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2 files changed, 116 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
index 86ef23b..b84c34d 100644
--- a/src/package.lisp
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+ #:defpropspec
diff --git a/src/property.lisp b/src/property.lisp
index df2e352..aef09ba 100644
--- a/src/property.lisp
+++ b/src/property.lisp
@@ -205,90 +205,127 @@ dotted name alongside NAME."
(ordinary-ll-without-&aux args))))
(cons ',name (cdr ,whole)))))))))
-(defmacro define-property (name lambda &rest slots)
- `(progn
- (record-known-property ',name)
- (setprop ',name ,@slots)
- (defun ,name ,lambda
- (propappapply (list ',name ,@(ordinary-ll-variable-names
- (ordinary-ll-without-&aux lambda)))))
- (define-dotted-property-macro ,name ,lambda)))
-;;; supported way to write properties is to use one of these two macros
-(defmacro defprop (name type args &body body)
- (let ((slots (list :type type :lambda (list 'quote args))))
- (multiple-value-bind (forms declarations)
- (parse-body body :documentation t)
- (when (> (length declarations) 1)
- (error "Multiple DECLARE forms unsupported."))
- (when-let ((indent (cadr (assoc 'indent (cdar declarations)))))
- (setf (getf slots :indent) indent))
- (loop for form in forms
- if (keywordp (car form))
- do (setf (getf slots (car form)) (cdr form)))
- (loop for kw in '(:desc :preprocess :hostattrs :check :apply :unapply)
- do (if-let ((slot (getf slots kw)))
- (setf (getf slots kw)
- `(lambda ,args
- ,@(and (eq type :lisp)
- (member kw '(:check :apply :unapply))
- `((assert-connection-supports :lisp)))
- ,@slot))))
- `(define-property ,name ,args ,@slots))))
-(defmacro defproplist (name type args &body properties)
- "Define a property which applies a property application specification.
-ARGS is an ordinary lambda list, so you can use &AUX variables to compute
-intermediate values. PROPERTIES is an unevaluated property application
-specification where the implicit surrounding combinator is ESEQPROP, but it
-will not be converted to a propspec until the resulting property has been
-added to a host, so it should not contain any free variables other than as
-would be bound by (lambda ARGS).
-The evaluation of PROPERTIES, and the evaluation of any &AUX variables, should
-not have any side effects. The evaluation will take place in the root Lisp.
-In particular, at present, storing or retrieving static informational
-attributes is not supported.
+(defmacro define-property-defining-macro
+ (mname (typev lambdav slotsv formsv) &body mbody)
+ "Define macro MNAME which be used to define properties, and which works by
+parsing FORMSV and pushing SETPROP keyword argument pairs to plist SLOTSV."
+ (multiple-value-bind (mforms mdeclarations mdocstring)
+ (parse-body mbody :documentation t)
+ (declare (ignore mdeclarations))
+ (with-gensyms (name body declarations)
+ `(defmacro ,mname (,name ,typev ,lambdav &body ,body)
+ ,@(and mdocstring `(,mdocstring))
+ (let ((,slotsv (list :type ,typev :lambda `',,lambdav)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (,formsv ,declarations)
+ (parse-body ,body :documentation t)
+ (when (> (length ,declarations) 1)
+ (error "Multiple DECLARE forms unsupported."))
+ (when-let ((indent (cadr (assoc 'indent (cdar ,declarations)))))
+ (setf (getf ,slotsv :indent) indent))
+ ,@mforms
+ `(progn
+ (record-known-property ',,name)
+ (setprop ',,name ,@,slotsv)
+ (defun ,,name ,,lambdav
+ (propappapply
+ (list ',,name ,@(ordinary-ll-variable-names
+ (ordinary-ll-without-&aux ,lambdav)))))
+ (define-dotted-property-macro ,,name ,,lambdav))))))))
+;; supported ways to write properties are DEFPROP, DEFPROPSPEC and DEFPROPLIST
+(define-property-defining-macro defprop (type lambda slots forms)
+ "Define a property by providing code for its subroutines."
+ (loop for form in forms
+ if (keywordp (car form))
+ do (setf (getf slots (car form)) (cdr form)))
+ (loop for kw in '(:desc :preprocess :hostattrs :check :apply :unapply)
+ do (if-let ((slot (getf slots kw)))
+ (setf (getf slots kw)
+ `(lambda ,lambda
+ ,@(and (eq type :lisp)
+ (member kw '(:check :apply :unapply))
+ `((assert-connection-supports :lisp)))
+ ,@slot)))))
+(defun defpropspec-preprocess (&rest args)
+ (list (list :propspec nil :orig-args args)))
+(defun defpropspec-apply (plist)
+ (propappapply (eval-propspec (getf plist :propspec))))
+(defun defpropspec-unapply (plist)
+ (propappunapply (eval-propspec (getf plist :propspec))))
+(define-property-defining-macro defpropspec (type lambda slots forms)
+ "Define a property which constructs, evaluates and applies a propspec.
+This is how you can define a property which works by calling other properties,
+in accordance with property combinators.
+Except in very simple cases, it is usually better to use this macro (or
+DEFPROPLIST) to combine several smaller properties rather than writing a
+property using DEFPROP which programmatically calls other properties. This is
+because using this macro takes care of calling property :HOSTATTRS
+subroutines at the right time.
+If the first element of the body is a string, it will be considered a
+docstring for the resulting property. If the first element of the body after
+any such string is a list beginning with :DESC, the remainder will be used as
+the :DESC subroutine for the resulting property, like DEFPROP. Otherwise, the
+body defines a function of the arguments specified by the lambda list which
+returns the propspec to be evaluated and applied. It should be a pure
+function aside from retrieving hostattrs.
+You can usually use DEFPROPLIST instead of DEFPROPSPEC, which see."
+ ;; This is implemented by effectively pushing a null pointer to the front of
+ ;; the propapp's arguments at :PREPROCESS-time, calling the user's code with
+ ;; the other arguments to the propapp at :HOSTATTRS-time, and storing the
+ ;; resulting propspec at the other end of the pointer, so that the :APPLY
+ ;; and :UNAPPLY subroutines can get at it. We have to keep the original
+ ;; arguments to the propapp around for the sake of the :DESC subroutine.
+ (setf (get slots :preprocess) #'defpropspec-preprocess)
+ (setf (get slots :apply) #'defpropspec-apply)
+ (setf (get slots :unapply) #'defpropspec-unapply)
+ (when (and (listp (car forms)) (eq :desc (caar forms)))
+ (setf (getf slots :desc)
+ `(lambda (plist)
+ (destructuring-bind ,lambda
+ (getf plist :orig-args)
+ ,@(cdr (pop forms))))))
+ (setf (getf slots :hostattrs)
+ `(lambda (plist)
+ (let ((propspec (preprocess-propspec
+ (destructuring-bind ,lambda
+ (getf plist :orig-args)
+ ,@forms))))
+ (setf (getf plist :propspec) propspec)
+ (propappattrs (eval-propspec propspec))))))
+(defmacro defproplist (name type lambda &body properties)
+ "Like DEFPROPSPEC, but define the function which yields the propspec using the
+unevaluated property application specification PROPERTIES, where the implicit
+surrounding combinator is ESEQPROPS.
If the first element of PROPERTIES is a string, it will be considered a
docstring for the resulting property. If the first element of PROPERTIES
after any such string is a list beginning with :DESC, the remainder will be
used as the :DESC subroutine for the resulting property, like DEFPROP.
-It is usually better to use this macro to combine several smaller properties
-rather than writing a property which programmatically calls other properties.
-This is because using this macro takes care of calling property :HOSTATTRS
-subroutines at the right time."
- (let ((new-args (cons (gensym) (ordinary-ll-without-&aux args)))
- (slots (list :type type
- :lambda `',args
- :hostattrs '(lambda (propspec &rest ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- (propappattrs (eval-propspec propspec)))
- :apply '(lambda (propspec &rest ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- (propappapply (eval-propspec propspec)))
- :unapply '(lambda (propspec &rest ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- (propappunapply (eval-propspec propspec))))))
- (multiple-value-bind (forms declarations)
- (parse-body properties :documentation t)
- (when (> (length declarations) 1)
- (error "Multiple DECLARE forms unsupported."))
- (when-let ((indent (cadr (assoc 'indent (cdar declarations)))))
- (setf (getf slots :indent) indent))
- (when (and (listp (car forms)) (eq :desc (caar forms)))
- (setf (getf slots :desc)
- `(lambda ,new-args
- (declare (ignorable ,@new-args))
- ,@(cdr (pop forms)))))
- (setf (getf slots :preprocess)
- `(lambda (&rest all-args)
- (cons (destructuring-bind ,args all-args
- (props eseqprops ,@forms))
- all-args))))
- `(define-property ,name ,args ,@slots)))
+Otherwise, the body should not contain any references to variables other than
+those in LAMBDA. LAMBDA is an ordinary lambda list, so you can use &AUX
+variables to compute intermediate values. The evaluation of arguments to
+propapps in PROPERTIES, and the evaluation of any &AUX variables in LAMBDA,
+will happen at :HOSTATTRS-time for the host to which the resulting property is
+to be applied, so you can retrieve static informational attributes (unlike
+with unevaluated property application specifications appearing in DEFHOST
+forms). The evaluation should otherwise be purely functional.
+You will usually be able to use DEFPROPLIST instead of DEFPROPSPEC. However,
+sometimes you will need to fall back on DEFPROPSPEC. For example, an
+unevaluated property application specification cannot express passing values
+other than constant values and propapps to property combinators."
+ `(defpropspec ,name ,type ,lambda
+ (props eseqprops ,@properties)))
;;;; hostattrs in property subroutines