path: root/Storage.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2016-08-19 16:36:46 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2016-08-19 16:36:46 -0400
commit0afe2e6177b48078db381d26334d3f4fd13363da (patch)
treece23c42a9273394c0738978a6e0724d69b90777a /Storage.hs
parentfdc80b7a2416782d3208acf154fb8afb7fb2279b (diff)
This changed the storage format, not that it matters because nobody is using it yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'Storage.hs')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Storage.hs b/Storage.hs
index 56d68a8..85e52a6 100644
--- a/Storage.hs
+++ b/Storage.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Set as S
allStorageLocations :: IO StorageLocations
allStorageLocations = do
@@ -29,50 +30,67 @@ localStorageLocations = StorageLocations $
type UpdateProgress = IO ()
-- | Stores the shares amoung the storage locations. Each location
--- gets at most one share.
-storeShares :: StorageLocations -> ShareIdents -> [(UpdateProgress, Share)] -> IO StoreResult
-storeShares (StorageLocations locs) sis shares = do
- (r, usedlocs) <- go locs [] Nothing (zip (getIdents sis) shares)
+-- gets at most one share from each set.
+-- TODO: Add shuffling and queueing/chaffing to prevent
+-- correlation of related shares.
+storeShares :: StorageLocations -> ShareIdents -> [S.Set Share] -> UpdateProgress -> IO StoreResult
+storeShares (StorageLocations locs) allsis shares updateprogress = do
+ (r, usedlocs) <- go allsis shares []
_ <- mapM_ obscureShares usedlocs
return r
- go _ usedlocs _ [] = return (StoreSuccess, usedlocs)
- go [] usedlocs lasterr _ =
+ go sis (s:rest) usedlocs = do
+ let (is, sis') = nextShareIdents sis
+ (r, usedlocs') <- storeset locs [] Nothing (zip (S.toList is) (S.toList s))
+ case r of
+ StoreSuccess -> go sis' rest (usedlocs ++ usedlocs')
+ _ -> return (r, usedlocs ++ usedlocs')
+ go _ [] usedlocs = return (StoreSuccess, usedlocs)
+ storeset _ usedlocs _ [] = return (StoreSuccess, usedlocs)
+ storeset [] usedlocs lasterr _ =
return (fromMaybe (StoreFailure "no storage locations") lasterr, usedlocs)
- go (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs _ tostore@((i,(showprogress, s)):rest) = do
+ storeset (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs _ ((i, s):rest) = do
r <- storeShare loc i s
case r of
StoreSuccess -> do
- _ <- showprogress
- go otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) Nothing rest
- StoreFailure _ -> go otherlocs usedlocs (Just r) tostore
+ _ <- updateprogress
+ storeset otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) Nothing rest
-- Give up if any location complains a share
-- already exists, because we have a name conflict.
StoreAlreadyExists -> return (StoreAlreadyExists, usedlocs)
+ -- Try storing it somewhere else on failure.
+ StoreFailure _ ->
+ storeset otherlocs usedlocs (Just r) ((i, s):rest)
--- | Retrieves shares from among the storage locations, and returns all
--- the shares it can find, which may not be all that were requested.
+-- | Retrieves one set of shares from the storage locations.
+-- Returns all the shares it can find, which may not be enough,
+-- and the remaining Shareidents, to use to get subsequent sets.
-- Assumes that each location only contains one share. So, once a
-- share has been found on a location, can avoid asking that location
-- for any other shares.
-retrieveShares :: StorageLocations -> [(UpdateProgress, (ShareNum, StorableObjectIdent))] -> IO [Share]
-retrieveShares (StorageLocations locs) l = do
- (shares, usedlocs, _unusedlocs) <- go locs [] l []
+retrieveShares :: StorageLocations -> ShareIdents -> UpdateProgress -> IO (S.Set Share, ShareIdents)
+retrieveShares (StorageLocations locs) sis updateprogress = do
+ let (is, sis') = nextShareIdents sis
+ let want = zip [1..] (S.toList is)
+ (shares, usedlocs, _unusedlocs) <- go locs [] want []
_ <- mapM_ obscureShares usedlocs
- return shares
+ return (S.fromList shares, sis')
go unusedlocs usedlocs [] shares = return (shares, usedlocs, unusedlocs)
go [] usedlocs _ shares = return (shares, usedlocs, [])
- go (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs (toretrieve@(updateprogress, (n, i)):rest) shares = do
+ go (loc:otherlocs) usedlocs ((n, i):rest) shares = do
r <- retrieveShare loc n i
case r of
RetrieveSuccess s -> do
_ <- updateprogress
go otherlocs (loc:usedlocs) rest (s:shares)
RetrieveFailure _ -> do
+ -- Try to get the share from other locations.
(shares', usedlocs', unusedlocs) <-
- go otherlocs usedlocs [toretrieve] shares
+ go otherlocs usedlocs [(n, i)] shares
-- May need to ask the location that didn't
-- have the share for a later share, but
-- ask it last. This way, the first