path: root/archive/bin
diff options
authorSean Whitton <>2022-11-23 23:35:59 -0700
committerSean Whitton <>2022-11-24 12:42:27 -0700
commitc67d4836f4d6d5e6c8ef4e2de38bd21ccb6ee1a1 (patch)
treefded906652b6bf03c60e0c133a368c5027cd4d1e /archive/bin
parentaa5a315a0876431105f73da75de9ddfa89e907d3 (diff)
tidy and simplify shell init
Rely on SPWCRONTAB property to set PATH for cronjobs, and otherwise rely on .profile, .xsessionrc etc. to set PATH, once, at login. Just archive scripts I haven't used lately which might otherwise need more significant adjustments, or appear to be broken in other ways.
Diffstat (limited to 'archive/bin')
6 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/bin/bedtime b/archive/bin/bedtime
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d0fda52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/bedtime
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+. $HOME/.shenv
+# someday, make this work instead:
+# <>
+(($EUID == 0)) || exec sudo "$0" "$@"
+WHEN="${1:-tomorrow 6am}"
+when=$(date +%s -d "$WHEN")
+loginctl lock-sessions
+systemd-inhibit --what=handle-lid-switch --why=goodmorning sh -c \
+ "rtcwake -m mem -t $when && /bin/su spwhitton -c $CMD"
diff --git a/archive/bin/debian-ftp-master b/archive/bin/debian-ftp-master
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e410c021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/debian-ftp-master
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# debian-ftp-master -- set up some windows for doing work on Debian's ftp-master
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Sean Whitton
+# GPL-3 or later
+set -e
+. $HOME/.shenv
+# # require irssi is already raiseable, as starting it is interactive in
+# # a way we can't easily wait for
+# if ! wmctrl -l | grep -q "irssi"; then
+# zenity --error --no-wrap --text="Please attach to irssi first."
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# # kill off any broken session (e.g. lost WiFi)
+# wmctrl -c "ftp-master session cleanup" ||:
+# wmctrl -c "ftp-master dak command session" ||:
+# wmctrl -c "ftp-master GNU mc session" ||:
+# wmctrl -c "*NEW notes*" ||:
+# # wait, in case xfce4-terminal prompted the user
+# while wmctrl -l | grep -q -E "ftp-master (session cleanup|dak command session|GNU mc session)"; do
+# sleep 1
+# done
+# # If there are no other Emacs frames open, the title of the frame will
+# # be emacs@$HOST rather than *NEW notes*, which means we can't control
+# # it. So, ensure one is open
+# if ! wmctrl -lx | grep -q "emacs.Emacs"; then
+# emacsclient -c -a '' -n -e '(switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")'
+# fi
+# first establish a control socket, so that the two interactive ssh
+# connections don't race to do this and one of them disables multiplexing
+ssh -fN
+# start Emacs on ftp-master
+ssh pgrep -u spwhitton emacs \
+ || ssh emacs --daemon &
+# # open zenity dialog first; i3 will not float it
+# zenity --question --no-wrap --no-markup \
+# --title="ftp-master session cleanup" \
+# --text="Kill tmux & Emacs sessions on ftp-master?" &
+# zenity_pid=$!
+# until wmctrl -l | grep -q "ftp-master session cleanup"; do
+# sleep 0.3
+# done
+monitors="$(xrandr -q | grep ' connected' | wc -l)"
+if ! wmctrl -l | grep -q "ftp-master dak command session"; then
+ first="$(i3-fresh-workspace)"
+ xfce4-terminal -x ssh-and-tmux \
+ dak "ftp-master dak command session"
+ until wmctrl -l | grep -q "ftp-master dak command session"; do
+ sleep 0.3
+ done
+ wmctrl -R "ftp-master dak command session"
+ # if we have the `layout tabbed` above, before any windows are opened,
+ # the workspace ends up with a tabbed container inside a tabbed
+ # container on buster's i3 (but not stretch's)
+ i3-msg layout tabbed
+ xfce4-terminal -x ssh-and-tmux \
+ mc "ftp-master GNU mc session"
+ until wmctrl -l | grep -q "ftp-master GNU mc session"; do
+ sleep 0.3
+ done
+ wmctrl -R "ftp-master GNU mc session"
+ emacsclient -c -a '' -n -e '(progn (switch-to-buffer "*NEW notes*") (text-mode))'
+ until wmctrl -l | grep -q "*NEW notes*"; do
+ sleep 0.3
+ done
+ wmctrl -R "*NEW notes*"
+ # Now we've the windows opened, arrange them. For some reason, in
+ # order to have the resize commands take effect, there has to be a
+ # pause before each resize command is issued, i.e. separate i3-msg
+ # calls separated by calls to sleep
+ monwidth="$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{print $2}' | cut -dx -f1)"
+ if [ $monitors -gt 1 ] ; then
+ second="$(i3-fresh-workspace)"
+ i3-msg workspace "$first"
+ # ensure mc window is on primary output, since I spend more time
+ # in it (I think this is sensible!)
+ i3-msg move workspace to output primary
+ # move the dak control window
+ i3-msg focus left, focus left, move to workspace "$second"
+ # split windows
+ i3-msg move up
+ sleep 0.2
+ i3-msg resize set height 70 ppt
+ # machine-specific: move workspace 9 to the secondary monitor, if
+ # we know what that's called. Otherwise, user can just manually
+ # move workspace 9 to the correct monitor right after executing
+ # this script; workspace 7 will be left displayed on the primary
+ # monitor
+ if [ "$(hostname -f)" = "" ]; then
+ i3-msg workspace "$second"
+ i3-msg move workspace to output LVDS-1
+ i3-msg workspace "$second"
+ else # no machine-specific config
+ # ensure dak control window focused
+ i3-msg workspace "$first"
+ fi
+ elif [ $monwidth -ge 1920 ]; then
+ # three column split (i.e. two mc columns and dak column) should
+ # work on a monitor this big (after some tweaking of mc's display
+ # settings)
+ i3-msg move down, focus up, focus left, move right, move right, move right
+ sleep 0.2
+ i3-msg resize set width 35 ppt, focus left
+ sleep 0.2
+ i3-msg resize set height 65 ppt, focus right
+ else
+ # small screen view
+ i3-msg focus left, split v, focus right, move left
+ sleep 0.2
+ i3-msg resize set height 30 ppt, focus up, focus left
+ fi
+ wmctrl -a "ftp-master dak command session"
+ if [ "$(hostname -f)" = "" ] \
+ && [ $monitors -gt 1 ]; then
+ i3-msg move workspace to output LVDS-1
+ wmctrl -a "ftp-master GNU mc session"
+ fi
+ i3-msg move workspace to output primary
+# ssh athena tmux send-keys -t irssi DOWN
+# ssh athena tmux send-keys -t irssi "\"/join -OFTC #debian-ftp-private\"" ENTER
+# # ssh athena tmux send-keys -t irssi ! l o c k SPACE N E W
+# # ssh athena tmux send-keys -t irssi LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT
+# i3-msg '[class="^Xfce4-terminal$" title="^irssi$"]' scratchpad show
+# # finally, get a little more space in the mc session
+# ssh tmux set -t mc status off
+# # clean everything up, per DMUP
+# wait $zenity_pid
+# zenity_exit=$?
+# wmctrl -c "*NEW notes*" ||:
+# if [ $zenity_exit = 0 ]; then
+# ssh tmux kill-server
+# ssh pkill -u spwhitton emacs
+# sleep 10
+# # --title needs to be different from the above so i3 floats the window
+# ssh pgrep -u spwhitton emacs && zenity --error --no-wrap --title="Session cleanup error" --text="Processes still running on ftp-master!"
+# fi
diff --git a/archive/bin/develacc-please b/archive/bin/develacc-please
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..63d86ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/develacc-please
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Boot or resume develacc and open a VNC viewer. Suspend develacc,
+# mainly to save battery power, when the viewer is closed.
+# This is mainly for when I want to work in develacc for a while, full
+# screen, almost as if my laptop was running sid.
+# For work where I expect to be going back and forth between the VM
+# and the bare metal host or other VMs, it might be better to access
+# the VM via a normal, non-fullscreened virt-manager window rather
+# than full screen virt-viewer. Similarly if I have a large monitor
+# available, it might be more convenient not to have the VM viewer
+# fullscreened
+set -e
+. $HOME/.shenv
+VIRSH="virsh --connect qemu:///system"
+develacc="develacc.$(hostname -f)"
+if wmctrl -l | grep -q "$develacc"; then
+ wmctrl -a "$develacc"
+ if $VIRSH list | grep -q "$develacc .*paused"; then
+ $VIRSH resume $develacc
+ elif ! $VIRSH list | grep -q $develacc; then
+ $VIRSH start $develacc
+ fi
+ virt-viewer -c qemu:///system --hotkeys=release-cursor=ctrl+alt \
+ -a -f -r $develacc # \
+ # && $VIRSH suspend $develacc &
+ until wmctrl -l | grep -q "$develacc"; do
+ sleep 0.3
+ done
+ i3-fresh-workspace --take-along
diff --git a/archive/bin/develacc-second-stage b/archive/bin/develacc-second-stage
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1d95b4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/develacc-second-stage
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set -e
+. $HOME/.shenv
+# ---- configuration
+# ---- start develacc
+sudo virsh list | grep -q "develacc.$(hostname -f) .*running" \
+ || sudo virsh start develacc.$(hostname -f)
+# ---- install FoxitReader
+mkdir -p "$DEVELACC/tmp"
+cp -L "$FOXIT" "$DEVELACC/tmp"
+( cd "$DEVELACC/tmp" && tar axf $(basename $FOXIT))
+ssh root@develacc "/home/spwhitton/tmp/FoxitReader.enu.setup.*"
+# ---- clone dionysus annex & pair with home directory copy
diff --git a/archive/bin/rt b/archive/bin/rt
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..66c8a864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/rt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+. $HOME/.shenv
+# first check that there exist the dirs we need
+if [ ! -e "$HOME/local/rt/watch" -o ! -d "$HOME/local/rt/session" -o ! -d "$HOME/local/rt/incomplete" -o ! -e "$HOME/local/rt/complete" ]; then
+ echo "I was asked to start rtorrent, but one of the dirs in ~/local/rt is missing" >&2
+ echo "(myrepos fixups should do it)" >&2
+ exit 1
+# start rtorrent under dtach if it's not running
+if ! pgrep -u $LOGNAME rtorrent >/dev/null; then
+ rm -f $HOME/local/rt/session/dtach.socket
+ TERM=xterm nice -n 19 dtach -n $HOME/local/rt/session/dtach.socket rtorrent
+# if we're not at a dumb terminal (so this script can be shoved in a
+# crontab), try to attach what we (maybe) just made
+# this is a bashism
+if [ -t 1 ]; then
+ dtach -a $HOME/local/rt/session/dtach.socket
diff --git a/archive/bin/usbskelhere b/archive/bin/usbskelhere
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d242e482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/usbskelhere
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+. $HOME/.shenv
+. $HOME/src/dotfiles/lib-src/
+skelhere ()
+ usbpubkeys
+ mkdir -p doc bin lib
+ cp -RLf ~/lib/annex/big/skel/usb/* .
+ cp ~/src/dotfiles/bin/{,dasl-setup.bat} bin
+ cp -L ~/lib/pro.terminal lib
+ cp -L "$HOME/lib/annex/doc/sounds/Rainy Mood pomodoro.mp3" lib
+ zip -j lib/ lib/*.reg bin/*
+ # status now you might want to clone ~/lib/dionysus\; see
+while true; do
+ read -p "This might overwrite stuff in $(pwd). Is that okay? " yn
+ case $yn in
+ [Yy]* ) skelhere; break;;
+ [Nn]* ) exit;;
+ * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
+ esac