connection-upload ((connection ssh-connection) from to))
diff --git a/src/core.lisp b/src/core.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afa80c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.core)
+;;;; Connections
+;; generic function operating on keywords which identify connection types
+(defgeneric establish-connection (type remaining &key)
+ (:documentation
+ "Within the context of the current connection, connect to HOST by establishing
+a new connection of type TYPE.
+Either starts a Lisp process somewhere else, tells it to continue establishing
+REMAINING (by telling it to call DEPLOY* with arguments obtained by (locally)
+evaluating, on our side of the connection,
+(list (or REMAINING '(:local)) *host*)), and returns nil, or returns a object
+suitable for *connection*.
+Any implementation which hands over to a remote Lisp process will need to
+upload any prerequisite data required by the deployment."))
+(defclass connection ()
+ ((parent
+ :initform *connection*
+ :documentation
+ "The value of *CONNECTION* at the time this connection was established.")))
+(defclass lisp-connection (connection) ())
+(defclass posix-connection (connection) ())
+;;; generic functions to operate on subclasses of CONNECTION
+(defgeneric connection-run (connection cmd &optional input environment)
+ (:documentation "Subroutine to run shell commands on the host."))
+(defmethod connection-run :around ((connection connection) cmd &optional input)
+ (let ((*connection* (slot-value connection 'parent)))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defgeneric connection-readfile (connection path)
+ (:documentation "Subroutine to read the contents of files on the host."))
+(defmethod connection-readfile :around ((connection connection) path)
+ (let ((*connection* (slot-value connection 'parent)))
+ (call-next-method)))
+;; only functional difference between writefile and upload is what args they
+;; take: a string vs. a path. they may have same or different implementations
+(defgeneric connection-writefile (connection path contents)
+ (:documentation
+ "Subroutine to replace/create the contents of files on the host."))
+(defmethod connection-writefile :around ((connection connection) path contents)
+ (let ((*connection* (slot-value connection 'parent)))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defgeneric connection-upload (connection from to)
+ (:documentation "Subroutine to upload files to the host."))
+(defmethod connection-upload :around ((connection connection) from to)
+ (let ((*connection* (slot-value connection 'parent)))
+ (call-next-method)))
+(defgeneric connection-teardown (connection)
+ (:documentation "Subroutine to disconnect from the host."))
+(defmethod connection-teardown :around ((connection connection))
+ (let ((*connection* (slot-value connection 'parent)))
+ (call-next-method)))
+;; many connection types don't need anything to be done to disconnect
+(defmethod connection-teardown (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values))
+;; global value gets set in connection/local.lisp, but the symbol is not
+;; exported as it should only get bound by APPLY-PROPERTIES
+(defvar *connection* nil
+ "Object representing the currently active connection.
+Connections dynamically bind this variable and then apply properties. Its
+global value be regarded as a constant.")
+(defvar *host* nil
+ "Object representing the host to which we're currently connected.
+Deployments bind this variable. Its global value should remain nil.
+The main point of this is to allow properties to read the static informational
+attributes of the host to which they're being applied.")
+;;;; Functions to access the slots of the current connection
+;; used by properties and by implementations of ESTABLISH-CONNECTION
+(defun run (&rest args)
+ (funcall #'connection-run
+ *connection*
+ (if (cdr args) (uiop:escape-sh-command args) args)))
+(defun run-with-input (input environment &rest args)
+ (funcall #'connection-run
+ *connection*
+ (if (cdr args) (uiop:escape-sh-command args) args)
+ input
+ environment))
+(defun runlines (&rest args)
+ (unlines (apply #'run args)))
+(defun runlines-with-input (&rest args)
+ (unlines (apply #'run-with-input args)))
+(defun readfile (&rest args)
+ (apply #'connection-readfile *connection* args))
+(defun writefile (&rest args)
+ (apply #'connection-writefile *connection* args))
+;;;; Properties
+;; Properties are not stored as CLOS objects (or structs) in value cells
+;; because they are immutable -- see "Attempting to work with anonymous
+;; properties or connection types" in the docs. An alternative would be to
+;; use the function cell to store a function which takes
+;; 'apply/'hostattrs/etc. as its first argument and dispatches, but those
+;; could be flet, which is forbidden. A determined user could of course edit
+;; the symbol plist entries, but we want to make it difficult for someone who
+;; hasn't read the docs to accidentally violate immutability
+(defun setprop (sym type &key args desc hostattrs check apply unapply)
+ ;; use non-keyword keys to avoid clashes with other packages
+ (when type
+ (setf (get sym 'type) type))
+ (when desc
+ (setf (get sym 'desc) desc))
+ (when hostattrs
+ (setf (get sym 'hostattrs) hostattrs))
+ (when check
+ (setf (get sym 'check) check))
+ (when apply
+ (setf (get sym 'apply) apply))
+ (when unapply
+ (setf (get sym 'unapply) unapply))
+ sym)
+(defun proptype (prop)
+ (get prop 'type))
+(defun propapptype (propapp)
+ (get (car propapp) 'type))
+(defun collapse-types (&rest lists)
+ (if (some (lambda (type) (eq type :posix))
+ (flatten lists))
+ :posix
+ :lisp))
+(defun propdesc (prop)
+ (get prop 'desc))
+(defun propargs (prop)
+ (get prop 'args))
+(defun propattrs (prop &rest args)
+ (apply (get prop 'hostattrs (lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values)))
+ args))
+(defun propappattrs (propapp)
+ (apply #'propattrs (car propapp) (cdr propapp)))
+(defun propcheck (prop &rest args)
+ (apply (get prop 'check (lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values)))
+ args))
+(defun propappcheck (propapp)
+ (apply #'propcheck (car propapp) (cdr propapp)))
+(defun propapply (prop &rest args)
+ (apply (get prop 'apply (lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values)))
+ args))
+(defun propappapply (propapp)
+ (apply #'propapply (car propapp) (cdr propapp)))
+(defun propunapply (prop &rest args)
+ (apply (get prop 'unapply (lambda (&rest args)
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values)))
+ args))
+(defun propappunapply (propapp)
+ (apply #'propunapply (car propapp) (cdr propapp)))
+;;; standard way to write properties is to use one of these two macros
+;; TODO when forms is not (:apply etc.) but just code, we could just consider
+;; that all to be :apply, and leave :hostattrs, :check and :unapply blank?
+;; TODO :push-hostattrs to specify a function which does not look at
+;; *hostattrs* and just returns a list which gets added to the front (we will
+;; wrap (push ... *hostattrs*) around the return value, basically)
+(defmacro defprop (name type args &body forms)
+ (let ((slots (list :args args)))
+ (when (stringp (car forms))
+ (setf (getf slots :desc) (pop forms)))
+ (loop for form in forms
+ if (keywordp (car form))
+ do (setf (getf slots (car form)) (cdr form)))
+ (loop for kw in '(:hostattrs :check :apply :unapply)
+ do (if-let ((slot (getf slots kw)))
+ (setf (getf slots kw)
+ ;; inside this lambda we could do some checking of, e.g.,
+ ;; whether we are :lisp but this connection is
+ ;; posix-connection. possibly a condition with a restart
+ ;; which allows skipping over this property
+ `(lambda ,args ,@slot))))
+ `(setprop ',name ,type ,@slots)))
+(defmacro defproplist (name args &body propspec)
+ "Define a property which applies a property application specification.")
+;;;; Property application specifications
+(defvar *consfig* nil
+ "A list of names of the ASDF systems in which you define your hosts,
+site-specific properties and deployments. These systems should depend on the
+\"consfigurator\" system.
+More specifically, in normal usage of Consfigurator, calling
+(mapc #'asdf:require-system *consfig*) should be sufficient to define all the
+properties you intend to apply to hosts.
+Use the SETCONSFIG macro at the top of your consfig to set this value.
+Note that you can use Consfigurator without setting this variable, by
+explicitly specifying the names of systems when creating property application
+specifications. This is useful if you have more than one consfig that you
+want to keep completely independent of each other.")
+(defmacro setconsfig (systems)
+ "Set the value of *consfig*. SYSTEMS can be a name or a list of names."
+ (when (atom systems)
+ (setq systems (list systems)))
+ `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (setq *consfig* ',systems)))
+(defclass propspec ()
+ ((systems
+ :initarg :systems
+ :documentation "List of names of systems, the loading of all of which is
+sufficient to deploy this propspec.")
+ (applications
+ :initarg :props
+ :documentation "Ordered list of property applications.
+The base case valid entry is of the form (PROPERTY . ARGS) where PROPERTY is
+a symbol naming a property (typically as defined by DEFPROP) and ARGS is a
+list of arguments to be passed when calling the property's subroutines. These
+ARGS will not be evaluated before calling the function.
+Additionally, entries can be of the following forms:
+ (unapply (PROPERTY . ARGS)) -- unapply the property, if it supports that.
+ ((PROPERTY . ARGS) onchange (PROPERTY . ARGS) onchange (PROPERTY . ARGS))
+ -- apply the second and third properties in the case that the first
+ property actually had work to do.
+... and combinations thereof.
+Deployments apply properties in the order specified here, so later entries in
+the list implicitly depend on earlier ones.
+Members of ARGS must all be objects which can be serialised. In particular,
+function objects are not permitted."))
+ (:documentation
+ "The point of this data structure is to be a way to inform a Lisp process
+running on a remote host how it can apply some properties: load each of the
+systems, resolve unapply, onchange etc., and then look in the value cell of
+each PROPERTY to find a property, and pass each of ARGS to the function in the
+property's apply slot."))
+;; The following four functions, plus simple concatenation, should be
+;; everything we need to do with propspecs, so all knowledge of the possible
+;; combinator symbols should be confined to these four functions -- i.e., if
+;; we are to add any combinators, this is the code that needs to change
+(defun compile-propapp (propapp)
+ "Recursively apply the effects of property combinators in PROPAPP to produce
+an atomic property application."
+ (let ((sym (gensym)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbol-named unapply (car propapp))
+ (destructuring-bind (psym . args) (compile-propapp (cadr propapp))
+ (setprop sym (proptype psym)
+ :desc (concat "Unapply: " (propdesc psym))
+ :check (complement (get psym 'check))
+ :apply (get psym 'unapply)
+ :unapply (get psym 'apply))
+ (cons sym args)))
+ ;; Following pretty much assumes that on-change is our only infix
+ ;; property combinator.
+ ((symbol-named on-change (cadr propapp))
+ (let ((propapps (loop with remaining = (cdr propapp)
+ with apps
+ for s = (pop remaining)
+ for a = (pop remaining)
+ unless (symbol-named on-change s)
+ do (error "Invalid on-change expression")
+ else
+ do (push (compile-propapp a) apps)
+ unless remaining return apps)))
+ (destructuring-bind (psym . args) (compile-propapp (car propapp))
+ (setprop sym (collapse-types (proptype psym)
+ (mapcar #'propapptype propapps))
+ :desc (propdesc psym)
+ :hostattrs (lambda (&rest args)
+ (nconc (apply #'propattrs psym args)
+ (mapcan #'propappattrs propapps)))
+ :check (get psym 'check)
+ :apply (lambda (&rest args)
+ (unless (eq :nochange
+ (apply #'propapply psym args))
+ (loop for propapp in propapps
+ do (unless (propappcheck propapp)
+ (propappapply propapp)))))
+ :unapply (lambda (&rest args)
+ (unless (eq :nochange
+ (apply #'propunapply psym args))
+ (loop for propapp in propapps
+ do (unless (propappcheck propapp)
+ (propappapply propapp))))))
+ (cons sym args))))
+ ;; atomic property application
+ (t
+ propapp))))
+(defun eval-propspec (propspec)
+ "Apply properties as specified by PROPSPEC."
+ (mapc #'asdf:require-system (slot-value propspec 'systems))
+ (loop for form in (slot-value propspec 'applications)
+ for propapp = (compile-propapp form)
+ unless (propappcheck propapp)
+ do (propappapply propapp)))
+(defun propspec->hostattrs (propspec)
+ "Return all the hostattrs which should be applied to the host which has
+PROPSPEC applied."
+ (loop with *hostattrs*
+ for form in (slot-value propspec 'applications)
+ for propapp = (compile-propapp form)
+ do (propappattrs propapp)
+ finally (return *hostattrs*)))
+(defun propspec->type (propspec)
+ "Return :lisp if any types of the properties to be applied by PROPSPEC is
+:lisp, else return :posix."
+ (loop for form in (slot-value propspec 'applications)
+ for propapp = (compile-propapp form)
+ if (eq (propapptype propapp) :lisp)
+ return :lisp
+ finally (return :posix)))
+(defun props (forms &optional systems)
+ "Where FORMS is the elements of an unevaluated property application
+specification, return code which will evaluate the expressions and produce the
+corresponding property application specification.
+SYSTEMS is the 'systems attribute of the property application specification
+that the returned code should produce.
+Intended for use by macros which allow the user to provide expressions instead
+of values as the arguments to properties when building a property application
+ (if systems
+ (when (atom systems)
+ (setq systems (list systems)))
+ ;; TODO maybe setconsfig could set *consfig* just within the current
+ ;; package and then macros bind it or pass it to this function. then no
+ ;; global value, i.e. drop that piece of state.
+ (if *consfig*
+ (setq systems (list *consfig*))
+ (error "*consfig* not set")))
+ (labels ((make-eval-propspec (form)
+ (if (atom form)
+ `(quote ,form)
+ (destructuring-bind (first . rest) form
+ (if (and (symbolp first)
+ (not (member (symbol-name first)
+ '("UNAPPLY")
+ :test #'string=)))
+ `(list ',first ,@rest)
+ `(list ,@(mapcar #'make-eval-propspec form)))))))
+ `(make-instance
+ 'propspec
+ :systems ',systems
+ :props (list ,@(mapcar #'make-eval-propspec forms)))))
+;;; property :hostattrs subroutines
+(defvar *hostattrs* nil
+ "Used by property :hostattrs subroutines, only, to access and modify the
+current static informational attributes, and to add new ones.")
+(defun add-hostattr (k v)
+ (push *hostattrs* v)
+ (push *hostattrs* k))
+(defun require-data (iden1 iden2)
+ (push (getf *hostattrs* :data) (cons iden1 iden2)))
+;;;; Hosts
+(defclass host ()
+ ((hostattrs
+ :initarg :attrs
+ :documentation "Plist of the host's static informational attributes.")
+ (propspec
+ :initarg :props
+ :documentation "Property application specification of the properties to
+be applied to the host.")))
+(defun hostattr (host key)
+ "Retrieve a single static informational attribute."
+ (getf (slot-value host 'hostattrs) key))
+(defmacro defhost (hostname &body properties)
+ "Define a host with hostname HOSTNAME and properties PROPERTIES.
+HOSTNAME can be a string or a symbol. In either case, the host will get a
+static informational property with its hostname as a string, and the symbol
+whose name is the hostname will be bound to the host object.
+If the first entry in PROPERTIES is a string, it will be considered a
+human-readable description of the host. Otherwise, PROPERTIES is an
+unevaluated property application specification. Recall that for atomic
+entries (PROPERTY . ARGS), PROPERTY refers to the property that symbol names
+in the global environment, not whatever it may name in the current dynamic
+and/or lexical environments. Property application specifications cannot
+close over globally anonymous properties.
+The order of PROPERTIES matters: deployments will apply properties to the host
+in the order specified here, so later properties implicitly depend on earlier
+ones. In addition, static informational attributes set by later properties
+are allowed to override any attributes with the same name set by earlier
+ (let (hostname-sym hostattrs)
+ (etypecase hostname
+ (string (setq hostname-sym (intern hostname)))
+ (symbol (setq hostname-sym hostname
+ hostname (string-downcase (symbol-name hostname)))))
+ (setf (getf hostattrs :hostname) hostname)
+ (when (stringp (car properties))
+ (setf (getf hostattrs :desc) (pop properties)))
+ `(progn
+ (declaim (type host ,hostname-sym))
+ (defparameter ,hostname-sym
+ (let* ((propspec ,(props properties))
+ (hostattrs (nconc (propspec->hostattrs propspec)
+ ',hostattrs)))
+ (make-instance 'host :attrs hostattrs :props propspec))
+ ,(getf hostattrs :desc)))))
+;;;; Deployments
+(defmacro defdeploy (name (connection host) &body additional-properties)
+You can then eval (NAME) to execute this deployment."
+ `(defun ,name ()
+ (deploy ,connection ,host ,@additional-properties)))
+(defmacro defdeploy-these (name (connection host) &body properties)
+ "Define a function which does (DEPLOY-THESE CONNECTION HOST PROPERTIES).
+You can then eval (NAME) to execute this deployment."
+ `(defun ,name ()
+ (deploy-these ,connection ,host ,@properties)))
+(defmacro defhostdeploy (connection host-name)
+ "Where HOST-NAME names a host as defined with DEFHOST, define a function
+which does (deploy CONNECTION (symbol-value HOST)).
+You can then eval (HOST-NAME) to execute this deployment.
+For example, if you usually deploy properties to athena by SSH,
+ (defhost athena.silentflame.com
+ (foo)
+ (bar)
+ ...)
+ (defhostdeploy :ssh athena.silentflame.com)
+and then you can eval (athena.silentflame.com) to apply athena's properties."
+ `(defdeploy ,host-name (,connection ,host-name)))
+(defmacro deploy (connection host &body additional-properties)
+ "Establish a connection of type CONNECTION to HOST, and apply each of the
+host's usual properties, followed by specified by ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES, an
+unevaluated property application specification.
+CONNECTION is either a keyword identifying a connection type, or a list
+beginning with such a keyword and followed by keyword arguments required to
+establish the connection.
+Then HOST has all its usual static informational attributes, plus any set by
+ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES. Static informational attributes set by
+ADDITIONAL-PROPERTIES can override the host's usual static informational
+attributes, in the same way that later entries in the list of properties
+specified in DEFHOST forms can override earlier entries (see DEFHOST's
+ (once-only (host)
+ (with-gensyms (propspec)
+ `(let ((,propspec ,(props additional-properties)))
+ (deploy* ,connection
+ (make-instance 'host
+ :attrs (nconc (propspec->hostattrs ,propspec)
+ (slot-value ,host 'hostattrs))
+ :props (append (slot-value ,host 'propspec)
+ ,propspec)))))))
+(defmacro deploy-these (connection host &body properties)
+ "Establish a connection of type CONNECTION to HOST, and apply each of
+the properties specified by PROPERTIES, an unevaluated property application
+specification (and not the host's usual properties, unless they also appear
+CONNECTION is either a keyword identifying a connection type, or a list
+beginning with such a keyword and followed by keyword arguments required to
+establish the connection.
+This function is useful to apply one or two properties to a host right now,
+e.g. at the REPL when when testing new property definitions. If HOST is
+usually deployed using a :lisp connection, and the property you are testing
+is :posix, you might use a connection type like :ssh so that you can quickly
+alternate between redefining your work-in-progress property and attempting to
+apply it to HOST.
+HOST has all its usual static informational attributes, as set by its usual
+properties, plus any set by PROPERTIES. Static informational attributes set
+by PROPERTIES can override the host's usual static informational attributes,
+in the same way that later entries in the list of properties specified in
+DEFHOST forms can override earlier entries (see DEFHOST's docstring)."
+ (with-gensyms (propspec)
+ `(let ((,propspec ,(props properties)))
+ (deploy* ,connection
+ (make-instance 'host
+ :attrs (nconc (propspec->hostattrs ,propspec)
+ (slot-value ,host 'hostattrs))
+ :props ,propspec)))))
+(defun deploy* (connections host)
+ (let ((*host* host))
+ (labels
+ ((connect (connections)
+ (destructuring-bind ((type . args) . remaining) connections
+ (when-let ((*connection*
+ (apply #'establish-connection type remaining args)))
+ (if remaining
+ (connect remaining)
+ (apply-propspec (slot-value *host* 'propspec)))
+ (connection-teardown *connection*))))
+ (apply-propspec (propspec)
+ (when (and (subtypep (class-of *connection*) 'posix-connection)
+ (eq :lisp (propspec->type propspec)))
+ (error "Cannot apply :lisp properties using :posix connection"))
+ (eval-propspec propspec)))
+ (connect (loop for connection in (ensure-cons connections)
+ collect (ensure-cons connection))))))
+(defprop deploy :posix (connection host &rest additional-properties)
+ "Execute a Consfigurator deployment.
+Useful to have one host act a controller, applying properties to other hosts.
+Also useful to set up VMs, chroots, disk images etc. on localhost.")
+(defprop deploy-these :posix (connection host &rest properties)
+ "Execute a deployment, but replace the properties of host with PROPERTIES.
+This property is to the DEPLOY property what the DEPLOY-THESE function is to
+the DEPLOY function.")
+;;;; Prerequisite data
+(defvar *data-sources* nil "Known sources of prerequisite data.")
+(defun add-data-source (check provide)
+ (push (cons check provide) *data-sources*))
+;; if this proves to be inadequate then an alternative would be to maintain a
+;; mapping of ASDF systems to data sources, and then APPLY-PROPERTIES could
+;; look up the data sources registered for the systems in (slot-value
+;; (slot-value host 'propspec) 'systems) and bind *data-sources* to point to
+;; those just how it binds *host* and *connection*. registering a source
+;; means registering it in the mapping of systems to sources
+(defgeneric register-data-source (type &key)
+ (:documentation
+ "Initialise and register a source of prerequisite data in this Lisp process.
+Registered data sources are available to all deployments executed from the
+root Lisp, regardless of the consfig which defines the host to which
+properties are to be applied. (This could only cause problems if you have
+different consfigs with prerequisite data which is identified by the same two
+strings, in which case you will need to wrap your deployments with registering
+and unregistering data sources. Usually items of prerequisite data are
+identified using things like hostnames, so this is unlikely to be necessary.)
+Implementation of this function call ADD-DATA-SOURCE, providing two functions.
+Signals a condition MISSING-DATA-SOURCE when unable to access the data source
+(e.g. because can't decrypt it). This condition is captured and ignored in
+all Lisp processes started up by Consfigurator, since prerequisite data
+sources are not expected to be available outside of the root Lisp."))
+(defprop data-uploaded (iden1 iden2 &optional destination)
+ ;; calls get-data
+ )
+(defprop host-data-uploaded :posix (destination)
+ (:apply (propapply 'data-uploaded
+ (hostattr *host* :hostname)
+ destination
+ destination)))
+(defun get-data (iden1 iden2)
+ (if-let ((source-thunk (cdr (query-data-sources iden1 iden2))))
+ (funcall source-thunk)
+ ;; now look in local cache -- note that this won't exist in the root Lisp,
+ ;; but only if we're a Lisp started up by a connection
+ ))
+(defun query-data-sources (iden1 iden2)
+ (car (sort (loop for (ver . get) in *data-sources*
+ when (funcall ver iden1 iden2)
+ collect (cons it (lambda ()
+ (funcall get iden1 iden2))))
+ (compose #'version> #'car))))
+;; called by implementations of ESTABLISH-CONNECTION which start up remote
+;; Lisp processes
+(defun upload-all-prerequisite-data (host)
+ (loop with *data-sources*
+ initially (register-data-source :asdf)
+ with sorted-local-cache = (sort (get-local-cached-prerequisite-data)
+ (compose #'version> #'third))
+ with sorted-remote-cache = (sort (get-remote-cached-prerequisite-data)
+ (compose #'version> #'third))
+ for (iden1 . iden2) in (getf (slot-value host :hostattrs) :data)
+ for highest-local-cached-version
+ = (third (car (remove-if-not (lambda (c)
+ (and (string= (first c) iden1)
+ (string= (second c) iden2)))
+ sorted-local-cache)))
+ for highest-remote-cached-version
+ = (third (car (remove-if-not (lambda (c)
+ (and (string= (first c) iden1)
+ (string= (second c) iden2)))
+ sorted-remote-cache)))
+ for (highest-source-version . highest-source)
+ = (query-data-sources iden1 iden2)
+ if (and highest-source-version
+ (or (not highest-remote-cached-version)
+ (version< highest-remote-cached-version
+ highest-source-version)))
+ do (connection-clear-data-cache iden1 iden2)
+ (connection-upload-data iden1
+ iden2
+ highest-source-version
+ (funcall highest-source))
+ else if (and highest-local-cached-version
+ (or (not highest-remote-cached-version)
+ (version< highest-remote-cached-version
+ highest-local-cached-version)))
+ do (connection-clear-data-cache iden1 iden2)
+ (connection-upload-data
+ iden1
+ iden2
+ highest-local-cached-version
+ (list :file
+ (local-data-pathname iden1
+ iden2
+ highest-local-cached-version)))
+ else if (not highest-remote-cached-version)
+ do (error "Could not provide prerequisite data ~S | ~S"
+ iden1 iden2)))
+(defun local-data-pathname (&rest segments)
+ (reduce #'merge-pathnames (nreverse (mapcar #'string->filename segments))
+ :from-end t :initial-value (get-local-data-cache-dir)))
+(defun remote-data-pathname (&rest segments)
+ (reduce #'merge-pathnames (nreverse (mapcar #'string->filename segments))
+ :from-end t :initial-value (get-remote-data-cache-dir)))
+(defun connection-upload-data (iden1 iden2 version data)
+ (let* ((dest (remote-data-pathname iden1 iden2 version)))
+ (run "mkdir" "-p" (uiop:unix-namestring
+ (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname dest)))
+ (cond
+ ((getf data :file)
+ ;; TODO if (string-prefix-p "text/" (getf data :mime)) then gzip,
+ ;; upload and gunzip
+ (connection-upload *connection*
+ (uiop:unix-namestring (getf data :file))
+ dest))
+ ((getf data :data)
+ (connection-writefile *connection* dest (getf data :data)))
+ (t
+ (error "Prerequisite data plist lacks both :file and :data entries")))))
+(defun connection-clear-data-cache (iden1 iden2)
+ (let ((dir (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname
+ (remote-data-pathname iden1 iden2))))
+ (run "rm" "-f" (strcat (uiop:unix-namestring
+ (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname dir))
+ "/*"))))
+(defun get-local-data-cache-dir ()
+ (uiop:ensure-pathname-directory
+ (strcat (or (uiop:getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
+ (strcat (uiop:getenv "HOME") "/.cache"))
+ "/consfigurator/data")))
+(defun get-local-cached-prerequisite-data ()
+ "Return a list of items of prerequisite data in the cache local to this Lisp
+process, where each entry is of the form
+ '(iden1 iden2 version)."
+ (loop for dir in (uiop:subdirectories (get-local-data-cache-dir))
+ nconc (loop for subdir in (uiop:subdirectories dir)
+ nconc (loop for file in (uiop:directory-files subdir)
+ collect (mapcar #'filename->string
+ (list dir subdir file))))))
+(defun get-remote-data-cache-dir ()
+ (uiop:ensure-pathname-directory
+ (car
+ (runlines "echo" "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/consfigurator/data/"))))
+(defun get-remote-cached-prerequisite-data ()
+ "Return a list of items of prerequisite data in the cache on the remote side
+of the current connection, where each entry is of the form
+ '(iden1 iden2 version)."
+ (mapcar (lambda (line)
+ (mapcar #'filename->string (split-string line :separator "/")))
+ (runlines "find" (get-remote-data-cache-dir)
+ "-type" "f" "-printf" "%P\\n")))
diff --git a/src/data/asdf.lisp b/src/data/asdf.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bca2346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/asdf.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.data.asdf)
+(defmethod register-data-source ((type (eql :asdf)) &key)
+ (add-data-source #'asdf-data-source-check #'get-path-to-concatenated-system))
+(defun asdf-data-source-check (iden1 system)
+ (and (string= iden1 "lisp-system")
+ (asdf:find-system system nil)))
+(Defun get-path-to-concatenated-system (iden1 system)
+ "Try to concatenate all the source code for SYSTEM, store it somewhere and
+return the filename."
+ (let ((cache-dir (uiop:ensure-pathname-directory
+ (strcat (or (uiop:getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
+ (strcat (uiop:getenv "HOME") "/.cache"))
+ "/consfigurator/systems")))
+ (op 'asdf:monolithic-concatenate-source-op)
+ (co (asdf:find-component system nil)))
+ (ensure-directories-exist cache-dir)
+ (asdf:initialize-output-translations `(:output-translations
+ (t ,cache-dir)
+ :disable-cache
+ :ignore-inherited-configuration))
+ (asdf:operate op co)
+ (list :file (asdf:output-file op co))))
diff --git a/src/data/pgp.lisp b/src/data/pgp.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5affa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/pgp.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.data.pgp)
+;;;; Simple PGP-encrypted file source of prerequisite data
+;; We provide an implementation of REGISTER-DATA-SOURCE and functions for the
+;; user to call at the REPL to add pieces of data, see what's there, etc. (a
+;; prerequisite data source which was some sort of external file-generating or
+;; secrets storage database might not provide any functions for the REPL).
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffae1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :consfigurator.util
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:shadowing-import-from #:uiop
+ #:strcat
+ #:string-prefix-p)
+ (:export #:strcat
+ #:string-prefix-p
+ #:lines
+ #:unlines
+ #:noop
+ #:symbol-named
+ #:version<
+ #:version>
+ #:version<=
+ #:version>=
+ #:string->filename
+ #:filename->string))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.core
+ (:use #:cl
+ #:alexandria
+ #:consfigurator.util)
+ (:export #:connect-and-apply
+ #:apply-properties
+ #:connection
+ #:lisp-connection
+ #:posix-connection
+ #:connection-run
+ #:run
+ #:run-with-input
+ #:runlines
+ #:runlines-with-input
+ #:connection-readfile
+ #:readfile
+ #:connection-writefile
+ #:writefile
+ #:connection-upload
+ #:connection-teardown
+ #:*host*
+ #:*hostattrs*
+ #:add-hostattr
+ #:require-data
+ #:establish-connection
+ #:defprop
+ #:defhost
+ #:hostattr
+ #:setconsfig
+ #:defdeploy
+ #:defdeploy-these
+ #:defhostdeploy
+ #:deploy
+ #:deploy-these
+ #:add-data-source
+ #:register-data-source
+ #:data-uploaded
+ #:host-data-uploaded
+ #:get-data
+ #:upload-all-prerequisite-data))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless (find-package :consfigurator)
+ (make-package :consfigurator :use '(cl))))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.connection.ssh
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.property.file
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator)
+ (:export #:file-has-content
+ #:file-contains-lines))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.property.command
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator)
+ (:export #:shell-command))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.data.asdf
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator))
+(defpackage :consfigurator.data.pgp
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator))
+(in-package :consfigurator)
+(dolist (package '(:consfigurator.core :consfigurator.util))
+ (use-package package)
+ (do-external-symbols (sym package)
+ (export sym)))
diff --git a/src/property/command.lisp b/src/property/command.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a040968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/property/command.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.property.command)
+(defprop shell-command :posix (cmd args &key environment)
+ "A property which can be applied by running a shell command.
+Keyword argument :environment is a plist of environment variables to be set
+when running the command, using env(1)."
+ (:apply (when environment
+ (let ((env (cons "env"
+ (loop for (var . val) in environment
+ collect (concat (symbol-name var)
+ "="
+ val)))))
+ (setq args (nconc env args))))
+ (connection-run (apply #'shellcmd cmd args))))
diff --git a/src/property/file.lisp b/src/property/file.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91ab379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/property/file.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.property.file)
+(defprop file-has-content :posix (path lines)
+ "Ensure there is a file at PATH whose lines are the elements of LINES."
+ (:apply (connection-writefile path (unlines lines))))
+(defprop file-contains-lines :posix (path lines)
+ "Ensure there is a file at PATH containing each of LINES."
+ (:apply (let ((new-lines (copy-list lines))
+ (existing-lines (lines (connection-readfile path))))
+ (loop for existing-line in existing-lines
+ do (setq new-lines (delete existing-line new-lines)))
+ (connection-writefile path (unlines
+ (nconc existing-lines new-lines))))))
diff --git a/src/util.lisp b/src/util.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6378d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(in-package :consfigurator.util)
+(defun noop (&rest args)
+ "Accept any arguments and do nothing."
+ (declare (ignore args))
+ (values))
+(defun lines (text)
+ (uiop:split-string (uiop:stripln text) :separator '(#\Newline)))
+(defun unlines (lines)
+ (format nil "~{~A~%~}" lines))
+(defmacro symbol-named (name symbol)
+ `(and (symbolp ,symbol)
+ (string= (symbol-name ',name) (symbol-name ,symbol))))
+(defun version< (x y)
+ (dpkg-version-compare x "<<" y))
+(defun version> (x y)
+ (dpkg-version-compare x ">>" y))
+(defun version<= (x y)
+ (dpkg-version-compare x "<=" y))
+(defun version>= (x y)
+ (dpkg-version-compare x ">=" y))
+(defun dpkg-version-compare (x r y)
+ (= 0 (nth-value 2 (uiop:run-program (list "dpkg" "--compare-versions" x r y)
+ :ignore-error-status t))))
+;;;; Encoding of strings to filenames
+;; Encoding scheme based on one by Joey Hess -- File.configFileName in
+;; propellor. Try to avoid including non-alphanumerics other than '.' and '_'
+;; in the filename, such that it both remains roughly human-readable and is
+;; likely to be accepted by programs which don't treat filenames as opaque
+;; (and interpret them with a charset sufficiently similar to Lisp's).
+;; This implementation also assumes that the Lisp doing the decoding has the
+;; same charset as the Lisp doing the encoding.
+(defun string->filename (s)
+ (apply #'concatenate 'string
+ (loop for c across s
+ if (or (char= c #\.)
+ (alpha-char-p c)
+ (digit-char-p c))
+ collect (format nil "~C" c)
+ else
+ collect (format nil "_~X_" (char-code c)))))
+(defun filename->string (s)
+ (loop with decoding
+ with buffer
+ with result
+ for c across s
+ do (cond
+ ((and (char= c #\_) (not decoding))
+ (setq decoding t))
+ ((and (char= c #\_) decoding)
+ (unless buffer (error "invalid encoding"))
+ (push (code-char
+ (read-from-string
+ (coerce (cons #\# (cons #\x (nreverse buffer)))
+ 'string)))
+ result)
+ (setq buffer nil
+ decoding nil))
+ (decoding
+ (push c buffer))
+ (t
+ (push c result)))
+ finally (return (coerce (nreverse result) 'string))))