Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* more mutt configarchive/sdfSean Whitton2018-04-29
* mutt settings for SDF clusterSean Whitton2018-04-29
* mutt on SDF clusterSean Whitton2018-04-29
* dump SDF .profile and incorporate useful parts into .shenvSean Whitton2018-04-29
* set $MAIL on SDF clusterSean Whitton2018-04-29
* coloured ls on the SDF clusterSean Whitton2018-04-29
* disable loadcron on SDF clusterSean Whitton2018-04-29
* on SDF cluster hosts, should use SDF's default .profile fileSean Whitton2018-04-29
* commentSean Whitton2018-04-29
* i3status: show battery in red when drops to 25%Sean Whitton2018-04-29
* commentsSean Whitton2018-04-29
* add user-dirs.confSean Whitton2018-04-28
* i3 binding to `dm-tool switch-to-greeter`Sean Whitton2018-04-28
* configure i3status battery infoSean Whitton2018-04-27
* add git-realaddSean Whitton2018-04-27
* add repos to sysmaintSean Whitton2018-04-22
* commentSean Whitton2018-04-22
* use 12-hour clock in i3 status barSean Whitton2018-04-22
* b aliasSean Whitton2018-04-22
* bind xmousetidySean Whitton2018-04-21
* stop Emacs window focus following the mouseSean Whitton2018-04-21
* restore org-export-date-timestamp-formatSean Whitton2018-04-19
* commentSean Whitton2018-04-16
* i3: change floating toggle binding so that ibus can use Mod4+S+spaceSean Whitton2018-04-16
* i3: try using tabbed workspace layout by defaultSean Whitton2018-04-16
* add dummy sync targetSean Whitton2018-04-16
* update priv repo fixup for archivingSean Whitton2018-04-15
* fix skip for ~/.fmailSean Whitton2018-04-15
* dummy isclean commandsSean Whitton2018-04-15
* dummy autoci cmdsSean Whitton2018-04-15
* screen reattach aliasSean Whitton2018-04-15
* tidy up tmux configSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment more out of .screenrcSean Whitton2018-04-15
* tidy .screenrcSean Whitton2018-04-15
* ta shell aliasSean Whitton2018-04-15
* set tmux and screen escape to be the same as dtachSean Whitton2018-04-15
* always symlink .mrtrust because of how `mr stowable` worksSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment out some zile settingsSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment out various in .shenvSean Whitton2018-04-15
* more aliases for my editorSean Whitton2018-04-15
* tidy .sbuildrcSean Whitton2018-04-15
* update READMESean Whitton2018-04-15
* commentsSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment out many old settings in .muttrcSean Whitton2018-04-15
* update list of mailboxes in muttSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment out mpd stream to LAN for nowSean Whitton2018-04-15
* apparent typo in ~/.mgSean Whitton2018-04-15
* commentSean Whitton2018-04-15
* comment out various things in ~/.inputrcSean Whitton2018-04-15
* tweak ~/dovc pre_update actionSean Whitton2018-04-15