path: root/lib-src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib-src')
1 files changed, 842 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib-src/mr/config b/lib-src/mr/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd2519cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib-src/mr/config
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+# -*- mode: conf -*-
+# --- global settings
+# avoid hangs due to SSH connection sharing
+jobs = 1
+# custom actions to be configured repository-by-repository, that do
+# nothing by default
+git_sync = :
+git_rebase = :
+git_autoci = :
+# avoid pushing non-matching branches, while trying to avoid errors
+# from trying to push to read-only remotes
+git_push = git push-all "$@"
+# find dirty working directories, i.e., uncommitted changes, untracked
+# files and stashes
+git_isclean = git is-clean
+git_clean = git clean -xdff
+# --- Plugin for dgit repos
+# actually shipped with upstream mr, but use an include command that
+# will always work
+include = cat ~/src/dotfiles/lib-src/mr/dgit
+# --- git-svn
+# include = [ -e "/usr/share/mr/git-svn" ] && cat /usr/share/mr/git-svn
+# --- Sensible pulls
+# Redefine git_update to avoid an unconditional `git pull`, which can
+# result in unwanted merge commits all over $HOME (this has to come
+# after we include the dgit lib, which also redefines git_update)
+git_update = git pull-safe
+# --- Adam Spiers' plugin for managing dotfile symlinks with mr
+# actually shipped with upstream mr, but use an include command that
+# will always work
+include =
+ # stow is not available on Windows
+ if [ -e "$HOME/src/dotfiles/lib-src/mr/stow" ] \
+ && ! [ "$(perl -e 'print $^O')" = "msys" ]; then
+ cat "$HOME/src/dotfiles/lib-src/mr/stow"
+ fi
+# --- joeyh's code for specifying what machine we're on for repo skip
+# --- tests, plus my code for detecting Git-on-Windows
+lib =
+ win32() {
+ test "$(perl -e 'print $^O')" = "msys"
+ }
+ #
+ if win32; then
+ hostname=$(hostname)
+ else
+ hostname=$(hostname -s)
+ fi
+ #
+ whoami="$(whoami)"
+ # cut off the machine name on Windows
+ win32 && whoami=${whoami##*\\}
+ #
+ on() {
+ for host in $@; do
+ if [ "${host%@*}" != "${host#*@}" ]; then
+ if [ "$whoami" != "${host%@*}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ host="${host#*@}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$hostname" = "$host" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+ }
+ workstation() {
+ on swhitton@zephyr spwhitton@melete spwhitton@erebus
+ }
+ mine() {
+ workstation || on spwhitton@athena
+ }
+ # tucson() {
+ # on artemis shortgeese athena hephaestus iris melete
+ # }
+# --- run a command on athena in a sane environment
+# lib =
+# athena_cmd () {
+# # here we rely on the fact that ssh already passes argument
+# # through `/bin/sh -c' (note use of single-quotes in this
+# # function)
+# ssh athena 'cd $HOME/'"$1"' && . $HOME/.shenv && '"$2"
+# }
+# --- standard procedures
+lib =
+ homedir_mkdirs() {
+ (
+ cd $HOME
+ mkdir -p \
+ .ssh \
+ tmp \
+ src \
+ lib \
+ mnt \
+ local/mutt \
+ local/src \
+ local/bin \
+ local/big \
+ local/lib \
+ local/log \
+ local/pub \
+ local/tmp \
+ local/auth \
+ local/info
+ # lib/athena \
+ # lib/backup \
+ # local/anacron/spool \
+ chmod 700 local/auth
+ # [ -L "src/build-area" ] || ln -s -T /tmp/debuild src/build-area
+ [ -e "Downloads" ] || ln -s tmp Downloads
+ # clean up after additions to .stow-local-ignore
+ find bin lib -type l 2>/dev/null | while read -r link; do
+ if readlink "$link" | grep --quiet "^[../]*/.STOW/"; then
+ rm "$link"
+ fi
+ done
+ # cleanup some old dirs if they're empty
+ find \
+ bin \
+ lib/aid \
+ lib/backup \
+ lib/perl5 \
+ lib/hooks \
+ lib/athena \
+ lib/bins \
+ lib/img \
+ lib/mr \
+ lib/src \
+ local/anacron/spool \
+ -type d -empty -delete 2>/dev/null ||:
+ )
+ }
+ # specify files that should automatically be adopted because
+ # programs convert them from symlinks to regular files. Arguments
+ # to this function should be paths relative to the stow target
+ # (usually $HOME)
+ always_adopt () {
+ for f in $@; do
+ if ! [ -L "$STOW_TARGET/$f" ]; then
+ # ignore errors; if it doesn't work, the user will
+ # have to fix up manually
+ mv 2>/dev/null "$STOW_TARGET/$f" "$MR_REPO/$f" || true
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ # export plain text Org agenda in post_ hooks of ~/doc repo (not currently used)
+ export_org_agenda () {
+ if on athena; then
+ emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a")' 2>/dev/null \
+ >~/local/priv/agenda.txt
+ else
+ emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a")' 2>/dev/null \
+ | ssh athena "cat >/home/spwhitton/local/priv/agenda.txt"
+ fi
+ }
+# --- primary dotfiles repository
+# TODO we need to unstow before switching branches, and stow
+# afterwards, or else do some sort of automatic cleanup of dangling
+# symlinks before a restow, so a broken situation is easy to fix?
+# Also see kill-broken-stowed-symlink() in .bashrc.
+# Note that the scan is expensive. So actually we probably don't want
+# the cleanup to happen automatically. Also, it should exclude
+# lib/annex, src/*/ (but not src/) because I don't stow files into
+# those dirs.
+# Maybe just run it as part of sysmaint
+# Hmm. Situation is not as bad as I thought. stow manages to clean
+# up quite a few of the symlinks. So running it as part of sysmaint
+# seems like a sufficient fix
+checkout = git clone dotfiles
+stowable = true
+# we have a script to update master, and all other branches should
+# only be checked out and committed to on a single host
+update = git dotfiles-update-master
+push = git push origin master
+# use `git dotfiles-rebase` instead
+# rebase =
+# # usual rebasing pattern. Per dotfiles repo policy (excluding
+# # win32 case), the branch being rebased will always be rebaseable
+# # on master, since it is only checked out and committed to on this
+# # host
+# branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+# hostname="$(hostname -s)"
+# if [ "$branch" = "win32" -o "$branch" = "$hostname" -o "$branch" = "develacc-$hostname" ]; then
+# git rebase master
+# fi
+fixups =
+ # Use a rebase workflow as I'm the only committer
+ git config pull.rebase true
+ # Pushing and pulling are always done explicitly
+ for head in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/); do
+ branch=$(echo "$head" | cut -d/ -f3)
+ git branch --unset-upstream "$branch" 2>/dev/null || true
+ done
+ git config push.default nothing
+ # this is just for M-x magit-status
+ git config remote.pushDefault origin
+ #
+ if win32; then
+ ( cd ~/src/dotfiles/bin && cmd "/C win32setup.bat" )
+ else
+ homedir_mkdirs
+ chmod -Rf u+rwX,go= $HOME/local/auth/* || true
+ fi
+ # eventually move the following two lines from fixups to post_checkout
+ install-git-hooks dotfiles
+ git config user.signingkey 8DC2487E51ABDD90B5C4753F0F56D0553B6D411B
+ # eventually drop this
+ rm -f .git/hooks/post-checkout{,_01gpgsign}
+# clean-ups so that initial stow will be successful
+pre_stow =
+ homedir_mkdirs
+ $HOME/src/dotfiles/bin/unskel
+ # these will often end up created, e.g. by insinuate-dotfiles script
+ rm -f $HOME/.gnupg/{gpg.conf,gpg-agent.conf,dirmngr.conf,.gpg-v21-migrated}
+# this file frequently gets desymlinked
+pre_unstow_append = always_adopt .config/mimeapps.list
+pre_restow_append = always_adopt .config/mimeapps.list
+pre_stow_append = always_adopt .config/mimeapps.list
+pre_update_append = always_adopt .config/mimeapps.list
+# --- private dotfiles repositories
+checkout = git clone athenag:libpriv.git priv
+update = git annex sync --content cloud origin
+push = git annex sync --content cloud origin
+stowable = true
+sync = mr autoci && git annex sync --no-commit --content cloud origin
+skip = lazy
+post_checkout =
+ cd priv
+ git annex init
+ git annex enableremote cloud
+ git annex group . backup
+fixups =
+ chmod 600 \
+ .gnupg/*.kbx \
+ .gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/*.key \
+ .ssh/id_*
+ #
+ git config push.default nothing
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-publish-participants true
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-participants 0x0F56D0553B6D411B
+ git config annex.startupscan false
+ git config annex.autocommit true # needed for `git annex sync`
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+ #
+ git config annex.gitaddtoannex false # see README
+ git config annex.addunlocked true # see README
+ #
+ git config false
+autoci =
+ git annex add .labbook.gpg .gnupg/pubring.kbx
+ git commit -a -m \
+ "auto passwddb, pubring and labbook commit on $(hostname -s)" || true
+pre_update = mr autoci
+# since dotfiles repo also stows into ~/.gnupg, and athpriv repo stows
+# into ~/.duply, make the dirs first
+pre_stow = homedir_mkdirs
+post_stow = load-trustdb
+checkout = git clone demeterp:athpriv athpriv
+pre_update = on athena || git annex sync origin athenah
+pre_push = on athena || git annex sync --content origin athenah
+stowable = true
+skip = ! mine
+post_checkout =
+ cd athpriv
+ git annex init
+ on athena || git remote add athenah athenah:src/athpriv
+ git annex group . backup
+fixups =
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+ git config annex.addunlocked true
+ git config annex.synconlyannex true
+ #
+ # TODO Use git-annex-whereused to systematically drop old News/*.
+ git config false
+# We also ran:
+# % git annex config --set annex.largefiles "include=*.SCORE or include=*.ADAPT"
+autoci =
+ git annex add News/*
+ git commit News -m"auto commit of Gnus score files" ||:
+# since priv repo also stows into ~/.duply, make the dir first
+pre_stow = homedir_mkdirs
+# r2e always desymlinks this file
+pre_stow_append = always_adopt .config/rss2email.cfg
+pre_unstow_append = always_adopt .config/rss2email.cfg
+pre_restow_append = always_adopt .config/rss2email.cfg
+pre_update_append = always_adopt .config/rss2email.cfg
+# --- hosts configuration
+checkout = git clone demeter:propellor propellor --branch spw3conf
+post_checkout =
+ cd propellor
+ # get new release tags for merging into 'spw3conf' and 'debian' branches
+ git remote add -f upstream
+ # This hook sets up .dir-locals.el to make it easier to follow
+ # Propellor's coding style. We have to use a hook because
+ # .dir-locals.el and the cabal sandbox must be nuked when working
+ # with dgit on the 'debian' branch
+ install-git-hooks propellor
+ echo ".dir-locals.el" >>.git/info/exclude
+fixups =
+ # check that the link isn't already in place before making the link
+ # because otherwise we get an infinite loop of links that breaks propellor
+ [ -L ~/.propellor ] || ln -sf ~/src/propellor ~/.propellor
+ # my preferences when using propellor for configuring my own machines
+ git config propellor.spin-branch spw3conf
+ git config propellor.forbid-dirty-spin true
+ git config --local "Joey Hess <>"
+skip = lazy
+# --- personal website source
+checkout = git clone demeter:wiki
+skip = ! mine
+# --- misc. source repos with special config (e.g. installation of git
+# --- hooks)
+checkout = git clone salsa:dgit-team/dgit
+post_checkout =
+ cd dgit
+ git remote add -f demeter demeter:dgit
+ dgit setup-new-tree
+ install-git-hooks dgit
+skip = lazy
+# [src/ublock-origin]
+# checkout = git clone '' 'ublock-origin'
+# # beta, rc and alpha tags get deleted by upstream so there will very
+# # often be unpushed tags
+# push = git push-all --no-tags
+# skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone demeter:grml-live -b spw/std
+post_checkout =
+ cd grml-live
+ git remote add -f upstream github:grml/grml-live
+fixups = git config commit.gpgsign true
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:mailscripts' 'mailscripts'
+post_checkout =
+ cd mailscripts
+ install-git-hooks mailscripts
+ git config branch.buster-bpo.signOffOptional true
+ dgit fetch buster-backports; dgit fetch sid
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone demeter:p5-Git-Annex p5-Git-Annex
+post_checkout =
+ cd p5-Git-Annex
+ install-git-hooks p5-Git-Annex
+ git remote add -f salsa salsa:perl-team/modules/packages/libgit-annex-perl
+ git branch --track debian salsa/master
+ git config branch.debian.signOffOptional true
+ git config branch.buster-bpo.signOffOptional true
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone demeter:p5-API-GitForge p5-API-GitForge
+post_checkout =
+ cd p5-API-GitForge
+ install-git-hooks p5-API-GitForge
+ git remote add -f salsa salsa:perl-team/modules/packages/libapi-gitforge-perl
+ git branch --track debian salsa/master
+ git config branch.debian.signOffOptional true
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:org-d20' 'org-d20'
+post_checkout =
+ cd org-d20
+ install-git-hooks org-d20
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:haskell-tab-indent' 'haskell-tab-indent'
+post_checkout =
+ cd haskell-tab-indent
+ install-git-hooks haskell-tab-indent
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:git-remote-gcrypt' 'git-remote-gcrypt'
+post_checkout =
+ cd git-remote-gcrypt
+ install-git-hooks git-remote-gcrypt
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:pandoc-citeproc-preamble' 'pandoc-citeproc-preamble'
+post_checkout =
+ cd pandoc-citeproc-preamble
+ install-git-hooks pandoc-citeproc-preamble
+skip = lazy
+# 'master' branch: just for installing changes to upstream master
+# 'melete' branch:
+# Rebased onto's master branch. It has
+# - patch(es) to integrate these development builds with my Debian
+# workstation setup, just enough that I can use these builds day-to-day;
+# these assume a sufficiently recent emacs-snapshot package from demeter
+# is installed, to provide /usr/share/emacs-snapshot/site-lisp/elpa
+# - bug fixes, reversions etc., (cleaned up versions of) which have not
+# yet made it onto's master, but which are required for my
+# own usage
+# - WIP patches of my own -- this branch is used for my own development
+# work, at least where that doesn't require long-lived feature branches.
+# A key advantage of using these development builds is that references to
+# files in *Help* buffers will be to ~/src/emacs, not to somewhere owned by
+# root. The branch is named after my laptop at the time I first set it up.
+# 'athena/unstable' branch:
+# Merges from's master branch only. .deb packages produced from
+# this branch are available from <>. There are
+# two purposes:
+# - providing byte-compiled Lisp /usr/share/emacs-snapshot/site-lisp/elpa
+# to builds from the 'melete' branch
+# - direct use on machines other than my development laptop where I want
+# something more current than the stable release of Emacs but not with
+# my current WIP.
+# Updated only when new fixes, features or reversions on's
+# master branch are wanted on machines other than my development laptop.
+# To do that, first 'melete' is updated using 'mr pull', and then I run
+# that build for a day or so. Then
+# % cd ~/src/emacs-snapshot
+# % debian/merge-snapshot
+# % dgit sbuild --no-run-lintian
+# % cp ../emacs-snapshot_29~git202*amd64.deb<TAB> ~/local/develacc/tmp
+# % sudo virsh start
+# % cd /ssh:root@develacc:/home/spwhitton/tmp
+# % apt-get install ./emacs-snapshot_29~git202*amd64.deb<TAB>
+# % rm emacs-snapshot_29~git202*amd64.deb<TAB>
+# % cd //ssh:develacc:src/dotfiles
+# % mr up
+# C-i s develacc RET
+# $ /opt/emacs-snapshot/bin/emacs -nw --debug-init
+# % cd ~//src/emacs-snapshot
+# % reprepro-rebuilder --release # if develacc test was successful
+# If need to back out before reprepro-rebuilder:
+# % cd ~/src/emacs-snapshot && git reset --hard demeter/athena/unstable
+# It is important to test local installability of the new .deb, probably
+# in develacc or a sid chroot, before adding to demeter-apt, because
+# running the rebased 'melete' branch doesn't detect any byte compilation
+# issues against my current selection of elpa-* packages.
+# 'athena/CODENAME-bpo' branch:
+# Backported from athena/unstable. Automatically updated by
+# reprepro-rebuilder when updating athena/unstable as described above.
+# See also bin/emacsclient wrapper script in dotfiles.git.
+checkout = git clone emacs
+post_clean = ./ autoconf
+post_checkout =
+ cd emacs
+ git remote add -f demeter demeter:emacs
+ git remote add -f debian
+ on spwhitton@melete && git checkout -b melete demeter/melete
+ ./ all
+fixups =
+ git rev-parse melete@{upstream} >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+ && git branch --unset-upstream melete
+ git config branch.master.rebase true
+ git config branch.melete.rebase true
+ git config branch.melete.pushRemote demeter
+ git config --replace-all remote.demeter.push ":" "^:$"
+ git config --replace-all remote.demeter.push "+melete:melete" "^\+melete:melete$"
+ git config branch.deb/emacs/d/sid/master.dpmUpstreamBranch deb/emacs/d/sid/upstream
+ git config branch.deb/emacs/d/sid/master.dpmPatchedBranch deb/emacs/d/sid/patched
+ git config branch.deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/master.dpmUpstreamBranch \
+ deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/upstream
+ git config branch.deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/master.dpmPatchedBranch \
+ deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/patched
+# We don't have the melete branch's upstream set to origin/master to avoid
+# accidentally pushing personal commits to Savannah (push.default cannot help
+# here). So for convenient updates of melete to its conceptual upstream, we
+# have this definition. "pull" not "update" because we want to update from
+# upstream master deliberately, not as part of automated updates.
+pull = git checkout melete \
+ && git pull --rebase --autostash origin master \
+ && git push -f demeter melete
+skip = lazy || [ "$1" = pull ] && ! on spwhitton@melete
+# myrepos git_status assumes a separate registration for each worktree.
+# Empty update action to prevent fetching from remotes over and over again.
+checkout = git -C "$HOME/src/emacs" worktree add -b athena/unstable \
+ "$HOME/src/emacs-snapshot" demeter/athena/unstable
+update = :
+skip = ! workstation || ! [ -d "$HOME/src/emacs" ]
+checkout = git -C "$HOME/src/emacs" worktree add -b deb/emacs/d/sid/master \
+ "$HOME/src/emacs-dfsg" debian/deb/emacs/d/sid/master
+update = :
+skip = ! workstation || ! [ -d "$HOME/src/emacs" ]
+checkout = git -C "$HOME/src/emacs" worktree add -b deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/master \
+ "$HOME/src/emacs-non-dfsg" debian/deb/emacs-non-dfsg/d/sid/master
+update = :
+skip = ! workstation || ! [ -d "$HOME/src/emacs" ]
+checkout = git clone elpa
+post_checkout = cd elpa && make setup
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone nongnu-elpa
+post_checkout = cd elpa && make
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone org-mode
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone 'demeter:consfigurator' 'consfigurator'
+post_checkout =
+ cd consfigurator
+ install-git-hooks consfigurator
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone '' 'notmuch'
+fixups = git config --local
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git clone linux
+skip = lazy
+checkout = git -c fetch.fsckobjects=false clone
+skip = lazy
+# --- radicale collections
+checkout = git clone demeterp:radicale radicale
+skip = ! on spwhitton@athena
+# could use /usr/share/mr/git-annex helper to simplify the following
+# configuration of annexes (overriding its update definition to avoid
+# --content) but probably not flexible enough for all that's going on
+# in the below
+# --- primary git annex
+checkout = git clone athenag:annex.git annex
+post_checkout =
+ cd annex
+ git annex init
+ git annex enableremote athena rsyncurl=athena:local/rsync/annex
+skip = lazy
+update = git annex sync --no-content origin
+# disabled because required yubikey
+# sync = git annex sync --no-content origin
+push = git annex sync --content origin athena
+fixups =
+ git config push.default matching
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-publish-participants true
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-participants 0x0F56D0553B6D411B
+ # git config gcrypt.publish-participants true
+ # git config gcrypt.participants 0x0F56D0553B6D411B
+ git config annex.startupscan false
+ git config annex.autocommit true # needed for `git annex sync`
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+checkout = git clone athenag:annex19.git annex
+update = git annex sync --no-content origin
+push = git annex sync --content cloud origin
+skip = lazy
+post_checkout =
+ cd annex
+ git annex init
+ git annex enableremote cloud
+fixups =
+ git config push.default nothing
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-publish-participants true
+ git config remote.origin.gcrypt-participants 0x0F56D0553B6D411B
+ git config annex.startupscan false
+ git config annex.autocommit true # needed for `git annex sync`
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+# --- personal website big files annex
+checkout = git clone demeter:wikiannex.git
+post_checkout =
+ cd wikiannex
+ git annex init
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore false
+ # ^ the git-annex-init sets this wrong
+ # if workstation; then
+ # git remote add bkupsd /media/${USER}/bkupsd/git/demeter/wikiannex.git
+ # git remote add m3 /media/${USER}/m3/git/demeter/wikiannex.git
+ # fi
+update = git annex sync --no-content
+push = git annex sync --content
+skip = lazy
+fixups =
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+ if [ "$(hostname -s)" = "demeter" ]; then
+ git annex adjust --hide-missing --unlock
+ fi
+# --- git annex for podcasts
+checkout = git clone demeterp:podcasts
+post_checkout =
+ cd podcasts
+ git annex init
+update = ./update-and-sync
+push = git annex --no-content sync
+# origin remote is just for keeping a backup copy of metadata. We don't sync
+# annexed content between repos at all, just run update-and-sync and download
+# episodes as want to listen to them. For archival, for podcasts for which
+# that's wanted, annex-to-annex the files into ~/annex instead of 'git rm'.
+fixups =
+ git config push.default matching
+ git config annex.startupscan false
+ git config annex.autocommit true # needed for ga sync
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config annex.genmetadata true
+skip = lazy
+# --- git annex for use with rtorrent
+# [lib/rt]
+# checkout = git clone athenag:rt.git rt
+# post_checkout =
+# cd rt
+# git annex init
+# if [ -d "$(hostname -s)" ]; then
+# mkdir -p $HOME/local/rt
+# cd $HOME/local/rt
+# touch .duplicity-ignore
+# mkdir -p session incomplete
+# if ! [ -e "complete" ]; then
+# ln -s $HOME/lib/rt/complete complete
+# fi
+# if ! [ -e "watch" ]; then
+# ln -s $HOME/lib/rt/$(hostname -s) watch
+# fi
+# fi
+# status = git annex status --fast
+# update = git annex sync --no-content origin
+# push = git annex sync --no-content origin
+# autoci = (git annex add . && git commit -m "auto commit on $(hostname -s)") || true
+# fixups =
+# git config push.default matching
+# # git config gcrypt.publish-participants true
+# git config remote.origin.gcrypt-publish-participants true
+# git config remote.origin.gcrypt-participants 0x0F56D0553B6D411B
+# git config annex.startupscan false
+# git config annex.autocommit true # needed for `git annex sync`
+# git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+# git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+# skip = lazy
+# pre_update = mr autoci
+# --- git annex for athena's apt repository
+checkout = git clone demeter:athena-apt athena-apt
+post_checkout =
+ cd athena-apt
+ git annex init --version=7
+ git annex enableremote demeter rsyncurl=demeter:/srv/www/debian
+ git annex get .
+skip = lazy
+update = git annex sync --no-content
+push =
+ git annex add
+ git annex unlock db
+ git annex sync --content demeter
+ git annex sync origin
+ ssh demeter find /srv/www/debian -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' +
+ ssh demeter find /srv/www/debian -type d -exec chmod 755 '{}' +
+fixups =
+ git config push.default matching
+ git config annex.startupscan false
+ git config annex.autocommit true # needed for `git annex sync`
+ git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
+ git config annex.thin true
+ git config annex.addunlocked true
+ git config false
+ git config remote.demeter.annex-tracking-branch master
+ git config unpushed-tags.ignore true
+# The git-diff-files(1) call in ~/bin/git-is-clean fails in v7
+# git-annex repos with unlocked empty files, which this repo often
+# has: empty Packages files. So can't use that script in this repo
+isclean =
+ output="$(git annex status)"
+ test -z "$output" || ( echo $output && exit 1 )
+checkout = git clone demeterp:realloc realloc
+skip = ! mine
+# --- my personal documents. Override my global update command back
+# --- to the myrepos default so that git automatically pulls and
+# --- merges. Skipped on non-local hosts
+checkout = git clone demeterp:doc doc
+update = git pull --no-edit "$@"
+skip = ! mine
+# Set mtimes to last commit, for Howm; doing so only in post_checkout, and not
+# fixups, should be sufficient for summary buffer ordering purposes.
+post_checkout = git utime
+# before pulling, automatically commit in the same way that my cron job does
+pre_update = win32 || doccheckin
+# ... and let me do it manually
+autoci = doccheckin || true
+# quick syncs
+sync = doccheckin && git pull --no-edit && git push
+# --- static websites on web host boxes
+clone = git clone public_html
+skip = ! on spwhitton@sage
+clone = git clone html
+skip = ! [ "$(domainname)" = "SDF" ]
+# --- my offline e-mail (& machine's postfix queue)
+checkout =
+ mkdir ~/.fmail
+ movemymail
+sync = movemymail
+update = movemymail
+push = movemymail
+status = :
+clean = :
+commit = :
+record = :
+fetch = :
+diff = :
+log = :
+grep = :
+autoci = :
+isclean = :
+skip = ! [ -e "$HOME/local/auth/fmailsyncpass" ]
+# this is slower than other repos for which sync is defined, so have
+# it go last
+order = 12