path: root/archive/bin/spwd20
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Diffstat (limited to 'archive/bin/spwd20')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/bin/spwd20 b/archive/bin/spwd20
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8f9784b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/bin/spwd20
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# this makes few enough assumptions to work for all d20 games except
+# possibly 5e -- one of the core rulebooks says somewhere that
+# monsters of the same type roll for initiative jointly and all take
+# their turn together
+import re
+import readline
+import subprocess
+import csv
+from os.path import expanduser
+from operator import itemgetter
+import random
+def main():
+ readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') # Emacs input editing
+ while True:
+ # input loop: get input
+ try:
+ cmd = raw_input(">>> ")
+ except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ print ""
+ break
+ # and act on it
+ if re.match(r'([0-9]*[d]{0,1}[0-9]+[+-])*[0-9]*[d]{0,1}[0-9]+', cmd):
+ print "\n " + doRoll(cmd) + "\n"
+ elif cmd == "init":
+ doInit()
+ elif cmd == "hit" or cmd == "h":
+ print randDescrip(1)
+ elif cmd == "miss" or cmd == "m":
+ print randDescrip(0)
+ else:
+ print "invalid input"
+def doRoll(str):
+ # currently calling my Haskell code to do the dice rolls. Ideally
+ # that Haskell will do everything this Python wrapper does
+ return subprocess.check_output(['spwd20-roll', str]).rstrip()
+def doInit():
+ inits = []
+ # first do the monster inits (while players are rolling)
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ name = raw_input("Monster (group) name: ")
+ modifier = raw_input("Monster (group) init modifier: ")
+ hp = raw_input("Monster (group) HD or HP (split into 1 + (n - 1)): ")
+ except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ print ""
+ break
+ if name == "" or modifier == "":
+ break
+ if hp == "":
+ hp = "0"
+ else:
+ hp = doRoll(hp)
+ hp = int(hp.partition(' ')[0])
+ if int(modifier) < 0:
+ roll = doRoll("1d20-" + modifier[1:])
+ else:
+ roll = doRoll("1d20+" + modifier)
+ roll = int(roll.partition(' ')[0])
+ inits.append({'name': name,
+ 'modifier': int(modifier),
+ 'roll': roll,
+ 'hp': int(hp)})
+ # now do the party inits
+ with open(expanduser("~") + '/.spwd20-party', 'rb') as csvfile:
+ partyreader = csv.reader(csvfile,
+ delimiter = ',')
+ # fieldnames = ["name", "init"])
+ for member in partyreader:
+ try:
+ roll = raw_input(member[0] + "'s (modified) initiative roll? ")
+ except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ print ""
+ break
+ inits.append({'name': member[0],
+ 'modifier': int(member[1]),
+ 'roll': int(roll),
+ 'hp': 0})
+ # sort them
+ inits.sort(key = itemgetter('roll', 'modifier'))
+ inits.reverse()
+ # output in an Org table
+ table = ["COMBAT ROUND TALLY: |", "",
+ "|Creature|Mod|Init|HP|Damage|Status|",
+ "|-"]
+ for creature in inits:
+ if creature['modifier'] > 0:
+ printmod = "+" + str(creature['modifier'])
+ else:
+ printmod = str(creature['modifier'])
+ if creature['hp'] == 0:
+ printhp = "-"
+ else:
+ printhp = str(creature['hp'])
+ table.append("|" + creature['name']
+ + "|" + printmod
+ + "|" + str(creature['roll'])
+ + "|" + printhp
+ + "| | |")
+ print "\n"
+ tabled = "\n".join(table)
+ print tabled
+ # copy to X selection
+ xsel = subprocess.Popen(["xsel", "-i"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ xsel.communicate(input = tabled)
+ print "\n copied to X selection; Emacs: S-insert/C-y C-c C-c"
+def randDescrip(index):
+ descriptions = []
+ descriptions.append(["Your opponent side-steps out of the way",
+ "You strike your opponent buts its armour/hide is not pierced",
+ "Your opponent parries your strike",
+ "Abruptly your opponent slides away from where you expect",
+ "Your opponent dodges left, but your attack doesn't catch up to it",
+ "Your weapon flies wildly missing your opponent",
+ "From the corner of your eye, you are distracted by movement and your attack sails wide",
+ "Your attack connects, but flances off your opponent's armour/hide",
+ "You misjudge your opponent's movement and your attack misses",
+ "Your opponent stops your attack with his shield/bracer",
+ "Your weapon seems unbalanced and doesn't move as you expect",
+ "Your opponent raises his weapon and successfully parries",
+ "Your opponent howls, and you flinch throwing your attack off",
+ "You nick your opponent, but the strike is so minor that no damage is done",
+ "A light catches your eye and throws off your attack",
+ "Your opponent changes his stance and you miss",
+ "Your weapon only catches some of your adversary's clothes"
+ "Your attack hits only armour/hide",
+ "Timing your strike, your opponent shifts out of the way",
+ "Your opponent shifts his most heavily armoured/protected part to your weapon's path",
+ "The armour/hide of your opponent absorbs the attack",
+ "You change your grip to adjust to your opponent's move, but it it too little and too late",
+ "Your opponent's armour/hide is too strong for your strike",
+ "Your attack hits the most protected part of your opponent, doing no damage",
+ "A call from a party member distracts you and your attack does not connnect"])
+ descriptions.append(["You pierce the creature's armour/skin/scales",
+ "Your attack rings true",
+ "The creature winces in pain as your attack strikes",
+ "You successfully smash it",
+ "Your attack lands",
+ "You strike it",
+ "It cannot avoid your jab",
+ "Your weapon meets flesh",
+ "You find a soft spot in your foe's armour/skin/chitin",
+ "Your attack slip past your foe's parry and draws blood",
+ "Your strike tears into your opponent's flesh",
+ "You split the creature's hide",
+ "Your weapon bounces off the creature's parry and lands a blow",
+ "You guess the creature's feint and strike flesh",
+ "Your weapon sinks into the creature's flesh",
+ "Your weapon sneaks through the creature's armour/skin/scales",
+ "You strike glances off your opponent's shield but slides into the creature's flesh",
+ "Your weapon lands a heavy blow",
+ "Blood flies as your weapon strikes",
+ "Your opponent dodges--just as you expected and your weapon draws blood",
+ "The creature howls as your weapon leaves its mark",
+ "Your opponent begins to wheeze as your attack hits",
+ "Flesh falls as your attack lands",
+ "The creature stumbles from your latest successful hit",
+ "Your weapon finds flesh and bone"])
+ rand = random.randint(0, len(descriptions[index]) - 1)
+ return descriptions[index][rand]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()