path: root/Storage/Network.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2016-09-12 23:09:37 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2016-09-12 23:09:37 -0400
commit3de39735765344b3728f5649e47d27b69f9094f4 (patch)
tree1379cfd32390bfe3c12b74c47ff9a358e963e18a /Storage/Network.hs
parente333a779338ff8bccdc4225fc953d6f4f0226db0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Storage/Network.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/Storage/Network.hs b/Storage/Network.hs
index 9739f2f..b6b778a 100644
--- a/Storage/Network.hs
+++ b/Storage/Network.hs
@@ -14,40 +14,9 @@ module Storage.Network (
import Types
import Types.Storage
-import Types.Cost
-import Data.List
-import Data.Char
-import HTTP
+import Servers
import HTTP.Client
import HTTP.ProofOfWork
-import Servant.Client
-import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port)
-import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (port, host)
-import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Connection, makeConnection)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
-import qualified Network.Socket
-import Network.Socket.ByteString (sendAll, recv)
-import Network.Socks5
-import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
-type HostName = String
-data Server = Server
- { serverName :: HostName
- , serverPort :: Port
- }
-serverUrl :: Server -> BaseUrl
-serverUrl srv = BaseUrl Http (serverName srv) (serverPort srv) ""
--- | These can be either tor .onion addresses, or regular hostnames.
--- Using tor is highly recommended, to avoid correlation attacks.
-networkServers :: IO [Server]
-networkServers = return
- [ Server "vzgrspuxbtnlrtup.onion" 4242 --
- , Server "localhost" 4242
- , Server "localhost" 4242
- ]
networkStorage :: Server -> Storage
networkStorage server = Storage
@@ -79,70 +48,3 @@ count srv = serverRequest srv CountFailure id NoPOWIdent countObjects
-- | Not needed for servers.
move :: Server -> Storage -> IO ()
move _ _ = error "move is not implemented for servers"
- :: POWIdent p
- => Server
- -> (String -> a)
- -> (r -> a)
- -> p
- -> (Maybe ProofOfWork -> Manager -> BaseUrl -> ExceptT ServantError IO (POWGuarded r))
- -> IO a
-serverRequest srv onerr onsuccess p a = go Nothing maxProofOfWork
- where
- go pow (Seconds timeleft)
- | timeleft <= 0 = return $ onerr "server asked for too much proof of work; gave up"
- | otherwise = do
- res <- serverRequest' srv (a pow)
- case res of
- Left err -> return $ onerr err
- Right (Result r) -> return $ onsuccess r
- Right (NeedProofOfWork req) -> go
- (Just $ genProofOfWork req p)
- (Seconds timeleft - generationTime req)
- :: Server
- -> (Manager -> BaseUrl -> ExceptT ServantError IO r)
- -> IO (Either String r)
-serverRequest' srv a = do
- -- A new Manager is allocated for each request, rather than reusing
- -- any connection. This is a feature; it makes correlation attacks
- -- harder because the server can't tell if two connections
- -- accessing different objects came from the same user, except by
- -- comparing IP addresses (which are masked somewhat by using tor).
- manager <- torableManager
- res <- runExceptT $ a manager url
- return $ case res of
- Left err -> Left $ "server failure: " ++ show err
- Right r -> Right r
- where
- url = serverUrl srv
--- | HTTP Manager supporting tor .onion and regular hosts
-torableManager :: IO Manager
-torableManager = newManager $ defaultManagerSettings
- { managerRawConnection = return conn
- }
- where
- conn addr host port
- | ".onion" `isSuffixOf` map toLower host = torConnection host port
- | otherwise = do
- regular <- managerRawConnection defaultManagerSettings
- regular addr host port
-torConnection :: HostName -> Port -> IO Connection
-torConnection onionaddress p = do
- (socket, _) <- socksConnect torsockconf socksaddr
- socketConnection socket 8192
- where
- torsocksport = 9050
- torsockconf = defaultSocksConf "" torsocksport
- socksdomain = SocksAddrDomainName (BU8.fromString onionaddress)
- socksaddr = SocksAddress socksdomain (fromIntegral p)
-socketConnection :: Network.Socket.Socket -> Int -> IO Connection
-socketConnection socket chunksize = makeConnection
- (recv socket chunksize)
- (sendAll socket)
- (Network.Socket.close socket)