diff options
authorSean Whitton <>2020-05-31 14:36:42 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2020-05-31 18:56:14 -0700
commit9ee3bdf41db3c56ed877d7ec49182c4d86010632 (patch)
parent1e474e21e0f4bee8834a109c0548330335e6d4a2 (diff)
drop avy & ace-link
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/init-spw.el b/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
index 6ae3c19a..25461d59 100644
--- a/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
+++ b/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
@@ -687,59 +687,6 @@ Passes ARG to `projectile-switch-project-by-name'."
(use-package htmlize
:if (spw--optional-pkg-available-p "htmlize"))
-;;; buffer navigation
-(use-package avy
- :bind (("M-r" . spw/avy-goto-word)
- ;; if one types M-g g followed by numbers, avy-goto-line will
- ;; switch to Emacs default M-g g behaviour. So this
- ;; rebinding of a standard key is purely additive
- ("M-g g" . avy-goto-line)
- ("M-g M-g" . avy-goto-line))
- :config
- (setq
- ;; Make avy overlays look more like ace-jump, except for
- ;; avy-goto-line, where pre is needed to ensure all chars are
- ;; displayed (maybe an upstream bug?)
- avy-styles-alist '((avy-goto-line . pre)
- (avy-goto-char . at-full)
- (avy-goto-subword-1 . at-full)
- (avy-goto-word-1 . at-full))
- ;; Make avy work over all windows in this frame, but not over all
- ;; visible frames, as I can have so many of those that avy gets too slow
- avy-all-windows t
- ;; Increase the keys available such that less likely to need to
- ;; type two (list from Endless Parentheses blog)
- avy-keys '(?c ?a ?s ?d ?e ?f ?h ?w ?y ?j ?k ?l ?n ?m ?v ?r ?u ?p))
- ;; Attempt to restore ace-jump-mode functionality whereby M-o jumps
- ;; by word start, C-u M-o by any char in the word. We're taking the
- ;; input ourselves so that `avy-goto-word-1' doesn't see arg and
- ;; thus narrow to the current window
- (defun spw/avy-goto-word (char &optional arg)
- (interactive (list (read-char "char: ")
- current-prefix-arg))
- (if arg (avy-goto-char char nil)
- (if (bound-and-true-p subword-mode)
- (avy-goto-subword-1 char nil)
- (avy-goto-word-1 char nil))))
- ;; TODO: can this be buffer local? Then I could use it only for
- ;; variable-pitch-mode. Disabled because outside of that mode it's
- ;; annoying
- ;; (face-override-variable-pitch 'avy-lead-face-0)
- ;; (face-override-variable-pitch 'avy-lead-face-1)
- ;; (face-override-variable-pitch 'avy-lead-face-2)
- ;; (face-override-variable-pitch 'avy-lead-face)
- )
-;; use avy to move between links in *Help* buffers
-(use-package ace-link
- :defer 5
- :config
- (ace-link-setup-default))
;;; asynchronous copies and moves in dired -- but don't turn on for
;;; all dired buffers