path: root/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish')
8 files changed, 971 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Config/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Config/Tests.hs
index f62b571..a8b2ee2 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Config/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Config/Tests.hs
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config.Tests
-import Control.Exception hiding (assert)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.Directory
-import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import System.IO.Error
-import System.Random
import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assert)
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util
tests :: Test
@@ -25,38 +25,20 @@ tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Config"
, testCase "Extensions extracted correctly from .stylish-haskell.yaml and .cabal files"
+ , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with default max column number"
+ testDefaultColumns
+ , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with specified max column number"
+ testSpecifiedColumns
+ , testCase "Correctly read .stylish-haskell.yaml file with no max column number"
+ testNoColumns
--- | Create a temporary directory with a randomised name built from the template provided
-createTempDirectory :: String -> IO FilePath
-createTempDirectory template = do
- tmpRootDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
- dirId <- randomIO :: IO Word
- findTempName tmpRootDir dirId
- where
- findTempName :: FilePath -> Word -> IO FilePath
- findTempName tmpRootDir x = do
- let dirpath = tmpRootDir </> template ++ show x
- r <- try $ createDirectory dirpath
- case r of
- Right _ -> return dirpath
- Left e | isAlreadyExistsError e -> findTempName tmpRootDir (x+1)
- | otherwise -> ioError e
--- | Perform an action inside a temporary directory tree and purge the tree afterwords
-withTestDirTree :: IO a -> IO a
-withTestDirTree action = bracket
- ((,) <$> getCurrentDirectory <*> createTempDirectory "stylish_haskell")
- (\(current, temp) ->
- setCurrentDirectory current *>
- removeDirectoryRecursive temp)
- (\(_, temp) -> setCurrentDirectory temp *> action)
-- | Put an example config files (.cabal/.stylish-haskell.yaml/both)
-- into the current directory and extract extensions from it.
-createFilesAndGetExtensions :: [(FilePath, String)] -> IO Extensions
-createFilesAndGetExtensions files = withTestDirTree $ do
+createFilesAndGetConfig :: [(FilePath, String)] -> IO Config
+createFilesAndGetConfig files = withTestDirTree $ do
mapM_ (\(k, v) -> writeFile k v) files
-- create an empty directory and change into it
createDirectory "src"
@@ -64,34 +46,65 @@ createFilesAndGetExtensions files = withTestDirTree $ do
-- from that directory read the config file and extract extensions
-- to make sure the search for .cabal file works
config <- loadConfig (const (pure ())) Nothing
- pure $ configLanguageExtensions config
+ pure config
testExtensionsFromDotCabal :: Assertion
testExtensionsFromDotCabal =
- assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList <$>
- createFilesAndGetExtensions [("test.cabal", dotCabal True)]
+ assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [("test.cabal", dotCabal True)]
expected = Set.fromList ["ScopedTypeVariables", "DataKinds"]
testExtensionsFromDotStylish :: Assertion
testExtensionsFromDotStylish =
- assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList <$>
- createFilesAndGetExtensions [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)]
+ assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)]
expected = Set.fromList ["TemplateHaskell", "QuasiQuotes"]
testExtensionsFromBoth :: Assertion
testExtensionsFromBoth =
- assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList <$>
- createFilesAndGetExtensions [ ("test.cabal", dotCabal True)
- , (".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)]
+ assert $ (expected ==) . Set.fromList . configLanguageExtensions <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [ ("test.cabal", dotCabal True)
+ , (".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)]
expected = Set.fromList
["ScopedTypeVariables", "DataKinds", "TemplateHaskell", "QuasiQuotes"]
+testSpecifiedColumns :: Assertion
+testSpecifiedColumns =
+ assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish)]
+ where
+ expected = Just 110
+testDefaultColumns :: Assertion
+testDefaultColumns =
+ assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish2)]
+ where
+ expected = Just 80
+testNoColumns :: Assertion
+testNoColumns =
+ assert $ (expected ==) . configColumns <$>
+ createFilesAndGetConfig [(".stylish-haskell.yaml", dotStylish3)]
+ where
+ expected = Nothing
-- | Example cabal file borrowed from
-- with some default-extensions added
@@ -135,8 +148,52 @@ dotStylish = unlines $
, " align: false"
, " remove_redundant: true"
, " - trailing_whitespace: {}"
+ , " - records:"
+ , " equals: \"same_line\""
+ , " first_field: \"indent 2\""
+ , " field_comment: 2"
+ , " deriving: 4"
, "columns: 110"
, "language_extensions:"
, " - TemplateHaskell"
, " - QuasiQuotes"
+-- | Example .stylish-haskell.yaml
+dotStylish2 :: String
+dotStylish2 = unlines $
+ [ "steps:"
+ , " - imports:"
+ , " align: none"
+ , " list_align: after_alias"
+ , " long_list_align: inline"
+ , " separate_lists: true"
+ , " - language_pragmas:"
+ , " style: vertical"
+ , " align: false"
+ , " remove_redundant: true"
+ , " - trailing_whitespace: {}"
+ , "language_extensions:"
+ , " - TemplateHaskell"
+ , " - QuasiQuotes"
+ ]
+-- | Example .stylish-haskell.yaml
+dotStylish3 :: String
+dotStylish3 = unlines $
+ [ "steps:"
+ , " - imports:"
+ , " align: none"
+ , " list_align: after_alias"
+ , " long_list_align: inline"
+ , " separate_lists: true"
+ , " - language_pragmas:"
+ , " style: vertical"
+ , " align: false"
+ , " remove_redundant: true"
+ , " - trailing_whitespace: {}"
+ , "columns: null"
+ , "language_extensions:"
+ , " - TemplateHaskell"
+ , " - QuasiQuotes"
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data/Tests.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b43e6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Data/Tests.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.Tests
+ ( tests
+ ) where
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util (testStep)
+import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
+import Test.HUnit (Assertion, (@=?))
+tests :: Test
+tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Data.Tests"
+ [ testCase "case 00" case00
+ , testCase "case 01" case01
+ , testCase "case 02" case02
+ , testCase "case 03" case03
+ , testCase "case 04" case04
+ , testCase "case 05" case05
+ , testCase "case 06" case06
+ , testCase "case 07" case07
+ , testCase "case 08" case08
+ , testCase "case 09" case09
+ , testCase "case 10" case10
+ , testCase "case 11" case11
+ , testCase "case 12" case12
+ , testCase "case 13" case13
+ , testCase "case 14" case14
+ , testCase "case 15" case15
+ , testCase "case 16" case16
+ , testCase "case 17" case17
+ , testCase "case 18" case18
+ , testCase "case 19" case19
+ , testCase "case 20 (issue 262)" case20
+ , testCase "case 21" case21
+ , testCase "case 22" case22
+ , testCase "case 23" case23
+ , testCase "case 24" case24
+ ]
+case00 :: Assertion
+case00 = expected @=? testStep (step sameSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ ]
+ expected = input
+case01 :: Assertion
+case01 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case02 :: Assertion
+case02 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int, a2 :: String }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case03 :: Assertion
+case03 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo { a :: a, a2 :: String }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case04 :: Assertion
+case04 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo { a :: a, a2 :: String } | Bar { b :: a }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar"
+ , " { b :: a"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case05 :: Assertion
+case05 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo {"
+ , " a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case06 :: Assertion
+case06 = expected @=? testStep (step sameSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo Int String"
+ ]
+ expected = input
+case07 :: Assertion
+case07 = expected @=? testStep (step sameSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Phantom a = Phantom"
+ ]
+ expected = input
+case08 :: Assertion
+case08 = input @=? testStep (step sameSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Phantom a ="
+ , " Phantom"
+ ]
+case09 :: Assertion
+case09 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle4) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a b = Foo { a :: a, a2 :: String } | Bar { b :: a, c:: b }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a b"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar"
+ , " { b :: a"
+ , " , c :: b"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case10 :: Assertion
+case10 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int } deriving (Eq, Generic) deriving (Show)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Eq, Generic)"
+ , " deriving (Show)"
+ ]
+case11 :: Assertion
+case11 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}"
+ , "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int } deriving stock (Show)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}"
+ , "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving stock (Show)"
+ ]
+case12 :: Assertion
+case12 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle4) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Point = Point { pointX, pointY :: Double , pointName :: String} deriving (Show)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Point"
+ , " = Point"
+ , " { pointX, pointY :: Double"
+ , " , pointName :: String"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Show)"
+ ]
+case13 :: Assertion
+case13 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "-- this is a comment"
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "-- this is a comment"
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case14 :: Assertion
+case14 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "{- this is"
+ , " a comment -}"
+ , "data Foo = Foo { a :: Int }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "{- this is"
+ , " a comment -}"
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case15 :: Assertion
+case15 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a, -- comment"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a -- comment"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case16 :: Assertion
+case16 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo = Foo {"
+ , " a :: Int -- ^ comment"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int -- ^ comment"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case17 :: Assertion
+case17 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a,"
+ , "-- comment"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a"
+ , " -- comment"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case18 :: Assertion
+case18 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a,"
+ , "-- ^ comment"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: a"
+ , " -- ^ comment"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case19 :: Assertion
+case19 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a = Foo"
+ , " { firstName, lastName :: String,"
+ , "-- ^ names"
+ , " age :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { firstName, lastName :: String"
+ , " -- ^ names"
+ , " , age :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+-- | Should not break Enums (data without records) formatting
+-- See
+case20 :: Assertion
+case20 = input @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "data Tag = Title | Text deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ ]
+case21 :: Assertion
+case21 = expected @=? testStep (step sameSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo { a :: Int,"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a = Foo { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+case22 :: Assertion
+case22 = expected @=? testStep (step sameIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo { a :: Int,"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar"
+ , " { b :: a"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+case23 :: Assertion
+case23 = expected @=? testStep (step indentSameStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo { a :: Int,"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+case24 :: Assertion
+case24 = expected @=? testStep (step indentIndentStyle) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo { a :: Int,"
+ , " a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar { b :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "data Foo a"
+ , " = Foo"
+ , " { a :: Int"
+ , " , a2 :: String"
+ , " -- ^ some haddock"
+ , " }"
+ , " | Bar"
+ , " { b :: a"
+ , " }"
+ , " deriving (Eq, Show)"
+ , " deriving (ToJSON)"
+ ]
+sameSameStyle :: Config
+sameSameStyle = Config SameLine SameLine 2 2
+sameIndentStyle :: Config
+sameIndentStyle = Config SameLine (Indent 2) 2 2
+indentSameStyle :: Config
+indentSameStyle = Config (Indent 2) SameLine 2 2
+indentIndentStyle :: Config
+indentIndentStyle = Config (Indent 2) (Indent 2) 2 2
+indentIndentStyle4 :: Config
+indentIndentStyle4 = Config (Indent 4) (Indent 4) 4 4
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Imports/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Imports/Tests.hs
index 760018a..22031d4 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Imports/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/Imports/Tests.hs
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Imports.Tests"
, testCase "case 24" case24
, testCase "case 25" case25
, testCase "case 26 (issue 185)" case26
+ , testCase "case 27" case27
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ input = unlines
case01 :: Assertion
-case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Global) input
+case01 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign Global) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Global) input
case02 :: Assertion
-case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Group) input
+case02 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign Group) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Group) input
case03 :: Assertion
-case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign None) input
+case03 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign None) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign None) input
case04 :: Assertion
-case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Global) input'
+case04 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign Global) input'
input' =
"import Data.Aeson.Types (object, typeMismatch, FromJSON(..)," ++
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Global) input'
case05 :: Assertion
-case05 = input' @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Group) input'
+case05 = input' @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign Group) input'
input' = "import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration " ++
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ case05 = input' @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign Group) input'
case06 :: Assertion
-case06 = input' @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign File) input'
+case06 = input' @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign File) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import Bar.Qux"
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ case06 = input' @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign File) input'
case07 :: Assertion
-case07 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign File) input'
+case07 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ fromImportAlign File) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import Bar.Qux"
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ case07 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 $ fromImportAlign File) input'
case08 :: Assertion
case08 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Global WithAlias True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Global WithAlias True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ case08 = expected
case08b :: Assertion
case08b = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Global WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Global WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
["module Herp where"
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ case08b = expected
case09 :: Assertion
case09 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Global WithAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Global WithAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ case09 = expected
case10 :: Assertion
case10 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 40 $ Options Group WithAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 40) $ Options Group WithAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ case10 = expected
case11 :: Assertion
case11 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Group NewLine True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Group NewLine True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ case11 = expected
case11b :: Assertion
case11b = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Group WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Group WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input
expected = unlines
[ "module Herp where"
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ case11b = expected
case12 :: Assertion
case12 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Group NewLine True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 2) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Group NewLine True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 2) True False) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import Data.List (map)"
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ case12 = expected
case12b :: Assertion
case12b = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Group WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 2) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Group WithModuleName True Inline Inherit (LPConstant 2) True False) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import Data.List (map)"
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ case12b = expected
case13 :: Assertion
case13 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options None WithAlias True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options None WithAlias True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import qualified Data.List as List (concat, foldl, foldr, head, init,"
@@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ case13 = expected
case13b :: Assertion
case13b = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options None WithModuleName True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options None WithModuleName True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
input' = unlines
[ "import qualified Data.List as List (concat, foldl, foldr, head, init,"
@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ case13b = expected
case14 :: Assertion
case14 = expected
@=? testStep
- (step 80 $ Options None WithAlias True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 10) True False) expected
+ (step (Just 80) $ Options None WithAlias True InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 10) True False) expected
expected = unlines
[ "import qualified Data.List as List (concat, map, null, reverse, tail, (++))"
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ case14 = expected
case15 :: Assertion
case15 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid (AcidState)"
@@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ case15 = expected
case16 :: Assertion
case16 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) False False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) False False) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid (AcidState)"
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@ case16 = expected
case17 :: Assertion
case17 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options None AfterAlias True Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Control.Applicative (Applicative (pure, (<*>)))"
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ case17 = expected
case18 :: Assertion
case18 = expected @=? testStep
- (step 40 $ Options None AfterAlias True InlineToMultiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
+ (step (Just 40) $ Options None AfterAlias True InlineToMultiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True False) input'
expected = unlines
@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ case18 = expected @=? testStep
case19 :: Assertion
case19 = expected @=? testStep
- (step 40 $ Options Global NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter (LPConstant 17) True False) case19input
+ (step (Just 40) $ Options Global NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter (LPConstant 17) True False) case19input
expected = unlines
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ case19 = expected @=? testStep
case19b :: Assertion
case19b = expected @=? testStep
- (step 40 $ Options File NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter (LPConstant 17) True False) case19input
+ (step (Just 40) $ Options File NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter (LPConstant 17) True False) case19input
expected = unlines
@@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ case19b = expected @=? testStep
case19c :: Assertion
case19c = expected @=? testStep
- (step 40 $ Options File NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter LPModuleName True False) case19input
+ (step (Just 40) $ Options File NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter LPModuleName True False) case19input
expected = unlines
@@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ case19c = expected @=? testStep
case19d :: Assertion
case19d = expected @=? testStep
- (step 40 $ Options Global NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter LPModuleName True False) case19input
+ (step (Just 40) $ Options Global NewLine True InlineWithBreak RightAfter LPModuleName True False) case19input
expected = unlines
@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ case19input = unlines
case20 :: Assertion
case20 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 defaultOptions) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultOptions) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import {-# SOURCE #-} Data.ByteString as BS"
@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ case20 = expected
case21 :: Assertion
case21 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 defaultOptions) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultOptions) input'
expected = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}"
@@ -656,7 +657,7 @@ case21 = expected
case22 :: Assertion
case22 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 defaultOptions) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultOptions) input'
expected = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}"
@@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ case22 = expected
case23 :: Assertion
case23 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 40 $ Options None AfterAlias False Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 40) $ Options None AfterAlias False Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid ( AcidState )"
@@ -708,7 +709,7 @@ case23 = expected
case23b :: Assertion
case23b = expected
- @=? testStep (step 40 $ Options None WithModuleName False Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 40) $ Options None WithModuleName False Inline Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid ( AcidState )"
@@ -734,7 +735,7 @@ case23b = expected
case24 :: Assertion
case24 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 40 $ Options None AfterAlias False InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 40) $ Options None AfterAlias False InlineWithBreak Inherit (LPConstant 4) True True) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid ( AcidState )"
@@ -758,7 +759,7 @@ case24 = expected
case25 :: Assertion
case25 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 $ Options Group AfterAlias False Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) False False) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) $ Options Group AfterAlias False Multiline Inherit (LPConstant 4) False False) input'
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.Acid (AcidState)"
@@ -783,7 +784,7 @@ case25 = expected
case26 :: Assertion
case26 = expected
- @=? testStep (step 80 options ) input'
+ @=? testStep (step (Just 80) options ) input'
options = defaultOptions { listAlign = NewLine, longListAlign = Multiline }
input' = unlines
@@ -792,3 +793,23 @@ case26 = expected
expected = unlines
[ "import Data.List"
+case27 :: Assertion
+case27 = expected @=? testStep (step Nothing $ fromImportAlign Global) input
+ where
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "module Herp where"
+ , ""
+ , "import Control.Monad"
+ , "import Data.List as List (concat, foldl, foldr, head, init, last, length, map, null, reverse, tail, (++))"
+ , "import Data.Map (Map, insert, lookup, (!))"
+ , "import qualified Data.Map as M"
+ , "import Only.Instances ()"
+ , ""
+ , "import Foo (Bar (..))"
+ , "import Herp.Derp.Internals hiding (foo)"
+ , ""
+ , "herp = putStrLn \"import Hello world\""
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/LanguagePragmas/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/LanguagePragmas/Tests.hs
index 2d74813..0ede803 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/LanguagePragmas/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/LanguagePragmas/Tests.hs
@@ -28,12 +28,16 @@ tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.LanguagePragmas.Tests"
, testCase "case 08" case08
, testCase "case 09" case09
, testCase "case 10" case10
+ , testCase "case 11" case11
+ , testCase "case 12" case12
+lANG :: String
case01 :: Assertion
-case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True False) input
+case01 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}"
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True False) input
case02 :: Assertion
-case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True True) input
+case02 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical True True lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}"
@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True True) input
case03 :: Assertion
-case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True True) input
+case03 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical True True lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}"
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True True) input
case04 :: Assertion
-case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
+case04 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Compact True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable,"
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
case05 :: Assertion
-case05 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True False) input
+case05 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}"
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ case05 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical True False) input
case06 :: Assertion
-case06 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 CompactLine True False) input
+case06 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) CompactLine True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable,"
@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ case06 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 CompactLine True False) input
case07 :: Assertion
-case07 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical False False) input
+case07 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical False False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}"
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ case07 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Vertical False False) input
case08 :: Assertion
-case08 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 CompactLine False False) input
+case08 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) CompactLine False False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable,"
@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ case08 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 CompactLine False False) input
case09 :: Assertion
-case09 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
+case09 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Compact True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase, " ++
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@ case09 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
case10 :: Assertion
-case10 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
+case10 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Compact True False lANG) input
input = unlines
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, ScopedTypeVariables,"
@@ -197,3 +201,38 @@ case10 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 Compact True False) input
[ "{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, ScopedTypeVariables, " ++
"TypeApplications #-}"
+case11 :: Assertion
+case11 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) Vertical False False "language") input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}"
+ , "{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}"
+ , "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
+ , "module Main where"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "{-# language NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
+ , "{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}"
+ , "{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}"
+ , "{-# language ViewPatterns #-}"
+ , "module Main where"
+ ]
+case12 :: Assertion
+case12 = expected @=? testStep (step Nothing Compact False False "language") input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}"
+ , "{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}"
+ , "{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude #-}"
+ , "module Main where"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "{-# language NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}"
+ , "module Main where"
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/SimpleAlign/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/SimpleAlign/Tests.hs
index b8afab4..a2a51fc 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/SimpleAlign/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/SimpleAlign/Tests.hs
@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.SimpleAlign.Tests"
, testCase "case 06" case06
, testCase "case 07" case07
, testCase "case 08" case08
+ , testCase "case 09" case09
case01 :: Assertion
-case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case01 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "eitherToMaybe e = case e of"
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ case01 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
case02 :: Assertion
-case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case02 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing"
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ case02 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
case03 :: Assertion
-case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case03 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "heady def [] = def"
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ case03 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
case04 :: Assertion
-case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case04 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "data Foo = Foo"
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ case04 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
case05 :: Assertion
-case05 = input @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case05 = input @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
-- Don't attempt to align this since a field spans multiple lines
input = unlines
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ case05 = input @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
case06 :: Assertion
case06 =
-- 22 max columns is /just/ enough to align this stuff.
- expected @=? testStep (step 22 defaultConfig) input
+ expected @=? testStep (step (Just 22) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "data Foo = Foo"
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ case06 =
case07 :: Assertion
case07 =
-- 21 max columns is /just NOT/ enough to align this stuff.
- expected @=? testStep (step 21 defaultConfig) input
+ expected @=? testStep (step (Just 21) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "data Foo = Foo"
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ case07 =
case08 :: Assertion
-case08 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
+case08 = expected @=? testStep (step (Just 80) defaultConfig) input
input = unlines
[ "canDrink mbAge = case mbAge of"
@@ -166,3 +167,23 @@ case08 = expected @=? testStep (step 80 defaultConfig) input
, " Just age | age > 18 -> True"
, " _ -> False"
+case09 :: Assertion
+case09 =
+ expected @=? testStep (step Nothing defaultConfig) input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "data Foo = Foo"
+ , " { foo :: String"
+ , " , barqux :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "data Foo = Foo"
+ , " { foo :: String"
+ , " , barqux :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/UnicodeSyntax/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/UnicodeSyntax/Tests.hs
index 9652350..e2ba34f 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/UnicodeSyntax/Tests.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Step/UnicodeSyntax/Tests.hs
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util
tests :: Test
tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.UnicodeSyntax.Tests"
[ testCase "case 01" case01
+ , testCase "case 02" case02
case01 :: Assertion
-case01 = expected @=? testStep (step True) input
+case01 = expected @=? testStep (step True "LANGUAGE") input
input = unlines
[ "sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]"
@@ -36,3 +37,19 @@ case01 = expected @=? testStep (step True) input
, "sort ∷ Ord a ⇒ [a] → [a]"
, "sort _ = []"
+case02 :: Assertion
+case02 = expected @=? testStep (step True "LaNgUaGe") input
+ where
+ input = unlines
+ [ "sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]"
+ , "sort _ = []"
+ ]
+ expected = unlines
+ [ "{-# LaNgUaGe UnicodeSyntax #-}"
+ , "sort ∷ Ord a ⇒ [a] → [a]"
+ , "sort _ = []"
+ ] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97eab8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests
+ ( tests
+ ) where
+import Data.List (sort)
+import System.Directory (createDirectory)
+import System.FilePath (normalise, (</>))
+import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
+import Test.HUnit (Assertion, (@?=))
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish
+import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util
+tests :: Test
+tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests"
+ [ testCase "case 01" case01
+ , testCase "case 02" case02
+ , testCase "case 03" case03
+ , testCase "case 04" case04
+ , testCase "case 05" case05
+ , testCase "case 06" case06
+ , testCase "case 07" case07
+ ]
+case01 :: Assertion
+case01 = (@?= result) =<< format Nothing Nothing input
+ where
+ input = "module Herp where\ndata Foo = Bar | Baz { baz :: Int }"
+ result = Right $ lines input
+case02 :: Assertion
+case02 = withTestDirTree $ do
+ writeFile "test-config.yaml" $ unlines
+ [ "steps:"
+ , " - records:"
+ , " equals: \"indent 2\""
+ , " first_field: \"indent 2\""
+ , " field_comment: 2"
+ , " deriving: 2"
+ ]
+ actual <- format (Just $ ConfigPath "test-config.yaml") Nothing input
+ actual @?= result
+ where
+ input = "module Herp where\ndata Foo = Bar | Baz { baz :: Int }"
+ result = Right [ "module Herp where"
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Bar"
+ , " | Baz"
+ , " { baz :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case03 :: Assertion
+case03 = withTestDirTree $ do
+ writeFile "test-config.yaml" $ unlines
+ [ "steps:"
+ , " - records:"
+ , " equals: \"same_line\""
+ , " first_field: \"same_line\""
+ , " field_comment: 2"
+ , " deriving: 2"
+ ]
+ actual <- format (Just $ ConfigPath "test-config.yaml") Nothing input
+ actual @?= result
+ where
+ input = unlines [ "module Herp where"
+ , "data Foo"
+ , " = Bar"
+ , " | Baz"
+ , " { baz :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+ result = Right [ "module Herp where"
+ , "data Foo = Bar"
+ , " | Baz { baz :: Int"
+ , " }"
+ ]
+case04 :: Assertion
+case04 = (@?= result) =<< format Nothing (Just fileLocation) input
+ where
+ fileLocation = "directory/File.hs"
+ input = "module Herp"
+ result = Left $
+ "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse.parseModule: could not parse " <>
+ fileLocation <>
+ ": ParseFailed (SrcLoc \"<unknown>.hs\" 2 1) \"Parse error: EOF\""
+-- | When providing current dir including folders and files.
+case05 :: Assertion
+case05 = withTestDirTree $ do
+ createDirectory aDir >> writeFile c fileCont
+ mapM_ (flip writeFile fileCont) fs
+ result <- findHaskellFiles False input
+ sort result @?= (sort $ map normalise expected)
+ where
+ input = c : fs
+ fs = ["b.hs", "a.hs"]
+ c = aDir </> "c.hs"
+ aDir = "aDir"
+ expected = ["a.hs", "b.hs", c]
+ fileCont = ""
+-- | When the input item is not file, do not recurse it.
+case06 :: Assertion
+case06 = withTestDirTree $ do
+ mapM_ (flip writeFile "") input
+ result <- findHaskellFiles False input
+ result @?= expected
+ where
+ input = ["b.hs"]
+ expected = map normalise input
+-- | Empty input should result in empty output.
+case07 :: Assertion
+case07 = withTestDirTree $ do
+ mapM_ (flip writeFile "") input
+ result <- findHaskellFiles False input
+ result @?= expected
+ where
+ input = []
+ expected = input
diff --git a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests/Util.hs b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests/Util.hs
index 40b5629..f43b6b5 100644
--- a/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests/Util.hs
+++ b/tests/Language/Haskell/Stylish/Tests/Util.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util
( testStep
+ , withTestDirTree
) where
+import Control.Exception (bracket, try)
+import System.Directory (createDirectory,
+ getCurrentDirectory,
+ getTemporaryDirectory,
+ removeDirectoryRecursive,
+ setCurrentDirectory)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO.Error (isAlreadyExistsError)
+import System.Random (randomIO)
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse
import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step
@@ -15,3 +28,34 @@ testStep step str = case parseModule [] Nothing str of
Right module' -> unlines $ stepFilter step ls module'
ls = lines str
+-- | Create a temporary directory with a randomised name built from the template
+-- provided
+createTempDirectory :: String -> IO FilePath
+createTempDirectory template = do
+ tmpRootDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
+ dirId <- randomIO :: IO Word
+ findTempName tmpRootDir dirId
+ where
+ findTempName :: FilePath -> Word -> IO FilePath
+ findTempName tmpRootDir x = do
+ let dirpath = tmpRootDir </> template ++ show x
+ r <- try $ createDirectory dirpath
+ case r of
+ Right _ -> return dirpath
+ Left e | isAlreadyExistsError e -> findTempName tmpRootDir (x+1)
+ | otherwise -> ioError e
+-- | Perform an action inside a temporary directory tree and purge the tree
+-- afterwards
+withTestDirTree :: IO a -> IO a
+withTestDirTree action = bracket
+ ((,) <$> getCurrentDirectory <*> createTempDirectory "stylish_haskell")
+ (\(current, temp) ->
+ setCurrentDirectory current *>
+ removeDirectoryRecursive temp)
+ (\(_, temp) -> setCurrentDirectory temp *> action)