path: root/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
diff options
authorSean Whitton <>2021-12-15 22:58:32 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2021-12-15 22:59:15 -0700
commitdb7679987c742740e883e3ee9a9e070b4c75d730 (patch)
treed6a3c7d50a1ce78db3f9e6745dc1bdbcf00dade3 /.emacs.d/init-spw.el
parente7d0dd51e776ff01b0e880c7d57f8684e4ea5175 (diff)
rename init-spw.el -> init.el
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d/init-spw.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3096 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/init-spw.el b/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e5afb6..00000000
--- a/.emacs.d/init-spw.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3096 +0,0 @@
-;;; init-spw.el --- Sean's Emacs configuration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;;; Commentary:
-;; We use a prefix 'spw/' for functions and variables defined in files
-;; matching ~/.emacs.d/*.el, since the 'spw-' and 'spw--' prefixes
-;; would be for a file called 'spw.el' with a defined API, providing an
-;; 'spw' feature.
-;;; Code:
- ;; libs in ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp can override system packages
- ;; This is for my personal, possibly-patched versions of libraries.
- (add-to-list 'load-path (concat user-emacs-directory "site-lisp"))
- ;; libs in ~/.emacs.d/initlibs are overridden by system packages
- ;; This is for fallback copies of libraries I don't want to be without.
- (add-to-list 'load-path (concat user-emacs-directory "initlibs") t))
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'diminish)
-(require 'highlight-80+)
-(require 'seq)
-(require 'subr-x)
-(defmacro spw/when-library-available (libraries &rest forms)
- "Evaluate FORMS when optional LIBRARIES is/are on the `load-path'.
-You should call `package-initialize' before using this macro, to
-add places the library might be available to `load-path'."
- ;; libraries, not features, since we can't know whether features are
- ;; available on the `load-path' without actually loading libraries,
- ;; which we want to avoid at Emacs startup
- (declare (indent 1))
- (let ((libs (mapcar (lambda (l) (if (symbolp l) (symbol-name l) l))
- (if (listp libraries) libraries (list libraries)))))
- `(unless (member nil (mapcar #'locate-library ',libs))
- ,@forms)))
-(setq package-archives '(("GNU ELPA" . "")
- ("NonGNU ELPA" . "")
- ("MELPA Stable" . "")
- ("MELPA" . ""))
- package-archive-priorities '(("GNU ELPA" . 10)
- ("NonGNU ELPA" . 10)
- ("MELPA Stable" . 5)
- ("MELPA" . 0)))
-(defmacro spw/bind-command-with-cycling (bindings generator &optional on-exit map)
- (list 'spw/bind-command-with-cycling*
- (spw/expand-binding-pairs bindings)
- `(lambda (_ignore)
- ,generator)
- `(lambda ()
- ,on-exit)
- map))
-(cl-defmacro spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling
- (bindings
- &optional
- (generator '(spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda))
- on-exit
- map)
- (list 'spw/bind-command-with-cycling*
- (spw/expand-binding-pairs bindings)
- `(lambda (ret-val)
- ,generator)
- `(lambda ()
- ,on-exit)
- map))
-(defun spw/expand-binding-pairs (bindings)
- (macroexp-quote
- (mapcar (lambda (binding)
- (cond
- ((and (vectorp binding) (eq 'remap (aref binding 0)))
- (cons binding (aref binding 1)))
- (t
- binding)))
- (if (or (vectorp bindings) (not (listp (cdr bindings))))
- (list bindings)
- bindings))))
-(cl-defmacro spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda
- (&optional
- (ring '(spw/buffer-siblings-ring ret-val))
- (action '(switch-to-buffer buffer nil t))
- &key
- (start 0))
- `(when-let ((buffers ,ring)
- (buffers-pos ,start))
- (lambda (count)
- (interactive "p")
- (setq buffers-pos (+ count buffers-pos))
- (let ((buffer (ring-ref buffers buffers-pos)))
- ,action))))
-(defun spw/bind-command-with-cycling* (bindings generator &optional on-exit map)
- (dolist (binding bindings)
- (let ((binding-fn (intern (concat "spw/"
- (spw/drop-prefix
- "spw/"
- (symbol-name (cdr binding)))
- "-with-transient-cycling"))))
- (fset binding-fn
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((ret-val (call-interactively (cdr binding))))
- (when-let ((cycling-function (funcall generator ret-val))
- (tmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key
- tmap
- [left]
- (lambda (count)
- (interactive "p")
- (funcall cycling-function (* -1 count))))
- ;; Might be useful to bind C-c k in the transient map to
- ;; kill the current buffer and cycle one step.
- (define-key tmap [right] cycling-function)
- (set-transient-map tmap t on-exit)
- ;; showing a message here is wanted because experience has
- ;; shown that sometimes it can be hard to remember whether
- ;; or not the transient map remains active
- (message "Use <Left>/<Right> to cycle")))))
- (if map
- (define-key map (car binding) binding-fn)
- (global-set-key (car binding) binding-fn)))))
-(defun spw/drop-prefix (prefix string)
- (if (string-prefix-p prefix string)
- (substring string (length prefix))
- string))
-(defun spw/get-wm ()
- (if (string= (getenv "XDG_SESSION_TYPE") "wayland")
- (when (executable-find "wmctrl")
- (let (wm
- (display-env (getenv "DISPLAY")))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (setenv "DISPLAY" (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'display))
- (setq wm (nth
- 1
- (split-string (car (process-lines "wmctrl" "-m"))))))
- (setenv "DISPLAY" display-env))
- wm))))
-(defmacro spw/add-once-hook (hook function &optional depth local)
- "Add a hook which removes itself when called. For something
-which should happen just once."
- (let ((sym (cl-gensym)))
- `(progn
- (fset ',sym (lambda (&rest args)
- (remove-hook ,hook ',sym ,local)
- (apply ,function args)))
- (add-hook ,hook ',sym ,depth ,local))))
-(defmacro spw/add-once-advice (where place function &optional props)
- "Add a piece of advice which removes itself when called. For
-something which should happen just once."
- (let ((sym (cl-gensym)))
- `(progn
- (fset ',sym (lambda (&rest args)
- (advice-remove ,place #',sym)
- (apply ,function args)))
- (advice-add ,place ,where #',sym ,props))))
-;;;; Startup & basic preferences
-;; don't accept invalid SSL certs or small primes
-(with-eval-after-load 'gnutls
- (setq gnutls-verify-error t
- gnutls-min-prime-bits 1024))
-(with-eval-after-load 'nsm
- (setq network-security-level 'paranoid))
-;; seems to be needed to make HTTPS connections on Debian buster (at least)
-(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
-(setq custom-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init-custom.el"))
-(load (concat user-emacs-directory "init-custom"))
-;; It would be nice to be able to use *scratch* for both plain text and ad hoc
-;; elisp, but since I want always to edit lisp with paredit turned on, it's
-;; not possible to combine these two things in one buffer. So use Eshell or
-;; IELM for ad hoc elisp (Eshell alone not enough because of IELM's
-;; `ielm-change-working-buffer', which has no Eshell equivalent yet). Might
-;; consider adding a binding which creates or switches to a Lisp Interaction
-;; buffer called *lisp*.
-(setq initial-major-mode #'fundamental-mode
- initial-scratch-message nil)
-(global-set-key "\C-cl" #'ielm)
-;; for consistency with Eshell
-(with-eval-after-load 'ielm
- (define-key ielm-map "\C-j" nil))
-;; Put all auto-save files under ~/.emacs.d, both local and TRAMP.
-;; Put local backups under ~/.emacs.d and TRAMP backups under remote
-;; ~/.emacs.d. So when editing a file /sudo::/foo on laptop, its
-;; auto-saves will go to /home/spwhitton/.emacs.d but its backups will
-;; go to /root/.emacs.d
-(let ((backups-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "backups/"))
- (auto-saves-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "auto-saves/")))
- (dolist (dir (list backups-dir auto-saves-dir))
- (make-directory dir t)
- (chmod dir (string-to-number "700" 8)))
- (setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . ,backups-dir))
- auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,auto-saves-dir t))
- tramp-auto-save-directory auto-saves-dir))
-(setq backup-by-copying-when-linked t
- backup-by-copying-when-mismatch t
- tramp-backup-directory-alist backup-directory-alist)
-(defun spw/store-frame-wm (frame)
- (set-frame-parameter frame
- 'spw/window-manager
- (with-selected-frame frame
- (spw/get-wm))))
-(add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions #'spw/store-frame-wm)
-(defun spw/disable-mouse-autoselect-window (orig-fun &rest args)
- (let ((mouse-autoselect-window nil))
- (apply orig-fun args)))
-(defun spw/tiling-window-manager-setup (&rest _ignore)
- "Change settings for optimal usage if we have frames running under i3."
- (if (cl-find-if (lambda (e) (member e '("i3" "sway")))
- (mapcar (lambda (f) (frame-parameter f 'spw/window-manager))
- (frame-list)))
- (progn
- (setq mouse-autoselect-window t
- focus-follows-mouse t
- desktop-restore-forces-onscreen nil)
- ;; disable `mouse-autoselect-window' during `display-buffer', to avoid
- ;; surprise focus changes -- some code that calls `display-buffer'
- ;; does not expect `mouse-autoselect-window' to be on. E.g.
- ;; `magit-status' can leave focus in the wrong window without this
- (advice-add 'display-buffer
- :around #'spw/disable-mouse-autoselect-window))
- (setq mouse-autoselect-window nil
- focus-follows-mouse nil
- desktop-restore-forces-onscreen t)
- (advice-remove 'display-buffer #'spw/disable-mouse-autoselect-window)))
-(add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions #'spw/tiling-window-manager-setup)
-;; this works only for self-insert chars and gets undone by changes in
-;; window manager focus, but it's something (and
-;; `mouse-avoidance-mode' tends to be more annoying than helpful)
-(setq make-pointer-invisible t)
-(setq use-short-answers t)
-(setq confirm-kill-emacs #'y-or-n-p)
-(defun spw/use-tabs-not-frames ()
- "Whether to pop up new tabs instead of new frames.
-Should be t when do not have a good way to handle having lots of
-open frames, as I do have under i3 with its tabbed layout (which
-I use by default)."
- (or (not (memq (framep (selected-frame)) '(x pgtk)))
- (not (member (frame-parameter nil 'spw/window-manager)
- '("i3" "sway")))))
-;; choice of font and size is driven by aim to fit eighty columns of
-;; text in both halves of my laptop's monitor
-(defvar spw/preferred-latin-fonts
- '(("Inconsolata-13" :weight medium) "Cousine-10"))
-(defvar spw/preferred-han-fonts '("Noto Serif CJK JP-10"))
-(defvar spw/preferred-hangul-fonts '("Noto Serif CJK KR-10"))
-(defun spw/first-available-font (fonts)
- (car (seq-drop-while
- (lambda (font)
- (not (find-font (apply #'font-spec :name (ensure-list font)))))
- fonts)))
-(defun spw/select-cousine ()
- (buffer-face-set
- (face-remap-add-relative 'default :family "Cousine" :height 100)))
-(defun spw/do-font-setup ()
- (when (display-graphic-p)
- ;; harmless if function is not there to be removed
- (remove-function after-focus-change-function #'spw/do-font-setup)
- (cl-flet ((fs (arg) (apply #'font-spec :name (ensure-list arg))))
- (when-let ((latin-font
- (spw/first-available-font spw/preferred-latin-fonts)))
- (set-face-font 'default (fs latin-font)))
- (when-let ((han-font (spw/first-available-font spw/preferred-han-fonts)))
- (dolist (charset '(kana han symbol cjk-misc bopomofo))
- (set-fontset-font t charset (fs han-font))))
- (when-let ((hangul-font
- (spw/first-available-font spw/preferred-hangul-fonts)))
- (set-fontset-font t 'hangul (fs hangul-font))))
- (when (and (not (spw/use-tabs-not-frames))
- (find-font (font-spec :name "Cousine-10"))
- (find-font (font-spec :name "Inconsolata-13" :weight 'medium)))
- (add-to-list 'window-size-change-functions
- #'spw/maybe-change-frame-font))
- ;; again on laptop, need to fit a bit more in these windows than can
- ;; with Inconsolata
- ;; (when (find-font (font-spec :name "Cousine-10"))
- ;; (dolist (pair '(;; (org . org-mode-hook)
- ;; (org-agenda . org-agenda-mode-hook)))
- ;; (eval-after-load (car pair)
- ;; `(add-hook ',(cdr pair) #'spw/select-cousine))))
- ))
-;; `find-font' will fail until there is a graphical frame, which might
-;; not be yet, so set up a hook (which will remove itself after
-;; running once) to do the font setup
-(if (daemonp)
- (add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'spw/do-font-setup)
- (spw/do-font-setup))
-(defun spw/maybe-change-frame-font (frame)
- (when (frame-size-changed-p frame)
- (let ((wanted-font
- ;; Between these pixel widths is roughly where we can get two
- ;; vertical windows in if we shrink our font a bit; if much larger,
- ;; we can get two without shrinking, and if much smaller, shrinking
- ;; will not help. Mainly used with my C-i - i3 binding
- (if (and (> (frame-pixel-width frame) 1300)
- (< (frame-pixel-width frame) 1485))
- '("Cousine-10")
- '("Inconsolata-13" :weight medium))))
- (unless
- (string= (frame-parameter frame 'font-parameter) (car wanted-font))
- (set-frame-font (apply #'font-spec :name wanted-font))))))
-(when (fboundp 'set-scroll-bar-mode) (set-scroll-bar-mode nil))
-(when (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode 0))
-(when (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode 0))
-(when (fboundp 'blink-cursor-mode) (blink-cursor-mode 0))
-(setq x-stretch-cursor t)
-(setq-default cursor-type 'box)
-;; On remote hosts in the UTC timezone, assume I'm in Arizona. This
-;; is relevant for using Org-mode. Note that hosts in the UK will be
-;; in GMT/BST, not UTC
-(when (and (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
- (string= (cadr (current-time-zone)) "UTC"))
- (set-time-zone-rule "/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix"))
-;; Save my place in buffers, but only with newer Emacs. With older
-;; Emacs, the additions to `find-file-hook', `kill-emacs-hook' and
-;; `kill-buffer-hook' made by `save-place' kept disappearing, unless I
-;; enabled save-place using use-package's `:defer' keyword. Adding
-;; the hooks in this init file didn't work either. See older dotfiles
-;; repo commits
-(when (version< "25.1" emacs-version)
- ;; if save-place is slowing down quitting Emacs, uncomment this:
- ;; (setq save-place-forget-unreadable-files nil)
- (save-place-mode 1))
-;; This is an alternative way to activate the mark temporarily when
-;; `transient-mark-mode' is off, and whether it's on or off, makes it
-;; easier to operate on adjacent whole lines where the set of lines is
-;; not surrounded by blank lines such that `mark-paragraph' can be
-;; used. A possible enhancement would be to enter a transient mode in
-;; which C-n and C-p can select additional whole lines.
-(defun spw/expand-region-to-whole-lines-and-activate ()
- (interactive)
- (when (> (point) (mark))
- (exchange-point-and-mark))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (set-mark (save-excursion (goto-char (mark)) (beginning-of-line 2) (point)))
- (activate-mark transient-mark-mode))
-;; used to have it on M-+
-(global-set-key "\C-cL" #'spw/expand-region-to-whole-lines-and-activate)
-;; Also bind a key simply to (re-)activate the mark which does not
-;; involve moving point, as `exchange-point-and-mark' does. This is
-;; useful if you use isearch to select a region but realise only after
-;; you've left the intended start of the region that you need to do a
-;; second isearch to extend it far enough: e.g. C-s first M-i second RET
-;; Activating the region prevents the second isearch from resetting
-;; the mark. Having this binding removes the need to activate the
-;; region before entering the first isearch, which is useful both with
-;; and without `transient-mark-mode'.
-;; This makes M-i a sort of prefix command: "execute the next command in
-;; temporary Transient Mark mode / as if Transient Mark mode were turned on"
-(defun spw/activate-mark (&rest _ignore)
- (interactive)
- (activate-mark))
-(global-set-key "\M-i" #'spw/activate-mark)
-;; resettle the previous occupant of M-i
-(global-set-key "\M-I" #'tab-to-tab-stop)
-(setq transient-mark-mode nil
- ;; If this is set to t, then re-setting the mark right after popping to
- ;; it -- to go and edit somewhere near the destination and then come
- ;; back, say -- requires remembering that a C-u C-u prefix is needed;
- ;; that cognitive load outweighs a few extra C-u when this is nil, I
- ;; think. And the cost of forgetting is high: you've lost the position,
- ;; and it might take quite a few keypresses to get back there.
- ;;
- ;; Further, if you pop fewer than four times and then want to set a
- ;; mark, that requires no fewer keystrokes with this set to t than with
- ;; it set to nil. There is also `repeat' to repeatedly pop.
- set-mark-command-repeat-pop nil)
-(defun spw/remap-mark-command (command &optional map)
- "Remap a mark-* command to temporarily activate Transient Mark mode."
- (let* ((cmd (symbol-name command))
- (fun (intern (concat "spw/" cmd)))
- (doc (concat "Call `"
- cmd
- "' and temporarily activate Transient Mark mode.")))
- (fset fun `(lambda ()
- ,doc
- (interactive)
- (call-interactively #',command)
- (activate-mark)))
- (if map
- (define-key map (vector 'remap command) fun)
- (global-set-key (vector 'remap command) fun))))
-(dolist (command '(mark-word
- mark-sexp
- mark-paragraph
- mark-defun
- mark-page
- mark-whole-buffer
- ;; see bug#42663
- rectangle-mark-mode))
- (spw/remap-mark-command command))
-(with-eval-after-load 'org
- (spw/remap-mark-command 'org-mark-subtree org-mode-map)
- (spw/remap-mark-command 'org-mark-element org-mode-map))
-(with-eval-after-load 'slime-presentations
- (spw/remap-mark-command 'slime-mark-presentation slime-editing-map))
-(if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
- (setq copy-region-blink-delay 0)
- (fset 'indicate-copied-region #'ignore))
-(setq disabled-command-function nil)
-(show-paren-mode 1)
-(setq show-paren-when-point-in-periphery t) ; useful for C-M-d
-(defun spw/no-blink-matching-paren (orig-fun &rest args)
- (let ((blink-matching-paren nil))
- (apply orig-fun args)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'paredit
- (advice-add 'paredit-move-past-close-and-newline
- :around #'spw/no-blink-matching-paren))
-(setq gnus-init-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init-gnus"))
-;; if know the name of group might want to try
-;; `gnus-read-ephemeral-gmane-group' (and if that works well, might
-;; want to make this function prompt for a group to pass to that
-;; function, and if blank, do what function does now)
-(defun spw/browse-gmane ()
- (interactive)
- (gnus-no-server)
- (gnus-group-browse-foreign-server '(nntp "")))
-(global-set-key "\C-cgn" #'gnus)
-(global-set-key "\C-cgG" #'spw/browse-gmane)
-;; Make C-w and <M-backspace> the same as the defaults of the UNIX tty
-;; line editor and GNU readline, respectively: C-w deletes back to
-;; whitespace, <M-backspace> to the nearest word boundary. I can't
-;; have my full Emacs config on arbitrary hosts, but by configuring
-;; Emacs in this way, I can have consistent line editing almost everywhere,
-;; and moreover, kill back to whitespace is often what's wanted, for
-;; correcting typos and just for deletion, e.g. of whole e-mail addresses,
-;; whole long form command line arguments in Eshell, etc.
-(defun spw/unix-word-rubout ()
- (interactive)
- (undo-boundary)
- (let ((start (point)))
- ;; do skip over newlines because `backward-kill-word' does
- (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n")
- (skip-chars-backward "^[:space:]\n")
- ;; skip forward over any read-only text (e.g. an EShell prompt)
- (when-let ((beg (and (get-char-property (point) 'read-only)
- (next-single-char-property-change
- (point) 'read-only nil start))))
- (goto-char beg))
- (kill-region (point) start)))
-(global-set-key "\C-w" 'spw/unix-word-rubout)
-(global-set-key "\M-\d" 'backward-kill-word)
-;; ... and resettle the previous occupant of C-w
-;; (we want to use a key which is already globally bound so that we know it is
-;; likely to still be available in other major modes, and this has to be a key
-;; which can also be bound in .inputrc (so C-z is out as that is used for
-;; shell job control))
-;; (don't need `list-directory' as always use dired, so no need to rebind that
-;; somewhere)
-(global-set-key "\C-x\C-d" #'kill-region)
-;; Is a binding for `zap-up-to-char' needed in addition to one for
-;; `zap-to-char'? If you don't need to insert any text before the target
-;; char, then M-z CHAR CHAR is equivalent to using `zap-up-to-char' with CHAR,
-;; and is easy to type. If you do need to insert, you can just M-z CHAR, type
-;; or yank, and then type CHAR again to conclude. By contrast, replacing use
-;; of `zap-to-char' with `zap-up-to-char' is not so easy, as you might need to
-;; switch from typing M-z to typing C-d, for example.
-;; At the very least this demonstrates that `zap-to-char' more deserves to be
-;; on an easy-to-strike key than does `zap-up-to-char'. So for now, make the
-;; other command available on a less valuable key.
-;; Hmm, might be good to add `paredit-zap-to-char' which doesn't actually
-;; delete some delimiters.
-(global-set-key "\M-Z" #'zap-up-to-char)
-;; We cannot reliably distinguish <C-backspace> from <backspace> so I
-;; want to avoid getting into a habit of typing <C-backspace> into
-;; Emacs. Many terminal emulators send ^? for <backspace> and ^H for
-;; <C-backspace> these days, or the other way around, but not all of
-;; them. Since Firefox binds <C-backspace> to delete words backwards
-;; (apparently following some Microsoft products), there's some risk
-;; here, so unbind
-(global-unset-key [C-backspace])
-(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward)
-(global-set-key "\M-/" #'hippie-expand)
-;; In an emacsclient frame, or a buffer spawned by an eshell process calling
-;; emacsclient, this is like '<esc>ZZ' in vi.
-(defun spw/save-buffers-kill-emacsclient-noconfirm ()
- (interactive)
- (save-buffer)
- (server-edit))
-(global-set-key "\C-cz" #'spw/save-buffers-kill-emacsclient-noconfirm)
-;; Not sure about rebinding this: although `suspend-frame' is bound to both
-;; C-x C-z and C-z, C-z is a standard UNIX shell binding, so it might not be
-;; best to rebind it. On the other hand I hardly ever make use of shell job
-;; control with Emacs, since if I have Emacs, then I have Eshell.
-(global-set-key "\C-z" #'repeat)
-(setq display-buffer-alist
- '(;; This is meant to say: for these buffers which, unusually, do not
- ;; benefit from being as tall as possible, always display them in the
- ;; other window (in the sense of `find-file-other-window' in stock
- ;; Emacs), but if that means splitting vertically, make the window
- ;; shorter than it would otherwise be, to allow more lines to the
- ;; buffer on the other side of the split (in the case where displaying
- ;; the buffer in the other window means splitting horizontally, we are
- ;; already allowing as many lines as we can to buffer on the other
- ;; side of the split).
- ;;
- ;; I don't think eshell, ielm and scheme would be suitable for
- ;; `display-buffer-in-side-window' (at the bottom) because they are
- ;; not purely informational -- they're for doing stuff in, and so
- ;; should be one of the main (usually two) windows of the frame. But
- ;; not sure about this. I might just use `spw--window-to-frame' when
- ;; they are not purely informational. How much of an advantage of
- ;; side windows is the way in which they can be toggled on and off?
- ("\\(\\*\\(eshell\\|ielm\\|compilation\\|scheme\\)\\|-eshell\\*\\)"
- (display-buffer-pop-up-window display-buffer-same-window)
- (window-height . 0.20)
- (preserve-size . (nil . t))
- (inhibit-same-window . t))
- ;; These SLIME windows don't benefit from a lot of height and it is
- ;; useful to have them be independent of the main two windows
- ;; displaying code, Magit etc. Get going by hitting C-c C-z to bring
- ;; up the REPL.
- ("\\*\\(slime\\|sly\\)-\\(inspector\\|compilation\\)\\*"
- display-buffer-in-side-window
- (window-height . 0.30)
- (slot . 2)
- (side . bottom))
- ("^\\*\\(sldb\\|sly-db\\)"
- display-buffer-in-side-window
- (window-height . 0.30)
- (slot . 1) ;; might have nested debuggers replace the repl in slot 0
- (side . bottom))
- ;; Keep the repl visible even when we're in the debugger, as there
- ;; might be useful output there even though we can't evaluate anything
- ;; else (at least with Slime).
- ("^\\*\\(slime-repl\\|sly-mrepl\\|inferior-lisp\\)"
- (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-in-side-window)
- (window-height . 0.30)
- (slot . 0)
- (side . bottom))))
-(defun spw/window-toggle-side-windows ()
- "Like `window-toggle-side-windows', but if the selected window is
-a side window, change focus to the most recently used non-side
-window first."
- (interactive)
- (when (window-parameter nil 'window-side)
- (select-window (spw/get-mru-window
- (lambda (w) (window-parameter w 'window-side)))
- 'mark-for-redisplay))
- (window-toggle-side-windows))
-;; F9 is another option but it is nice to reserve that for short-lived
-;; keyboard macros
-(global-set-key "\C-cs" #'spw/window-toggle-side-windows)
-(defun spw/delete-other-windows--toggle-side-windows
- (&optional window &rest _ignore)
- "Save any side window state before deleting other windows such that side
-windows can be recovered using `window-toggle-side-windows'.
-A limitation is that when `window-toggle-side-windows' is subsequently used
-the non-side windows deleted by `delete-other-windows' will also reappear."
- (when (window-parameter window 'window-side)
- (window-toggle-side-windows (window-frame window))))
-(advice-add 'delete-other-windows
- :before #'spw/delete-other-windows--toggle-side-windows)
-(setq auth-source-save-behavior nil)
-;; Make `read-only-mode' and `view-mode' basically the same thing -- if the
-;; file is read-only then why not rebind the self-insert keys to do something
-;; else, esp. c/e/q to get back to where we were. This also means we have
-;; C-x C-r, C-x 4 r, C-x 5 r and C-x C-q available to get into `view-mode'
-(setq view-read-only t)
-(with-eval-after-load 'view
- (define-key view-mode-map "e" #'View-exit-and-edit)
- ;; already indicated by '%%'/'%*' in mode line
- (diminish 'view-mode))
-(setq kill-read-only-ok t)
-;; always update buffers when files change on disk -- if we want to go back to
-;; the version of the file we had in Emacs, we can just hit undo
-(global-auto-revert-mode 1)
-(diminish 'auto-revert-mode)
-;; C-x x g should not ask for confirmation, but avoid globally binding
-;; `revert-buffer-query'
-(defun spw/revert-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- (revert-buffer nil t))
-(global-set-key "\C-xxg" #'spw/revert-buffer)
-;; Since these don't work in text terminals, unbind them to avoid developing
-;; any habits of using them. They're less useful now that typing digit
-;; arguments with M- requires holding down the meta key only for the first
-;; digit
-(let ((i ?0))
- (while (<= i ?9)
- (global-set-key (read (format "[?\\C-%c]" i)) nil)
- (setq i (1+ i))))
-(global-set-key [?\C--] nil)
-(let ((i ?0))
- (while (<= i ?9)
- (global-set-key (read (format "[?\\C-%c]" i)) nil)
- (setq i (1+ i))))
-(global-set-key [?\C-\M--] nil)
-;; C-x o is easier to type than these, but these are wanted for tapping
-;; repeatedly when there are more than two windows
-(defun spw/other-window-noselect (count &optional interactive)
- (interactive "p\np")
- (cl-flet ((old-select-window (symbol-function 'select-window)))
- (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'select-window)
- (lambda (window &rest _ignore)
- (old-select-window window 'mark-for-redisplay))))
- (other-window count nil interactive))))
-(defun spw/backward-other-window-noselect (count &optional interactive)
- (interactive "p\np")
- (spw/other-window-noselect (* -1 count) interactive))
- ;; don't select the windows we cycle through, so that the window where we
- ;; started becomes the most recently selected window
- (([?\C-x left] . spw/backward-other-window-noselect)
- ([remap other-window] . spw/back-and-forth-noselect)
- ([?\C-x right] . spw/other-window-noselect))
- #'spw/other-window-noselect
- ;; select the destination window again with NOSELECT nil
- (select-window (selected-window)))
-;; ... and resettle old occupants of C-x <left> and C-x <right>. This is a
-;; bit complicated but we want these commands to be easily repeatable but also
-;; avoid setting a transient map containing self-insert chars, as might want
-;; to type those right after switching.
-;; A possible improvement would be to have C-c b always take you back to the
-;; buffer you were in before starting to use these commands. E.g. C-c w
-;; <left> <left> C-c b would take you back to where you started, and then C-c
-;; b would take you back to where C-c w <left> <left> took you.
-(defun spw/maybe-next-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- (cl-destructuring-bind
- (message command) (if (window-next-buffers)
- '("Went forwards" next-buffer)
- '("Went backwards" previous-buffer))
- (call-interactively `,command)
- (message message)))
- ;; Note `previous-buffer' and `next-buffer' actually use
- ;; `switch-to-prev-buffer' and `switch-to-next-buffer' as subroutines, so
- ;; buffers previously shown in the selected window come up first, as
- ;; desired.
- ;;
- ;; Although C-c b can go backwards, really it's for going forwards; it is a
- ;; little tricky to use the arrow keys correctly right after C-c b if it
- ;; unexpectedly took us backwards (if we were expecting to go backwards,
- ;; would have used C-c w).
- ;;
- ;; The fallback to going backwards is there only because it would be worse to
- ;; go round to the end of the list of buffers, but perhaps it should just do
- ;; nothing?
- ;;
- ;; 'w' is for "window's buffers".
- (("\C-cw" . previous-buffer)
- ("\C-cb" . spw/maybe-next-buffer))
- (lambda (count)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (> count 0)
- (next-buffer count)
- (previous-buffer (* -1 count)))))
-(setq switch-to-prev-buffer-skip 'this)
-;; similar binding strategy for `winner-mode': make it repeatable; avoid
-;; binding a self-insert char to the transient map; and avoid binding global
-;; C-c <left>/<right> as might want these for something else
-(setq winner-dont-bind-my-keys t)
-(winner-mode 1)
- ;; it's C-c q because this is a bit like `quit-restore-window'
- ("\C-cq" . winner-undo)
- (lambda (count)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (> count 0)
- (winner-redo)
- (setq this-command 'winner-undo)
- (winner-undo))))
-;; also add useful cycling with arrow keys to C-x p e, C-h i, C-x 4 b
-;; C-x 4 C-o, and others
-(with-eval-after-load 'project
- (spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling
- ("e" . project-eshell)
- nil
- nil
- ;; bind into project-prefix-map, rather than just a remap, so that works
- ;; under C-x 4 p too
- project-prefix-map)
- ;; update project-switch-commands accordingly
- (when (assoc 'project-eshell project-switch-commands)
- (setcar (assoc 'project-eshell project-switch-commands)
- #'spw/project-eshell-with-transient-cycling)))
- [remap info]
- (spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda
- (spw/buffer-siblings-ring (get-buffer "*info*"))))
- ([remap switch-to-buffer]
- [remap switch-to-buffer-other-window]
- [remap switch-to-buffer-other-frame]))
- ([remap display-buffer]
- ;; `switch-to-buffer-other-tab' uses `display-buffer' so needs to be in this
- ;; invocation of `spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling,' not the previous
- [remap switch-to-buffer-other-tab]
- ;; For some reason, in the case of `display-buffer-other-frame' only, the
- ;; transient map gets immediately cancelled, under i3, at least. Fine on
- ;; text terminals
- [remap display-buffer-other-frame])
- (spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda
- (spw/buffer-siblings-ring (window-buffer ret-val))
- (with-selected-window ret-val
- (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action '((display-buffer-same-window)
- (inhibit-same-window . nil))))
- (display-buffer buffer)))))
-;; For when the buffer's name isn't much help for switching to it, as is often
-;; the case with notmuch buffers. Commented out for now because the transient
-;; cycling appended to C-x b and C-x 4 C-o now includes buffers of the same
-;; major mode after cloned siblings, so I think I can do without these
-;; additional bindings.
-;; (defun spw/read-major-mode-buffer-ring ()
-;; (let ((buffer-lists (make-hash-table)))
-;; (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
-;; (with-current-buffer buffer
-;; (puthash major-mode
-;; (cons buffer (gethash major-mode buffer-lists))
-;; buffer-lists)))
-;; (let* ((mode (intern (completing-read "Major mode: "
-;; (hash-table-keys buffer-lists)
-;; nil
-;; t)))
-;; (ring (make-ring (length (gethash mode buffer-lists)))))
-;; (dolist (buffer (gethash mode buffer-lists) ring)
-;; (ring-insert ring buffer)))))
-;; (defun spw/switch-to-major-mode-buffer ()
-;; (interactive)
-;; (let ((ring (spw/read-major-mode-buffer-ring)))
-;; (pop-to-buffer-same-window (ring-ref ring 0))
-;; ring))
-;; (defun spw/display-major-mode-buffer ()
-;; (interactive)
-;; (let ((ring (spw/read-major-mode-buffer-ring)))
-;; (cons
-;; (display-buffer (ring-ref ring 0))
-;; ring)))
-;; (spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling
-;; ("\C-cb\C-o" . spw/display-major-mode-buffer)
-;; (spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda
-;; (cdr ret-val)
-;; (with-selected-window (car ret-val)
-;; (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action '((display-buffer-same-window)
-;; (inhibit-same-window . nil))))
-;; (display-buffer buffer)))))
-;; (spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling
-;; ("\C-cbb" . spw/switch-to-major-mode-buffer)
-;; (spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda
-;; (and (ring-p ret-val) ret-val)))
-;; filling of comments -- we don't want to set
-;; `comment-auto-fill-only-comments' always on because in Org-mode, for
-;; example, we want auto fill both inside and outside of comments
-(defun spw/turn-on-auto-fill-comments ()
- "Turn on filling comments."
- (setq-local comment-auto-fill-only-comments t)
- (turn-on-auto-fill))
-(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'spw/turn-on-auto-fill-comments)
-(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
-(setq sentence-end-double-space t)
-(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
-(electric-indent-mode 1)
-(setq debian-changelog-mailing-address (getenv "DEBEMAIL"))
-(global-set-key "\C-cih" #'add-file-local-variable-prop-line)
-;; don't do anything with abbrevs if ~/doc is not checked out
-(defvar spw/doc-abbrevs-file (expand-file-name "~/doc/emacs-abbrevs"))
-(when (file-exists-p spw/doc-abbrevs-file)
- (setq abbrev-file-name spw/doc-abbrevs-file)
- (quietly-read-abbrev-file)
- (setq save-abbrevs 'silently)
- (setq-default abbrev-mode t)
- (diminish 'abbrev-mode))
-;; similar
-(defvar spw/doc-bookmarks-file (expand-file-name "~/doc/emacs-bookmarks"))
-(when (file-exists-p spw/doc-bookmarks-file)
- (setq bookmark-default-file spw/doc-bookmarks-file
- bookmark-save-flag 1))
-;; ;; something involved in setting bookmarks likes to try to kill the
-;; ;; bookmarks file buffer which means an annoying y/n query since
-;; ;; something likes setting the modified flag without actually
-;; ;; modifying anything. So save it, or for the very frequently
-;; ;; called `kill-buffer', clear modification flag for these bogus
-;; ;; modifications
-;; ;; TODO fix this upstream
-;; (defun bookmark-write-file--save-bookmarks-buffer (&rest ignore)
-;; (when (get-buffer "emacs-bookmarks")
-;; (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "emacs-bookmarks")
-;; (save-buffer))))
-;; (advice-add 'bookmark-write-file :before #'bookmark-write-file--save-bookmarks-buffer)
-;; (defun kill-buffer--clear-modified (&rest ignore)
-;; (when (get-buffer "emacs-bookmarks")
-;; (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "emacs-bookmarks")
-;; (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
-;; (advice-add 'kill-buffer :before #'kill-buffer--clear-modified)
-(setq column-number-mode t)
-(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)
-(setq dabbrev-case-fold-search t)
-(setq require-final-newline t)
-(add-hook 'after-save-hook
- #'executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p)
-(when (executable-find "xdg-open")
- (setq browse-url-generic-program "xdg-open"
- browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-generic))
-(setq select-active-regions t
- mouse-drag-copy-region t
- select-enable-primary t
- select-enable-clipboard t
- mouse-yank-at-point t
- yank-pop-change-selection nil
- ;; I believe this sometimes causes hangs when using pgtk under swaywm.
- ;; This is unfortunate as it is nice to have this turned on.
- ;; save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t
- x-select-enable-clipboard-manager t)
-(global-set-key [mouse-2] #'mouse-yank-primary)
-;; disable line numbering primarily so that killing and copying stack
-;; entries puts the number alone in the kill-ring
-;; (setq calc-line-numbering nil)
-;; (setq scroll-preserve-screen-position t)
-(global-set-key "\C-cgm" #'man)
-(global-set-key "\C-cgp" #'cperl-perldoc)
-(global-set-key "\C-cgk" #'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
-;; have M-c, M-l and M-u be consistent in all of them exiting Isearch -- the
-;; fact that M-c doesn't keeps tripping me up
-(define-key isearch-mode-map "\M-c" nil)
-;; can reuse this as its normal meaning not wanted during Isearch
-(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-cc" #'isearch-toggle-case-fold)
-;; avoid setting the background colour on text terminals
-(dolist (ws '(x pgtk w32 ns))
- (add-to-list 'window-system-default-frame-alist
- `(,ws . ((background-color . "#FFFFF6")))))
-;; colour is from the Lucid build
-(set-face-attribute 'region nil :background "#EECD82")
-(diminish 'eldoc-mode)
-(setq tab-bar-show 1
- tab-bar-new-button-show nil
- tab-bar-close-button-show nil)
-;; this makes C-x t o like my (customised) C-x o
-(defun spw/tabs-without-current ()
- (cl-remove-if (lambda (tab)
- (eq (car tab) 'current-tab))
- (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function)))
-(let (recent-tab-old-time)
- (defun spw/tab-bar-switch-with-record (fn &rest args)
- (interactive)
- (when-let ((tabs (spw/tabs-without-current)))
- ;; If the most recent tab is not the one we end up at after exiting the
- ;; transient map, we will want to set that tab's time back to what it
- ;; was before we changed tabs, as if we had never selected it. So
- ;; record that info so we can do that.
- (setq recent-tab-old-time
- (apply #'min (mapcar (lambda (tab) (alist-get 'time tab)) tabs)))
- (apply fn args)))
- (defun spw/tab-prev (n)
- (interactive "p")
- (spw/tab-next (* -1 n)))
- (defun spw/tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab ()
- (interactive)
- (spw/tab-bar-switch-with-record #'tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab))
- (defun spw/tab-next (n)
- (interactive "p")
- (spw/tab-bar-switch-with-record #'tab-bar-switch-to-next-tab n))
- (spw/bind-command-with-cycling
- (([?\C-c ?t left] . spw/tab-prev)
- ([?\C-c ?t ?o] . spw/tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab)
- ([remap tab-next] . spw/tab-bar-switch-to-recent-tab)
- ([?\C-c ?t right] . spw/tab-next))
- (lambda (count)
- (interactive "p")
- ;; We are moving away from the current tab, so restore its time as if we
- ;; had never selected it, and store the time of the tab we're moving to
- ;; in case we need to do that a second time.
- (let ((next-tab-old-time
- (let* ((tabs (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function))
- (current-index (seq-position (mapcar #'car tabs)
- 'current-tab))
- (new-index (mod (+ current-index count)
- (length tabs))))
- (alist-get 'time (nth new-index tabs)))))
- (tab-bar-switch-to-next-tab count)
- (setf (alist-get 'time (car (seq-sort-by (lambda (tab)
- (alist-get 'time tab))
- #'>
- (spw/tabs-without-current))))
- recent-tab-old-time)
- (setq recent-tab-old-time next-tab-old-time)))))
-(setq diff-font-lock-prettify t)
-(global-so-long-mode 1)
-(setq async-shell-command-buffer 'rename-buffer
- shell-command-prompt-show-cwd t)
-(when (executable-find "bash")
- (setq shell-file-name "bash")
- (setenv "BASH_ENV" (expand-file-name "~/.bash_defns")))
-(setq native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors 'silent)
-(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
-(unless (boundp 'warning-suppress-types)
- (setq warning-suppress-types nil))
-(cl-pushnew '(comp) warning-suppress-types :test #'cl-tree-equal)
-;;;; TRAMP
-;; rely on my ~/.ssh/config
-(setq tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options nil)
-(with-eval-after-load 'tramp
- ;; activate direct-async-process for all non-multihop SSH connections
- (add-to-list 'tramp-connection-properties
- `(,(regexp-quote "/ssh:") "direct-async-process" t)))
-;;;; Electric pairs when the region is active
-;; I used to have `electric-pair-mode' switched on, based on the idea that it
-;; makes non-paredit buffers a bit more like paredit buffers, and that's the
-;; least surprising way to have things, given that I'm not going to give up
-;; paredit. However, even with `electric-pair-conservative-inhibit', I still
-;; frequently found myself with unwanted insertion. It also makes C-w much
-;; less effective for correcting mistakes, because you end up with junk to the
-;; right of point as well as to the left.
-;; Add back a way to wrap the active region in paired delimiters; useful after
-;; hitting M-@ and/or C-M-SPC a few times. This is the main paredit feature
-;; that I find myself expecting to work in other modes.
-;; An alternative is to deactivate `electric-pair-mode' only in `text-mode'.
-(defun spw/add-mode-wrapping-pairs (lib mode pairs)
- (let ((map (intern (concat (symbol-name mode) "-map")))
- (fn (intern (concat "spw/set-" (symbol-name mode) "-wrapping-keys"))))
- (fset fn `(lambda ()
- "Rebind some self-insert keys to wrap when the region is active."
- (dolist (pair ',pairs)
- ;; complexity here is due to fact there is
- ;; `self-insert-command' but also things like
- ;; `org-self-insert-command' to account for
- (let ((old (if (memq pair spw/global-wrapping-pairs)
- 'self-insert-command
- (with-temp-buffer
- (funcall ',mode)
- (key-binding (vector (car pair))))))
- (cmd (intern (concat "spw/"
- ,(symbol-name mode)
- "-" (vector (car pair))))))
- (unless (eq old cmd)
- (fset cmd `(lambda ()
- ,(concat "`"
- (symbol-name old)
- "' unless the region is active, in which case wrap region with '"
- (vector (car pair))
- "'.")
- (interactive)
- (if (use-region-p)
- ;; might want to set
- ;; `parens-requires-spaces' here
- (insert-pair nil ,(car pair) ,(cdr pair))
- (call-interactively ',old))))
- (define-key ,map (vector (car pair)) cmd))))))
- (eval-after-load lib fn)))
-(defvar spw/global-wrapping-pairs
- '((?( . ?))
- (?[ . ?])
- (?{ . ?})
- (?< . ?>)
- (?' . ?')
- (?\" . ?\"))
- "Like `spw/add-mode-wrapping-pairs' but for the global map.")
-(spw/add-mode-wrapping-pairs 'elisp-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode '((?` . ?')))
-;; add global pairs to Org-mode because it has its own self-inserting cmd
-(spw/add-mode-wrapping-pairs 'org 'org-mode `(,@spw/global-wrapping-pairs
- (?* . ?*)
- (?/ . ?/)
- (?= . ?=)))
-(dolist (pair spw/global-wrapping-pairs)
- (let ((cmd (intern (concat "spw/self-insert-" (vector (car pair))))))
- (fset cmd `(lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (if (use-region-p)
- (insert-pair nil ,(car pair) ,(cdr pair))
- (call-interactively 'self-insert-command))))
- (global-set-key (vector (car pair)) cmd)))
-;;;; Icomplete
-(setq resize-mini-windows 'grow-only)
-(when (>= emacs-major-version 27)
- (fido-mode 1)
- ;; Most common actions are to select the top completion in the way that
- ;; `icomplete-fido-ret' does, and to exit with the current input. So these
- ;; two get single keypresses, TAB and RET.
- ;;
- ;; Choose RET for exiting with current input because then RET behaves the
- ;; same in `read-string' and `completing-read'. This makes completion less
- ;; obtrusive given how some commands provide completion even when they are
- ;; mostly used to enter arbitrary strings (e.g. `notmuch-search').
- ;;
- ;; Don't resettle the previous occupant of <TAB>, `minibuffer-complete'
- ;; because a `fido-mode' user hardly uses it
- (define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map [?\t] #'icomplete-fido-ret)
- (define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map (kbd "RET") #'icomplete-fido-exit)
- ;; Default binding for this function, M-TAB, may not be available to Emacs
- ;; as it is commonly used by window managers etc., and this is very useful
- ;; when renaming files. Also, when typing a path to a remote file on a host
- ;; we're not connected to use, this can be used to cause TRAMP to open a
- ;; connection and thereby get filename completion going, though it is
- ;; smoother to start by using C-x d to connect to the host and only then
- ;; using C-x C-f.
- ;;
- ;; M-j is a better key to rebind than C-j because in C-M-j is bound to the
- ;; same thing as M-j in the default global map
- (define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map [?\M-j] #'icomplete-force-complete)
- ;; Preserve some standard bindings for editing text in the minibuffer. We
- ;; might consider binding M-,/M-. to cycle completions because their normal
- ;; bindings aren't likely to be needed when completing, and unlike
- ;; C-,/C-. they work in text terminals
- (define-key icomplete-minibuffer-map [?\C-j] nil)
- (define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map [?\C-r] nil)
- (define-key icomplete-fido-mode-map [?\C-s] nil))
-;;;; The Emacs shell
-;; this makes Eshell completions behave a bit more like bash
-(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
-(with-eval-after-load 'eshell
- (add-to-list 'eshell-modules-list 'eshell-tramp))
-(defun spw/insert-last-argument ()
- (interactive)
- (insert "$_"))
-(defun spw/shell-pipeline (pipeline)
- (throw 'eshell-replace-command
- (eshell-parse-command shell-file-name
- (list shell-command-switch pipeline))))
-(defun spw/parse-shell-pipeline (original)
- "Extract Eshell-specific redirects from pipeline.
-Does not handle quoting."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (cl-loop initially (insert original)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- with pipeline
- with redirects
- ;; search forward to something which looks like a redirect
- while (search-forward-regexp "[0-9]?>+&?[0-9]?\\s-*\\S-" nil t)
- for beg = (match-beginning 0)
- do (forward-char -1) ; start from beginning of the redirect target
- (when-let ((end (cond
- ;; this is a redirect to a process or buffer
- ((looking-at "#<")
- (forward-char 1)
- (1+ (eshell-find-delimiter ?\< ?\>)))
- ;; this is a redirect to a virtual target
- ((and (looking-at "/\\S-+")
- (assoc (match-string 0)
- eshell-virtual-targets))
- (match-end 0)))))
- ;; we found an Eshell-specific redirect; extract it
- (push (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end) redirects)
- (delete-region beg end)
- (just-one-space))
- finally return (cons (string-trim (buffer-string))
- (and redirects
- (string-join redirects " "))))))
-(defun spw/shell-pipeline (pipeline)
- (throw 'eshell-replace-command
- (eshell-parse-command shell-file-name
- (list shell-command-switch pipeline))))
-;; would be good to replace lines from (setq end (point-marker)) onwards with
-;; some Eshell defcustom which has the effect of making all expansions
-;; performed by `eshell-expand-input-functions' not visible to the user --
-;; i.e. the unexpanded input goes into the history ring and remains visible in
-;; the buffer, but the expanded input goes into the Eshell parser
-(defun spw/expand-to-shell-pipeline (beg end)
- "When Eshell input begins with '!!', pass it to the OS shell.
-This bypasses Eshell's own pipelining. Useful for pipelines
-which will move a lot of data, for which Eshell's pipelining
-support can be too slow. Also useful for pipelines to be run on
-remote hosts, to avoid having to roundtrip all the data."
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char beg)
- (when (looking-at "!!\s*")
- (let ((beg (copy-marker beg))
- (end (copy-marker end))
- (original (buffer-substring beg end))
- (unexpander (gensym))
- (old-input-filter eshell-input-filter))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (pipeline . redirects)
- (spw/parse-shell-pipeline
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-end 0) end))
- (delete-region beg end)
- (insert "spw/shell-pipeline ")
- (prin1 pipeline (current-buffer))
- (when redirects
- (insert " " redirects))
- (setq end (point-marker))
- (fset unexpander
- (lambda ()
- (remove-hook 'eshell-post-command-hook unexpander t)
- (setq eshell-input-filter old-input-filter)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char beg)
- (delete-region beg end)
- (insert original))
- (eshell-add-input-to-history original)))
- (add-hook 'eshell-post-command-hook unexpander t t)
- (setq eshell-input-filter #'ignore))))))
-;; (add-to-list 'eshell-expand-input-functions #'spw/expand-to-shell-pipeline)
-;; seems `eshell-mode-map' is globally nil
-(defun spw/define-eshell-keys ()
- (define-key eshell-mode-map "\M-." #'spw/insert-last-argument))
-(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'spw/define-eshell-keys)
-;;; prompt
-;; I prefer to have a prompt which is just '>' followed by no space, as that's
-;; nice and compact, but adding a space after the prompt means we can use
-;; yasnippets to input commands
- ;; this is the old one using '>'
- ;;(setq eshell-prompt-function
- ;; (lambda ()
- ;; (let ((pwd (if (string= (expand-file-name "~/") default-directory)
- ;; (eshell/pwd)
- ;; (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd)))))
- ;; (if (zerop eshell-last-command-status)
- ;; (concat pwd ">")
- ;; (format "%s %s>" eshell-last-command-status pwd))))
- ;; eshell-prompt-regexp "^[^>\n]*>")
- ;; and this is one with spaces
- eshell-prompt-function
- (lambda ()
- (if (zerop eshell-last-command-status)
- (concat (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd)) " % ")
- (format "%s %s %% "
- eshell-last-command-status
- (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd)))))
- eshell-prompt-regexp "^[^%\n]* % ")
-;;; misc. functions
-;; used in 'cd/' yasnippet
-(defun spw/eshell-tramp-cd ()
- (let* ((whole (eshell/pwd))
- (localname (tramp-file-name-localname
- (tramp-dissect-file-name whole)))
- (localname-start (string-match localname whole)))
- (concat "cd " (substring whole 0 localname-start) "/")))
-;;; getting to Eshell buffers
-(defun spw/eshell-jump (arg &optional chdir)
- "Pop to *eshell*, and offer cycling among other Eshells, unless
-one of the following special circumstances applies:
-- If a command is running in *eshell*, rename that buffer out of
- the way and start a new one.
-- If CHDIR, and there is no Eshell in `default-directory', also
- change the directory of *eshell* to `default-directory'.
-- If CHDIR and there is an Eshell in `default-directory',
- including one generated by `project-eshell', switch to that
- Eshell instead of *eshell*.
-- If both ARG and CHDIR, or if CHDIR and the current buffer is an
- Eshell buffer which is not running a command, unconditionally
- start a new Eshell in `default-directory'.
-- If not CHDIR and the current buffer is *eshell*, activate
- transient cycling to make it easy to get back to another
- Eshell. (This is the only case in which we do not use
- `pop-to-buffer' or equivalent, so C-x 4 4 must be used to cycle
- in another window.)
-For the purpose of cycling, Eshells generated by `project-eshell'
-are sorted below Eshells generated by this function.
-The ideas behind this behaviour are as follows.
-- Just like Lisp REPLs, we do not normally need a lot of
- different Eshells; it is fine for shell history associated with
- different tasks to become mixed together. But we do need to
- start a new Eshell when other Eshells are already busy running
- commands.
-- Rename *eshell* to *eshell*<N>, but don't ever rename
- *eshell*<N> back to *eshell*, because that is a conventional
- workflow -- M-&, C-h i, M-x ielm, M-x compile etc. always take
- you to the unnumbered buffer, possibly renaming the numbered one
- out of the way.
- This is why we don't try to reuse Eshells especially
- aggressively; for example, we could find an *eshell*<N> not
- running a command a rename it to *eshell*, but we don't.
-- Don't pay attention to the current project, as an old version
- of this code did, because if we're using C-c e e and/or C-c e h
- rather than C-x p e, we are probably working in a
- project-agnostic way.
- Thus, among the `project-eshell' Eshells available to cycle
- through, don't prioritise those of the current project (for
- example by moving them to the front) -- if we explicitly want
- those, can use C-x p e.
-- Treat C-x p e as the primary way to get to Eshells in project
- roots, and avoid changing the directories of those Eshells, as
- it is surprising when C-x p e doesn't take us to an Eshell
- which is ready to run commands in the project root (another
- possibility would be to change the dir back to the project root
- in this case).
-- It is assumed we'll sometimes use C-x 4 1 in front of this
- command, and if we're already in Eshell, we might use C-x 4 4
- to start the cycling in another window."
- (interactive "P")
- (require 'eshell)
- (cl-flet ((project-eshell-eshell-p ()
- (string-match "\\`\\*.+-eshell\\*[><0-9]*\\'" (buffer-name)))
- (fresh-eshell ()
- (when-let ((buffer (get-buffer eshell-buffer-name)))
- (with-current-buffer buffer (rename-uniquely)))
- (let ((default-directory
- (if chdir default-directory (expand-file-name "~"))))
- (eshell))))
- (let ((current-eshell (and (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode)
- (not (project-eshell-eshell-p))
- (not (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
- (current-buffer)))
- (initial-default-directory default-directory)
- default-directory-eshell
- project-eshells
- other-eshells)
- ;; Populate our two lists of all Eshells.
- (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (when (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode)
- (if (and chdir (not default-directory-eshell)
- (string= default-directory initial-default-directory)
- (not (get-buffer-process buffer)))
- (setq default-directory-eshell buffer)
- (push buffer
- (if (project-eshell-eshell-p)
- project-eshells other-eshells))))))
- ;; Now `pop-to-buffer' if we're going to do that.
- (cond ((and chdir (or arg current-eshell))
- (fresh-eshell))
- ((and chdir default-directory-eshell)
- (pop-to-buffer default-directory-eshell))
- ((or chdir (not (string= (buffer-name) eshell-buffer-name)))
- (if-let ((buffer (get-buffer eshell-buffer-name)))
- (if (get-buffer-process buffer)
- (fresh-eshell)
- (pop-to-buffer buffer)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (when chdir
- (eshell-interrupt-process) ; to clear input
- (insert "cd" " " ?\" initial-default-directory ?\")
- (eshell-send-input)))
- (fresh-eshell)))
- ;; If `display-buffer-overriding-action' has some entries, pop to
- ;; ourselves, to allow subsequent cycling to a different Eshell in
- ;; another window. E.g. C-x e e C-x 4 4 C-x e e
- ((cl-find-if-not #'null display-buffer-overriding-action)
- (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))
- ;; Finally, generate and return a ring for cycling purposes.
- (let* ((all (delete (current-buffer)
- (nconc project-eshells other-eshells)))
- (ring (make-ring (1+ (length all)))))
- (dolist (buffer all)
- (ring-insert ring buffer))
- (ring-insert ring (current-buffer))
- ring))))
-(defun spw/eshell-jump-from-here (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (spw/eshell-jump arg t))
- (("\C-cee" . spw/eshell-jump)
- ("\C-ceh" . spw/eshell-jump-from-here))
- (spw/buffer-ring-cycle-lambda ret-val))
-;;; my commands -- like defining functions in .bashrc where simple aliases are
-;;; not enough
-(defun eshell/package-plan-unpack (package)
- (let* ((patches (progn
- (string-match "\\(.+\\)-\\([^-]+\\)" package)
- (expand-file-name (concat "~/src/package-plan/patches/"
- (match-string 1 package)
- "/"
- (match-string 2 package))))))
- (make-directory patches t)
- (eshell/cd "/tmp")
- (eshell-command (concat "cabal unpack --pristine " package))
- (make-symbolic-link patches (concat "/tmp/" package "/patches"))
- (eshell/cd (concat "/tmp/" package))
- (eshell-command "ls ${readlink patches}")))
-;;;; Miscellaneous functions
-(defun spw/compact-blank-lines ()
- "Replace blocks of multiple blank lines with single blank lines."
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (search-forward-regexp "\n\n\n+" nil t)
- (replace-match "\n\n"))))
-;; Just rename -- don't try to update git, unless arg. Since `vc-rename-file'
-;; is quite fussy (from the point of view of a git user) it is good to have
-;; something which will always just go ahead and rename
-(defun spw/rename-file-and-buffer (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
- (if (and file-name (file-exists-p file-name))
- (let ((new-file-name (read-from-minibuffer "New name: " file-name)))
- (make-directory (file-name-directory new-file-name) t)
- (if (and (vc-backend file-name) arg)
- (vc-rename-file file-name new-file-name)
- (rename-file file-name new-file-name t)
- (set-visited-file-name new-file-name t t)))
- (rename-buffer (read-from-minibuffer "New name: " (buffer-name))))))
-(defun spw/vc-rename-this-file ()
- (interactive)
- (spw/rename-file-and-buffer t))
-(global-set-key "\C-cR" #'spw/rename-file-and-buffer)
-(global-set-key "\C-cvR" #'spw/vc-rename-this-file)
-;; Likewise, just delete, unless arg, as `vc-delete-file' can be fussy too
-(defun spw/delete-file-and-buffer (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (when-let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
- (if (and (vc-backend file-name) arg)
- (vc-delete-file file-name)
- (when (y-or-n-p (format "Delete %s?" file-name))
- (delete-file file-name)
- (kill-buffer)))))
-(defun spw/kill-this-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
-(global-set-key "\C-ck" #'spw/kill-this-buffer)
-(defun spw/vc-delete-this-file ()
- (interactive)
- (spw/delete-file-and-buffer t))
-(global-set-key "\C-cD" #'spw/delete-file-and-buffer)
-(global-set-key "\C-cvD" #'spw/vc-delete-this-file)
-(defun spw/link-stat-block (start end)
- (interactive "r")
- (when-let ((region-text (buffer-substring start end)))
- (org-insert-link
- nil
- (concat "file:~/annex/gaming/5eblocks/" region-text ".png")
- region-text)))
-;; Possibly this should be replaced with something like `project-find-regexp'
-;; Input e.g.: lisp "Emacs configuration"
-(defun spw/git-grep-docs (words)
- (interactive "sSearch for words/quoted phrases in text docs: ")
- (vc-git-grep (concat "git --no-pager grep -n --color -iw "
- (mapconcat (lambda (word)
- (concat "-e " (shell-quote-argument word)))
- (split-string-and-unquote words) " ")
- " -- \"*.org\" \"*.tex\" \"*.md\" :!org/archive")
- nil (expand-file-name "~/doc")))
-(global-set-key "\C-cog" #'spw/git-grep-docs)
-;; For safety we shouldn't have a key bound to `recompile', so have this.
-;; Complements C-x p c, for the case where we want to compile an individual
-;; with a custom `compile-command', like my papers which are typeset with
-;; pandoc
-(defun spw/compile-or-maybe-recompile ()
- (interactive)
- (if-let ((compilation-windows
- (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (window)
- (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
- (eq major-mode 'compilation-mode)))
- (window-list))))
- (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (seq-first compilation-windows))
- (call-interactively 'recompile))
- ;; (delete-other-windows)
- (call-interactively 'compile)))
-(global-set-key "\C-cc" #'spw/compile-or-maybe-recompile)
-;; this is called by .dir-locals.el in ~/doc/{pres,papers}
-(defun spw/set-pandoc-compile-command (&rest exts)
- (setq-local compile-command
- (concat "make "
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (ext)
- (file-name-nondirectory
- (concat (file-name-sans-extension
- (buffer-file-name))
- "."
- ext)))
- (or exts '("pdf"))
- " "))))
-(defun spw/all-programming-projects ()
- (call-process "src-register-all")
- (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "~/src")))
- (mapcar (lambda (line) (substring line 9))
- (remove "" (process-lines "mr" "list")))))
-(defun spw/register-programming-projects-and-switch ()
- (interactive)
- (dolist (directory (spw/all-programming-projects))
- (when-let ((project (project-current nil directory)))
- (project-remember-project project)))
- (call-interactively 'project-switch-project))
-(global-set-key "\C-cp" #'spw/register-programming-projects-and-switch)
-(defun spw/src-dirs-not-projects ()
- "Return dirs under ~/src which contain repos but are not themselves repos."
- (let ((projects (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
- (dolist (project (spw/all-programming-projects))
- (puthash project t projects))
- (cl-labels ((dirs-below (dir)
- (let ((contents
- (cl-delete-if-not
- (lambda (f)
- (and (file-directory-p f)
- (not (gethash f projects))))
- (directory-files dir t "[^.]"))))
- (nconc contents
- (mapcan #'dirs-below contents)))))
- (dirs-below (expand-file-name "~/src")))))
-;; would be useful to have `mr -fd foo co' support
-(defun spw/clone-repo (command destination source)
- (interactive (list (completing-read "Method: "
- '("git clone" "dgit clone" "debcheckout")
- nil
- t)
- (expand-file-name
- (completing-read "Destination: "
- (nconc (mapcar
- #'abbreviate-file-name
- (spw/src-dirs-not-projects))
- '("~/tmp" "~/src"))
- nil
- t))
- (read-from-minibuffer "What to clone: ")))
- (let ((default-directory destination)
- (buffer (get-buffer-create "*Repository Clone Output*")))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (erase-buffer))
- (message "Cloning...")
- (if (eq 0 (call-process-shell-command (concat command " " source)
- nil
- buffer))
- (let ((repo-dir (concat
- (file-name-as-directory destination)
- (let ((right-chopped
- (if (string-match "\\(\\.git\\)?/?\\'" source)
- (substring source 0 (match-beginning 0))
- source)))
- (if (string-match "[/:][^/:]*\\'" right-chopped)
- (substring right-chopped
- (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
- right-chopped)))))
- (call-process "src-register-all")
- (bury-buffer buffer)
- (dired (if (file-directory-p repo-dir)
- repo-dir
- destination)))
- (display-buffer buffer))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cvc" #'spw/clone-repo)
-;; author unknown
-(defun spw/toggle-frame-split ()
- "Toggle the orientation of a two-window split.
-Useful after resizing the frame."
- (interactive)
- (when (= (count-windows) 2)
- (let* ((this-win-buffer (window-buffer))
- (next-win-buffer (window-buffer (next-window)))
- (this-win-edges (window-edges (selected-window)))
- (next-win-edges (window-edges (next-window)))
- (this-win-2nd (not (and (<= (car this-win-edges)
- (car next-win-edges))
- (<= (cadr this-win-edges)
- (cadr next-win-edges)))))
- (splitter
- (if (= (car this-win-edges)
- (car (window-edges (next-window))))
- 'split-window-horizontally
- 'split-window-vertically)))
- (delete-other-windows)
- (let ((first-win (selected-window)))
- (funcall splitter)
- (when this-win-2nd (other-window 1))
- (set-window-buffer (selected-window) this-win-buffer)
- (set-window-buffer (next-window) next-win-buffer)
- (select-window first-win)
- (when this-win-2nd (other-window 1))))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cft" #'spw/toggle-frame-split)
-;; orig
-(defun spw/unicode-hunt ()
- "Destroy some special Unicode characters like smart quotes."
- (interactive)
- (let ((unicode-map '(("[\u2018\|\u2019\|\u201A\|\uFFFD]" . "'")
- ("[\u201c\|\u201d\|\u201e]" . "\"")
- ("[\u2013\|\u2014]" . "-")
- ("\u2026" . "...")
- ("\u00A9" . "(c)")
- ("\u00AE" . "(r)")
- ("\u2122" . "TM")
- ("[\u02DC\|\u00A0]" . " "))))
- (save-excursion
- (cl-loop for (key . value) in unicode-map
- do
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward key nil t)
- (replace-match value))))))
-(defun spw/dotfiles-rebase ()
- "Rebase & push dotfiles."
- (interactive)
- (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "~/src/dotfiles/"))
- (buffer (get-buffer-create "*dotfiles rebase*")))
- (display-buffer buffer)
- (async-shell-command "git-dotfiles-rebase" "*dotfiles rebase*")))
-(global-set-key "\C-cgd" #'spw/dotfiles-rebase)
-(defun spw/mrs (&rest ignore)
- (interactive)
- (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*mrs*")))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (erase-buffer)
- (term-mode)
- (setq-local revert-buffer-function #'spw/mrs
- default-directory (expand-file-name "~"))
- (term-exec buffer "*mrs*" "sh" nil
- '("-c" "src-register-all && mr -s status")))
- (when-let ((proc (get-buffer-process buffer))
- (window (display-buffer buffer)))
- (set-process-sentinel proc (lambda (&rest ignore)
- (with-selected-window window
- (goto-char (point-min))))))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cgr" #'spw/mrs)
-(defun spw/window-to-frame ()
- "Like `tear-off-window' but to be invoked from the keyboard."
- (interactive)
- (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
- (display-buffer-overriding-action '(display-buffer-pop-up-frame)))
- (delete-window)
- (display-buffer buffer)))
-(global-set-key "\C-cff" #'spw/window-to-frame)
-;; There are many variations on this online. This one by Robert Bost, based
-;; on work by Steve Yegge, Colin Doering and others
-(defun spw/rotate-windows (arg)
- "Rotate your windows, reversing direction if ARG."
- (interactive "P")
- (if (not (> (count-windows) 1))
- (message "You can't rotate a single window!")
- (let* ((rotate-times (prefix-numeric-value arg))
- (direction (if (or (< rotate-times 0) (equal arg '(4)))
- 'reverse 'identity)))
- (dotimes (_ (abs rotate-times))
- (dotimes (i (- (count-windows) 1))
- (let* ((w1 (elt (funcall direction (window-list)) i))
- (w2 (elt (funcall direction (window-list)) (+ i 1)))
- (b1 (window-buffer w1))
- (b2 (window-buffer w2))
- (s1 (window-start w1))
- (s2 (window-start w2))
- (p1 (window-point w1))
- (p2 (window-point w2)))
- (set-window-buffer-start-and-point w1 b2 s2 p2)
- (set-window-buffer-start-and-point w2 b1 s1 p1)))))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cfr" #'spw/rotate-windows)
-;; not sure if this is needed -- if I need a terminal emulator to run an
-;; ncurses problem, am I going to want to do that from `default-directory'?
-(defun spw/open-term-here ()
- "Open a terminal emulator in current directory."
- (interactive)
- (call-process "xfce4-terminal" nil 0 nil
- (concat "--working-directory="
- (expand-file-name default-directory))
- "-e" "/bin/bash"))
-;; C-c e is for eshells but C-c g t is already in use
-(global-set-key "\C-cet" #'spw/open-term-here)
-;; some influence here from Michael Stapelberg's config -- we both had a
-;; function to do this, I discovered
-(defun spw/recipient-first-name ()
- "Attempt to extract the first name of the recipient of a `message-mode' message.
-Used in my `message-mode' yasnippets."
- (if-let ((to (message-fetch-field "To")))
- (let ((full-name (car (mail-extract-address-components to))))
- (if (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\)" full-name)
- (let ((first-name (match-string 0 full-name)))
- (cond
- ;; some names which may be in a longer form in the From header
- ;; but which I would never type out in full in a salutation
- ((string= first-name "Nathaniel") "Nathan")
- ((string= first-name "Thomas") "Tom")
- (t first-name)))
- ;; no spaces -- assume whole thing is an alias and use it
- full-name))
- ""))
-(defun spw/copy-to-annotated ()
- (interactive)
- (let* ((source (expand-file-name (dired-file-name-at-point)))
- (ext (file-name-extension source))
- (dest (replace-regexp-in-string
- (concat "\\." ext "$")
- (concat " - annotated." ext)
- source)))
- (when (and (file-exists-p source) (not (file-exists-p dest)))
- (dired-copy-file source dest nil)
- (revert-buffer)
- (dired-previous-line 1)
- (dired-find-file))))
-(defun spw/sid-report-bug (package subject)
- (interactive "sSource or binary package name: \nsSubject: ")
- (let* ((type (completing-read "Report bug against: "
- '("Source" "Package") nil t))
- (rmadison (shell-command-to-string
- (concat "rmadison --suite=unstable " package)))
- (version (nth 1 (split-string rmadison "|" t " "))))
- (compose-mail)
- (message-goto-to)
- (insert "Debian Bug Tracking System <>")
- (message-goto-subject)
- (insert package ": " subject)
- (message-goto-body)
- (insert type ": " package "\n" "Version: " version "\n")))
-;; this one doesn't need a binding as it doesn't come up enough
-(defun spw/notmuch-decrypt-inline ()
- (interactive)
- (call-interactively #'mark-whole-buffer)
- (call-interactively #'epa-decrypt-armor-in-region))
-;; if we're going to be using multiple frames, make `frame-title-format' not
-;; depend on whether there are multiple frames right now
-(add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'spw/set-frame-title-format)
-(defun spw/set-frame-title-format ()
- (unless (spw/use-tabs-not-frames)
- (remove-function after-focus-change-function #'spw/set-frame-title-format)
- (setq frame-title-format "%b")))
-(defun spw/save-buffer-for-later ()
- (interactive)
- (if (spw/use-tabs-not-frames)
- (call-interactively #'spw/save-buffer-to-tab-for-later)
- (call-interactively #'spw/save-buffer-to-frame-for-later)))
-;; possibly we want to set the window of the new frame to be dedicated to this
-;; buffer, to prevent it being reused to display something else, thus sending
-;; the buffer we wanted to save off down the buffer list
-(defun spw/save-buffer-to-frame-for-later (buffer &optional rename)
- (interactive (list (current-buffer) current-prefix-arg))
- (let ((frame (selected-frame))
- (display-buffer-overriding-action '((display-buffer-pop-up-frame)
- (inhibit-same-window . t))))
- (save-selected-window
- (display-buffer (spw/maybe-clone-buffer buffer rename)))
- (raise-frame frame)
- (when rename
- (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer) nil t))))
-(defun spw/maybe-clone-buffer (buffer rename)
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (cond
- ((buffer-file-name)
- ;; file-visiting buffers we don't clone, even indirectly, as that is
- ;; rarely what's wanted; should explicitly request an indirect clone
- buffer)
- (rename
- (rename-uniquely)
- buffer)
- (t
- (clone-buffer)))))
-;; Clone buffer is for when we want to have two versions of the buffer with
-;; different contents; using it does not imply that we want to prevent either
-;; buffer's contents from being overwritten by, e.g., calling `compile' again
-;; in a different source tree or navigating to a different Info node, nor that
-;; we particularly want to avoid either buffer sinking down the buffer list
-;; and being forgotten
-;; (global-set-key "\C-cnn" #'clone-buffer) ;; now on C-x x n
-;; In this case, by contrast, we're saying that we want two versions of the
-;; buffer specifically because (i) we don't want the buffer contents to be
-;; overwritten by, e.g., calling `compile' again or navigating to a different
-;; web page; and/or (ii) we want to be reminded to come back to (a particular
-;; point in) the buffer by giving it its own frame or tab, in a way that's
-;; lightweight and doesn't involve adding TODO entries
-(global-set-key "\C-cfs" #'spw/save-buffer-for-later)
-(global-set-key "\C-cns" #'spw/save-buffer-for-later)
-;; Finally, this is for when we just want to protect the buffer contents from
-;; being overwritten and nothing more
-;; (global-set-key "\C-cnr" #'rename-uniquely) ;; now on C-x x u
-;; version of `kill-buffer-and-window' which can handle a frame with only a
-;; single window
-(defun spw/kill-buffer-and-window ()
- (interactive)
- (if (one-window-p)
- (when (kill-buffer)
- (if (> (length (funcall tab-bar-tabs-function)) 1)
- (tab-close)
- (delete-frame)))
- (kill-buffer-and-window)))
-(global-set-key [remap kill-buffer-and-window] #'spw/kill-buffer-and-window)
-(defun spw/get-mru-window (&optional exclude)
- "Like `get-mru-window' but also consider the minibuffer, and
-don't consider windows satisfying the predicate EXCLUDE."
- (let (best-window best-time time)
- (dolist (window (window-list-1) best-window)
- (setq time (window-use-time window))
- (when (and (not (and exclude (funcall exclude window)))
- (not (eq window (selected-window)))
- (or (not best-time) (> time best-time)))
- (setq best-time time)
- (setq best-window window)))))
-(defun spw/back-and-forth-noselect (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (if arg
- ;; if there's a prefix arg then just `other-window', so that's still
- ;; available on M-1 C-x o
- (call-interactively #'other-window)
- (select-window (spw/get-mru-window) 'mark-for-redisplay)))
-(defun spw/set-other-window-to-scroll (arg)
- "Set `other-window-scroll-buffer' to the most recently used window.
-Single prefix argument to clear."
- ;; possibly we want to do other things with multiple C-u in the future
- (interactive "P")
- (if arg
- (kill-local-variable 'other-window-scroll-buffer)
- (setq-local other-window-scroll-buffer
- (window-buffer (spw/get-mru-window)))
- (message "C-M-v will scroll %s" (window-buffer (get-mru-window)))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cV" #'spw/set-other-window-to-scroll)
-(defconst spw/buffer-siblings-major-modes
- '(("\\`*unsent mail" . message-mode))
- "Alist mapping regexps to major modes.
-Buffers whose names match a regexp are considered to be
-associated with buffers with the major mode, regardless of what
-major mode is actually active in the buffer.")
-(defun spw/buffer-siblings-ring (buffer)
- "Return ring of BUFFER clones and buffers sharing the clones' major mode.
-BUFFER itself is the first element of the ring, and then the
-clones of BUFFER, and then buffers merely sharing the major mode
-of the family of clones.
-Whether a buffer is considered a clone of BUFFER is determined by
-its name alone. So clones produced by `clone-buffer' and
-`clone-indirect-buffer' will be counted as siblings, but so will
-the two Eshell buffers produced if you type \\[project-eshell]
-and then \\[universal-argument] \\[project-eshell], as the same
-naming scheme is used. This is desirable.
-The (singular) major mode of the family of clones is determined
-using heuristics, as it is expected that clones of a buffer may
-have different major modes -- that's one of the reasons for
-making indirect clones."
- (let (buffers
- (clones-hash (make-hash-table))
- mode
- (root-name (if (string-match "\\`\\(.+\\)<[0-9]+>\\'"
- (buffer-name buffer))
- (match-string 1 (buffer-name buffer))
- (buffer-name buffer))))
- (let* ((clones-regexp
- (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote root-name) "\\(<[0-9]+>\\)?\\'"))
- (pred (lambda (b) (string-match clones-regexp (buffer-name b)))))
- ;; Build a list of the clones
- (setq buffers (cl-remove-if-not pred (buffer-list)))
- ;; Also build a hash of the clones so that we can answer the question of
- ;; whether an arbitrary buffer is one of the clones in constant time
- (dolist (buffer buffers)
- (puthash buffer t clones-hash))
- (setq mode
- (or
- ;; 1. See if this buffer name is associated with a particular
- ;; mode.
- (cl-loop for pair in spw/buffer-siblings-major-modes
- if (string-match (car pair) root-name)
- return (cdr pair))
- ;; 2. If only one buffer or root clone is visiting a file, use
- ;; major mode of that one buffer or root clone. Don't
- ;; consider arbitrary clones visiting files, as this may be
- ;; because user cloned, edited down, changed major mode and
- ;; wrote to a file. The only case we want to catch here is
- ;; the root of a family of indirect clones, basically.
- (and (eq 1 (length buffers))
- (with-current-buffer (car buffers)
- major-mode))
- (when-let ((root-clone (cl-find-if
- (lambda (b)
- (string= root-name (buffer-name b)))
- buffers)))
- (with-current-buffer root-clone
- (and (buffer-file-name)
- major-mode)))
- ;; 3. See if the name of one of the clones is a substring of its
- ;; major mode, and if so, use that mode. So *eww* -> eww-mode.
- ;; If there are cases this heuristic will get wrong, add to
- ;; `spw/buffer-siblings-major-modes' to override.
- (let ((root-root-name (regexp-quote
- (if (string-match "\\`\\*\\(.+\\)\\*\\'"
- root-name)
- (match-string 1 root-name)
- root-name)))
- (case-fold-search t))
- (cl-loop for buffer in buffers
- for mode = (symbol-name
- (with-current-buffer buffer major-mode))
- if (string-match root-root-name mode)
- return mode))
- ;; 4. Fallback.
- (with-current-buffer buffer major-mode))))
- (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (when (and (eq mode major-mode)
- ;; This is where we make use of our hash of the clones
- (not (gethash buffer clones-hash)))
- (push buffer buffers))))
- (let (;; Ensure that original buffer is the first one inserted
- ;; into the ring, so that cycling through the ring starting from
- ;; the original buffer makes sense. Usually the original buffer
- ;; will be the most recently selected buffer and so highest in
- ;; (buffer-list), but when we are called by
- ;; `spw/display-buffer-with-transient-cycling' and similar
- ;; functions wrapping `display-buffer' not `switch-to-buffer', this
- ;; will not be the case
- (reversed (nreverse (cons buffer (remove buffer buffers))))
- (ring (make-ring (length buffers))))
- (dolist (buffer reversed ring)
- (ring-insert ring buffer)))))
-(defun spw/locate-source-library (library)
- (interactive (list (read-library-name)))
- (find-file-other-window (locate-library (concat library ".el"))))
-;; unimplemented: update values in any Lisp image we may have
-(defun spw/propagate-new-environment ()
- "After ~/src/dotfiles/bin/update-emacs-daemon-environment has
-updated our environment variables, propagate to subenvironments.
-Called by that script using emacsclient(1)."
- (dolist (var '("DISPLAY"
- "I3SOCK"
- (when-let ((new-value (getenv var)))
- (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
- ;; 1. Eshells
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (when (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode)
- (setenv var new-value)))))))
-;; open a frame on a new workspace with only the relevant dired buffer open,
-;; eval this form: (global-set-key "\C-cG" #'spw/grading-advance)
-;; and then use C-c G to open the first item (will need C-c f t after just
-;; this first one, and also maybe C-i =)
-(defun spw/grading-advance ()
- (interactive)
- (unless (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
- (save-buffer)
- (other-window 1))
- (dired-display-file)
- (dired-next-line 1)
- (let ((pdf (dired-get-filename)))
- (dired-next-line 1)
- (other-window 1)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; assignment-specific
- (search-forward "Grammar")
- (org-cycle)
- ;; (overwrite-mode 1)
- (start-process "pdf" "pdf" "xdg-open" pdf)
- (sleep-for 0.5)
- (call-process-shell-command
- (concat (if (executable-find "i3-msg") "i3-msg" "swaymsg")
- "move right"))
- (let ((pdf-words (substring (with-temp-buffer
- (call-process-shell-command
- (concat "pdftotext "
- (shell-quote-argument pdf)
- " - | wc -w")
- nil
- (current-buffer))
- (buffer-string))
- 0
- -1)))
- (message (concat pdf-words " words")))))
-(defun spw/untabify-project ()
- (interactive)
- (save-window-excursion
- (dolist (file (project-files
- (project-current nil (project-prompt-project-dir))))
- (find-file file)
- (untabify (point-min) (point-max)))))
-(defun spw/go-to-consfig ()
- (interactive)
- ;; (let ((repo (expand-file-name "~/src/cl/consfig")))
- ;; (unless (file-directory-p repo)
- ;; (user-error "Consfig git repo not found"))
- ;; (dired repo))
- (cl-flet ((load ()
- (slime-load-system "com.silentflame.consfig")
- (spw/add-once-hook
- 'slime-compilation-finished-hook
- (lambda (notes)
- ;; see `slime-maybe-show-compilation-log'
- (unless (memq 'slime-maybe-show-compilation-log
- slime-compilation-finished-hook)
- (slime-create-compilation-log notes))
- (when (slime-compilation-result.successp
- slime-last-compilation-result)
- (slime-repl-set-package "COM.SILENTFLAME.CONSFIG"))))))
- (if (and (fboundp 'slime-output-buffer) (slime-output-buffer))
- (progn (slime-switch-to-output-buffer)
- (load))
- (slime)
- (spw/add-once-hook 'slime-connected-hook #'load))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cgc" #'spw/go-to-consfig)
-;;;; Composing mail
-(defvar spw/debian-bts-pseudoheader-regexp
- ;; "^\\([A-Za-z][a-z]+: [^ ]+\\|[cC]ontrol: .+\\)$"
- "^[A-Za-z][a-z]+: [^ ]+"
- "Regexp matching Debian BTS pseudoheaders.")
-(defvar-local spw/message-normalised nil
- "Whether `spw/message-normalise' has been run in this buffer.")
-(with-eval-after-load 'message
- (spw/when-library-available message-templ
- (defun spw/unfinalise-message ()
- (interactive)
- (setq spw/message-normalised nil)
- (message "Message marked as not ready to send"))
- (define-key message-mode-map [f7] #'spw/unfinalise-message)
- (defun spw/normalise-message ()
- "Auto-format a message; to be used just prior to sending it.
-The state after this function has been called is meant to be like
-mutt's review view, after exiting EDITOR."
- (interactive)
- (message-templ-config-exec)
- (save-excursion
- (spw/message-goto-body)
- ;; also skip over Debian BTS pseudoheaders, which shouldn't be touched
- (when (looking-at spw/debian-bts-pseudoheader-regexp)
- (cl-loop do (forward-line 1)
- while (looking-at spw/debian-bts-pseudoheader-regexp))
- (if (looking-at "\n")
- (forward-line 1)
- (insert "\n")))
- (let ((body (point)))
- ;; add blank lines between quoted and unquoted text
- (while (not (eobp))
- (when (looking-at
- "\\(^>[^\n]+\n\\{1\\}[^>\n]\\|^[^>\n][^\n]*\n>\\)")
- (forward-line 1)
- (open-line 1))
- (forward-line 1))
- (goto-char body)
- ;; ensure there is at least a basic salutation
- (unless (looking-at "^[A-Z].+,\n\n")
- (insert "Hello,\n\n"))
- (message-goto-signature)
- (unless (eobp) (end-of-line -1))
- ;; delete trailing whitespace in message body, when that message body
- ;; exists (this protects signature dashes and empty headers)
- (when (< body (point))
- (delete-trailing-whitespace body (point)))
- ;; make any remaining trailing whitespace visible to the user
- (setq-local show-trailing-whitespace t)
- ;; ensure there is a newline before the signature dashes
- (unless (bolp)
- (insert "\n"))))
- (spw/compact-blank-lines)
- (undo-boundary)
- ;; (when arg
- ;; (save-excursion
- ;; (save-restriction
- ;; (narrow-to-region body (point))
- ;; (message-fill-yanked-message)))
- ;; (message "Hit undo if the quoted message was too aggressively wrapped"))
- (setq spw/message-normalised t))
- (define-key message-mode-map [f8] #'spw/normalise-message)
- (defun spw/message-kill-and-normalise ()
- (interactive)
- (newline)
- (message-kill-to-signature)
- (spw/normalise-message))
- (define-key message-mode-map [f9] #'spw/message-kill-and-normalise)
- (defun spw/message-maybe-sign ()
- ;; no PGP signing on athena
- (unless (string= (system-name) "athena")
- ;; avoid clobbering a 'signencrypt' tag added when replying to an
- ;; encrypted message
- (if (mml-secure-is-encrypted-p)
- (mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt)
- (mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime))))
- (setq
- message-templ-alist
- '(("default" ("From" . "Sean Whitton <>"))
- ("UA" ("From" . "Sean Whitton <>")))
- message-templ-config-alist
- `(("^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Bcc\\):.+\\(@.*debian\\.org\\|sgo-software-announce\\)"
- ,#'spw/message-maybe-sign)
- ("^\\(To\\|Cc\\|Bcc\\):.+@.+\\(\.edu\\|\.ac\.uk\\)" "UA"))))
- ;; for interactive use this is more useful than `message-goto-body' (we don't
- ;; want to advise the latter because functions like
- ;; `notmuch-mua-check-no-misplaced-secure-tag' use it)
- (defun spw/message-goto-body ()
- (interactive)
- (message-goto-body)
- (when (looking-at "^<#\\(secure\\|part\\) ")
- (forward-line 1)))
- (define-key message-mode-map [remap message-goto-body] #'spw/message-goto-body)
- (define-key message-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" #'message-goto-subject)
- ;; Michael Stapelberg points out that for most purposes
- ;; `mail-add-attachment' suffices and requires less typing than
- ;; `mml-attach-file', so use it by default, and gather attachments together
- ;; at the end of the message
- (defun spw/message-add-attachment ()
- (interactive)
- (require 'sendmail)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (call-interactively #'mail-add-attachment)))
- (define-key message-mode-map [remap mml-attach-file]
- #'spw/message-add-attachment)
- ;; mutt uses a blank line to separate the headers from the message body;
- ;; tell Emacs about that, for the case where mutt invokes emacsclient as
- (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/mutt-.+$" . message-mode))
- (defun spw/mutt-mail-header-separator ()
- (when (string-match-p "^mutt-" (buffer-name))
- (setq-local mail-header-separator "")))
- (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'spw/mutt-mail-header-separator)
- (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'footnote-mode)
- ;; this is for the benefit of mutt
- (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'message-goto-body)
- ;; it's a really long line with notmuch, causing unwanted line wrapping
- (add-to-list 'message-hidden-headers "^User-Agent:")
- (defun spw/message-newline-and-reformat (arg)
- "Like `message-newline-and-reformat', but remove unneeded lines."
- (interactive "P")
- (message-newline-and-reformat arg)
- (save-excursion
- (forward-line -2)
- (while (and (looking-at message-cite-prefix-regexp)
- (looking-at paragraph-start))
- (kill-line 1)
- (beginning-of-line 0)))
- (save-excursion
- (forward-line 2)
- (while (and (looking-at message-cite-prefix-regexp)
- (looking-at paragraph-start))
- (kill-line 1))))
- (define-key message-mode-map [remap message-newline-and-reformat]
- #'spw/message-newline-and-reformat)
- ;; disable openwith-mode when sending mail (i.e. attach the PDF,
- ;; rather than opening it in evince and aborting the send)
- (require 'mm-util)
- (add-to-list 'mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers 'openwith-file-handler)
- ;; Use this to mark sent mail as containing unresolved comments., e.g. when
- ;; responding to a patch posting. Remove the flag from the message when the
- ;; next version of the patch series is seen to resolve the review comments.
- ;;
- ;; Don't use this for review comments where I'll notice, without effort,
- ;; that the revised series does not address the comments. E.g. don't flag a
- ;; review comment only objecting to a clone-and-hack of a function: I'll
- ;; notice the clone-and-hack if it still remains in the revised series, so
- ;; no need to go back and look at that review comment on the previous series
- (defun spw/message-fcc-flag ()
- (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (message-goto-fcc)
- (insert " +spw::unresolved")))
- (define-key message-mode-map "\C-ciu" #'spw/message-fcc-flag))
-;;;; Dired
-(setq dired-recursive-deletes 'top
- dired-recursive-copies 'always
- dired-clean-confirm-killing-deleted-buffers nil
- dired-dwim-target t
- dired-listing-switches "--group-directories-first -alh")
-;; this is the way you're meant to request dired-aux, not just dired-x,
-;; according to (dired-x) Installation
-(with-eval-after-load 'dired
- (require 'dired-x)
- (setq dired-isearch-filenames t
- ;; exclude all dotfiles (no need for . and .. in dired, I think)
- dired-omit-files "\\`\\."))
-;; docs say to use:
-;; (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda () (dired-omit-mode 1)))
-;; however the following ensures that inserted subdirs also get omitted:
-(setq-default dired-omit-mode t)
-(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'turn-on-gnus-dired-mode)
-(spw/when-library-available (git-annex magit-annex)
- ;; can't wrap this in a `with-eval-after-load' for dired because want it to
- ;; go ahead and advise `read-only-mode'
- (require 'git-annex)
- (with-eval-after-load 'magit
- (require 'magit-annex)
- (define-key git-annex-dired-map "f" #'magit-annex-file-action-popup)))
-;;;; EWW
-(setq shr-max-width 80)
-(defun spw/eww-readable-once ()
- (unwind-protect
- (eww-readable)
- (remove-hook 'eww-after-render-hook #'spw/eww-readable-once)))
-(defun spw/next-eww-readable ()
- (add-hook 'eww-after-render-hook #'spw/eww-readable-once))
-;; this should ensure that M-a and M-e work for most webpages
-(add-hook 'eww-mode-hook (lambda ()
- (setq-local sentence-end-double-space nil)))
-;; eww bookmarks don't have short names associated to them, just page titles,
-;; so for places we visit a lot the normal bookmarks system seems more
-;; appropriate. adapted from bookmark-w3m.el.
-(defun spw/bookmark-eww-bookmark-make-record ()
- "Make an Emacs bookmark entry for an Eww buffer."
- `(,(plist-get eww-data :title)
- ,@(bookmark-make-record-default 'no-file)
- (url . ,(eww-current-url))
- (handler . spw/bookmark-eww-bookmark-jump)
- (defaults . (,(plist-get eww-data :title)))))
-(defun spw/bookmark-eww-bookmark-jump (bookmark)
- (eww (bookmark-prop-get bookmark 'url))
- (bookmark-default-handler
- `(""
- (buffer . ,(current-buffer))
- . ,(bookmark-get-bookmark-record bookmark))))
-(add-hook 'eww-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (setq-local bookmark-make-record-function
- #'spw/bookmark-eww-bookmark-make-record)))
-;;;; Assorted packages
-(spw/when-library-available paredit
- (dolist (hook '(lisp-mode-hook
- emacs-lisp-mode-hook
- lisp-interaction-mode-hook
- eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook))
- (add-to-list hook 'enable-paredit-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'ielm
- (add-to-list 'ielm-mode-hook 'enable-paredit-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'scheme
- (add-to-list 'scheme-mode-hook 'enable-paredit-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'xscheme
- (add-to-list 'xscheme-start-hook 'enable-paredit-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'slime-repl
- (add-to-list 'slime-repl-mode-hook 'enable-paredit-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'sly-mrepl
- (add-to-list 'sly-mrepl-hook 'enable-paredit-mode)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'paredit
- (diminish 'paredit-mode)
- (defun spw/paredit-unix-word-rubout ()
- (interactive)
- (if (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n")
- (paredit-in-comment-p))
- (spw/unix-word-rubout)
- (backward-kill-sexp)))
- (define-key paredit-mode-map "\C-w" #'spw/paredit-unix-word-rubout)
- (define-key paredit-mode-map "\M-r" nil)
- (define-key paredit-mode-map "\M-R" #'paredit-raise-sexp)
- (define-key paredit-mode-map "\M-s" nil)
- (define-key paredit-mode-map "\M-U" #'paredit-splice-sexp)
- ;; ;; better to use negative args with global bindings of C-M-u and C-M-d
- ;; (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "C-M-n") nil)
- ;; (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "C-M-p") nil)
- (defun spw/lisp-hippie-expand ()
- "Remove some `hippie-expand' functions which interact poorly with paredit."
- (make-local-variable 'hippie-expand-try-functions-list)
- (dolist (fun '(try-expand-line try-expand-list))
- (setq hippie-expand-try-functions-list
- (remq fun hippie-expand-try-functions-list))))
- (add-hook 'paredit-mode-hook #'spw/lisp-hippie-expand)
- (defun spw/paredit-no-space-after (endp delimiter)
- (or endp
- (let ((two-before (buffer-substring (- (point) 2) (point))))
- (cl-case delimiter
- (?\(
- (not
- (or (char-equal (char-before) ?,) (string= ",@" two-before))))
- (?\"
- (not
- (or (string= "#P" two-before) (string= "#?" two-before))))
- (t t)))))
- (add-to-list
- 'paredit-space-for-delimiter-predicates #'spw/paredit-no-space-after))
-(spw/when-library-available elisp-slime-nav
- (dolist (hook '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook ielm-mode-hook))
- (add-hook hook #'elisp-slime-nav-mode)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'elisp-slime-nav
- (diminish 'elisp-slime-nav-mode))
-;; find lines violating 80 cols rule
-;; highlight-80+.el is no longer maintained because author suggests using
-;; `whitespace-mode'; however, customising whitespace-mode to display only
-;; long lines, and not all the stuff it usually displays, means it can't be
-;; toggled on and off to quickly show other whitespace, which can be useful
-;; note that highlight-80+ has the advantage over the likes of pre-Emacs 27
-;; fill-column-indicator of not using overlays, which easily conflict with
-;; other packages
-(setq-default fill-column 78)
-(let (mode)
- (if (>= emacs-major-version 27)
- (setq mode 'display-fill-column-indicator-mode)
- (autoload 'highlight-80+-mode "highlight-80+")
- (setq mode 'highlight-80+-mode)
- (with-eval-after-load 'highlight-80+
- (diminish 'highlight-80+-mode)))
- (dolist (pair '((prog-mode . prog-mode-hook)
- (message . message-mode-hook)))
- (eval-after-load (car pair)
- `(add-hook ',(cdr pair) #',mode))))
-;; ensure that magit adds to project-prefix-map and project-switch-commands as
-;; soon as project.el commands are invoked
-(spw/when-library-available magit
- (eval-after-load 'project '(require 'magit)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'magit
- (setq
- ;; these two settings are now in ~/.emacs.d/transient/values.el for newer
- ;; magit; keep them here for when using older magit.
- ;; by default, don't pass -f to `git remote add`
- magit-remote-arguments nil
- ;; by default, don't pass --ff to `git cherry-pick`
- magit-cherry-pick-arguments nil
- magit-push-always-verify nil)
- ;; drop "Unpulled from pushremote" which doesn't make sense with how
- ;; I use push remotes
- (remove-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
- #'magit-insert-unpulled-from-pushremote)
- ;; replace unpushed-to-upstream-or-recent with unpushed-to-upstream
- ;; (undoing recent change to show "Recent commits" after pushing
- ;; everything)
- ;; from:
- (magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
- #'magit-insert-unpushed-to-upstream
- #'magit-insert-unpushed-to-upstream-or-recent
- 'replace)
- ;; try to prevent unpushed commits section being collapsed
- (add-to-list 'magit-section-initial-visibility-alist '(unpushed . show))
- ;; reclaim
- (define-key magit-mode-map "\M-w" nil)
- (if (version< "3.0.0" (magit-version))
- (require 'magit-extras)
- (defun spw/project-magit ()
- (interactive)
- (magit-status-internal (project-root (project-current t))))
- (with-eval-after-load 'project
- (define-key project-prefix-map "m" #'spw/project-magit)
- (add-to-list 'project-switch-commands '(spw/project-magit "Magit")))))
-(spw/when-library-available ws-butler
- (require 'ws-butler)
- (diminish 'ws-butler-mode)
- ;; message-mode is sensitive to trailing whitespace in sig dashes
- ;; and empty headers. markdown-mode is sensitive in empty headers
- ;; (e.g. "# " which I use in writing essays) and newlines that
- ;; indicate paragraph flow (obscure Markdown feature)
- ;;
- ;; The message-mode case is handled by `spw/normalise-message',
- ;; which is better than setting `ws-butler-trim-predicate' to a
- ;; complicated function because the code in `spw/normalise-message'
- ;; gets called less often. Could try setting
- ;; `ws-butler-trim-predicate' to handle the markdown-mode case, but
- ;; chances are someday I'll want to use that obscure markdown-mode
- ;; feature
- (setq ws-butler-global-exempt-modes '(markdown-mode message-mode))
- (ws-butler-global-mode))
-(spw/when-library-available redtick
- (global-set-key "\C-cP" #'redtick)
- (global-set-key "\C-cgP" #'redtick-mode)
- (setq redtick-history-file nil))
-(spw/when-library-available notmuch
- ;; Loading notmuch will load notmuch-config.el where this function is
- ;; defined.
- (autoload 'spw/next-unread-group "notmuch")
- ;; Ensure notmuch does its `message-mode' configuration and that my
- ;; notmuch-config.el gets loaded before certain commands happen. An
- ;; alternative to advising `compose-mail' and friends here would be
- ;; to remap its keys to `notmuch-mua-new-mail', but it is nice to
- ;; have things work correctly if some lisp code somewhere calls
- ;; `compose-mail' or friends
- (defun spw/load-notmuch (&rest _ignore)
- (require 'notmuch))
- (dolist (cmd '(compose-mail
- compose-mail-other-window
- compose-mail-other-frame
- notmuch-jump-search
- notmuch-hello))
- (advice-add cmd :before #'spw/load-notmuch))
- ;; an alternative would be just to bind `notmuch-hello' to C-c m, as s, j
- ;; and <f9> have appropriate bindings in `notmuch-hello-mode' such that the
- ;; following complete sequences would still call their associated commands
- (global-set-key "\C-cms" #'notmuch-search)
- (global-set-key "\C-cmj" #'notmuch-jump-search)
- (global-set-key "\C-cmm" #'notmuch-hello)
- (global-set-key [?\C-c ?m f9] #'spw/next-unread-group))
-(with-eval-after-load 'org-d20
- (setq org-d20-dice-sound
- "~/annex/media/sounds/147531__ziembee__diceland.wav"
- org-d20-display-rolls-buffer t
- ;; the roll20 tokens I'm using for NPCs are lettered
- org-d20-letter-monsters t
- ;; ... and they come in only two colours, so let's just have
- ;; one monster per letter
- org-d20-continue-monster-numbering t)
- (define-key org-d20-mode-map [f5] #'org-d20-initiative-dwim)
- (define-key org-d20-mode-map [f6] #'org-d20-damage)
- (define-key org-d20-mode-map [f7] (lambda (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (call-interactively
- (if arg
- #'org-d20-roll-last
- #'org-d20-roll))))
- (define-key org-d20-mode-map [f8] #'org-d20-roll-at-point)
- (define-key org-d20-mode-map [f9] (lambda (arg)
- (interactive "P")
- (call-interactively
- (if arg
- #'org-d20-d%
- #'org-d20-d20)))))
-(spw/when-library-available nov
- (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode))
- (setq nov-text-width 80))
-(spw/when-library-available mailscripts
- (global-set-key "\C-cvt" #'notmuch-extract-thread-patches-projectile)
- (global-set-key "\C-cvw" #'notmuch-extract-message-patches-projectile)
- (global-set-key "\C-cgb" #'notmuch-slurp-debbug)
- (global-set-key "\C-cgB" #'notmuch-slurp-this-debbug)
- (setq mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix "mail/"
- mailscripts-detach-head-from-existing-branch t
- mailscripts-project-library 'project))
-(spw/when-library-available ggtags
- (setq ggtags-mode-line-project-name nil)
- (dolist (hook '(cperl-mode-hook c-mode-hook))
- (add-hook hook #'ggtags-mode)))
-(spw/when-library-available org-roam
- (dolist (fn '(org-roam-setup
- org-roam-dailies-goto-previous-note
- org-roam-dailies-goto-today
- org-roam-dailies-goto-next-note))
- (autoload fn "org-roam"))
- (setq org-roam-v2-ack t
- org-roam-directory (expand-file-name "~/doc/notes")
- org-roam-dailies-directory "days/")
- (global-set-key "\C-cof" #'org-roam-node-find)
- ;; An alternative would be to bind C-c o <left>/<right> to
- ;; org-roam-dailies-goto-yesterday and -tomorrow, but that would mean the
- ;; keys have different meanings in and out of Org-mode buffers.
- (spw/bind-command-with-ret-val-cycling
- (([?\C-c ?o left] . org-roam-dailies-goto-previous-note)
- ("\C-cod" . org-roam-dailies-goto-today)
- ([?\C-c ?o right] . org-roam-dailies-goto-next-note))
- #'org-roam-dailies-find-next-note)
- ;; don't bother starting it up until we open something in Org-mode
- (with-eval-after-load 'org (org-roam-db-autosync-enable)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'org-roam
- (define-key org-mode-map "\C-cor" #'org-roam)
- (define-key org-mode-map "\C-cir" #'org-roam-insert-immediate))
-(spw/when-library-available openwith
- (defun spw/exts-regexp (&rest strings)
- (concat "\\." (regexp-opt strings) "\\'"))
- (setq openwith-associations
- `(("\\.pdf\\'"
- "evince" (file))
- (,(spw/exts-regexp
- "ogg" "mp3" "flac"
- "mkv" "webm" "avi" "mp4" "wmv" "flv" "mov")
- "mpv" (file))
- (,(spw/exts-regexp
- "caf")
- "vlc" (file))
- (,(spw/exts-regexp
- "doc" "docx" "odt" "ods" "pages" "xls" "xlsx" "ppt" "pptx" "potx")
- "soffice" (file))
- ("\\.hwp\\'"
- "hanword" (file))
- (,(spw/exts-regexp
- "jpg" "JPG" "jpeg" "png" "gif")
- "eog" (file))))
- (openwith-mode 1)
- ;; openwith reduces the chances we hit this threshold so can set it higher
- (setq large-file-warning-threshold 500000000)
- ;; disable openwith-mode when certain functions are running
- (defun spw/without-openwith (orig-fun &rest args)
- (let ((active openwith-mode))
- (prog2 (when active (openwith-mode 0))
- (apply orig-fun args)
- (when active (openwith-mode 1)))))
- (with-eval-after-load 'org
- (advice-add 'org-open-file :around #'spw/without-openwith))
- (with-eval-after-load 'ox-odt
- (advice-add 'org-odt-export-to-odt :around #'spw/without-openwith)))
-(spw/when-library-available yasnippet
- (yas-global-mode 1)
- (diminish 'yas-minor-mode)
- ;; kill warnings about snippets that use backquoted lisp to change
- ;; the buffer
- (cl-pushnew '(yasnippet backquote-change) warning-suppress-types
- :test #'cl-tree-equal))
-;; company is used by notmuch for address completion; otherwise unused
-(with-eval-after-load 'company
- (setq company-idle-delay nil
- company-echo-delay 0)
- ;; prefer my global C-w binding
- (define-key company-active-map "\C-w" nil)
- ;; resettle
- (define-key company-active-map "\M-o" #'company-show-location))
-(spw/when-library-available rainbow-mode
- (dolist (hook '(html-mode-hook css-mode-hook))
- (add-hook hook 'rainbow-mode)))
-(spw/when-library-available ebib
- (setq ebib-preload-bib-files (list (expand-file-name "~/doc/spw.bib"))
- ebib-index-display-fields '(title)
- ebib-save-xrefs-first t))
-(with-eval-after-load 'ebib
- (delete "translator" ebib-hidden-fields))
-(spw/when-library-available haskell-mode
- (setq haskell-indentation-layout-offset 4
- haskell-indentation-left-offset 4
- haskell-indentation-show-indentations nil
- ;; this tends to get in the way
- haskell-mode-contextual-import-completion nil))
-(with-eval-after-load 'haskell-mode
- (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'subword-mode)
- (spw/when-library-available haskell-tab-indent
- ;; Use a local hook to turn on an appropriate indentation mode. Use
- ;; `haskell-indentation-mode' by default, but if our .dir-locals.el
- ;; specifies `indent-tabs-mode', we should instead use my
- ;; `haskell-tab-indent-mode'
- (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (add-hook 'hack-local-variables-hook
- (lambda ()
- (if indent-tabs-mode
- (haskell-tab-indent-mode 1)
- (haskell-indentation-mode 1)))
- nil t)))))
-(spw/when-library-available orgalist
- ;; contents of function from upstream docs
- (defun spw/activate-orgalist ()
- (yas-minor-mode -1)
- (orgalist-mode 1)
- (yas-minor-mode))
- (with-eval-after-load 'message
- (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'spw/activate-orgalist)))
-(spw/when-library-available bongo
- (setq bongo-default-directory (expand-file-name "~/annex/music/")
- bongo-prefer-library-buffers nil
- bongo-insert-whole-directory-trees t)
- ;; at first launch, ensure a buffer with `bongo-dired-library-mode' exists,
- ;; so 'h' takes us there, rather than to a library buffer
- (defun spw/make-bongo-dired ()
- (dired bongo-default-directory))
- (advice-add 'bongo-default-playlist-buffer :before #'spw/make-bongo-dired)
- ;; follow with 'h' to get to dired browse
- (global-set-key "\C-cM" #'bongo-playlist)
- ;; apparently bongo-dired-library-mode can interfere with wdired, so toggle
- (defun spw/maybe-activate-or-deactivate-bongo-dired-library-mode ()
- (if (eq major-mode 'wdired-mode)
- (bongo-dired-library-mode 0)
- (when (string-match-p (concat "\\`" bongo-default-directory)
- (expand-file-name default-directory))
- (bongo-dired-library-mode 1))))
- (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
- #'spw/maybe-activate-or-deactivate-bongo-dired-library-mode)
- (advice-add 'wdired-change-to-wdired-mode
- :after #'spw/maybe-activate-or-deactivate-bongo-dired-library-mode)
- (advice-add 'wdired-change-to-dired-mode
- :after #'spw/maybe-activate-or-deactivate-bongo-dired-library-mode))
-(spw/when-library-available volume
- ;; 'v' again to exit
- (global-set-key "\C-cgv" #'volume))
-(with-eval-after-load 'elpher
- ;; see #981148
- (defun spw/disable-gnutls-verify (&rest ignore)
- (setq-local gnutls-verify-error nil))
- (advice-add 'elpher-get-host-response :before #'spw/disable-gnutls-verify)
- ;; standard Emacs conventions
- (define-key elpher-mode-map "l" #'elpher-back)
- (define-key elpher-mode-map "d" #'elpher-back-to-start)
- (define-key elpher-mode-map "<" #'elpher-root-dir)
- (add-hook 'elpher-mode-hook (lambda () (variable-pitch-mode 1))))
-(spw/when-library-available consfigurator
- (defun spw/consfig-indentation-hints ()
- (put 'spwcrontab 'common-lisp-indent-function '1)
- (put 'kvm-boots-trusted-chroot. 'common-lisp-indent-function '1)
- (put 'athenet-container-for. 'common-lisp-indent-function '3))
- (advice-add 'activate-consfigurator-indentation-hints
- :after #'spw/consfig-indentation-hints)
- (with-eval-after-load 'cl-indent
- (activate-consfigurator-indentation-hints))
- (with-eval-after-load 'slime-cl-indent
- (activate-consfigurator-indentation-hints)))
-;;;; Lisp
-(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-cx" #'eval-buffer)
-(with-eval-after-load 'lisp-mode
- ;; Experimental addition to syntax table for CL-INTERPOL.
- (modify-syntax-entry ?? "_ p" lisp-mode-syntax-table))
-(with-eval-after-load 'xscheme
- (define-key scheme-mode-map "\eo" nil)
- (define-key scheme-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" #'xscheme-send-buffer)
- (define-key scheme-mode-map "\ez" nil))
-(let ((tb (expand-file-name "~/annex/media/HyperSpec-7-0.tar.gz"))
- (hd (expand-file-name "~/local/clhs/HyperSpec/")))
- (when (and (file-exists-p tb) (not (file-directory-p hd)))
- (make-directory (expand-file-name "~/local/clhs/" t))
- (let ((default-directory "~/local/clhs/"))
- (call-process-shell-command (concat "tar xfz " tb))))
- (when (file-directory-p hd)
- (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root (concat "file://" hd))
- (add-to-list 'browse-url-handlers '("/local/clhs/HyperSpec/" . eww))))
-(global-set-key "\C-cgh" #'hyperspec-lookup)
-(with-eval-after-load 'slime
- (defvar spw/last-command-was-slime-async-eval nil)
- (defvar spw/last-slime-async-eval-command-frame nil)
- (defun spw/record-last-command-was-slime-async-eval (&rest ignore)
- (spw/add-once-hook 'pre-command-hook
- (lambda ()
- (setq spw/last-command-was-slime-async-eval nil)))
- (setq spw/last-command-was-slime-async-eval t
- spw/last-slime-async-eval-command-frame (selected-frame)))
- (dolist (f '(slime-repl-return
- slime-mrepl-return
- slime-compile-region
- slime-compile-file
- sldb-eval-in-frame
- sldb-invoke-restart-0
- sldb-invoke-restart-1
- sldb-invoke-restart-2
- sldb-invoke-restart-3
- sldb-invoke-restart-4
- sldb-invoke-restart-5
- sldb-invoke-restart-6
- sldb-invoke-restart-7
- sldb-invoke-restart-8
- sldb-invoke-restart-9
- slime-interactive-eval
- slime-interrupt
- spw/go-to-consfig))
- (advice-add f :after #'spw/record-last-command-was-slime-async-eval))
- ;; Here we assume that (spw/use-tabs-not-frames) yields nil.
- (defun spw/sldb-setup-avoid-focus-grab (orig-fun &rest args)
- "Don't allow the Slime debugger to grab keyboard focus unless we
-are sure that the user is expecting that it might pop up."
- (if spw/last-command-was-slime-async-eval
- (apply orig-fun args)
- (save-selected-window
- (if (frame-live-p spw/last-slime-async-eval-command-frame)
- (with-selected-frame spw/last-slime-async-eval-command-frame
- (apply orig-fun args))
- (apply orig-fun args))))
- (setq spw/last-slime-async-eval-command-frame nil))
- (advice-add 'sldb-setup :around #'spw/sldb-setup-avoid-focus-grab))
-(with-eval-after-load 'slime-repl
- (defun spw/slime-clear-source-registry ()
- (interactive)
- (slime-repl-shortcut-eval-async '(asdf:clear-source-registry) #'message))
- (defslime-repl-shortcut nil ("clear-source-registry")
- (:handler #'spw/slime-clear-source-registry)))
-(with-eval-after-load 'sly
- ;; restore SLIME's a/q debugger keys
- (define-key sly-db-mode-map "q" #'sly-db-quit)
- (define-key sly-db-mode-map "Q" nil)
- ;; have C-c C-z obey `display-buffer-alist'
- ;;
- (defun spw/sly-mrepl ()
- (interactive)
- (sly-mrepl #'pop-to-buffer))
- (define-key sly-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" #'spw/sly-mrepl)
- (defun spw/sly-db-show-first-line ()
- (unless (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-min))
- (goto-char (point-min))))
- (add-hook 'sly-db-hook #'spw/sly-db-show-first-line)
- ;; C-r should always search buffer text
- ;; (define-key sly-mrepl-mode-map "\M-r" #'comint-history-isearch-backward)
- (defun spw/reset-comint-history-isearch ()
- (setq-local comint-history-isearch nil))
- (add-hook 'sly-mrepl-hook #'spw/reset-comint-history-isearch))
-;;;; Text mode
-(add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'turn-on-auto-fill)
-(diminish 'auto-fill-function)
-;; for writing notes on
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("dak[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\'" . text-mode))
-;; make sure we can copy/paste from local Emacs into terminal
-(defun spw/maybe-disable-electric-indent-local ()
- (when (string-match "\\(tmp[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\.txt\\|dak[A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)\\'"
- (buffer-name))
- (electric-indent-local-mode 0)))
-(add-to-list 'text-mode-hook #'spw/maybe-disable-electric-indent-local)
-;;;; Org-mode
-;; these should be set before Org gets loaded, because used by functions in
-;; this file, or because docstrings say they have to be set early
- ;; set it early as functions in this file might want it
- org-directory "~/doc/org"
- ;; disable this so I can start lines with "P. 211 - " to refer to a page
- ;; rather than start a bulleted list
- org-list-allow-alphabetical nil
- org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies t)
-(global-set-key "\C-coc" #'org-capture)
-(global-set-key "\C-col" #'org-store-link)
-(global-set-key "\C-coa" #'org-agenda)
-(dolist (fn '(spw/org-agenda-file-to-front
- spw/org-remove-file
- org-save-all-org-buffers))
- (autoload fn "org"))
-;; defined in init-org.el
-(global-set-key "\C-co[" #'spw/org-agenda-file-to-front)
-(global-set-key "\C-co]" #'spw/org-remove-file)
-(with-eval-after-load 'org
- (load (concat user-emacs-directory "init-org")))
-;; see %.docx target in ~/doc/newpapers/
-(defun spw/process-org-essay-for-pandoc-export ()
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert "\n\n")
- (unless (string-match "submission" (buffer-file-name))
- (insert "\n-----\n")
- (insert "/This =.docx/.pdf= generated from plain text master/\n\n")
- (insert (concat "/at " (format-time-string "%-I:%M%#p %Z, %-d %B %Y")
- ;; " by user =" (user-login-name) "="
- ;; " on host =" (system-name) "="
- "/\n")))
- (insert "* References"))
-;;;; C and friends
-;; the built-in 'linux' style doesn't explicitly include tabs, so with
-;; indent-tabs-mode set to nil, cc-mode will not use tabs. But the
-;; kernel style guide mandates tabs, so make a slightly modified style
-;; TODO fix in the 'linux' style in upstream Emacs?
-(c-add-style "linux-tabs" '("linux" (indent-tabs-mode . t)))
-(setq c-default-style "linux-tabs")
-;; following setting also part of Linux kernel style, but it's from
-;; newcomment.el, not cc-mode, so must be set in addition to
-;; `c-default-style' -- and it's my preference in general
-(setq comment-style 'extra-line)
-(with-eval-after-load 'cc-mode
- ;; Use the mode-specific paren binding. Default M-( binding will insert
- ;; spaces before the paren which is not called for by all C styles
- (define-key c-mode-base-map "\M-(" #'c-electric-paren)
- ;; I've seen this interact badly with electric-indent-mode (which is now on
- ;; globally by default, and has been on locally in c-mode for longer I
- ;; believe) outside of comments, but I cannot currently reproduce the
- ;; problem. Can always just use C-M-j and M-q within comments
- (define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "RET") #'c-context-line-break)
- ;; would be nice to have a global version of this
- (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-o" #'c-context-open-line))
-;;; gdb & GUD
-;; this is for when gdb-many-windows is turned off: still show the
-;; source of the program's main(), please
-(setq gdb-show-main t)
-(defun spw/start-gud ()
- (interactive)
- (cl-case major-mode
- ('c-mode
- (call-interactively 'gdb)
- (setq mouse-autoselect-window t))
- ('cperl-mode
- (call-interactively 'perldb))
- ('python-mode
- (call-interactively 'pdb))))
-(defun spw/quit-gud ()
- (interactive)
- (cl-case (buffer-local-value 'gud-minor-mode gud-comint-buffer)
- ('gdbmi
- (gud-basic-call "quit"))
- ('perldb
- (gud-basic-call "q"))
- ('pdb
- (gud-basic-call "q"))))
-;; Supports only a single debugging session per Emacs instance, i.e., don't
-;; try to debug both C and Perl at once. The reason for this is that GUD
-;; doesn't expose its logic for finding the GUD buffer debugging a given
-;; program, nor really for determining which debugger (gdb, perldb, ..) is
-;; being run.
-;; Does not support hiding GUD's window(s). Just use C-x 1 from the source
-;; buffer. Then call this command to bring GUD's window(s) back.
-;; The idea is to have a one Emacs tab or frame for serious source editing,
-;; from which `compile' or `project-compile' is called, and one Emacs tab or
-;; frame for GUD
-(defun spw/run-or-restore-gud (arg)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (and (boundp 'gud-comint-buffer)
- (get-buffer-process gud-comint-buffer))
- (cl-case arg
- (4 ;; restart the GUD session, either to debug something else,
- ;; or because we can't seem to set breakpoints anymore
- (spw/quit-gud)
- (spw/start-gud))
- (16 ;; quit the GUD session
- (spw/quit-gud))
- (t ;; restore the GUD session's window(s)
- (if (eq (buffer-local-value 'gud-minor-mode gud-comint-buffer) 'gdbmi)
- (progn
- (gdb-restore-windows)
- ;; ensure (gdb) prompt at bottom of its window
- (recenter (window-body-height)))
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window gud-comint-buffer))))
- ;; start a new GUD session
- (spw/start-gud)))
-(global-set-key "\C-cd" #'spw/run-or-restore-gud)
-;;;; Perl
-;; using `cperl-mode' instead of `perl-mode' because the former doesn't try to
-;; indent lines within a POD, and because syntax highlighting of whether a
-;; scalar is from a hash or array is useful. but, unsure whether I really
-;; benefit from cperl's electric features; might try to turn those off
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\([pP][Llm]\\|al\\)\\'" . cperl-mode))
-(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("\\(mini\\)?perl5?" . cperl-mode))
-;; not sure these are consistent with my ~/.perltidyrc; if not, should try to
-;; fix that
-(setq cperl-electric-parens t
- cperl-indent-level 4
- cperl-indent-wrt-brace t
- cperl-lineup-step 1
- ;; advantage of following two lines is that we are not
- ;; penalised for choosing long and descriptive subroutine names
- cperl-indent-parens-as-block t
- cperl-close-paren-offset -4)
-(defun spw/perl-add-use (module)
- (interactive "suse ")
- (let ((line (concat "use " module
- (and (not (string-match ";$" module)) ";"))))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward "^use " nil t))
- (forward-line 1)
- (open-line 1)
- (insert line)
- (message (concat "Inserted: " line)))))
-(defun spw/perltidy-region (begin end)
- (interactive "r")
- (let ((perltidy-env (getenv "PERLTIDY")))
- (setenv "PERLTIDY"
- (or (concat (expand-file-name
- (locate-dominating-file
- (buffer-file-name)
- ".perltidyrc")) ".perltidyrc")
- perltidy-env))
- (shell-command-on-region begin end "perltidy -q" nil t)
- (font-lock-ensure)
- (setenv "PERLTIDY" perltidy-env)))
-;; an older version of this would use the region if it's active, but that
-;; rarely produces good results -- perltidy would get the indentation wrong
-(defun spw/perltidy-block-or-buffer (&optional arg)
- "Run perltidy on the current block or the whole buffer."
- (interactive "P")
- (if arg
- (spw/perltidy-region (point-min) (point-max))
- (save-excursion
- ;; move to start of current top level block, and tidy that
- ;; (it will probably be the current subroutine). Although
- ;; `backward-up-list' docstring says that point can end up
- ;; anywhere if there's an error, and this code will always
- ;; produce an error when it tries to call `backward-up-list'
- ;; when it's already at the top level, in fact
- ;; `backward-up-list' does not seem to move point once we
- ;; are at the top level
- ;;
- ;; note that we can't use `beginning-of-defun' as not every top
- ;; level perl block is a defun to Emacs
- (cl-loop for count upfrom 1
- for start = (point)
- do (ignore-errors (backward-up-list))
- until (= start (point))
- finally (if (= count 1)
- ;; we didn't move; do whole buffer
- (spw/perltidy-region (point-min) (point-max))
- ;; tidy the top level block
- (let ((begin (line-beginning-position)))
- (forward-sexp)
- (forward-line)
- (spw/perltidy-region begin (point))))))))
-(with-eval-after-load 'cperl-mode
- (define-key cperl-mode-map "\C-ciu" #'spw/perl-add-use)
- (define-key cperl-mode-map "\C-cc" #'spw/perltidy-block-or-buffer))
-;;; init-spw.el ends here