path: root/debian/control
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* updates for --filter pandoc-citeproc-preamble -> --citeproc changeSean Whitton2022-08-21
| | | | Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.4.1Sean Whitton2019-11-29
* Add <!nocheck> build-deps on pandoc & pandoc-citeprocSean Whitton2019-11-29
| | | | Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
* update d/control build-deps to match cabal fileSean Whitton2019-11-28
| | | | Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
* Priority extra->optionalSean Whitton2019-02-15
* generate a versioned dependency on libghc-pandoc-types-devSean Whitton2019-02-15
* initial debianisationSean Whitton2017-01-29