path: root/src/data/asdf.lisp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/asdf.lisp')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/asdf.lisp b/src/data/asdf.lisp
index a681bb1..83142c0 100644
--- a/src/data/asdf.lisp
+++ b/src/data/asdf.lisp
@@ -19,26 +19,67 @@
(named-readtables:in-readtable :consfigurator)
(defmethod register-data-source ((type (eql :asdf)) &key)
- (cons #'asdf-data-source-check #'get-path-to-concatenated-system))
+ (cons #'asdf-data-source-check #'get-path-to-system-tarball))
(defun asdf-data-source-check (iden1 system)
(let ((system (and (string= iden1 "--lisp-system")
(asdf:find-system system nil))))
- (and system (system-version system))))
-(defun get-path-to-concatenated-system (iden1 system)
- "Try to concatenate all the source code for SYSTEM, store it somewhere and
-return the filename."
- (let ((op 'asdf:concatenate-source-op)
- (co (asdf:find-component system nil)))
- (asdf:operate op co)
- (make-instance 'file-data :file (asdf:output-file op co)
- :mime "text/plain"
- :iden1 iden1
- :iden2 system
- :version (system-version co))))
-(defun system-version (system)
- (reduce #'max
- (mapcar #'file-write-date
- (asdf:input-files 'asdf:concatenate-source-op system))))
+ (and system (system-version-files system))))
+(defun get-path-to-system-tarball (iden1 system)
+ (let* ((tarball (merge-pathnames
+ (strcat "consfigurator/systems/" system ".tar.gz")
+ (ensure-directory-pathname
+ (or (getenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
+ (strcat (getenv "HOME") "/.cache")))))
+ (tarball-write-date
+ (and (file-exists-p tarball) (file-write-date tarball))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (version files) (system-version-files system)
+ (if (and tarball-write-date (>= tarball-write-date version))
+ (setq version tarball-write-date)
+ (let* ((dir (asdf:system-source-directory system))
+ (relative
+ (loop for file in files
+ if (subpathp file dir)
+ collect (unix-namestring
+ (enough-pathname file dir))
+ else
+ do (error "~A is not a subpath of ~A." file dir))))
+ (run-program
+ (list* "tar" "-C" (unix-namestring dir)
+ "-czf" (unix-namestring (ensure-directories-exist tarball))
+ relative))))
+ (make-instance 'file-data :file tarball :mime "application/gzip"
+ :iden1 iden1 :iden2 system :version version))))
+(defun system-version-files (system)
+ (let* ((system (asdf:find-system system))
+ (name (asdf:component-name system))
+ (file (asdf:system-source-file system))
+ (written (file-write-date file)))
+ (unless (string= (pathname-name file) name)
+ (error "Cannot upload secondary systems directly."))
+ (labels ((recurse (component)
+ (let ((pathname (asdf:component-pathname component))
+ (rest (and (compute-applicable-methods
+ #'asdf:component-children (list component))
+ (mapcan #'recurse
+ (asdf:component-children component)))))
+ (if (and pathname (file-exists-p pathname))
+ (progn (maxf written (file-write-date pathname))
+ (cons pathname rest))
+ rest))))
+ ;; We include secondary systems because otherwise, for systems using the
+ ;; package-inferred-system extension, we could end up uploading a huge
+ ;; number of tarballs. We need to ensure SYSTEM is loaded so that all
+ ;; the secondary systems are known to ASDF.
+ (asdf:load-system system)
+ (let ((files
+ (nconc
+ (recurse system)
+ (loop for other in (asdf:registered-systems)
+ for other* = (asdf:find-system other)
+ when (and (not (eql system other*))
+ (string= name (asdf:primary-system-name other*)))
+ nconc (recurse other*)))))
+ (values written (cons file files))))))