path: root/Tests.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests.hs')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tests.hs b/Tests.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d1f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Tests where
+import Types
+import Tunables
+import Encryption
+import Share
+import Storage
+import Storage.Local
+import Control.Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.Posix.Temp
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+type TestDesc = B.ByteString
+type TestResult = Either String ()
+type Test = (TestDesc, IO TestResult)
+testSuccess :: IO TestResult
+testSuccess = return $ Right ()
+testFailed :: String -> IO TestResult
+testFailed = return . Left
+runTest :: Test -> IO Bool
+runTest (d, t) = do
+ putStr $ "testing: " ++ show d ++ " ..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ r <- t
+ case r of
+ Right () -> do
+ putStrLn "ok"
+ return True
+ Left e -> do
+ putStrLn $ "failed: " ++ show e
+ return False
+runTests :: IO ()
+runTests = do
+ r <- mapM runTest tests
+ if all (== True) r
+ then putStrLn "All tests succeeded."
+ else error "Tests failed. Report a bug!"
+tests :: [Test]
+tests =
+ [ backupRestoreTest "very small" $
+ testSecretKey 1
+ , backupRestoreTest "full size" $
+ testSecretKey (objectSize testModeTunables)
+ , backupRestoreTest "two chunks" $
+ testSecretKey (objectSize testModeTunables + 1)
+ , backupRestoreTest "many chunks" $
+ testSecretKey (objectSize testModeTunables * 10)
+ , stableNamingTest "stable naming"
+ ]
+testSecretKey :: Int -> SecretKey
+testSecretKey sz = SecretKey $ BU8.fromString $ take sz $ concatMap show []
+withTestStorageLocations :: (StorageLocations -> IO a) -> IO a
+withTestStorageLocations a = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = mkdtemp "keysafe-test"
+ cleanup = removeDirectoryRecursive
+ go tmpdir = a $ StorageLocations $
+ map (localStorage (testStorageDir tmpdir) . show)
+ [1..100 :: Int]
+-- | Test of backup and restore of a SecretKey.
+backupRestoreTest :: TestDesc -> SecretKey -> Test
+backupRestoreTest testdesc secretkey =
+ ("backup and restore (" ++ testdesc ++ ")", runtest)
+ where
+ runtest = withTestStorageLocations $ \storagelocations -> do
+ backup storagelocations
+ restore storagelocations
+ backup storagelocations = do
+ kek <- genKeyEncryptionKey tunables name password
+ let esk = encrypt tunables kek secretkey
+ shares <- genShares esk tunables
+ let sis = shareIdents tunables name secretkeysource
+ _ <- storeShares storagelocations sis shares (return ())
+ return ()
+ restore storagelocations = do
+ let sis = shareIdents tunables name secretkeysource
+ (shares, sis') <- retrieveShares storagelocations sis (return ())
+ let candidatekeys = candidateKeyEncryptionKeys tunables name password
+ case combineShares tunables [shares] of
+ Left e -> testFailed e
+ Right esk -> restorerest storagelocations [shares] sis' $
+ tryDecrypt candidatekeys esk
+ restorerest storagelocations firstshares sis r = case r of
+ DecryptFailed -> testFailed "DecryptFailed"
+ DecryptSuccess restoredsecretkey ->
+ if restoredsecretkey == secretkey
+ then testSuccess
+ else testFailed "restore yielded different value than was backed up"
+ DecryptIncomplete kek -> do
+ (nextshares, sis') <- retrieveShares storagelocations sis (return ())
+ let shares = firstshares ++ [nextshares]
+ case combineShares tunables shares of
+ Left e -> testFailed e
+ Right esk -> restorerest storagelocations shares sis' $
+ decrypt kek esk
+ name = Name testdesc
+ password = Password "password"
+ secretkeysource = GpgKey (KeyId "dummy")
+ -- testModeTunables is used, to avoid this taking a very
+ -- long time to run.
+ tunables = testModeTunables
+-- | It's important that StorableObjectIdent generation be stable;
+-- any change to it will cause shards to get lost.
+stableNamingTest :: TestDesc -> Test
+stableNamingTest testdesc = (testdesc, runtest $ map snd knownTunings)
+ where
+ runtest [] = testFailed "not stable!"
+ runtest (tunables:rest) = do
+ let sis = shareIdents tunables name secretkeysource
+ if S.member knownvalue (head (identsStream sis))
+ then testSuccess
+ else runtest rest
+ name = Name "stable name"
+ secretkeysource = GpgKey (KeyId "stable keyid")
+ knownvalue = StorableObjectIdent "18b112da9108b4b5e21fa07cfc672e11688110e4c2dc56c8365f0de488cca8cb"