path: root/Utility/Metered.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Utility/Metered.hs')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Metered.hs b/Utility/Metered.hs
index e21e18c..a5dda54 100644
--- a/Utility/Metered.hs
+++ b/Utility/Metered.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
module Utility.Metered where
import Common
+import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
+import Utility.Percentage
+import Utility.DataUnits
+import Utility.HumanTime
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
@@ -17,7 +21,6 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(sizeOf))
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.Int
-import Data.Bits.Utils
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
@@ -168,22 +171,27 @@ defaultChunkSize = 32 * k - chunkOverhead
k = 1024
chunkOverhead = 2 * sizeOf (1 :: Int) -- GHC specific
-{- Runs an action, watching a file as it grows and updating the meter. -}
+{- Runs an action, watching a file as it grows and updating the meter.
+ -
+ - The file may already exist, and the action could throw the original file
+ - away and start over. To avoid reporting the original file size followed
+ - by a smaller size in that case, wait until the file starts growing
+ - before updating the meter for the first time.
+ -}
watchFileSize :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> m a -> m a
watchFileSize f p a = bracket
- (liftIO $ forkIO $ watcher zeroBytesProcessed)
+ (liftIO $ forkIO $ watcher =<< getsz)
(liftIO . void . tryIO . killThread)
(const a)
watcher oldsz = do
- v <- catchMaybeIO $ toBytesProcessed <$> getFileSize f
- newsz <- case v of
- Just sz | sz /= oldsz -> do
- p sz
- return sz
- _ -> return oldsz
threadDelay 500000 -- 0.5 seconds
- watcher newsz
+ sz <- getsz
+ when (sz > oldsz) $
+ p sz
+ watcher sz
+ getsz = catchDefaultIO zeroBytesProcessed $
+ toBytesProcessed <$> getFileSize f
data OutputHandler = OutputHandler
{ quietMode :: Bool
@@ -216,7 +224,7 @@ commandMeter progressparser oh meterupdate cmd params =
unless (quietMode oh) $ do
S.hPut stdout b
hFlush stdout
- let s = w82s (S.unpack b)
+ let s = encodeW8 (S.unpack b)
let (mbytes, buf') = progressparser (buf++s)
case mbytes of
Nothing -> feedprogress prev buf' h
@@ -297,3 +305,77 @@ rateLimitMeterUpdate delta totalsize meterupdate = do
putMVar lastupdate now
meterupdate n
else putMVar lastupdate prev
+data Meter = Meter (Maybe Integer) (MVar MeterState) (MVar String) RenderMeter DisplayMeter
+type MeterState = (BytesProcessed, POSIXTime)
+type DisplayMeter = MVar String -> String -> IO ()
+type RenderMeter = Maybe Integer -> (BytesProcessed, POSIXTime) -> (BytesProcessed, POSIXTime) -> String
+-- | Make a meter. Pass the total size, if it's known.
+mkMeter :: Maybe Integer -> RenderMeter -> DisplayMeter -> IO Meter
+mkMeter totalsize rendermeter displaymeter = Meter
+ <$> pure totalsize
+ <*> ((\t -> newMVar (zeroBytesProcessed, t)) =<< getPOSIXTime)
+ <*> newMVar ""
+ <*> pure rendermeter
+ <*> pure displaymeter
+-- | Updates the meter, displaying it if necessary.
+updateMeter :: Meter -> BytesProcessed -> IO ()
+updateMeter (Meter totalsize sv bv rendermeter displaymeter) new = do
+ now <- getPOSIXTime
+ (old, before) <- swapMVar sv (new, now)
+ when (old /= new) $
+ displaymeter bv $
+ rendermeter totalsize (old, before) (new, now)
+-- | Display meter to a Handle.
+displayMeterHandle :: Handle -> DisplayMeter
+displayMeterHandle h v s = do
+ olds <- swapMVar v s
+ -- Avoid writing when the rendered meter has not changed.
+ when (olds /= s) $ do
+ let padding = replicate (length olds - length s) ' '
+ hPutStr h ('\r':s ++ padding)
+ hFlush h
+-- | Clear meter displayed by displayMeterHandle.
+clearMeterHandle :: Meter -> Handle -> IO ()
+clearMeterHandle (Meter _ _ v _ _) h = do
+ olds <- readMVar v
+ hPutStr h $ '\r' : replicate (length olds) ' ' ++ "\r"
+ hFlush h
+-- | Display meter in the form:
+-- 10% 300 KiB/s 16m40s
+-- or when total size is not known:
+-- 1.3 MiB 300 KiB/s
+bandwidthMeter :: RenderMeter
+bandwidthMeter mtotalsize (BytesProcessed old, before) (BytesProcessed new, now) =
+ unwords $ catMaybes
+ [ Just percentoramount
+ -- Pad enough for max width: "xxxx.xx KiB xxxx KiB/s"
+ , Just $ replicate (23 - length percentoramount - length rate) ' '
+ , Just rate
+ , estimatedcompletion
+ ]
+ where
+ percentoramount = case mtotalsize of
+ Just totalsize -> showPercentage 0 $
+ percentage totalsize (min new totalsize)
+ Nothing -> roughSize' memoryUnits True 2 new
+ rate = roughSize' memoryUnits True 0 bytespersecond ++ "/s"
+ bytespersecond
+ | duration == 0 = fromIntegral transferred
+ | otherwise = floor $ fromIntegral transferred / duration
+ transferred = max 0 (new - old)
+ duration = max 0 (now - before)
+ estimatedcompletion = case mtotalsize of
+ Just totalsize
+ | bytespersecond > 0 ->
+ Just $ fromDuration $ Duration $
+ totalsize `div` bytespersecond
+ _ -> Nothing