path: root/texmf
diff options
authorSean Whitton <>2022-06-13 18:18:52 -0500
committerSean Whitton <>2022-06-13 18:18:52 -0500
commitc4e159ee72040f46a70e54a5bca7aa5fac780b18 (patch)
tree4fda91a90cd7f4cbe4dc59dca8f8e525ea368e83 /texmf
parent5b4de5eccfa098556ca7c6a897b3a56f458fb89e (diff)
archive pessay.cls
Diffstat (limited to 'texmf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/texmf/tex/latex/pessay/pessay.cls b/texmf/tex/latex/pessay/pessay.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 19181ba1..00000000
--- a/texmf/tex/latex/pessay/pessay.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-%% ---- Sean's Pandoc essay document class, derived from his spwpaper
-%% ---- class. Some features of the spwpaper class have not yet been
-%% ---- implemented here, such as endnotes and some maths symbols.
-%% ---- Commands to set up line spacing.
- \RequirePackage[doublespacing]{setspace}%
- \setstretch{2}%
- \doublespacing%
- \setstretch{2}%
-%% ---- Document title
- \begin{center}\textsf{\@title}
- \textsf{\@author}\ifthenelse{\equal{\@date}{}}{}{$\qquad\quad$}\textsf{\@date}
-%% ---- Command to set up enumeration
- \setenumerate[1]{label={\arabic*.},ref={(\arabic*)},itemindent=0.30in,labelsep=1em,itemsep=-1em,before=\vspace{-0.5em},after=\vspace{-0.5em}}%
-%% ---- Options for our document class.
-%% One-half spacing
- \renewcommand{\initialdouble}{%
- \RequirePackage{setspace}%
- \onehalfspacing%
- }%
- \renewcommand{\startdouble}{}%
-%% Pseudo double spacing
- \renewcommand{\initialdouble}{%
- \RequirePackage[doublespacing]{setspace}%
- \onehalfspacing%
- }%
- \renewcommand{\startdouble}{\doublespacing}%
-%% Single spacing
- \renewcommand{\initialdouble}{%
- \RequirePackage{setspace}%
- }%
- \renewcommand{\startdouble}{}%
- \renewcommand{\finishdouble}{}%
-%% Double spacing of footnotes
- \renewcommand{\dspacefn}{%
- \renewcommand{\footnotelayout}{\doublespacing}%
- \newlength{\myfootnotesep}%
- \setlength{\myfootnotesep}{\baselineskip}%
- \addtolength{\myfootnotesep}{-\footnotesep}%
- \setlength{\footnotesep}{\myfootnotesep}%
- }%
-%% Double spacing of quotations
-%% A4 paper instead of (default) letter paper
- \LoadClass[12pt,letterpaper]{article}%
- \RequirePackage[letterpaper,headheight=0.5in,margin=1in,nofoot]{geometry}%
- \renewcommand{\papersettings}{%
- \LoadClass[12pt,a4paper]{article}%
- \RequirePackage[a4paper,headheight=0.5in,margin=1in,nofoot]{geometry}%
- }%
- \bibhere{#1}}
- \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{\endnote{##1}}}
-%% Enable enum numbering resume
- \renewcommand{\enumsettings}{%
- \setenumerate[1]{resume,label={\arabic*.},ref={(\arabic*)},itemindent=0.30in,labelsep=1em,itemsep=-1em,before=\vspace{-0.5em},after=\vspace{-0.5em}}%
- }%
-%% Disable my title and fix spacing around the standard title
- \renewcommand{\dospwtitle}{
- \xpatchcmd{\@maketitle}
- {\@title}
- {\vspace{-2.0cm}\@title}
- {}{}
- \makeatother}}
-%% ---- Pass options to the article class and then load it with
-%% ---- \papersettings (defined just above)
-%% ---- Load all the other packages we'll need
-\initialdouble % defined above; loads setspace package
-\RequirePackage{amsmath} % load it before loading fonts
-\RequirePackage{newtxtext} % would be good to use 'osf' option for old style figures: see newtxdoc.pdf
-%% \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-%% \RequirePackage{ellipsis}
-%% \RequirePackage{stmaryrd}
-%% \RequirePackage[all]{nowidow}
-\RequirePackage{relsize} % for \smaller in quotation font size
-%% ---- Useful enumerations
-%% ---- Sectioning
-%% First define my custom sectioning command for essay sections
-%% see
- \par
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\thesection}{0}}{}{\bigskip}
- \pagebreak[2]%
- \refstepcounter{section}%
- \everypar={%
- {\setbox0=\lastbox} % remove the indentation
- \thesection. $\quad$%
- \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{ \textsl{#1} $\quad$}
- \everypar={}%
- }%
- \ignorespaces
-%% Now set up \section* to point to the old \section*, but \section to
-%% point to my \essaysection. This works well with pandoc-citeproc.
-%% see
-%% ---- Headers and footers
-\fancypagestyle{plain}{ %
- \fancyhf{} % remove everything
- \fancyhead[R]{\textsf{\thepage}}
- \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove lines as well
- \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}}
-%% ---- Document title
-%% ---- Style inline quotations
-%% ---- Lists
-%% Try to bring item separation in line with line spacing