path: root/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Printer.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Printer.hs')
1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Printer.hs b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Printer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..886f912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Printer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Printer
+ ( Printer(..)
+ , PrinterConfig(..)
+ , PrinterState(..)
+ -- * Alias
+ , P
+ -- * Functions to use the printer
+ , runPrinter
+ , runPrinter_
+ -- ** Combinators
+ , comma
+ , dot
+ , getAnnot
+ , getCurrentLine
+ , getCurrentLineLength
+ , getDocstrPrev
+ , newline
+ , parenthesize
+ , peekNextCommentPos
+ , prefix
+ , putComment
+ , putEolComment
+ , putOutputable
+ , putAllSpanComments
+ , putCond
+ , putType
+ , putRdrName
+ , putText
+ , removeCommentTo
+ , removeCommentToEnd
+ , removeLineComment
+ , sep
+ , groupAttachedComments
+ , space
+ , spaces
+ , suffix
+ -- ** Advanced combinators
+ , withColumns
+ , modifyCurrentLine
+ , wrapping
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (lines)
+import ApiAnnotation (AnnKeywordId(..), AnnotationComment(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcPs, NoExtField(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Types (HsType(..))
+import Module (ModuleName, moduleNameString)
+import RdrName (RdrName(..))
+import SrcLoc (GenLocated(..), RealLocated)
+import SrcLoc (Located, SrcSpan(..))
+import SrcLoc (srcSpanStartLine, srcSpanEndLine)
+import Outputable (Outputable)
+import Control.Monad (forM_, replicateM_)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT(..), asks, local)
+import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State)
+import Control.Monad.State (runState)
+import Control.Monad.State (get, gets, modify, put)
+import Data.Foldable (find)
+import Data.Functor ((<&>))
+import Data.List (delete, isPrefixOf)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Module (Module, Lines, lookupAnnotation)
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.GHC (showOutputable, unLocated)
+-- | Shorthand for 'Printer' monad
+type P = Printer
+-- | Printer that keeps state of file
+newtype Printer a = Printer (ReaderT PrinterConfig (State PrinterState) a)
+ deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadReader PrinterConfig, MonadState PrinterState)
+-- | Configuration for printer, currently empty
+data PrinterConfig = PrinterConfig
+ { columns :: !(Maybe Int)
+ }
+-- | State of printer
+data PrinterState = PrinterState
+ { lines :: !Lines
+ , linePos :: !Int
+ , currentLine :: !String
+ , pendingComments :: ![RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+ , parsedModule :: !Module
+ }
+-- | Run printer to get printed lines out of module as well as return value of monad
+runPrinter :: PrinterConfig -> [RealLocated AnnotationComment] -> Module -> Printer a -> (a, Lines)
+runPrinter cfg comments m (Printer printer) =
+ let
+ (a, PrinterState parsedLines _ startedLine _ _) = runReaderT printer cfg `runState` PrinterState [] 0 "" comments m
+ in
+ (a, parsedLines <> if startedLine == [] then [] else [startedLine])
+-- | Run printer to get printed lines only
+runPrinter_ :: PrinterConfig -> [RealLocated AnnotationComment] -> Module -> Printer a -> Lines
+runPrinter_ cfg comments m printer = snd (runPrinter cfg comments m printer)
+-- | Print text
+putText :: String -> P ()
+putText txt = do
+ l <- gets currentLine
+ modify \s -> s { currentLine = l <> txt }
+-- | Check condition post action, and use fallback if false
+putCond :: (PrinterState -> Bool) -> P b -> P b -> P b
+putCond p action fallback = do
+ prevState <- get
+ res <- action
+ currState <- get
+ if p currState then pure res
+ else put prevState >> fallback
+-- | Print an 'Outputable'
+putOutputable :: Outputable a => a -> P ()
+putOutputable = putText . showOutputable
+-- | Put all comments that has positions within 'SrcSpan' and separate by
+-- passed @P ()@
+putAllSpanComments :: P () -> SrcSpan -> P ()
+putAllSpanComments suff = \case
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure ()
+ RealSrcSpan rspan -> do
+ cmts <- removeComments \(L rloc _) ->
+ srcSpanStartLine rloc >= srcSpanStartLine rspan &&
+ srcSpanEndLine rloc <= srcSpanEndLine rspan
+ forM_ cmts (\c -> putComment c >> suff)
+-- | Print any comment
+putComment :: AnnotationComment -> P ()
+putComment = \case
+ AnnLineComment s -> putText s
+ AnnDocCommentNext s -> putText s
+ AnnDocCommentPrev s -> putText s
+ AnnDocCommentNamed s -> putText s
+ AnnDocSection _ s -> putText s
+ AnnDocOptions s -> putText s
+ AnnBlockComment s -> putText s
+-- | Given the current start line of 'SrcSpan', remove and put EOL comment for same line
+putEolComment :: SrcSpan -> P ()
+putEolComment = \case
+ RealSrcSpan rspan -> do
+ cmt <- removeComment \case
+ L rloc (AnnLineComment s) ->
+ and
+ [ srcSpanStartLine rspan == srcSpanStartLine rloc
+ , not ("-- ^" `isPrefixOf` s)
+ , not ("-- |" `isPrefixOf` s)
+ ]
+ _ -> False
+ forM_ cmt (\c -> space >> putComment c)
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure ()
+-- | Print a 'RdrName'
+putRdrName :: Located RdrName -> P ()
+putRdrName (L pos n) = case n of
+ Unqual name -> do
+ annots <- getAnnot pos
+ if AnnOpenP `elem` annots then do
+ putText "("
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+ putText ")"
+ else if AnnBackquote `elem` annots then do
+ putText "`"
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+ putText "`"
+ else if AnnSimpleQuote `elem` annots then do
+ putText "'"
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+ else
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+ Qual modulePrefix name ->
+ putModuleName modulePrefix >> dot >> putText (showOutputable name)
+ Orig _ name ->
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+ Exact name ->
+ putText (showOutputable name)
+-- | Print module name
+putModuleName :: ModuleName -> P ()
+putModuleName = putText . moduleNameString
+-- | Print type
+putType :: Located (HsType GhcPs) -> P ()
+putType ltp = case unLocated ltp of
+ HsFunTy NoExtField argTp funTp -> do
+ putOutputable argTp
+ space
+ putText "->"
+ space
+ putType funTp
+ HsAppTy NoExtField t1 t2 ->
+ putType t1 >> space >> putType t2
+ HsExplicitListTy NoExtField _ xs -> do
+ putText "'["
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putType xs)
+ putText "]"
+ HsExplicitTupleTy NoExtField xs -> do
+ putText "'("
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putType xs)
+ putText ")"
+ HsOpTy NoExtField lhs op rhs -> do
+ putType lhs
+ space
+ putRdrName op
+ space
+ putType rhs
+ HsTyVar NoExtField _ rdrName ->
+ putRdrName rdrName
+ HsTyLit _ tp ->
+ putOutputable tp
+ HsParTy _ tp -> do
+ putText "("
+ putType tp
+ putText ")"
+ HsTupleTy NoExtField _ xs -> do
+ putText "("
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putType xs)
+ putText ")"
+ HsForAllTy NoExtField _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsQualTy NoExtField _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsAppKindTy _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsListTy _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsSumTy _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsIParamTy _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsKindSig _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsStarTy _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsSpliceTy _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsDocTy _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsBangTy _ _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsRecTy _ _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ HsWildCardTy _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+ XHsType _ ->
+ putOutputable ltp
+-- | Get a docstring on the start line of 'SrcSpan' that is a @-- ^@ comment
+getDocstrPrev :: SrcSpan -> P (Maybe AnnotationComment)
+getDocstrPrev = \case
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure Nothing
+ RealSrcSpan rspan -> do
+ removeComment \case
+ L rloc (AnnLineComment s) ->
+ and
+ [ srcSpanStartLine rspan == srcSpanStartLine rloc
+ , "-- ^" `isPrefixOf` s
+ ]
+ _ -> False
+-- | Print a newline
+newline :: P ()
+newline = do
+ l <- gets currentLine
+ modify \s -> s { currentLine = "", linePos = 0, lines = lines s <> [l] }
+-- | Print a space
+space :: P ()
+space = putText " "
+-- | Print a number of spaces
+spaces :: Int -> P ()
+spaces i = replicateM_ i space
+-- | Print a dot
+dot :: P ()
+dot = putText "."
+-- | Print a comma
+comma :: P ()
+comma = putText ","
+-- | Add parens around a printed action
+parenthesize :: P a -> P a
+parenthesize action = putText "(" *> action <* putText ")"
+-- | Add separator between each element of the given printers
+sep :: P a -> [P a] -> P ()
+sep _ [] = pure ()
+sep s (first : rest) = first >> forM_ rest ((>>) s)
+-- | Prefix a printer with another one
+prefix :: P a -> P b -> P b
+prefix pa pb = pa >> pb
+-- | Suffix a printer with another one
+suffix :: P a -> P b -> P a
+suffix pa pb = pb >> pa
+-- | Gets comment on supplied 'line' and removes it from the state
+removeLineComment :: Int -> P (Maybe AnnotationComment)
+removeLineComment line =
+ removeComment (\(L rloc _) -> srcSpanStartLine rloc == line)
+-- | Removes comments from the state up to start line of 'SrcSpan' and returns
+-- the ones that were removed
+removeCommentTo :: SrcSpan -> P [AnnotationComment]
+removeCommentTo = \case
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure []
+ RealSrcSpan rspan -> removeCommentTo' (srcSpanStartLine rspan)
+-- | Removes comments from the state up to end line of 'SrcSpan' and returns
+-- the ones that were removed
+removeCommentToEnd :: SrcSpan -> P [AnnotationComment]
+removeCommentToEnd = \case
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure []
+ RealSrcSpan rspan -> removeCommentTo' (srcSpanEndLine rspan)
+-- | Removes comments to the line number given and returns the ones removed
+removeCommentTo' :: Int -> P [AnnotationComment]
+removeCommentTo' line =
+ removeComment (\(L rloc _) -> srcSpanStartLine rloc < line) >>= \case
+ Nothing -> pure []
+ Just c -> do
+ rest <- removeCommentTo' line
+ pure (c : rest)
+-- | Removes comments from the state while given predicate 'p' is true
+removeComments :: (RealLocated AnnotationComment -> Bool) -> P [AnnotationComment]
+removeComments p =
+ removeComment p >>= \case
+ Just c -> do
+ rest <- removeComments p
+ pure (c : rest)
+ Nothing -> pure []
+-- | Remove a comment from the state given predicate 'p'
+removeComment :: (RealLocated AnnotationComment -> Bool) -> P (Maybe AnnotationComment)
+removeComment p = do
+ comments <- gets pendingComments
+ let
+ foundComment =
+ find p comments
+ newPendingComments =
+ maybe comments (`delete` comments) foundComment
+ modify \s -> s { pendingComments = newPendingComments }
+ pure $ fmap (\(L _ c) -> c) foundComment
+-- | Get all annotations for 'SrcSpan'
+getAnnot :: SrcSpan -> P [AnnKeywordId]
+getAnnot spn = gets (lookupAnnotation spn . parsedModule)
+-- | Get current line
+getCurrentLine :: P String
+getCurrentLine = gets currentLine
+-- | Get current line length
+getCurrentLineLength :: P Int
+getCurrentLineLength = fmap length getCurrentLine
+-- | Peek at the next comment in the state
+peekNextCommentPos :: P (Maybe SrcSpan)
+peekNextCommentPos = do
+ gets pendingComments <&> \case
+ (L next _ : _) -> Just (RealSrcSpan next)
+ [] -> Nothing
+-- | Get attached comments belonging to '[Located a]' given
+groupAttachedComments :: [Located a] -> P [([AnnotationComment], NonEmpty (Located a))]
+groupAttachedComments = go
+ where
+ go :: [Located a] -> P [([AnnotationComment], NonEmpty (Located a))]
+ go (L rspan x : xs) = do
+ comments <- removeCommentTo rspan
+ nextGroupStartM <- peekNextCommentPos
+ let
+ sameGroupOf = maybe xs \nextGroupStart ->
+ takeWhile (\(L p _)-> p < nextGroupStart) xs
+ restOf = maybe [] \nextGroupStart ->
+ dropWhile (\(L p _) -> p <= nextGroupStart) xs
+ restGroups <- go (restOf nextGroupStartM)
+ pure $ (comments, L rspan x :| sameGroupOf nextGroupStartM) : restGroups
+ go _ = pure []
+modifyCurrentLine :: (String -> String) -> P ()
+modifyCurrentLine f = do
+ s0 <- get
+ put s0 {currentLine = f $ currentLine s0}
+ :: P a -- ^ First printer to run
+ -> P a -- ^ Printer to run if first printer violates max columns
+ -> P a -- ^ Result of either the first or the second printer
+wrapping p1 p2 = do
+ maxCols <- asks columns
+ case maxCols of
+ -- No wrapping
+ Nothing -> p1
+ Just c -> do
+ s0 <- get
+ x <- p1
+ s1 <- get
+ if length (currentLine s1) <= c
+ -- No need to wrap
+ then pure x
+ else do
+ put s0
+ y <- p2
+ s2 <- get
+ if length (currentLine s1) == length (currentLine s2)
+ -- Wrapping didn't help!
+ then put s1 >> pure x
+ -- Wrapped
+ else pure y
+withColumns :: Maybe Int -> P a -> P a
+withColumns c = local $ \pc -> pc {columns = c}