diff options
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/.xsessionrc b/.xsessionrc
index 79e31cab..e74e6727 100755
--- a/.xsessionrc
+++ b/.xsessionrc
@@ -1,17 +1,73 @@
-export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
+. $HOME/.shenv
+# ---- no bell please
xset b off
+# ---- keyboard settings
xset r rate 380 25
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
+xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
+# enable numlock if using USB keyboard
+lsusb | grep -q "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd" \
+ && numlockx on
+# ---- monitor settings
xset dpms 600
-xss-lock -- i3lock -t -c 000000 -n --image=$HOME/local/lock.png &
-#gnome-settings-daemon &
-nitrogen --restore
-redshift-gtk &
-nm-applet &
-caffeine-indicator &
+# ---- screen locking
+# kill any other lockers that might have snuck in
+pkill -u $USER light-locker
+pkill -u $USER xscreensaver
+# turn over lid switch handling to logind, if needed
+if which xfconf-query; then
+ xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -n \
+ -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch \
+ -t bool -s true
+# ... and then hook i3lock into logind
+if [ -L "$HOME/local/lock.png" ]; then
+ # note that i3lock needs a file in PNG format
+ xss-lock -- i3lock -t -c 000000 -n --image=$HOME/local/lock.png &
+ xss-lock -- i3lock -c 000000 -n &
+# ---- GNOME daemons & GTK
+# Have the GNOME keyring daemon cache our GPG key passphrase for no
+# more than 20 minutes. Cache time cannot be controlled for SSH keys
+gsettings set org.gnome.crypto.cache gpg-cache-ttl 1200
+gsettings set org.gnome.crypto.cache gpg-cache-method 'timeout'
eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg,pkcs11,secrets,ssh)
+gnome-settings-daemon &
+# ---- clear SSH keys out of gnome-keyring-daemon when idle (per GNOME
+# ---- bug #525574 it can't do this itself yet)
+pkill -u $USER idlesshclear
+idlesshclear &
+# ---- audio
+if ! pgrep -u $USER pulseaudio; then
+ pulseaudio &
+# ---- startup applications
+nitrogen --restore
+redshift-gtk & # co-ords from config file
+nm-applet &
+caffeine-indicator &
diff --git a/bin/xstartup b/bin/xstartup
deleted file mode 100755
index 332b4fe8..00000000
--- a/bin/xstartup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-. $HOME/.shenv
-# ---- no bell please
-xset b off
-# ---- keyboard settings
-setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
-xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
-# enable numlock if using USB keyboard
-lsusb | grep -q "Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd" \
- && numlockx on
-# ---- GTK settings
-# Note that at least some of these won't take effect until logging in
-# again to restart services.
-# Have the GNOME keyring daemon cache our GPG key passphrase for no
-# more than 20 minutes. Cache time cannot be controlled for SSH keys
-gsettings set org.gnome.crypto.cache gpg-cache-ttl 1200
-gsettings set org.gnome.crypto.cache gpg-cache-method 'timeout'
-# ---- clear SSH keys out of gnome-keyring-daemon when idle (per GNOME
-# ---- bug #525574 it can't do this itself yet)
-pkill -u $USER idlesshclear
-idlesshclear &
-# ---- screen locking
-# first replace light-locker with xscreensaver
-pkill light-locker
-pgrep -u "$USER" xscreensaver || xscreensaver &
-# turn over lid switch handling to logind
-xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -n \
- -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch \
- -t bool -s true
-# ... and then use xss-lock to make sure the screen still gets locked
-xss-lock -- xscreensaver-command -lock &
-# ---- other stuff to launch
-redshift-gtk -l 53.57:1.5 -t 6500:3700 &
-caffeine-indicator &
-firefox &
-emacs --daemon
-# ---- fire up my window manager
-#exec xmonad --replace