BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterRevert "Declare only support amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, ppc64el"Sean Whitton3 years
archive/debian/  Sean Whitton3 years
debian/  Sean Whitton3 years
v0.12.2.0stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
v0.12.1.0stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
v0.12.0.0stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
v0.11.0.3stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
v0.11.0.2stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
v0.11.0.1stylish-haskell-  Jasper Van der Jeugt4 years
archive/debian/  Sean Whitton4 years
debian/  Sean Whitton4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-04-24Bump version to Van der Jeugt
2017-04-24Bump aeson, syb and HUnit dependenciesJasper Van der Jeugt
2017-04-24Write up a simple release guideJasper Van der Jeugt
2017-04-24Take package imports into account when prettifying importsArtyom Kazak
2017-04-22Deduplicate import specs (#165)Artyom Kazak
2017-04-18Merge pull request #164 from jaspervdj/154-pragmas-compactArtyom Kazak
2017-04-17Don't leave #-} hangingArtyom
2017-04-16Fix typos in the config fileArtyom
2017-04-16Update the features list in the READMEArtyom
2017-04-16Update links in Emacs instructionsArtyom