path: root/cgic.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'cgic.h')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgic.h b/cgic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54270db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgic.h
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+/* The CGI_C library, by Thomas Boutell, version 2.01. CGI_C is intended
+ to be a high-quality API to simplify CGI programming tasks. */
+/* Make sure this is only included once. */
+#ifndef CGI_C
+#define CGI_C 1
+/* Bring in standard I/O since some of the functions refer to
+ types defined by it, such as FILE *. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* The various CGI environment variables. Instead of using getenv(),
+ the programmer should refer to these, which are always
+ valid null-terminated strings (they may be empty, but they
+ will never be null). If these variables are used instead
+ of calling getenv(), then it will be possible to save
+ and restore CGI environments, which is highly convenient
+ for debugging. */
+extern char *cgiServerSoftware;
+extern char *cgiServerName;
+extern char *cgiGatewayInterface;
+extern char *cgiServerProtocol;
+extern char *cgiServerPort;
+extern char *cgiRequestMethod;
+extern char *cgiPathInfo;
+extern char *cgiPathTranslated;
+extern char *cgiScriptName;
+extern char *cgiQueryString;
+extern char *cgiRemoteHost;
+extern char *cgiRemoteAddr;
+extern char *cgiAuthType;
+extern char *cgiRemoteUser;
+extern char *cgiRemoteIdent;
+extern char *cgiContentType;
+extern char *cgiAccept;
+extern char *cgiUserAgent;
+extern char *cgiReferrer;
+/* Cookies as sent to the server. You can also get them
+ individually, or as a string array; see the documentation. */
+extern char *cgiCookie;
+/* A macro providing the same incorrect spelling that is
+ found in the HTTP/CGI specifications */
+#define cgiReferer cgiReferrer
+/* The number of bytes of data received.
+ Note that if the submission is a form submission
+ the library will read and parse all the information
+ directly from cgiIn; the programmer need not do so. */
+extern int cgiContentLength;
+/* Pointer to CGI output. The cgiHeader functions should be used
+ first to output the mime headers; the output HTML
+ page, GIF image or other web document should then be written
+ to cgiOut by the programmer. In the standard CGIC library,
+ cgiOut is always equivalent to stdout. */
+extern FILE *cgiOut;
+/* Pointer to CGI input. The programmer does not read from this.
+ We have continued to export it for backwards compatibility
+ so that cgic 1.x applications link properly. */
+extern FILE *cgiIn;
+/* Possible return codes from the cgiForm family of functions (see below). */
+typedef enum {
+ cgiFormSuccess,
+ cgiFormTruncated,
+ cgiFormBadType,
+ cgiFormEmpty,
+ cgiFormNotFound,
+ cgiFormConstrained,
+ cgiFormNoSuchChoice,
+ cgiFormMemory,
+ cgiFormNoFileName,
+ cgiFormNoContentType,
+ cgiFormNotAFile,
+ cgiFormOpenFailed,
+ cgiFormIO,
+ cgiFormEOF
+} cgiFormResultType;
+/* These functions are used to retrieve form data. See
+ cgic.html for documentation. */
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormString(
+ char *name, char *result, int max);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringNoNewlines(
+ char *name, char *result, int max);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringSpaceNeeded(
+ char *name, int *length);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringMultiple(
+ char *name, char ***ptrToStringArray);
+extern void cgiStringArrayFree(char **stringArray);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormInteger(
+ char *name, int *result, int defaultV);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormIntegerBounded(
+ char *name, int *result, int min, int max, int defaultV);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormDouble(
+ char *name, double *result, double defaultV);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormDoubleBounded(
+ char *name, double *result, double min, double max, double defaultV);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormSelectSingle(
+ char *name, char **choicesText, int choicesTotal,
+ int *result, int defaultV);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormSelectMultiple(
+ char *name, char **choicesText, int choicesTotal,
+ int *result, int *invalid);
+/* Just an alias; users have asked for this */
+#define cgiFormSubmitClicked cgiFormCheckboxSingle
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormCheckboxSingle(
+ char *name);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormCheckboxMultiple(
+ char *name, char **valuesText, int valuesTotal,
+ int *result, int *invalid);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormRadio(
+ char *name, char **valuesText, int valuesTotal,
+ int *result, int defaultV);
+/* The paths returned by this function are the original names of files
+ as reported by the uploading web browser and shoult NOT be
+ blindly assumed to be "safe" names for server-side use! */
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileName(
+ char *name, char *result, int max);
+/* The content type of the uploaded file, as reported by the browser.
+ It should NOT be assumed that browsers will never falsify
+ such information. */
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileContentType(
+ char *name, char *result, int max);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileSize(
+ char *name, int *sizeP);
+typedef struct cgiFileStruct *cgiFilePtr;
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileOpen(
+ char *name, cgiFilePtr *cfpp);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileRead(
+ cgiFilePtr cfp, char *buffer, int bufferSize, int *gotP);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileClose(
+ cgiFilePtr cfp);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiCookieString(
+ char *name, char *result, int max);
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiCookieInteger(
+ char *name, int *result, int defaultV);
+cgiFormResultType cgiCookies(
+ char ***ptrToStringArray);
+/* path can be null or empty in which case a path of / (entire site) is set.
+ domain can be a single web site; if it is an entire domain, such as
+ 'boutell.com', it should begin with a dot: '.boutell.com' */
+extern void cgiHeaderCookieSetString(char *name, char *value,
+ int secondsToLive, char *path, char *domain);
+extern void cgiHeaderCookieSetInteger(char *name, int value,
+ int secondsToLive, char *path, char *domain);
+extern void cgiHeaderLocation(char *redirectUrl);
+extern void cgiHeaderStatus(int status, char *statusMessage);
+extern void cgiHeaderContentType(char *mimeType);
+typedef enum {
+ cgiEnvironmentIO,
+ cgiEnvironmentMemory,
+ cgiEnvironmentSuccess,
+ cgiEnvironmentWrongVersion
+} cgiEnvironmentResultType;
+extern cgiEnvironmentResultType cgiWriteEnvironment(char *filename);
+extern cgiEnvironmentResultType cgiReadEnvironment(char *filename);
+extern int cgiMain();
+extern cgiFormResultType cgiFormEntries(
+ char ***ptrToStringArray);
+/* Output string with the <, &, and > characters HTML-escaped.
+ 's' is null-terminated. Returns cgiFormIO in the event
+ of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */
+cgiFormResultType cgiHtmlEscape(char *s);
+/* Output data with the <, &, and > characters HTML-escaped.
+ 'data' is not null-terminated; 'len' is the number of
+ bytes in 'data'. Returns cgiFormIO in the event
+ of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */
+cgiFormResultType cgiHtmlEscapeData(char *data, int len);
+/* Output string with the " character HTML-escaped, and no
+ other characters escaped. This is useful when outputting
+ the contents of a tag attribute such as 'href' or 'src'.
+ 's' is null-terminated. Returns cgiFormIO in the event
+ of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */
+cgiFormResultType cgiValueEscape(char *s);
+/* Output data with the " character HTML-escaped, and no
+ other characters escaped. This is useful when outputting
+ the contents of a tag attribute such as 'href' or 'src'.
+ 'data' is not null-terminated; 'len' is the number of
+ bytes in 'data'. Returns cgiFormIO in the event
+ of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */
+cgiFormResultType cgiValueEscapeData(char *data, int len);
+#endif /* CGI_C */