BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
athena/bookworm-backportsRebuild for athena apt repositorySean Whitton3 weeks
masterfix links to CPAN RTSean Whitton6 days
v1.000papersway-1.000.tar.gz  Sean Whitton6 days
archive/debian/0.003-1papersway-archive/debian/0.003-1.tar.gz  Sean Whitton11 days
debian/0.003-1papersway-debian/0.003-1.tar.gz  Sean Whitton11 days
v0.003papersway-0.003.tar.gz  Sean Whitton11 days
v0.002papersway-0.002.tar.gz  Sean Whitton3 weeks
debian/0.001-1_bpo12+1_athena1papersway-debian/0.001-1_bpo12+1_athena1.tar.gz  Sean Whitton3 weeks
archive/debian/0.001-1papersway-archive/debian/0.001-1.tar.gz  Sean Whitton3 weeks
debian/0.001-1papersway-debian/0.001-1.tar.gz  Sean Whitton3 weeks
v0.001papersway-0.001.tar.gz  Sean Whitton3 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
6 daysfix links to CPAN RTHEADmasterSean Whitton
6 daysupload 1.000 to DebianSean Whitton
6 daysv1.000v1.000Sean Whitton
6 dayschangelogSean Whitton
6 daysadd idea about different default ncols for different outputsSean Whitton
6 daysupdate Changes, bump versionSean Whitton
10 daysadd debian/papersway/ to .gitignoreSean Whitton
11 daysfix & improve comment, check @$old_cols for whether exiting monocleSean Whitton
11 daysd/control: drop duplicate perl dependencySean Whitton
11 daysd/control: update Homepage fieldSean Whitton