path: root/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs
index 1f7732b..bf39c7c 100644
--- a/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs
+++ b/lib/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data.hs
@@ -1,126 +1,518 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data
+ ( Config(..)
+ , Indent(..)
+ , MaxColumns(..)
+ , step
+ ) where
-module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data where
+import Prelude hiding (init)
-import Data.List (find, intercalate)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
-import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as H
-import Language.Haskell.Exts.Comments
+import Control.Monad (forM_, unless, when)
+import Data.Function ((&))
+import Data.Functor ((<&>))
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
+import ApiAnnotation (AnnotationComment)
+import BasicTypes (LexicalFixity(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Decls (HsDecl(..), HsDataDefn(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Decls (TyClDecl(..), NewOrData(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Decls (HsDerivingClause(..), DerivStrategy(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Decls (ConDecl(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcPs, NoExtField(..), noExtCon)
+import GHC.Hs.Types (ConDeclField(..), HsContext)
+import GHC.Hs.Types (HsType(..), ForallVisFlag(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Types (LHsQTyVars(..), HsTyVarBndr(..))
+import GHC.Hs.Types (HsConDetails(..), HsImplicitBndrs(..))
+import RdrName (RdrName)
+import SrcLoc (Located, RealLocated)
+import SrcLoc (GenLocated(..))
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Block
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Editor
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.GHC
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Module
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Printer
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step
-import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Util
-import Prelude hiding (init)
data Indent
= SameLine
| Indent !Int
- deriving (Show)
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data MaxColumns
+ = MaxColumns !Int
+ | NoMaxColumns
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
data Config = Config
- { cEquals :: !Indent
+ { cEquals :: !Indent
-- ^ Indent between type constructor and @=@ sign (measured from column 0)
- , cFirstField :: !Indent
+ , cFirstField :: !Indent
-- ^ Indent between data constructor and @{@ line (measured from column with data constructor name)
- , cFieldComment :: !Int
+ , cFieldComment :: !Int
-- ^ Indent between column with @{@ and start of field line comment (this line has @cFieldComment = 2@)
- , cDeriving :: !Int
+ , cDeriving :: !Int
-- ^ Indent before @deriving@ lines (measured from column 0)
+ , cBreakEnums :: !Bool
+ -- ^ Break enums by newlines and follow the above rules
+ , cBreakSingleConstructors :: !Bool
+ -- ^ Break single constructors when enabled, e.g. @Indent 2@ will not cause newline after @=@
+ , cVia :: !Indent
+ -- ^ Indentation between @via@ clause and start of deriving column start
+ , cCurriedContext :: !Bool
+ -- ^ If true, use curried context. E.g: @allValues :: Enum a => Bounded a => Proxy a -> [a]@
+ , cMaxColumns :: !MaxColumns
} deriving (Show)
-datas :: H.Module l -> [H.Decl l]
-datas (H.Module _ _ _ _ decls) = decls
-datas _ = []
+step :: Config -> Step
+step cfg = makeStep "Data" \ls m -> applyChanges (changes m) ls
+ where
+ changes :: Module -> [ChangeLine]
+ changes m = fmap (formatDataDecl cfg m) (dataDecls m)
-type ChangeLine = Change String
+ dataDecls :: Module -> [Located DataDecl]
+ dataDecls = queryModule \case
+ L pos (TyClD _ (DataDecl _ name tvars fixity defn)) -> pure . L pos $ MkDataDecl
+ { dataDeclName = name
+ , dataTypeVars = tvars
+ , dataDefn = defn
+ , dataFixity = fixity
+ }
+ _ -> []
-step :: Config -> Step
-step cfg = makeStep "Data" (step' cfg)
+type ChangeLine = Change String
-step' :: Config -> Lines -> Module -> Lines
-step' cfg ls (module', allComments) = applyChanges changes ls
+formatDataDecl :: Config -> Module -> Located DataDecl -> ChangeLine
+formatDataDecl cfg@Config{..} m ldecl@(L declPos decl) =
+ change originalDeclBlock (const printedDecl)
- datas' = datas $ fmap linesFromSrcSpan module'
- changes = datas' >>= maybeToList . changeDecl allComments cfg
+ relevantComments :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+ relevantComments
+ = moduleComments m
+ & rawComments
+ & dropBeforeAndAfter ldecl
-findCommentOnLine :: LineBlock -> [Comment] -> Maybe Comment
-findCommentOnLine lb = find commentOnLine
- where
- commentOnLine (Comment _ (H.SrcSpan _ start _ end _) _) =
- blockStart lb == start && blockEnd lb == end
+ defn = dataDefn decl
+ originalDeclBlock =
+ Block (getStartLineUnsafe ldecl) (getEndLineUnsafe ldecl)
+ printerConfig = PrinterConfig
+ { columns = case cMaxColumns of
+ NoMaxColumns -> Nothing
+ MaxColumns n -> Just n
+ }
+ printedDecl = runPrinter_ printerConfig relevantComments m do
+ putText (newOrData decl)
+ space
+ putName decl
+ when (isGADT decl) (space >> putText "where")
+ when (hasConstructors decl) do
+ breakLineBeforeEq <- case (cEquals, cFirstField) of
+ (_, Indent x) | isEnum decl && cBreakEnums -> do
+ putEolComment declPos
+ newline >> spaces x
+ pure True
+ (_, _) | not (isNewtype decl) && singleConstructor decl && not cBreakSingleConstructors ->
+ False <$ space
+ (Indent x, _)
+ | isEnum decl && not cBreakEnums -> False <$ space
+ | otherwise -> do
+ putEolComment declPos
+ newline >> spaces x
+ pure True
+ (SameLine, _) -> False <$ space
+ lineLengthAfterEq <- fmap (+2) getCurrentLineLength
+ if isEnum decl && not cBreakEnums then
+ putText "=" >> space >> putUnbrokenEnum cfg decl
+ else if isNewtype decl then
+ putText "=" >> space >> forM_ (dd_cons defn) (putNewtypeConstructor cfg)
+ else
+ case dd_cons defn of
+ [] -> pure ()
+ lcon@(L pos _) : consRest -> do
+ when breakLineBeforeEq do
+ removeCommentTo pos >>= mapM_ \c -> putComment c >> consIndent lineLengthAfterEq
+ unless
+ (isGADT decl)
+ (putText "=" >> space)
+ putConstructor cfg lineLengthAfterEq lcon
+ forM_ consRest \con@(L conPos _) -> do
+ unless (cFirstField == SameLine) do
+ removeCommentTo conPos >>= mapM_ \c -> consIndent lineLengthAfterEq >> putComment c
+ consIndent lineLengthAfterEq
+ unless
+ (isGADT decl)
+ (putText "|" >> space)
+ putConstructor cfg lineLengthAfterEq con
+ putEolComment conPos
+ when (hasDeriving decl) do
+ if isEnum decl && not cBreakEnums then
+ space
+ else do
+ removeCommentTo (defn & dd_derivs & \(L pos _) -> pos) >>=
+ mapM_ \c -> newline >> spaces cDeriving >> putComment c
+ newline
+ spaces cDeriving
+ sep (newline >> spaces cDeriving) $ defn & dd_derivs & \(L pos ds) -> ds <&> \d -> do
+ putAllSpanComments (newline >> spaces cDeriving) pos
+ putDeriving cfg d
+ consIndent eqIndent = newline >> case (cEquals, cFirstField) of
+ (SameLine, SameLine) -> spaces (eqIndent - 2)
+ (SameLine, Indent y) -> spaces (eqIndent + y - 4)
+ (Indent x, Indent _) -> spaces x
+ (Indent x, SameLine) -> spaces x
+data DataDecl = MkDataDecl
+ { dataDeclName :: Located RdrName
+ , dataTypeVars :: LHsQTyVars GhcPs
+ , dataDefn :: HsDataDefn GhcPs
+ , dataFixity :: LexicalFixity
+ }
+putDeriving :: Config -> Located (HsDerivingClause GhcPs) -> P ()
+putDeriving Config{..} (L pos clause) = do
+ putText "deriving"
+ forM_ (deriv_clause_strategy clause) \case
+ L _ StockStrategy -> space >> putText "stock"
+ L _ AnyclassStrategy -> space >> putText "anyclass"
+ L _ NewtypeStrategy -> space >> putText "newtype"
+ L _ (ViaStrategy _) -> pure ()
+ putCond
+ withinColumns
+ oneLinePrint
+ multilinePrint
+ forM_ (deriv_clause_strategy clause) \case
+ L _ (ViaStrategy tp) -> do
+ case cVia of
+ SameLine -> space
+ Indent x -> newline >> spaces (x + cDeriving)
+ putText "via"
+ space
+ putType (getType tp)
+ _ -> pure ()
+ putEolComment pos
-findCommentBelowLine :: LineBlock -> [Comment] -> Maybe Comment
-findCommentBelowLine lb = find commentOnLine
- commentOnLine (Comment _ (H.SrcSpan _ start _ end _) _) =
- blockStart lb == start - 1 && blockEnd lb == end - 1
+ getType = \case
+ HsIB _ tp -> tp
+ XHsImplicitBndrs x -> noExtCon x
+ withinColumns PrinterState{currentLine} =
+ case cMaxColumns of
+ MaxColumns maxCols -> length currentLine <= maxCols
+ NoMaxColumns -> True
+ oneLinePrint = do
+ space
+ putText "("
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putOutputable tys)
+ putText ")"
+ multilinePrint = do
+ newline
+ spaces indentation
+ putText "("
+ forM_ headTy \t ->
+ space >> putOutputable t
+ forM_ tailTy \t -> do
+ newline
+ spaces indentation
+ comma
+ space
+ putOutputable t
+ newline
+ spaces indentation
+ putText ")"
+ indentation =
+ cDeriving + case cFirstField of
+ Indent x -> x
+ SameLine -> 0
+ tys
+ = clause
+ & deriv_clause_tys
+ & unLocated
+ & sortBy compareOutputable
+ & fmap hsib_body
+ headTy =
+ listToMaybe tys
+ tailTy =
+ drop 1 tys
+putUnbrokenEnum :: Config -> DataDecl -> P ()
+putUnbrokenEnum cfg decl =
+ sep
+ (space >> putText "|" >> space)
+ (fmap (putConstructor cfg 0) . dd_cons . dataDefn $ decl)
+putName :: DataDecl -> P ()
+putName decl@MkDataDecl{..} =
+ if isInfix decl then do
+ forM_ firstTvar (\t -> putOutputable t >> space)
+ putRdrName dataDeclName
+ space
+ forM_ secondTvar putOutputable
+ else do
+ putRdrName dataDeclName
+ forM_ (hsq_explicit dataTypeVars) (\t -> space >> putOutputable t)
-commentsWithin :: LineBlock -> [Comment] -> [Comment]
-commentsWithin lb = filter within
- within (Comment _ (H.SrcSpan _ start _ end _) _) =
- start >= blockStart lb && end <= blockEnd lb
-changeDecl :: [Comment] -> Config -> H.Decl LineBlock -> Maybe ChangeLine
-changeDecl _ _ (H.DataDecl _ (H.DataType _) Nothing _ [] _) = Nothing
-changeDecl allComments cfg@Config{..} (H.DataDecl block (H.DataType _) Nothing dhead decls derivings)
- | hasRecordFields = Just $ change block (const $ concat newLines)
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ firstTvar :: Maybe (Located (HsTyVarBndr GhcPs))
+ firstTvar
+ = dataTypeVars
+ & hsq_explicit
+ & listToMaybe
+ secondTvar :: Maybe (Located (HsTyVarBndr GhcPs))
+ secondTvar
+ = dataTypeVars
+ & hsq_explicit
+ & drop 1
+ & listToMaybe
+putConstructor :: Config -> Int -> Located (ConDecl GhcPs) -> P ()
+putConstructor cfg consIndent (L _ cons) = case cons of
+ ConDeclGADT{..} -> do
+ -- Put argument to constructor first:
+ case con_args of
+ PrefixCon _ -> do
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putRdrName con_names)
+ InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> do
+ putType arg1
+ space
+ forM_ con_names putRdrName
+ space
+ putType arg2
+ RecCon _ ->
+ error . mconcat $
+ [ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.putConstructor: "
+ , "encountered a GADT with record constructors, not supported yet"
+ ]
+ -- Put type of constructor:
+ space
+ putText "::"
+ space
+ when (unLocated con_forall) do
+ putText "forall"
+ space
+ sep space (fmap putOutputable $ hsq_explicit con_qvars)
+ dot
+ space
+ forM_ con_mb_cxt (putContext cfg . unLocated)
+ putType con_res_ty
+ XConDecl x ->
+ noExtCon x
+ ConDeclH98{..} ->
+ case con_args of
+ InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> do
+ putType arg1
+ space
+ putRdrName con_name
+ space
+ putType arg2
+ PrefixCon xs -> do
+ putRdrName con_name
+ unless (null xs) space
+ sep space (fmap putOutputable xs)
+ RecCon (L recPos (L posFirst firstArg : args)) -> do
+ putRdrName con_name
+ skipToBrace >> putText "{"
+ bracePos <- getCurrentLineLength
+ space
+ -- Unless everything's configured to be on the same line, put pending
+ -- comments
+ unless (cFirstField cfg == SameLine) do
+ removeCommentTo posFirst >>= mapM_ \c -> putComment c >> sepDecl bracePos
+ -- Put first decl field
+ putConDeclField cfg firstArg
+ unless (cFirstField cfg == SameLine) (putEolComment posFirst)
+ -- Put tail decl fields
+ forM_ args \(L pos arg) -> do
+ sepDecl bracePos
+ removeCommentTo pos >>= mapM_ \c ->
+ spaces (cFieldComment cfg) >> putComment c >> sepDecl bracePos
+ comma
+ space
+ putConDeclField cfg arg
+ putEolComment pos
+ -- Print docstr after final field
+ removeCommentToEnd recPos >>= mapM_ \c ->
+ sepDecl bracePos >> spaces (cFieldComment cfg) >> putComment c
+ -- Print whitespace to closing brace
+ sepDecl bracePos >> putText "}"
+ RecCon (L _ []) -> do
+ skipToBrace >> putText "{"
+ skipToBrace >> putText "}"
+ where
+ skipToBrace = case (cEquals cfg, cFirstField cfg) of
+ (_, Indent y) | not (cBreakSingleConstructors cfg) -> newline >> spaces y
+ (SameLine, SameLine) -> space
+ (Indent x, Indent y) -> newline >> spaces (x + y + 2)
+ (SameLine, Indent y) -> newline >> spaces (consIndent + y)
+ (Indent _, SameLine) -> space
+ sepDecl bracePos = newline >> spaces case (cEquals cfg, cFirstField cfg) of
+ (_, Indent y) | not (cBreakSingleConstructors cfg) -> y
+ (SameLine, SameLine) -> bracePos - 1 -- back one from brace pos to place comma
+ (Indent x, Indent y) -> x + y + 2
+ (SameLine, Indent y) -> bracePos - 1 + y - 2
+ (Indent x, SameLine) -> bracePos - 1 + x - 2
+putNewtypeConstructor :: Config -> Located (ConDecl GhcPs) -> P ()
+putNewtypeConstructor cfg (L _ cons) = case cons of
+ ConDeclH98{..} ->
+ putRdrName con_name >> case con_args of
+ PrefixCon xs -> do
+ unless (null xs) space
+ sep space (fmap putOutputable xs)
+ RecCon (L _ [L _posFirst firstArg]) -> do
+ space
+ putText "{"
+ space
+ putConDeclField cfg firstArg
+ space
+ putText "}"
+ RecCon (L _ _args) ->
+ error . mconcat $
+ [ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.putNewtypeConstructor: "
+ , "encountered newtype with several arguments"
+ ]
+ InfixCon {} ->
+ error . mconcat $
+ [ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.putNewtypeConstructor: "
+ , "infix newtype constructor"
+ ]
+ XConDecl x ->
+ noExtCon x
+ ConDeclGADT{} ->
+ error . mconcat $
+ [ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.putNewtypeConstructor: "
+ , "GADT encountered in newtype"
+ ]
+putContext :: Config -> HsContext GhcPs -> P ()
+putContext Config{..} = suffix (space >> putText "=>" >> space) . \case
+ [L _ (HsParTy _ tp)] | cCurriedContext ->
+ putType tp
+ [ctx] ->
+ putType ctx
+ ctxs | cCurriedContext ->
+ sep (space >> putText "=>" >> space) (fmap putType ctxs)
+ ctxs ->
+ parenthesize $ sep (comma >> space) (fmap putType ctxs)
+putConDeclField :: Config -> ConDeclField GhcPs -> P ()
+putConDeclField cfg = \case
+ ConDeclField{..} -> do
+ sep
+ (comma >> space)
+ (fmap putOutputable cd_fld_names)
+ space
+ putText "::"
+ space
+ putType' cfg cd_fld_type
+ XConDeclField{} ->
+ error . mconcat $
+ [ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.putConDeclField: "
+ , "XConDeclField encountered"
+ ]
+-- | A variant of 'putType' that takes 'cCurriedContext' into account
+putType' :: Config -> Located (HsType GhcPs) -> P ()
+putType' cfg = \case
+ L _ (HsForAllTy NoExtField vis bndrs tp) -> do
+ putText "forall"
+ space
+ sep space (fmap putOutputable bndrs)
+ putText
+ if vis == ForallVis then "->"
+ else "."
+ space
+ putType' cfg tp
+ L _ (HsQualTy NoExtField ctx tp) -> do
+ putContext cfg (unLocated ctx)
+ putType' cfg tp
+ other -> putType other
+newOrData :: DataDecl -> String
+newOrData decl = if isNewtype decl then "newtype" else "data"
+isGADT :: DataDecl -> Bool
+isGADT = any isGADTCons . dd_cons . dataDefn
- hasRecordFields = any
- (\qual -> case qual of
- (H.QualConDecl _ _ _ (H.RecDecl {})) -> True
- _ -> False)
- decls
- typeConstructor = "data " <> H.prettyPrint dhead
- -- In any case set @pipeIndent@ such that @|@ is aligned with @=@.
- (firstLine, firstLineInit, pipeIndent) =
- case cEquals of
- SameLine -> (Nothing, typeConstructor <> " = ", length typeConstructor + 1)
- Indent n -> (Just [[typeConstructor]], indent n "= ", n)
- newLines = fromMaybe [] firstLine ++ fmap constructors zipped <> [fmap (indent cDeriving . H.prettyPrint) derivings]
- zipped = zip decls ([1..] ::[Int])
- constructors (decl, 1) = processConstructor allComments firstLineInit cfg decl
- constructors (decl, _) = processConstructor allComments (indent pipeIndent "| ") cfg decl
-changeDecl _ _ _ = Nothing
-processConstructor :: [Comment] -> String -> Config -> H.QualConDecl LineBlock -> [String]
-processConstructor allComments init Config{..} (H.QualConDecl _ _ _ (H.RecDecl _ dname (f:fs))) = do
- fromMaybe [] firstLine <> n1 <> ns <> [indent fieldIndent "}"]
+ isGADTCons = \case
+ L _ (ConDeclGADT {}) -> True
+ _ -> False
+isNewtype :: DataDecl -> Bool
+isNewtype = (== NewType) . dd_ND . dataDefn
+isInfix :: DataDecl -> Bool
+isInfix = (== Infix) . dataFixity
+isEnum :: DataDecl -> Bool
+isEnum = all isUnary . dd_cons . dataDefn
- n1 = processName firstLinePrefix (extractField f)
- ns = fs >>= processName (indent fieldIndent ", ") . extractField
- -- Set @fieldIndent@ such that @,@ is aligned with @{@.
- (firstLine, firstLinePrefix, fieldIndent) =
- case cFirstField of
- SameLine ->
- ( Nothing
- , init <> H.prettyPrint dname <> " { "
- , length init + length (H.prettyPrint dname) + 1
- )
- Indent n ->
- ( Just [init <> H.prettyPrint dname]
- , indent (length init + n) "{ "
- , length init + n
- )
- processName prefix (fnames, _type, lineComment, commentBelowLine) =
- [prefix <> intercalate ", " (fmap H.prettyPrint fnames) <> " :: " <> H.prettyPrint _type <> addLineComment lineComment
- ] ++ addCommentBelow commentBelowLine
- addLineComment (Just (Comment _ _ c)) = " --" <> c
- addLineComment Nothing = ""
- -- Field comment indent is measured from the column with @{@, hence adding of @fieldIndent@ here.
- addCommentBelow Nothing = []
- addCommentBelow (Just (Comment _ _ c)) = [indent (fieldIndent + cFieldComment) "--" <> c]
- extractField (H.FieldDecl lb names _type) =
- (names, _type, findCommentOnLine lb allComments, findCommentBelowLine lb allComments)
-processConstructor _ init _ decl = [init <> trimLeft (H.prettyPrint decl)]
+ isUnary = \case
+ L _ (ConDeclH98 {..}) -> case con_args of
+ PrefixCon [] -> True
+ _ -> False
+ _ -> False
+hasConstructors :: DataDecl -> Bool
+hasConstructors = not . null . dd_cons . dataDefn
+singleConstructor :: DataDecl -> Bool
+singleConstructor = (== 1) . length . dd_cons . dataDefn
+hasDeriving :: DataDecl -> Bool
+hasDeriving = not . null . unLocated . dd_derivs . dataDefn